I respect my sister and brother-in-law for many reasons. One of those reasons is their wise financial stewardship. With eight kids (you can read the story of why they have …
Latest in Articles
Emma the Shark: Animal Encounters Foreshadow Life in the New Earth
by Randy Alcornby Randy AlcornJim Abernethy, a well-known diver and underwater photographer, works primarily with sharks. Years ago in the Bahamas, Jim encountered a large tiger shark he named Emma. Unlike most tiger sharks, …
Most people pray. Many of those don’t even consider themselves Christians. In a recent survey, 61% of Americans said they pray. If your prayers were recorded and played back …
Matthew 10:16-31 Why Does God Allow Persecution? New and obscure ideas started spreading more quickly in the world when the printing press was created in 1439. Before this invention books …
One of the most important things we do every day is make decisions. Some are small, like what we’re going to eat for breakfast, and others are life-changing—decisions about our …
Under God’s direction, angels serve us on Earth (Hebrews 1:14). Michael the archangel serves under God, and the other angels, in various positions, serve under Michael (Daniel 10:13; Revelation 12:7). In …
God wouldn’t hold it against me if I don’t believe in him?, would he? Given the complexities of our world, how could he? Is unbelief a sin? Surely not! Culturally, …
Dr. David Ferguson, respected author and conference leader, has much to say about loving people. This list should go on your refrigerator! Top Ten Intimacy Needs What Love Looks Like …
Who is your favorite celebrity? Your favorite political pundit? Your favorite politician? Why are you drawn to these individuals? Maybe it is their personality. Perhaps it is because you respect …
Happy 2025 to you! I hope you have had a blessed Advent season and are preparing for the year ahead. I enjoy this time of year. New Year’s resolutions …
often talk about living intentionally because I believe that how we choose to live each day, the decisions we make, and the way we respond to others significantly impacts our …
In the early 90s, researchers embarked on a landmark study of over 17,000 individuals and asked them about negative experiences in childhood and their current physical and mental health. They …
Don’t listen to your feelings; remember what Jesus did for you!” “Don’t be guided by your feelings; listen to what God commands you to do!” In just the past week, …
Was the star of Bethlehem a miraculous astronomical phenomenon — a brilliant light hanging just above the stable where Jesus was born? Perhaps This popular image is what most people …
Isaiah 9:6-7 Have you ever had a song get stuck in your head like an ear worm? A song you can’t stop singing or hearing even if no sound is …
Intercession: An Invitation to the Banqueting Table “For through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.”Ephesians 2:18 When’s the last time you heard a good …
The Loneliness Epidemic Did you know that loneliness is one of the leading causes of death in our world today? Isolation is no joke. Loneliness actually increases the risk for premature mortality …
“I’m sure no one has ever told you this.” “It’s so bad. You are going to think terrible things about me.” “Everyone would hate me if they knew what I …
How Changing Your View of Heaven Transforms the Way You Live Today
by John Beesonby John BeesonIn 2003, Bart Millard still mourning his father’s recent death, penned the lyrics for “I Can Only Imagine,” a song that would go on to be the most-played song in …
HOW OFTEN DO YOU BREAK YOUR WORD? HOW DOES KEEPING YOUR WORD IMPACT YOUR RELATIONSHIPS? “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not …
I sit with a young woman. She exhales and looks at her shoes. “My grandfather molested me when I was six. My father first raped me when I was eleven. …
In 2023, 46 horror movies were released. 75 million tickets were sold, and the industry made $798 million in domestic revenue alone.[i] It’s been argued that horror movies remain a …
Trading Faces excerpt Marriage Written by Angel Beeson as part of Trading Faces with pastor John Beeson Jack’s aching was palpable. “I don’t know who I am now that she’s …
Living in the Waiting Room – part 2 Jeremiah 29:4-14 After my husband Gary’s cancer diagnoses, we were open to trying anything the doctors suggested. One of the things they …
Can we choose our identity? Daniel Day Lewis is known as one of the most committed method actors of our time. When he takes on a role, he embodies the …
I never dreamed how many sermons my husband would preach in a bullet-proof vest (36 in all). I never dreamed I would have to wear one myself. My missionary friends …
Are you encouraged or discouraged about teens? If you’re a teen, what is your perception of your peers? Are you hopeful? Or pessimistic? Not long ago, One Hope released a …
Surviving the Waiting Room of Life– part 1-Jeremiah 29:4-14 Nine months before Covid hit our big world, my husband Gary was diagnosed with a brain tumor. While he never got …
Chances are that if you’re a Christian, your desire is to be more like Christ. That’s great. But are you?How would you know? A Barna study done a few years ago …
Have you ever begun reading a passage in the Bible and started anticipating where it was going, and then it took a left-hand turn? I recently had one of those …
Is the church biblically sound? Do its leaders bear a faithful witness with their personal lives? Is the theology sound? Does the worship honor Christ? Is there programming that helps …
Overall, Gen Z in the U.S.—both teens (13–17) and young adults (18–22) have a positive view of who Jesus is. Most often, U.S. teens believe he offers hope to people, …
Christine Caine shares powerful insights from her book in an article published by www.propelwomen.org. She writes with relevance and power: “None of us will ever forget the last four years, …
Progressive or Conservative: Are You Looking Forward, Backward or Looking at Jesus?
by John Beesonby John BeesonAre you progressive or conservative? It seems like a simple enough question, but let me complicate it for you. The terms are both tethered to time. The term progressive looks …
One-on-one time is critical to building any relationship. But what about when the other person avoids you at all costs? In this article, I’ll help parents figure out why their …
Author Randy Alcorn pays tribute to a true hero-Olympian and missionary Eric Liddell. This is the 100th anniversary of Eric Liddell winning the gold medal in the men’s 400m. He won …
“The biggest problem in our marriage is our communication.” It’s perhaps the most frequent issue that is brought to the table when Angel (my wife and counselor) and I meet …
God might exist. And He might not. There might be a Judgment Day. And there might not. Oh well. If that sums up your creed, you just might be part …
One does not have to do an exhaustive search to become aware of the spirit of strife that is rampant in our world. Our world is just as Jesus forewarned, …
When I was 20, my childhood church changed leadership. Soon after, the leadership changed the vision statement. I was a junior in college, across the country studying Bible and theology, …
In Luke 24 two of Jesus disciples were walking along a road depressed about the events surrounding Jesus’ death, not yet believing that he had risen from the dead. Jesus …
Worried about your son or daughter but not sure how to know how bad it really is? Answer the questions below and add up the score to see the results. …
Talking with teens has always been tricky for parents. But the age of social media has changed the dynamic of communication––they may talk more with their thumbs, and less with …
Intrusive thoughts come unbidden into our minds in a variety of ways. They can be innocuous: “Stack those books on your desk” to disturbing: “You are going to die soon.” …
You have a secret you’ve never shared with anybody: You’ve always felt like an imposter at church. At praise and worship services, you’d stand when you were expected to stand, …
This question, in a variety of forms, has perplexed human beings for centuries. Many people have expressed it this way; “If God is so good, why is there so much …
I John 3:19-4:4 By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; 20 for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our …
Years ago, I observed that if left undirected, many conversations among groups of people are awkward, trivial, and unbalanced. This first became clear to me when I met with a …
We have lots of questions for God, like: · “Why do bad things happen?” · “Why is there only one way to heaven?” · “Why are some people who follow …
If you are in Christ, God will not allow you to enter his reign with a kingdom-grasping pride. You will be stripped of every haughty look, every personal empire, in …
The Bible contains many commands to pray for our leaders—national and local, secular and religious. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2:1–4, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession …
The aged prophet Isaiah showed up at the bedside of the middle-aged king. Hezekiah was only about 39 years old and terminally ill. But the prophet was not bringing good …
Whether you’re aware of it or not, your job as a parent just became a little more difficult on January 1, 2014. If you’re drawing a blank, perhaps the mere …
I remember even being at school, I was the little ethnic kid. You know, my parents came from Egypt into Australia after the overflow of king Farouk. And there was …
Did you like your siblings when you were growing up? Do your kids like each other? Every parent wants their children to be friends. One of the best gifts …
Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.Hebrews 12:28 How is your awe? Right now? …
As Westerners, we have a unique view of reality through which we filter most of our experiences. We have what is called a “guilt-righteousness” point of view. This means that …
Have you ever been sucked into a shame spiral? Nasty stuff. Shame is a fear-based state accompanied by feelings of being unworthy and unlovable. You may feel powerless, abandoned, worthless. …
What are you looking for in a religion? By involving yourself in religious belief or an organization, what do you hope to gain? My experience with people from all over …
Confession: I have a terrible problem of talking, and sometimes walking, in my sleep. It’s an old family trait that I’m carrying on, much to my family’s sometimes dismay. Last …
How can I know if I am a narcissist? In the ancient myth, the hunter Narcissus was acclaimed for his beauty. Many sought Narcissus romantically, but he spurned them all. …
In order to preserve civilization, decisive action against terror organizations is not an option. Can we forgive our enemies, as Jesus mandated, and crush them at the same time? Can …
She sits in my office, tears running down her face. Two years ago her mother died in hospice while she lay asleep at home. She was trying to get a …
Grief hits different people different ways. One of the worst things about grief for me besides the intensity of missing my loved one is dealing with all the business …
We are experience one event of mayhem after another. It feels as though every institution is failing, every norm is collapsing. Many of you, from what you’re telling me, are …
Make Jesus Christ Your Living Hope You can lose a lot of things and still have hope. Hope is the last thing ever lost. You can lose a marriage, your health or …
What Does the Bible Say about Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem
by Randy Alcornby Randy AlcornOur hearts are broken for the people of Israel who have endured such great atrocities inflicted upon women and children and the elderly, slaughtered mercilessly. I also pray for those …
The Bible is God’s precious gift given to all. And on it, He placed no age restrictions. Accordingly, it is vital that we understand one very important thing. The Spiritual Discipline …
There was a time when going to church is what respectable people did. Church was a place not just of worship, but, for the worldly-minded, of upward mobility. My childhood …
The Good Father Luke 15:11-32 After my husband died, I was struggling to fall asleep at night and I was struggling to stay asleep. I had tried singing praise songs …
So, who are you? Many respond to that question by sharing their roles: “I am a mom.” “I am a dad.” “I am a sister.” “I am a wife.” “I …
Have you ever sent off an email or a text with the jab of an angry finger? Have you ever slammed a door or punched a wall? Have you ever …
Question from a reader: If we are all co-heirs with Christ, then who are we going to be ruling over on the New Earth? Otherwise wouldn’t we all just be …
In the Garden of Eden, Satan first appealed to the lust of the flesh. The fruit looked good to Eve, so why not have a bite? “Did God really say, …
The dream was perfect. I was at a party and as I moved through the crowd I was really enjoying some sweet revenge by telling stories about someone who …
George Mueller once said something like this (not verbatim, but this is its essence): “I read Scripture until I come to a verse that can bear my whole weight, and …
Almost everyone in the world of American religion has spent the last couple of weeks thinking through what Gallup just revealed: that, for the first time since they’ve been surveying the …
Do ghosts exist? Do we have access to the spirit world? If so, what does that mean for our spiritual life? Not long ago I was asked by a congregant …
I talk about something fun and mentally challenging you can do with your children this summer: letter writing! This is part of my summer series on brain-building activities you can …
Sex as God intended—in marriage, between a man and a woman—is a pleasure to be celebrated (see Proverbs 5:15-19). Sex outside of marriage brings serious negative consequences—emotional, physical, and spiritual. Promising …
When John and I were first married, things proved far more difficult than either of us had imagined. In our youthful naiveté, we thought that because we were in love …
“Consumerism and the Church: Reclaiming the Gospel From Our Most Powerful Religion” is written by Joe Terrell, content manager at CareyNieuwhof.com. Joe’s writings for Medium, Relevant, Carey Nieuwhof, and his personal …
Angel and I have a nineteen-year-old and a seventeen-year-old. On the precipice of empty-nesting, I’ve been reflecting upon what has worked and what hasn’t worked as I have tried to …
The fact that Jesus loved women and encouraged them is a very personal truth to me. From childhood I have felt the Holy Spirit stirring in my heart toward …
Ben has decided that he wants to die. This son of mine, who lives with a trust I aspire to….he believes in heaven, and can’t wait to get there. Why …
Every day it feels like we read another news report about the mental health crisis among children and youth, as well as how depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are getting …
Years ago, a mundane event turned into one of the more interesting and memorable moments of my life. I was flying from Los Angeles to El Paso, Texas, to speak …
The Australian Coat of Arms depicts a very insightful image—and one that I hold dear since I was born and raised in Australia. There are two animals portrayed holding up …
We’ve all had moments in our lives where it seemed like all hope was lost. I remember sitting at my desk in high school, staring at an AP Chemistry test …
An encouraging study by Lifeway Research found that two-thirds of churchgoers invited someone to church in the last six months.[i] When was the last time you invited someone to church? …
Michael J. Kruger’s book, Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College (Crossway, 2021) is a wonderful resource for high school or college students preparing to live …
Why would a perfect God create us with free-will? Surely He would have known we would turn our wills against Him. Wouldn’t it have been easier to make us …
I love dreaming about and planning for tomorrow. Want to draw up a strategic plan? Count me in. Want to talk about which young basketball or football star will have …
It always saddens me to watch church leaders bring reproach on the church of Jesus Christ. What’s perhaps most shocking to me is how frequently Christian leaders sin grossly, then …
“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13 NIV Forgiveness is more than …
I often see couples wince in marriage counseling when I bring up Paul’s admonition to wives in Ephesians 5. Paul’s instructions to married couples begin with those fated words, “Wives, …
DEFINITION Sexuality refers to God’s anthropological design and pattern for the procreative relationship between male and female and to the experience of erotic desire within that design. Gender refers to …
One day I was surprised when a childhood friend said to me, “Oh Jan, you never thought the rules applied to you.” I wasn’t sure what she was referencing, …
What was Jesus’ personality like? If our culture were to create Jesus’ personae, it might look like Mr. Rogers’s personality:[i] gentle, unassuming, two-dimensionally meek and mild. In short, a sweet …
Let’s begin with a hard thing to reconcile between the Bible and the Constitution. Consider these two statements. From the US Bill of Rights, First Amendment: “Congress shall make …
Sexual Freedom = Happiness? Gen Z (also known as iGen), are currently between the ages of 6 and 24 years old. These youth have been influenced by society to view …
Not long ago, Pew Research released a survey[i] on why Americans do and do not go to church. While 73% of Americans identify as being Christian[ii], surveys say Americans who …
Most people get their understanding of Christmas from Christmas cards and not from Scripture. There are some very familiar and accurate understandings. Obviously, Joseph and Mary and the Baby, and the …
The joy of giving is something we can instill in the hearts of our children and grandchildren from a young age. I learned of a family sponsoring a child whose …
Imagine how Mary must have felt when she was told by an angel that she would be the parent of the long-awaited Messiah—that she’d be responsible for raising and nurturing …
In this series of advent posts, I will share the words of the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ life and birth. The words that follow are from the gospels and are combined, …
Christmas is filled with images of angels atop our trees and lighting our front yards. But very few of us know how amazing and powerful they are. Most people …
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.” In 1977 these blue words scrolled across black screens in theaters across America, introducing an unsuspecting audience to the world …
When we first meet Mary in Luke’s gospel, it is on the occasion when an archangel appeared to her suddenly and without fanfare to disclose to her God’s wonderful plan. …
“Providence” is a word we use frequently in talking about God, but we may not have thought deeply about what it means. Theologian Timothy George defines it as “God’s faithful …
“If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 AMP One of my most liked posts on social media is:“You were never hard …
Who are you? Have you really thought about that singular question? And I don’t mean in any particularly existential way. I just mean, have you thought about what truly makes …
What does the Bible say about men and women? There is no quick or easy response to that question. God’s Word blows up our narrowly defined cultural constructs and categories. …
“It’s too late to apologize,” Timbaland sang to his girlfriend who he couldn’t trust any longer. The 2007 song struck a chord. How many of us have people in our …
God loves you. God is good, God does good, and God is always working all things for our good—even through all the unexpected events (Romans 8:28). He doesn’t cause bad …
Politics and government. We seem to see them as necessary evils, bringing frustration in the present but still giving us hope for the future. Our contradictory attitudes about politics are …
For the first ten years of my marriage, I struggled with the fear of abandonment. My father and my first pastor had both left their wives for younger women. Because …
We saw the storm coming. While it was still days away, the predictions chilled our spines and jolted our complacency. “It’s a monster!” “Disaster is not only at our doorstep, …
My beloved parents believed dancing was a sin, all dancing. And, as I remember it their convictions caused me a little anxiety growing up. As I approached middle school …
This is the story of my wife, Angel, from her perspective. I am a type A, first born. By the time I was twenty, I had my life planned out. …
Are you struggling with fear today? Is it the pandemic, a job, food, something else? Are you seeing the size of your worries and not the size of your Savior? …
I’ve missed more annual well-checks to the doctor than I’ve made. It seems like a waste of time to tell the doctor that I’m not experiencing any physical difficulties, have …
Last week an atomic bomb hit the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, with an estimated 14 million members across more than 47,000 churches. …
There is a difference between a biblical absolute, a spiritual conviction, and a personal opinion. It’s important to know the difference and not misapply them. This chart defines the three …
Forgive Quickly. The Bible speaks of keeping “short accounts.” In other words, don’t hold on to anger. Keep your marriage “current” instead of bottling up past issues, only to release …
Recently one of the members of our connection group courageously poured out her heart. She felt disconnected from God and bruised by a challenging season of life. “How can I …
No matter who we are we must find an answer to the ultimate question of life: “Who is Jesus?” Why is this the ultimate question? Because Jesus made some extravagant …
Big books full of Scripture, theology, and quotations from people long dead don’t normally sell well. Yet to my surprise, and the publisher’s, over a million copies of my 2004 …
As a leader, you probably think your people are the biggest obstacle to change in your church or organization. Ready for a surprise? Sometimes the biggest obstacle to change is you. …
For the first ten years of my marriage, I struggled with the fear of abandonment. My father and my first pastor had both left their wives for younger women. Because …
At some point every human has thought, “What happens when I die?” It’s one of the most ubiquitous and mysterious aspects of humanity. Where do we go for answers? To the …
Deborah Mitchell, a popular CNN blogger and confirmed atheist, claimed that raising children without God is better than raising children with God. Mrs. Mitchell lists seven reasons why she raises …
You married with the hope of sharing your life with someone who’s as pumped to make the most of it as you are, so how did the two of you …
Many were alarmed and dispirited by footage of raucous cheering in the New York State Senate chamber. The “Happy Days Are Here Again” sort of celebration wasn’t for a bill to …
Our world is talking theology. They probably aren’t aware of it, but theological conversations permeate the air. One such conversation that has persisted over the past several years has been …
Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe. (Proverbs 2:11 NLT) Friendship is a wonderful thing and a gift from God to allow us to enjoy the company …
Jesus honored a poor unnamed widow in the Bible because she freely gave all she had to the God she loved. Picture the scene: It’s a very busy day at …
I write about politics very little, so this is rare for me. I read everything from Drudge Report on the right to Huffington Post on the left daily and almost too obsessively. So it …
One recent study has identified 27 emotions.[i] That might not sound like a lot until you try to start naming emotions. What emotions have you felt in the past week? …
People can be perturbing. Marriage and family life would be a lot less stressful if husbands and children didn’t sometimes act irresponsibly or disregard our feelings or instructions. Ministry would …
Are you struggling with fear today? Is it the pandemic, a job, food, something else? Are you seeing the size of your worries and not the size of your Savior? …
Amidst all the changes you’ve experienced in the last few weeks, like a ton of leaders and pastors, you are likely trying to master the skill of speaking or preaching …
I remember an old episode of The Andy Griffith Show entitled, “Tom Silby Returns.” In that episode there is a funny exchange between Andy and Tom made so by a …
Almost everyone in the world of American religion has spent the last couple of weeks thinking through what Gallup just revealed: that, for the first time since they’ve been surveying the …
I shared the following notes with a pastor friend who was preparing a message addressing sexual immorality and gender confusion. It’s a different approach, a verse by verse brief commentary …
Your co-worker has just shared with you that her husband was just diagnosed with cancer. You press in and provide a listening ear. But as the conversation closes, what do …
Sexual Freedom = Happiness? Gen Z (also known as iGen), are currently between the ages of 6 and 24 years old. These youth have been influenced by society to view …
Playing into Satan’s Strategy The increase in Christians bickering over non-essentials doesn’t seem to be a passing phase. And it injures our witness, inviting eye rolls and mockery from unbelievers …
This analogy from Trevin Wax is absolutely wonderful. May we be like the second dog in his parable, longing to be in our Master’s presence: “As the deer pants for …
Social psychologist Adam Grant believes that the most powerful thing we can do to improve our thinking is to change the way we approach thinking. In Think Again Grant argues …
We live in an apology-averse culture. We are allergic to repentance and equally allergic to forgiveness. Think about it? When was the last time someone repented to you? I mean, …
If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life—to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. There is sin …
Of all the misconceptions we have about Heaven, which is the most destructive? That’s a difficult and important question to tackle. Once, while preaching about the New Earth, I cited …
When I say the word “church” what do you think of? Most Americans probably think of a single building that they might attend or drive by on the way to …
How do we reimagine community in the digital age? With everything going electronic and being stored on the cloud, will there be a backlash? A desire to be in a …
Like many other believers, I’ve always sought to have a time of devotion and prayer each morning. And like most other believers, I have found it a struggle to be …
“If an individual Christian does not show love toward other true Christians, the world has a right to judge that he or she is not a Christian.” —Francis Schaeffer I …
Although last year didn’t exactly usher in the post-pandemic era, it’s more likely that 2022 will. While no one can say exactly what the future holds, here are 12 trends …
What plan do you have for your spiritual life? Where do you want to go spiritually? And how are you going to get there? My hunch is that most of …
When I was a young Christian and didn’t yet understand much about my faith in Christ, I asked a friend who was in prison ministry, “Can a Christian lose his …
So, you’ve decided to leave your church: you’re moving, or you’ve come to a doctrinal impasse, or there has been conflict that you’ve tried to navigate, but the church has …
I never would have believed God could use me! I didn’t grow up in church. In fact, I was an atheist as a young man. I stumbled into a midweek …
It’s that time of year, when transitions happen: seasons close and new seasons begin. Maybe you’re a student who just headed off to college. Maybe you got a new job. …
Self-awareness is one of the keys to emotional intelligence. It’s also a key to growth. With that in mind, some recent research by the Barna Group through their Barna Cities initiative shows …
Prayer – It is a gift to us from our loving heavenly Father, a gift that wields mighty power. We know these things. Yet, I have to stop and ask, …
Before I entered full-time “paid” vocational ministry I worked in the financial industry. My job was challenging, and presented problem solving opportunities each week. Our division was situated in the …
As the Church, we must not say of abortion, “This is murder,” without saying to pregnant women, “We will serve you.” If we’re doing the former without the latter, we …
Let me guess. You keep thinking it’s going to get better, only to discover…it hasn’t. As I’ve been catching up personally with leaders over the last while, I sense a …
The days of being buried in the church where you were baptized and married are long gone for most. Ours is the age of the McChurch. There are realities embedded …
Stand for Truth, a wonderful Christian news organization in the Philippines compiled these quotes. EVERY PERSON should read these chilling words: 1. CAESAR BORGIA—Italian nobleman, politician, and cardinal: “While I …
I have a besetting sin. A big one. I am angry. I have serious lung issues and I am immunocompromised. Long before COVID, I lived in fear of lugging an …
Sometimes life happens faster than we can run our race. We can’t control everything that happens to us or around us. We can’t control the decisions others make that deeply affect …
Let’s do a short study through I John 1:5-2:2 about the importance of deception and confession. “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is …
Many news outlets report the increasing military strength of the Taliban and a repeat of the terrorist attack that shocked America. John MacArthur gives advice on how to respond to …
When you think about coming to church, what aspect do you look forward to the most? For the sake of this discussion, let’s assume your answer is something spiritually noble—nothing …
Church shopping is weird. It seems normal today. But it’s a very strange idea, when you think about it. The notion of “church shopping” first became a possibility in 20th …
I live in Arizona, and since moving here some 23 years ago, I’ve learned to look to the horizon at sunset and sunrise. They are simply spectacular here, and I …
It is estimated that around one in twelve children struggle with depression at some point between the ages 9 and 16, with girls more likely to be affected than boys. Unfortunately, depression …
When we experience any kind of trauma, we can respond to the threat in various ways to cope. We are all familiar with the fight or flight response, but there …
Recently I’ve been enjoying the book, Christianity on the Offense: Responding to the Spiritual Beliefs of Seekers, by Dan Story. It’s always good to learn something about the competition, so to …
Our thoughts are important. Our minds are a factory of thoughts, some intentional, some not intentional. We strategize, reflect, and ruminate. And sometimes we experience intrusive thoughts, those thoughts that …
What will we experience on the New Earth? (Make your own list. This is just a portion of mine.) Forever more: Closeness to God greater than we’ve ever known The …
If We Are Married to Jesus in Heaven, Will We Know Our Earthly Spouses?
by Randy Alcornby Randy AlcornOne of the most frequent questions I’ve been asked about Heaven over the years is about the nature of marriage there. As I share in my book Heaven, there will be one …
Are you really a Christian? How do you know that you are really a Christian? The scripture encourages us to test ourselves to see if we are really Christians (II …
There’s no question everything in ministry has shifted in the last eighteen months. But the real question is how? Some things, of course, never change. The mission of the church …
No matter how long you’ve been in leadership, it still hurts when people leave your church. It’s somewhat easy to understand people leaving when things are going poorly— when there’s …
DEFINITION Sexuality refers to God’s anthropological design and pattern for the procreative relationship between male and female and to the experience of erotic desire within that design. Gender refers to …
Recently, someone asked me if I was familiar with John 14:12 where Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I …
As a celebration for our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary my husband, Gary and I saved, sacrificed, and trained to carry backpacks across Italy on a Eurail Pass. Now, that Gary has …
Four of my closest friends are widows. Jennifer, a pastor’s wife, lost her godly spouse after his long, grueling bout with brain cancer. My friend Eileen walked into her bedroom …
While speaking about sexual purity at my church several years ago, I told parents that if they’re going to let their children have unrestricted Internet access in the privacy of …
Why do my friendships fade? Am I not a likeable person? Life coach Deborah Haddix writes: Let’s give a little attention to those things that threaten the very existence of …
“Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature.” Genesis 1:26 MSG Recent racially charged incidents including the tragic death of George Floyd and others have …
“The biggest problem in our marriage is our communication.” It’s perhaps the most frequent issue that is brought to the table when Angel (my wife and counselor) and I meet …
What challenges will pastors and churches face in this decade? Will ministry ever come more easily? As you know, the last five years have been tough on leaders. Really tough. Pandemic …
“I’m done with God.” “No one will ever understand.” “I’m never trusting anyone again.” “I can’t pray.” “I won’t pray.” I’ve heard all of these statements from people in the …
As you know, the last five years have been tough on leaders. Really tough. Pandemic or no pandemic, every leader has realized we’re not in Kansas anymore. In fact, we’re not quite …
“Easter” Or “Passover”? We all know that the early church did not celebrate Easter with jelly beans, chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chickens. Their children never went on Easter egg hunts. …
Everything you need for Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, and more!
I want to talk about the difference between resting to restore versus just resting, why rest alone is often not enough, and how to use a Neurocycle to effectively and …
Many of you know that eighteen years ago, my wife and I walked out of a Russian orphanage with two little one-year-old boys. Suddenly, for the first time, I was a …
Early Christians before Constantine were both highly persecuted for being too exclusive, narrow, and strange, and yet at the same time they were fast growing, especially in the urban centers. …
This post was written by Dillon Smith, a Gen-Z team member at CareyNieuwhof.com who lives in Omaha, Nebraska. We’re so grateful to the Citylight team for making the time to share …
I live in Arizona, and since moving here some 23 years ago, I’ve learned to look to the horizon at sunset and sunrise. They are simply spectacular here, and I …
“‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.’” John 9:3 (NIV) Have you ever …
Any evangelical who has a passing knowledge of the book of Esther immediately thinks of Esther and her Uncle Mordecai’s courage and exemplary moral character. Children shows like Veggie Tales …
Five Questions to Ask when Thinking about Divorce During the global pandemic we’ve endured the past year, 31% of those divorcing say the lockdown caused their divorce or certainly contributed …
“Faith over fear.” It’s one of those Christian slogans that is undeniably true, and, at the same time, less helpful than it may seem. To be sure, our lives as …
I was awakened Sunday by a telephone call from a friend telling me news I never expected to hear: that my friend and former student had been killed, run over …
Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Care of the soul is serious and important work. For it is through this task that we draw closer to God and thus, …
We have been navigating a sermon series that has been a while in the making here at New Life. It is called Rest. If you’re interested in digging into the …
On October 2, 2020 I became a widow. My husband Gary’s death was not unexpected. For almost 17 months my husband had suffered a slow decline due to a …
While no one can say exactly what the future holds, here are 8 trends I’m watching and would encourage you and your team to consider and process as well. 1. …
I may or may not know your pastor. But I know one thing: your pastor is tired. I have the blessing of being a part of a couple of local …
Plagues and suffering have often produced the greatest hymns of hope, help and joy! Read the lyrics of songwriters who rose above darkness, depression and disease by singing praise. See …
You need some good news—as a human and as a leader. We all do. While 2020 was dominated by crisis, tragedy, division and disease (as this recap of the Top …
A great author tells the beginning of the story to prepare the hearer for the end of the story. Charles Dickens famously starts A Tale of Two Cities with the …
Did you know that one of the biggest challenges to Christianity comes during the Christmas season? It is centered on who Jesus’ family was. In our day when people challenge …
A great author tells the beginning of the story to prepare the hearer for the end of the story. Charles Dickens famously starts A Tale of Two Cities with the …
Are you old enough to remember retrieving the newspaper in the morning? My dad would crack the front door every morning, stroll out to the driveway, grab The Arizona Daily …
So, you probably want people to like you and your leadership. Who doesn’t? If we’re honest with each other, most of us in leadership prefer to be be liked (rather …
Some Christians believe that depression is a sin. As someone who has experienced bipolar depression I have my own perspective on the issue. To be up front, never in my …
Don’t you? Don’t you need some Peace On Earth and Goodwill to Mankind? Don’t you need some Silent Night, Holy Night? Don’t you need the appearance of angels, the …
Let’s start here. You’re leading in one of the most complex moments in generations. It’s not easy. Right now, nothing is easy. And with the Presidential election results being so …
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which …
From the time I was 21, I felt desperate to serve God. I remember praying fervently for him to use me: Here I am Lord, send me, and then I left the …
I may or may not know your pastor. But I know one thing: your pastor is tired. I have the blessing of being a part of a couple of local …
A true revival does not just happen. There are conditions that must reside in the human heart before the Lord visits His people. We Must Want Deliverance, Not Just Relief …
Week 52 – Pray that, as this year comes to an end and we look forward to a new year, the Lord will help your grandchildren to grow daily in …
“The convoluted wordings of legalism grew up around the necessity to hide from ourselves the violence we intend toward each other.” – Emperor Paul Maud’dib, From the novel, “Dune Messiah,” …
Dr. Thabite Anywabile, author for the Gospel Coalition, wrote twelve practical ways to love those who disagree with us: Options for church unity are wider than we admit. After all, …
This book was co-authored with Benjamin Vrbicek and may be purchased at www.amazon.com. Why Am I Blogging, and Who Am I Trying to Reach? We were off, each of us …
In the late 1990s, Martin Seligman, the president of the American Psychological Association, noted psychology’s emphasis on the negative side of life, including depression and anxiety, while ignoring the positive, …
You know that people burn out. In fact, given the way you feel, you may have asked whether that’s what happening to you. But here’s a deeper question. Can …
Losing a spouse is heart-wrenching. Loving a spouse through a terminal illness is even worse. Many of us have walked paths of deep sorrow in these uncertain days. But a …
Years ago, on the advice of an older and wiser Christian, I began trying to pray through the Psalms once every month. Don’t be too impressed—I seldom make it through …
You probably already have some regrets. Not only as a leader, but as a husband, dad and friend too. Leadership is so complicated that sometimes it’s hard to know what …
Do you ever find yourself defining life by before and after the deep hurt? The horrific season. The conversation that stunned you. The shocking day of discovery. The divorce. …
My youth group was great, but I had never seen a youth event like this. Teens spilled out from the Youth Center into the lawn. Big-eyed, I wormed my way …
What do we know about the coming kingdom? Randy Alcorn shares his insights: “In Daniel 7:13-14 we’re given a prophetic revelation of four earthly kingdoms, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, that will …
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does …
Earlier today I noticed this meme on Facebook, posted by a friend of mine. It’s a challenge to the believer that the God he worships is self-contradictory and inconsistent. The …
A perverse man spreads strife, and a slanderer separates intimate friends. —Proverbs 16:28 Jesus made a remarkable statement concerning Judas. He said, “‘Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, …
Today, the need I see for Christian boldness is a little different. It’s not so much that evangelicals are grasping for so-called “Christian America.” Rather, it’s our being drawn into …
“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” 1 Peter 3:8 Pastors and Leaders, This is probably one of the …
Shame. Shame is the fear of being unworthy, and it adversely affects our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. Shame makes us feel small, unwanted, and unloved. And if we …
I am currently reading an amazing book by Ijeoma Oluo, So You Want to Talk About Race, and read a passage that really struck me: “Take care in your conversations, remember that …
I want to talk today about you. There are a lot of questions about what kind of unique witness should the church have at a time like this—how do you …
Another birthday in the books. I won’t tell you which one I just celebrated but I will give you three hints. 1 – I clearly remember being sent home from …
People are really struggling during this global pandemic. Many are not even aware how much the stress of what is going on in the world is impacting them. I’m feeling …
One of our favorite games as a family is called Oh Heck. You might know it as Up and Down the River. The reason this simple card game is so …
What’s the perfect size for a church? 50? 500? 5000? You could make the argument for why each of these church sizes is optimal. At the church of fifty, you …
So you’re leading in a tougher environment than you’ve ever led through in your life. How do you find momentum and growth in a season when everything you spend your …
I’ve developed the following material and presented it to many young people and their parents over many years. When my now married daughters were teenagers, I honed it further for …
Abba, Father,’ he said, ’everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will. Mark 14:36 (NIV) Do you ever feel …
So you’ve been sheltering in place and quarantined with the people you’re supposed to love most for months now. And how exactly is that going? If you’re like most …
Covid has been like a mission trip for the analog church. We thought we were going on a short-term trip to a place that felt foreign. We got there, and …
I don’t care how tough you are. You may be a Navy Seal who specializes in high altitude skydiving behind enemy lines. You might spend each day making million-dollar, split-second …
Am I sinning if I’m not happy as a Christian?” In answering this question, I’m assuming two things of readers: You are familiar with what I’ve written about how happiness and …
Nestled in the last chapter of the book of Proverbs are three elements that provide insight as to how a godly man (husband) invests in his relationship with his wife …
“Did God make them gay?” What a whopper of a question. I groaned a little bit inside as my inquisitive 13-year-old asked me this. He was peering over my …
“Wilson, where are you? Wilson! Wilson! I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Wilson. Wilson, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Wilson! I can’t!” If you’ve seen Cast Away, this scene is etched in your …
Years ago I addressed a large conference for Christian workers on the topic of brokenness, I experienced a dramatic increase in invitations to speak at other gatherings. I was truly …
They say that comparison is the thief of joy, and whoever “they” are, I agree with them. If we are always measuring ourselves against our neighbors who are broadcasting their …
Flight crews routinely announce, “If you’re traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, in the case of an emergency, secure your own oxygen mask first before helping the …
You’ve heard people say that marriage can be hard, but you didn’t know it could be this hard. You married with the hope of sharing your life with someone who’s …
Remember: List 5-10 things you remember from childhood. Now, go back and scan your list. How many of those memories are negative in nature? Don’t be alarmed if most of the …
Anxiety disorders are the number one mental health problem of the world; so fear is a very serious issue that we’re dealing with. Fear of anything other than God is …
Shame. Shame is the fear of being unworthy, and it adversely affects our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. Shame makes us feel small, unwanted, and unloved. And if we …
What do you look for when you look for a church that is a good fit for you? Maybe it’s the music? Maybe it’s the preaching? Maybe it’s the children’s …
One of the callers on the Intentional Living program said, “I’m a single mom. I’m feeling overwhelmed with life. I’m trying to go to work. I’m trying to raise my kids.” …
Adultery is devastating. In the aftermath of an adulterous affair, the offending spouse must first turn away from sin through repentance before God. But after such repentance takes place, …
Are you attributing bad circumstances as an attack by Satan?” Here are some thoughts on spiritual warfare. Angels and demons are real entities. One serves God and the other rebels …
Today I am going to be answering some of the questions you have sent in regarding handling COVID-19 anxiety, and coping with social distancing and staying at home. Many of …
As you know, these are some of the most complex times in church leadership in decades. As churches reopen their in-person gatherings, there’s one particular trap to watch out for. …
How to Discuss Racial Injustice In moments of crisis and conflict, we often wonder, “What can I do?” and, “How do we talk about this?” It can be hard to …
Recently we were helping my mother-in-law look at properties. One of the first questions you need to know about a property is if it has water. There is some beautiful …
There’s just nothing quite like a phone conversation with a grandchild. Something about hearing their voice on the other end of the line just makes a grandparent’s heart sing. Plus, …
I commonly hear Christians and non-Christians object to missions on the grounds that missionaries have sometimes been the tip of the spear for oppression and cultural subjugation. People cite the …
I love to run—with friends, alone, on a trail, anytime, anywhere. I love the challenge and the press of reaching new milestones and levels of exertion, so I know what …
The widely stated notion “all sin is alike to God” is not grounded in Scripture. Yes, all sin is bad, separates us from God, and is deserving of God’s wrath. …
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) She had the most angelic sweetheart lips. …
So, in light of everything that’s changed and been disrupted so far in 2020, what future church trends should you be watching as a leader? I usually do a church …
How do I deal with the loneliness of social distancing and home quarantine? First, look at your loneliness—look at it differently. Take the time you now have on your hands …
The God who lives in unapproachable light became approachable in the person of Jesus (John 1:14). In fact, it was Jesus Himself who made God visible to us: “No one …
This has been an emotionally exhausting week for me. I spent several days back in my hometown of Biloxi, Mississippi, doing what I promised my grandmother I’d never do: moving …
Is your day consumed with regret from the past or fear of the future? Do you ever have times in your life when you say to yourself, “Whew, where did …
Know that Loneliness is a State of Mind, Not a Life Sentence Loneliness is depression resulting from an inability to cope with the fact of life that this side of …
“Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil and let us see what we are made of.” —Charles Spurgeon I agree with Charles Spurgeon: Trials are indeed a …
As churches slowly reopen their physical doors, church leaders are all asking the same question: who will still be around? It’s a great question. And not an easy one to answer. …
Sixteen years ago, my wife Maria and I were in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, having traveled there the day after my Ph.D. hooding at Southern Seminary. Shortly after our arrival, we met …
Are you praying a lot for health these days? I am. How many of your prayers are for your or others’ health or safety? If we were to take every …
How do we process the surreal events and challenges of our day. Lysa Terkeust comments: “The things we are experiencing now we’d only see in a Hollywood movie — not …
When I saw the movie Paul, Apostle of Christ, I was surprised at how dark it was, focusing almost exclusively on Rome’s brutal violence done against Christians and their children. …
Have you lost your joy? Joylessness is not a respecter of grandparents. Even those who anticipate special occasions with great delight are susceptible to it. Allowing their focus and priorities …
We are facing worldwide crises daily. Many people are struggling with fear over the future. As followers of Jesus, what should our response be? One Chinese pastor wrote, “We are …
As the world slowly re-opens on the other side of COVID, a question for you today. Are churches behaving like malls in the age of Amazon, just hoping for people …
Moms are often the unsung heroes. They work steadily, comfort endlessly and teach constantly. Deborah Haddix provides us with these verses that inspire us to honor the women we cherish: …
It would soon be Mother’s Day again, and I was dreading it. I wasn’t dreading the day for myself, but for my children who had lost their mother Cindy and …
Like many other believers, I’ve always sought to have a time of devotion and prayer every morning. And like most other believers I have found it to be a struggle …
If you were to list your top three most creative people, who would be on that list? Maybe Vincent van Gogh? Walt Disney? JK Rowling? Thomas Edison? Leonardo DaVinci? Marie …
So much of what’s on the news today truly feels like something we’d only see in a Hollywood movie — not real life. COVID-19 has not only spread across the …
Tucson, Arizona was experiencing flooding in October 1983. I was out riding my motorcycle in the rain looking for work every day but getting nothing. I hoped to work in …
So all of a sudden you’re online like you’ve never been before. And now there’s a long road ahead. While no one knows exactly where all of this lands post-pandemic, …
I was walking into a grocery store the other day, and while dutifully using the antiseptic wipes provided for me at the front door, I began wiping the handrail on …
We are facing so many different challenges right now. Nothing seems certain, but everyone is experiencing loss. One may argue, “Our world is decaying. We should be mad.” Yes, but …
How can I possibly wait on God? Why do you call it “Wait Time”? Once I was visiting with a friend about the time we spend waiting on God, …
I was asked a few days ago three questions related to our finances and needed perspective during these challenging times with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. Honestly, our needs as Christ …
By now you’ve realized that the Coronavirus pandemic is not an interruption nearly as much as it’s a disruption. And as you move more deeply through this crisis, the question …
So much of what’s on the news today truly feels like something we’d only see in a Hollywood movie — not real life. COVID-19 has not only spread across the …
Here’s what Pastor John Piper said when he was speaking to children about COVID-19. “I’m 74 years old. That means I’m old enough to be your granddad and maybe your …
Spring 2020? It’s time for a deep breath, a steady resolve and a few decisions. I’m thinking of three essential, emotional tools. Gratitude. Collect your blessings. Catalog God’s kindnesses. Assemble …
Many people, including many readers of this blog, are facing some level of financial uncertainty right now because of the coronavirus crisis. These are challenging times, and you may find …
What do you trust? Who do you trust? This is the overarching theme of the Bible. Where do we put our trust? Biblically, it is called “self-righteousness” to seek outside …
Most of us have experienced our personal worlds becoming smaller in the past few weeks. As of this writing, much of the U.S. and the rest of the world is …
I was first introduced to the idea of courtship while reading The Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler. I was automatically intrigued. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a …
I recently studied the 10 Commandments and took notice of number four, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) I have no problem not stealing or murdering, but I …
I saw a post on Facebook that compared the Coronavirus to a storm. For the majority of us, it’s just a little sprinkle. It affects us, but not in a …
How do you shelter in place? Are you climbing the walls? I have learned this skill over many years. So many people have asked how I’m doing during the quarantine. …
The small band of church leaders had been praying earnestly for revival in their community—a village on the Isle of Lewis, the largest isle of the Outer Hebrides, just off …
So you’re leading through the biggest crisis in recent history. I’m guessing you feel overwhelmed, not to mention exhausted. You barely have time to read this post. So let me …
Many of us are stuck at home right now, and all our usual activities are either cancelled or forbidden. So, how do we make the best of a difficult situation? …
Many people, including many readers of this blog, are facing some level of financial uncertainty right now because of the coronavirus crisis. These are challenging times, and you may find …
God has placed grandparents in the uniquely designed position within the family to be the rememberers. As the patriarchs and matriarchs, it is our job to remember and to tell. …
“The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 RSV She …
She walks ‘with’ fear, but she does not live ‘in’ fear. At nineteen, Anna’s story is less a story and more a most wrenching tale penned of blistering heartache, seemingly …
Pastor John Piper was asked “How Do We Make Sense of the Coronavirus?” Here is his thoughtful answer: “How do I make sense of this? How do you get understanding?” …
From the very first moment those little eyes open and we hear them cry for the first time, we love our children. Yes, there are moments that we may get …
Our churches face a new challenge. Do we obey the government and observe quarantine, or do we exercise our religious liberty to assemble and worship? Of course, we should comply …
Leading Through Rapid, Unexpected Change No surprise here, but you are leading through unprecedented global change. Just stop for a minute. Re-read that first line. Unprecedented global change. If it …
I had a car accident about a month ago. I was driving, comfortably aware of the moment. Life was good, and then, BOOM! I instantly went into fight or flight …
Kids are the best comforters! I was five when I was diagnosed with scarlet fever and pneumonia and imprisoned (I mean quarantined) at home for four months! My kindergarten buddies …
Like it or not, digital is your new default as a leader. Everyone’s world has changed radically in the last week. And it will likely change even more in the …
God never guarantees that the Christian life will be smooth or easy. In fact, he promises the opposite: “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” …
Be Still We are designed for time spent in the quiet, simply being with our heavenly Father. In the stillness, we have opportunity to pay close attention and to listen …
This is one of my favorite prayers, expressing the power and presence of God: The Prayer of Saint Patrick I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the …
How do you quantify fear? How do you measure anxiety? None of us knows what lies ahead of us with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. When scientists’ predictions range from tens …
I once saw a poem in a gardening book about growing vines. This is how the poem read, “First they sleep, then they creep, and then they leap.” The poem …
I recently had an interesting exchange with a young woman who attended a church event where an evangelist claimed that hundreds of people were healed. As I was watching the …
It’s ten o’clock, do you know where your husband is? Apparently many Americans are asking this question, judging by the sales and buzz generated by The Script: The 100% Predictable Things …
Max Lucado inspires with these words about how to handle a recession with peace and joy: “Turn on the TV or open a paper and the financial news can be …
Thirty-six times in the New Testament we see a recurring word pattern—an action verb followed by the words one another. In English grammar this phrase is called a reciprocal pronoun—I …
The world clamors for efficiency and productivity. But the life of prayer is neither efficient nor productive. Instead, as we learn in the psalms, prayer calls us to wait, to …
I am like the poster child of getting counseling. Seriously, in the last few years I have been to four different counselors. I’ve done individual sessions, group sessions, marriage counseling, …
I remember talking years ago with a young mother who had a two-year-old child and one-year-old twins. She said with a sigh, “I was never an impatient person—until I had …
The Bismark was the pride and terror of the German Navy in WWII. It could outrun and outgun anything in the English Navy. But when being pursued by the British on …
If there is one topic or theme that prevails throughout the book of I Corinthians it is unity. I Corinthians deals with many significant and difficult issues including leadership, wisdom, …
Pastor John Beeson describes why a local pastor and a local congregation is key to your spiritual growth and well-being: “You have access to the best pastors in America. You …
Affirming our grandchildren – it’s key: to building strong relationships, to discipleship, to passing the faith. Our words are powerful. When handled well, they can build up, encourage, communicate love, …
Atheists.org begins its post on Biblical Contradictions[i] with this statement: “It is a central dogma of all fundamental Christians that the Bible is without error. They teach this conclusion by …
The way we raised boys in the faith 20 years ago eliminated many of the men Christian women would love to date today. Ladies, I feel your pain. The dating …
I want to go out on a limb, I want to expose the secret society that has long held sway over churches around the world. I want to talk about …
John Piper teaches a powerful lesson on God’s conditions for answering your prayers. Here’s how to pray more powerfully! “God never ignores his children. He is never too busy. Never …
Parents of teenagers: are you excited or panicked about your kids? Dr. Russell Moore pens words of encouragement for you today! “I noticed in my social media archive app that …
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and …
“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.” Proverbs 4:6 I am sure you have asked yourself many times why you …
In Revelation, after the apostle John describes the river of life, he mentions another striking feature: “On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops …
Do you see what is going on around you and feel overwhelmed? This is what author Lysa Terkeurst has to say: Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and …
Pastor John Beeson and his wife Angel are amazing parents. But, like most parents, they wanted to know what their teenage kids thought about their parenting skills. This is what …
After a discussion with my daughter recently about the subject of spiritual gifts, I’d thought I’d post an evaluation form used to help others discover their area of gifting. I …
King Nebuchadnezzar had no peers. He was the uncontested ruler of the world of the 6th century B.C. Babylon, his city, rose out of the desert plains like a Manhattan skyline. …
“For we shall all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each of us may be recompensed for his deeds in the body whether good or bad.” 2 Cor. …
All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Matthew 5:37 We all know that community is important for mental health, but …
Christianity is a faith of relationships. This means that we were created to be with one another. From the beginning of creation when God saw that the first man, Adam, …
“I don’t even know why we’re here. Nothing is going to change.” I’ve heard those words many times in counseling sessions. And I’ve felt those words from the posture, from …
In the beginning, the earth was formless and void, but that did not deter the Almighty. He looked into the fathomless depth of its darkness and concluded, “All it needs …
In the beginning, the earth was formless and void, but that did not deter the Almighty. He looked into the fathomless depth of its darkness and concluded, “All it needs …
Some years ago I passed through a time of discouragement. I can’t remember the source of the struggle, but I recall the fruit. I created a tool for divine encouragement. …
Sometimes I like to think I’m good at this grace thing.Mostly this happens after I have listened to the song “Oceans” by Hillsong United. Having been hit with the audio …
All of us have our weak moments in life–those moments when we doubt ourselves, our ability and our resources available to help us face up to the challenges of simply …
Jesus was more than a mere prophet – he was the sinless Son of God, the human-divine sacrifice for our sins. But he is a prophet nonetheless, and the greatest …
Why is church attendance declining? Why are churches failing? Carey Nieuwhof reveals the hearts of many Christians today. He writes: SPIRITUALITY HAS BECOME AN INDIVIDUAL PURSUIT First, spirituality is increasingly seen …
My Daddy was an extrovert. He never met a stranger. Dad, a consummate salesman, built a successful construction company from the ground up. Pop was a joiner! He served as …
If you have breath, you are the proud owner of conflict. It lurks around every corner of our days. I wake up first in our home. I get dressed and …
Most people intuitively know that our expectations profoundly affect our life experiences. Yet even as believers, we simultaneously expect too much and too little. We need to discover what we …
Questions are powerful! Ask a well-crafted question and you can open up a closed-mouthed child, build relationship, and explore the depths of your thoughts. Question-asking can also help you reflect, …
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, …
Last summer, our purebred chocolate lab enlivened our home with a litter of puppies. One of them captured the hearts of many visitors, both in person and online. Flash had …
The competition for your devotion is fierce. We just arrived in India: it’s my second time visiting this beautiful nation. One of the first thing that strikes you as a …
At the age of twelve I started praying for my future husband. In the beginning my prayers were driven by my fear that I might marry the wrong person. …
“May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that boasts!” Psalm 12:3 NET We live in a time where parents feel they have to praise everything kids do; no …
Recently I received a thoughtful question from a reader asking if homosexuality is a “worse” sin than others in God’s view. Here’s my answer. The point isn’t that homosexual sin …
Have you ever made a decision you knew deep down wasn’t right, but it seemed completely justifiable in your situation? Maybe you’ve been lonely in your marriage for a really long time, …
Sarah is my favorite woman in the Bible. Flawed but faithful, she inspires me to finish my race well. Although I stumble and struggle along the way, I know I will …
I know a few jerks who have made it pretty far in life. To pretend otherwise would be a lie. Jerks occasionally win. They make lots of money. They get …
“Now is the time to cast off and throw away all these rotten garments of anger, hatred, cursing, and dirty language.” Colossians 3:8 NLT So much is changing so quickly in …
1. Forgive Quickly. The Bible speaks of keeping “short accounts.” In other words, don’t hold on to anger. Keep your marriage “current” instead of bottling up past issues, only to release them …
This past Sunday you may have heard me make a possible puzzling statement… “Pure rationalism will lead to irrationalism.” What does that mean? Let me explain. Man’s reason and senses enable …
Max Lucado teaches that God never gave us leftovers. He gave us His best! “Suppose I were to drop by your house holding a foil-covered saucer. “Hello, friend,” I say. …
I’ve decided that my verse for the new year is Jeremiah 29:11-13. I’m usually not one to post about the new year. However, the lessons I’ve learned from studying these …
I’ve decided that my verse for the new year is Jeremiah 29:11-13. I’m usually not one to post about the new year. However, the lessons I’ve learned from studying these …
Our emotional lives are driven by what we think. There is plenty of scripture instructing us how to think –taking captive every thought out of obedience to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). …
It’s that time of year. Okay, truth be told, I don’ think the time of year makes any difference. Seems we all face major stress every day, all year long. But …
My first college class was Music Theory. It started at eight in the morning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Dr. Lia was the professor. His daily uniform consisted of thick …
How do you handle anger? I drive a little manual 2005 Scion xB that just eclipsed 195,000 miles. I love that little car. It’s fuel-efficient and requires minimal maintenance. And …
The Festival of Lights For many people in the diaspora – both Jews celebrating Hanukkah and Gentiles observing this celebration – Hanukkah is all about dreidels and latkes. However, if …
God created us to love people and use things, but materialists love things and use people. Materialism drives not just the “bad apples” of society; it drives “the best and …
Christmas is inundated with some rich wonderful holiday music that lends a profound fullness to the holiday season. The messages in this music are far different than most of the …
It’s that wonderful time of the year! Or is it? Many people are deeply lonely during the holiday season. This is what Dr. Deb Waterbury advises: “It’s simply amazing to …
Every once in a while a new movement comes along that seeks to capture the attention of people away from traditional faith commitments. My attention was grabbed by one so-called …
Why is Jesus called the Bread of Life? “Get me in as fast as you can,” demanded the frantic woman at the blood lab, “I am fasting, and I …
Do you dread Christmas? Or love it? Some people dread the holidays because family feuds abound. Is it “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?” Well, it should be, and …
Who are the most influential leaders in your life? What made them such great leaders? I fear that our cultural understanding of leadership is going further and further astray from …
It isn’t hard for kids to be happy around Christmas, especially if they think there’s going to be a pile of gifts waiting for them on December 25th. But this kind …
A mother asked, “Where have you been?” Her little girl replied, “On my way home I met a friend who was crying because she had broken her doll.” “Oh,” …
Walk into most churches nowadays and you will likely hear a message of love, hope, encouragement, and identity. And all that is good and well. After decades of overly harsh …
Any idea what the best outreach opportunity of the year at your church might be? You might think it’s an event you do, or perhaps it’s Easter. But whether Christmas has …
WHY YOU SHOULD SEE “A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD?” Russell Moore, in his charming article about Fred Rogers, pulls our heartstrings and reminds us how we should cherish …
“Thanksgiving is a posture of both mind and heart where we recognize how terribly fortunate we are, and how much we’ve been blessed despite the fact that we probably haven’t …
Don’t be stingy with your stuffing. Don’t be tight with your tortilla casserole. Abigail, the consummate hostess, was the Martha Stewart of her day. She calmly faced an army of …
Children are like wet cement. If you’ve ever worked with wet cement or seen someone work with it, it does harden up pretty quickly and so it is with …
Lysa TerKeurst shares the secret of wisdom in “Wisdom Together:” Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the …
Leadership would be so much easier, the saying goes, if it wasn’t for people. And topping off the list of difficult people to work with or lead is toxic people. The hard …
Countless American families hastily evacuated their homes due to fires, floods or hurricanes. The stories of their frantic retreats are remarkably similar. They rescue two things as they rush out …
For those of us who follow Christ, it’s important to understand “why” we choose to live intentionally. If we take the book of Ephesians and split it into two halves, …
We all have mental tapes that play over and over in our minds. If they are positive narratives, there’s no major downside other than they’re unnecessarily using up our brain-energy …
Do you really know Jesus or simply know of Him? Is He a celebrity crush or Lord of your life? Lisa Bevere writes her observations: “Has there been a person …
I have two sets of parents. Both couples were wed during the Jurassic period (not really). Both were married almost 60 years. I watched each twosome grow old together. One …
“Just as you’ll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, so you’ll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does” (Ecclesiastes 11:5 MSG). …
At many points after a loss, the mourning person can benefit from the support of others. Individual grief reactions can vary widely from person to person and also within the …
Two conditions of the heart exist where no one can hide: one is when the heart is filled with love and the other when we are infected with bitterness. Either …
In a world saturated with deceiving spirits, false prophets, and false teachers, the need to exercise discernment cannot be overstated. As believers, we think with our minds, but we discern …
Come home. You’re not too far gone. You’re not out of reach. You’re not hopeless. You’re never too far from the embrace of the forgiving, compassionate, and loving arms of …
“All of you, leaders and followers alike, are to be down to earth with each other, for— God has had it with the proud, But takes delight in just plain …
How do you combine compassionate love with confrontational truth? What’s the secret to “speaking the truth in love”? The apostle John knew. Pastor John MacArthur gives us a glimpse of …
Are you an effective leader? If not, have you ever wondered why? As a leader, there are things you do every day. Some help—others, not so much. I’ve found that …
The right tools are key… to any job. And when the job is one with an eternal impact, the tools are that much more significant. Praying for my grandchildren IS …
What is the origin of Halloween? According to historians many believe it began with the ‘Summer’s End’ festival, or Samhain celebrated 2,000 years ago as the beginning of the Celtic year. During …
Dr. Russell Moore explains that sharing the Gospel is not complicated. In fact, he can clearly summarize it in three words: “Can you explain the gospel in three words? Someone …
How can God use stress in our lives to produce good. How can it conform us to the image of Christ. Randy Alcorn writes: 1. God uses stress to get …
My husband’s father, Roger Sr., was an amazing mentor. He intentionally instilled values in his growing young sons. What a man! What a legacy! Roger’s Dad repeatedly quipped pithy sayings …
We understand intellectually that life isn’t fair, but our culture acts as though life should be fair. There’s been a convergence within our society between justice and fairness. Justice is …
“How do you know the will of God?” At every Campus Crusade Christmas Conference that was the title of the workshop that always drew standing room numbers. Because every Christian has wondered …
One of our favorite games as a family is called Oh Heck. You might know it as Up and Down the River. The reason this simple card game is so …
“The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This …
One night after I had gone to bed early, the phone rang, and when my son picked up he heard a woman weeping on the other end. She was crying …
We talk to a lot of parents who want to protect their children from pornography. But what should you do when your teenagers push back when you suggest accountability software? …
Science fiction speaks to some of our deepest dreams and longings. It captures our imagination. And that’s why we love fiction. The old adage: truth is stranger than fiction is …
We all can become deceived both in our personal lives, our relationships, and our ministries. Here are some significant questions and observations that will allow you to evaluate your leadership …
Many Christians ask me, “Am I sinning if I’m not happy as a Christian?” In answering this question, I’m assuming two things of readers: Happiness and joy are synonyms, and …
Jon Acuff writes a hilarious (but truthful) assessment about how churches treat singles: Single adults, I have failed you. Although I’ve written a handful of ideas about being single at …
How do you know if your “first love” for Jesus is fading? Here are a few significant indicators that your love for Jesus may be waning, and an encouragement to …
In the list of spiritual fruit in Galatians 5:22-23 “faithfulness” and “meekness” are listed next to each other. Faithfulness has to do with the keeping of promises, and the courageous …
Do you crave God’s Word? Why or why not? Dr. John MacArthur writes: “Babies crave milk, and only milk. Parents care about the color of the blanket, the pattern of the curtains, …
In an age when people relate by Twitter and texting with small sound bytes that replace genuine intimacy, what, then, are some particular activities that can serve as disciplines for …
There was a man who started on a life journey only to see it come crashing down as he exited in failure. What was a hopeful beginning ended in bitter …
Every few days my youngest daughter, Whitney comes to me with a series of written questions about the Bible. We review the passages together, discuss her understanding of the issues …
Would it surprise you to know that according to at least one study, 20.4 million Americans practice yoga?[i] Can Christians do yoga? Should Christians do yoga? When my wife approached …
Ever wake up with a pounding heart, racing brain, and knots in your stomach? I hate anxiety. My body and brain are just convinced that the world is falling apart, …
One night after I had gone to bed early, the phone rang, and when my son picked up he heard a woman weeping on the other end. She was crying …
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they that build it labor in vain.” Psalm 127:1 Marriage can be hard sometimes. Does my marriage, if a healthy one, really help me …
My best friend Abby was widowed at 44. Her husband John passed away from sleep apnea. He was healthy. No warning. Four little faces greeted Mom at the breakfast table. …
” If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous …
There are moments in our lives where we are inspired to act. We look for incremental ideas to help us get there. What we really need is a mind-shift. We …
Brandon Cox shares the prayers his church prayed for revival. You can pray them, too! “There were nine particular prayers we’ve prayed, repeatedly, and that we’re going to continue to …
One of my Christian heroes is Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I even asked my wife if we could name our son Dietrich. For some reason she didn’t like that idea. Go figure. …
“God is dead”Frederich Nietzsche It began in the despair of 19th century Europe. Its inventor would die in 1900 on the cusp of a new century. His views would combine with …
How do you handle the suffering that comes your way? Suffering can take many forms: mental anguish, physical pain, hurting children, grief or financial ruin. Lysa TerKeurst describes God’s love …
Has there been a person in your life you thought you knew, but you really didn’t? Could that person be Jesus? Stay with me as we explore this pivotal question! …
“See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled” (Heb. 12:15). …
1. Returning to God Spiritual awakening involves returning to God. When God seems distant from us, it is never God who has departed from the relationship. God urged His …
Have you ever considered the significance of the appearing of Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration and what it might mean for your life? It may be obvious …
Forget online matchmaking sites. If you need some tips on finding love, perhaps these weird and wonderful Old Testament tales will inspire you. We will also examine four passionate Bible …
How do we pray for our protectors? Over 1.3 million U.S. military members currently deployed to Afghanistan and other contingencies around the globe. Each of these has mothers and fathers …
Where were you on 9/11? 18 years ago today, I was in a classroom at Dallas Theological Seminary, listening to an early morning lecture on the book of Revelation. Another …
I sometimes post pictures on Instagram of books that I’m reading, usually just a stack on my table to let my followers know what I’m thinking about at the moment. …
History has pivoted on ordinary people who when faced with extraordinary circumstances drew on some deeply submerged essence of their humanity and were, in those most harrowing of moments, transformed …
You probably have a love/hate relationship with apologies. You appreciate it deeply when others apologize to you. But you find it difficult to apologize to others. And let me guess, …
I don’t believe in accidents. But, sometimes things happen that I didn’t plan, like the time Gary and I ended up on an all-Jewish bus tour of Israel. When …
My youngest son, Miles, and I have a unique mother/son relationship. We most definitely relate on a familial level, but also he appreciates my counsel. As a minister, much of …
One critical key to overcoming depression is to process your losses. A loss can be real, threatened or imagined, which is often a negative thought or lie that is believed. …
John Piper, in his magnificent book, “Why I Love the Apostle Paul,” asks us why Paul didn’t boast more about his vision of the third heaven. Where did Paul go? …
I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska. During the dead of winter, there are several weeks where the sun skims the horizon for a mere four hours a day. If you …
God is the One who entrusted children to us in the first place: God, our Heavenly Father. And thankfully, He has a lot to say in His Word about His standards for …
Extreme weather is now a daily news story. Storms are coming. The sun is searing hot. Fires are blazing. Snows will suddenly follow. Hurricanes and typhoons pummel our shores. We …
Why don’t we talk about death? Why are we silent about the inevitable? Randy Alcorn shares his thoughts: “There’s an old story of a slave who travels with his master …
Proverbs 2:11: “Discretion will watch over you, understanding and discernment will guard you.” Lysa Terkeurst gives ten simple guidelines to help you navigate your decisions wisely: Personal 1. …
Ever had God blow your socks off? Shock you with His goodness? Leave you speechless with His plan? This weekend I was reading the new book by Richard Preston. …
You shed crocodile tears when your little cherub bravely entered the kindergarten door, Sponge Bob backpack in tow. You watched your tyke kick his first soccer goal. You rejoiced …
Tomorrow I turn 40. Lord willing, I’m about halfway done with this marathon we call life. God has been so gracious to me. I have a godly wife who makes …
While I doubt anyone this side of Heaven will ever manage to fully “explain” how God’s sovereignty and human choice fully fit together, I believe Scripture provides us with many …
#1 Thinking of Prayer as a Way to Manipulate God We’ve all done it. Prayed a certain prayer and then when things don’t turn out the way we want them …
Will we really see God’s face? Pastor John MacArthur gives a powerful observation of this spiritual truth. “Yes! In heaven we will actually see the Lord face to face. This is …
How do we stay emotionally and physically healthy with toxic people around us? Dr. Caroline Leaf writes: “Let’s face it: people can be too much at times. In fact, occasionally …
How Do I Respond When My Adult Child Blames Me for His or Her Issues?
by Kevin Lemanby Kevin LemanThe following is an excerpt from Dr. Leman’s podcast on www.birthorderguy.com: Blaming others has been around since time began. Let’s go back to Adam and Eve. Adam said in …
Grief is never truly finished. When a loved one dies, we will always miss the relationship we had with that person. Sometimes we will re-experience the pain of that loss …
The most important influence to my pastoral counseling is from David Powlison. Powlison was a professor at the seminary my wife Angel graduated from and has had an indelible impact …
God wants to bless every relationship you have! In John 15:13 Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Deborah Haddix …
Do you really want to see Jesus? Randy Alcorn reflects on the happiness we will experience as we look on the face of Christ: “Ancient theologians often spoke of the …
“…on the day when according to my gospel God will judge the secrets of men through Jesus Christ” (Rom. 2:16) “He has fixed a day in which He will judge …
What do you want out of your Christian experience? If you’re like most people you might answer that you are looking for peace, strength during difficulties, or even some level …
Once on a mission trip to Pakistan I saw an appalling sight in the market place. A man was begging with a gazillion flies swarming around an open sore on …
Is it biblical to pray for yourself? Jesus did! His prayer in John 17:1-5 gives us a model for how we should pray for ourselves. Drew Anderson writes: Jesus starts …
Someone sent me a picture of a sign they saw in a church. It is perhaps the greatest Christian passive aggressive note I have ever seen in my life. Since …
We’ve all done it. We’ve all invested time and energy into someone or something and then come to the horrible conclusion that nothing is changing. Nothing we seem to do …
In an age where everyone is looking for alternatives to gathering together, here are 10 things that—helpful as they may be in some respect—aren’t church. If it gets a bit …
It was during a family dance party to Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” that our patriarch commented about the vapid lyrics. “They just don’t make them like they used to,” …
We’re lonelier than ever, some say. We’re not lonely enough, say others. They’re both right. THE PROBLEMS OF LONELINESS AND COMMUNITY University of California, Berkeley, sociologist Claude S. Fischer writes …
Lysa TerKeurst explains that the key to surviving pain is laying your sufferings before God: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8a (NKJV) Does it …
Empathy does not appear automatically. Nor does it develop in a smooth, steady progression. Indwelling sin is a constant impediment (as illustrated throughout the Book of Proverbs), which requires a …
Have you ever considered the words of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who, when told by Moses to let Israel go, responded, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey his …
Spiritual Weapons “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh . . .” 2 Corinthians 10:4— that is, they are not merely human. This is not a …
Do You Have a “Daddy Complex? In the secular counseling world there is a concept referred to as the “Daddy Complex.” While there is no official diagnostic criteria for …
Though often well-intended, a commitment to being “color blind” becomes harmful when it fails to recognize the good ways God has filled the world with color. In other words, sometimes …
Anytime someone speaks of GENERATIONS, I’m drawn. Isn’t it funny how we seem to have radar when it comes to certain topics? A couple of weeks ago, for instance, our worship …
There was a time when going to church is what respectable people did. Two generations ago, every self-respecting citizen went to church, regardless of their desire to be there or …
How Can All of Us in Heaven Get Individual Attention with Jesus?
by Randy Alcornby Randy AlcornAfter the first edition of my book Heaven, this question was one of the most frequently asked. It’s worth considering. Though it’s possible we may cover vast distances at immense speeds …
Sometimes I have the privilege to speak to young men and women at graduation ceremonies and I look at them and wonder if they are ready to succeed in the …
Where have you been? the mother demanded. The little girl replied, “On my way home, I met a friend who was crying because she had broken her doll.” “Oh,” said …
Here’s a challenging question: Why do you want your church to grow? Your motivation for wanting your church to grow is pivotal for a number of significant reasons. First, if you’re …
Several years ago, I watched a documentary about a bull elephant—the type you can see at a circus—and I learned a valuable lesson that has stuck with me ever since. …
If you’ve read the Old Testament then you may remember the story of King Hezekiah. He was a reformer, a righteous king whom we praise for his trust in God …
Have you ever sensed a time when you were fighting a spiritual battle? This is what Randy Alcorn has to say: “The warfare against demonic powers depicted in Scripture is …
Can you parent as a grandparent? Here are the thoughts of Dr. Kevin Leman from his podcast on the subject with Andrea and Doug: “Doug: Some day, we’ll all likely …
I have boys—a house full of them. I’m married to a mountain man of a husband who oozes testosterone and is super proud of his facial hair. Together we have …
Do you need to make a decision about something that seems so exciting, but you can’t seem to shake the hesitation in your heart? We have a family friend named …
“If I have become so pathetically dulled that I hold freedom as my right and the privileges of liberty as my due, I can stand beside the stilled graves of …
I have read Paul’s words, “Be anxious for nothing” many times (Philippians 4:6). That means when something happens that we didn’t expect in our health, we’re not to be anxious …
Russell Moore inspires us as we contemplate our independence: “A few years ago, I stood at the grave of Thomas Jefferson, and wondered. I was in Charlottesville to speak at the …
“What is truth?” Pontius Pilate The greatest pursuit of mankind has been that of truth. What is truth? How do we know? How is it lived? Truth is that which …
It’s a challenge you face as a church leader: what do you do with people who only occasionally attend church? Like at Easter or Christmas or special occasions? But infrequent …
The day had arrived. It was beyond sad. It was solemn, and it was heavy. Without hesitation we were there to support, to console, and to be present. In what …
“How easy is it for you to handle the stressors of life today? How hard are simple decisions?” A few months back, Josh Reich, pastor at Revolution Church and author …
Scripture says that the Lord left nations in the promised land “to test Israel by them (that is, all who had not experienced any of the wars of Canaan); only …
When Denalyn and I travel together, she wants to drive. It’s not that she loves the steering wheel, it’s just that she loves to stay on track. My mind tends …
Compared to joy, happiness has gotten a bad reputation. Particularly among Christians. In the recent past (30-40 years) we have been taught that there is a significant difference between joy …
Intercessors live on the frontier of change. We are positioned to stand between the needs of man and the provision of God. Because we are the agents of redemption, Satan …
Recently, my loving husband had surgery to remove a brain tumor. When we learned of the tumor, some doctors were moving fast and some painfully slow. I experienced two prayer …
“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you …
Many things in our culture work against the maintenance of real community. We are conditioned in countless ways to think and act as individuals only, not as members of any …
Have you ever run away from something, and I don’t mean something that might threaten your life? I mean, has there been a time in your life when you ran …
Sometimes, saying “I’ll pray for you” is just the Christian equivalent of ending a date by saying “I’ll give you a call.” It shouldn’t be, in a dating situation you …
I’ve spent a portion of my last few years praying for and grieving for a friend who once claimed Christ as his own, but over the years abandoned his faith …
Most people know that we’ll worship God in Heaven. But they don’t grasp how thrilling that will be. Multitudes of God’s people—of every nation, tribe, people, and language—will gather to …
One of my most enjoyable professors at seminary shared a story with our class describing one aim of the church that I’ll never forget. It went something like this, “My family …
Conflict is part of life. We can handle it in a godly way, or brush it under the rug. Dr. Caroline Leaf teaches us six ways to argue well. “Did …
My doctor started it. Medical charts don’t lie. He knows how old I am. I’ve tried all of the tricks: photo-shopping, neck-covering and youthful clothes. But, truth be told, I’m …
Being a mom is a high honor and one of the most precious gifts of my life. At the same time, being a mom is tough. It’s tough when your …
Proverbs 16:32 says, “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.” “Self-control is often used to describe a favorable character trait in …
Focusing on our eternal inheritance is key to maintaining a proper perspective on Christ’s sufficiency, especially when you’re in the midst of difficult circumstances. That’s not always easy because we’re …
Max Lucado calls us to life and peace in a world filled with uncertainty and violence: “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Matthew 10:28 …
I want to let the cat out of the bag about how church is going to be. Consider this your guide to what’s going to happen at your church this …
Musical preferences are profoundly etched into us. One generation’s trash is another generation’s treasure. Modern worship has a bullseye on it. It’s a fairly regular occurrence that I read a …
Dr. Kevin Leman shared three keys to helping your kids through a divorce: There’s no such thing as an “easy divorce” – for anyone involved. Kids of divorce feel like …
Maybe it’s your pastor. Maybe it’s someone in your Bible study. Maybe it’s a famous Christian in the news. They’ve sinned. They’ve said they believe one thing and lived like …
Why Did the Children of Israel Wander Away from God? They had unrepentant hearts…. Moses sent twelve spies to Canaan to bring back a report of the land. When they …
Bankruptcy. Unemployment. Health insurance. Rising prices….Are you scared spitless about your economic future? Do you hide your credit card bills under the bed? Are you clueless about how to control …
Yesterday, I had the privilege of preaching a funeral for the grandmother of a former elder of the church, a man I count as a Barnabas to me, and a …
Affirming our grandchildren – it’s key: to building strong relationships, to discipleship, to passing the faith. Our words are powerful. When handled well, they can build up, encourage, communicate love, …
We all know what it’s like to do the right thing for the wrong reason. But what about the reverse? Have you ever done the wrong thing for (what you …
Did you know that every time a lion pride hunts together it is a lightly organized operation? They do not test their potential prey for weakness like other predators do. …
Lysa encourages us to persevere when life gets hard: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of …
Was the birth of Ishmael the result of Sarah’s sin? Here are a few thoughts by Jeff Elkins: AN OLD UNDERSTANDING OF GENESIS 16 As a Southern Baptist kid who attended …
Here is an enlightening answer to a seldom-studied character in the Bible: Job. The book of Job is a profound work on human suffering, worthy of a lifetime of study …
Christianity’s most controversial subject? Creationism. Forget the theories of the Big Bang and Evolution for a moment. Within the body of the Christian church there are at least six different …
The grandparent/grandchild relationship is a special one (and it should be)! It’s sweet and wonderful and like-nothing-we’ve-ever-known-before, but we must take care not to mishandle God’s design for it. “Now …
King Solomon penned Psalm 127. He was not the model father. God dubbed made the flamboyant monarch the wisest man on earth. When you read Psalm 127, you’ll notice …
A lot can happen in a year. In Genesis 18, God visits Abraham. While sitting at the entrance of his tent, Abraham notices three men standing before him by the …
The sordid story of Ham is an enigma. Did God condone slavery? Why was Ham’s son cursed? What made the sin of Ham so heinous? Today I came across an …
Have you ever come across a word that seems to jump out at you consistently? A word that causes you to sit up and take notice each time you hear …
What is it in my own life that I need to change or should change? Change starts by first taking 100 percent responsibility for our thoughts, actions and attitudes. It …
Desire is a very powerful force in our lives, and I am convinced it’s the root of why it’s so difficult for us to live intentionally. The reason we get …
“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:14 NIV Margaret Feinberg explains why waiting in God’s presence is key to …
1. Position yourself in prayer by reading Scripture first. “In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD …
CNN’s Belief Blog presented four signs that a person’s religious beliefs might be radicalized. This stood in contrast to a TED presentation showed that 75 percent of the world’s population …
Author and pastor Brandon Cox shares his personal insights on the fight to spiritual victory for those who lead men and women to Christ. Here are his valuable observations: …
Wherever you are in your “mothering,” may you find rest, strength, comfort, wisdom… or even a swift kick in the seat of the pants as you spend time in God’s …
I’ve grown up my whole life hearing that racism was wrong, that “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own …
“Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23 (HCSB) It’s hard not to let the hurt of today blind us …
You never stop being a mom. From the day you learn you have a bun in the oven to the day you breathe your last, your child is always on …
I once heard someone say that the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most fragile of all human relationships. If you are one of those people, you already …
Fear Human beings have always been scaredy-cats. That observation is not surprising. What is surprising is that even we—evolved “modern” people—are so scared. On paper, we should have fewer fears …
The question my 10-year-old asked me changed how I see money. One night at dinner I told my wife Jenny about a new opportunity a client offered me. As I …
She was beautiful. Not in the “everyone is beautiful” kind of way but in the really, really beautiful kind of way. She had long blonde hair, flawless skin, and style …
It’s a challenge you face as a church leader: what do you do with people who only occasionally attend church? Like at Easter or Christmas or special occasions? But infrequent …
Do you ever get that sinking feeling of not quite measuring up at the mention of the Proverbs 31 woman? Me too. I remember when I first read this chapter …
Revelation 3:14 “To the messenger of the congregation in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says….” As we can see in …
“Count it all joy when you encounter various trials…” James 1:2 The day had arrived. It was beyond sad. It was solemn, and it was heavy. Without hesitation we were …
It’s kind of terrible how Ascension Day is almost completely ignored by lower-church Christians. We could say it’s because we don’t observe the liturgical calendar, but we do when it …
I heard a pastor say, “There will be no more learning in Heaven.” One writer says that in Heaven, “Activities such as investigation, comprehending and probing will never be necessary. …
How do you treat your elders? Do you respect your aging parents, your frail grandmother, your annoying aunt with dementia? Do you consider them an inspiration, an inconvenience, or both? …
Social media is changing you and me in more profound ways than any of us imagine. Like a growing number of people, I’m increasingly concerned with how addictive tech has …
I wish I had a nickel for every time I’ve said something and then heard my 28-year-old son say, “Filter, Mom!” In truth, remembering to filter what goes on in …
Where is God when genocide, rape, and starvation are part of everyday life? Many Christians have great difficulties answering this question, often overwhelmed with the scope of evil in the …
“Books don’t change people,” John Piper once observed. “Paragraphs do. Sometimes even sentences.” A good sentence is a gift. We love finding complex truth shrinkwrapped in clear, simple, memorable form. It’s …
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29 (NIV) Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “God, please don’t let this be part of my …
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, the literal physical bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is so critical to the Christian gospel that all four …
Luke describes the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem at the beginning of that last week of his earthly life: As he was drawing near, at the descent of the Mount …
Recently, John and I did a joint question-and-answer session on marriage. As the session closed, this big question came up. “After more than thirty years of marriage is there anything …
I was thanking the Father today for his mercy. I began listing the sins he’d forgiven. One by one I thanked God for forgiving my stumbles and tumbles. My motives …
Most people are obsessed with the future. They worry, they wonder, they obsess about possible scenarios. And some, in desperation, seek to learn what is ahead by seeking fortune-tellers or …
As Americans, we live in a sanitized and antiseptic culture. Everything is clean, orderly, and has its place. Even our suffering. Most Americans don’t experience extreme brutality like Jesus experienced for …
I have boys—a house full of them. I’m married to a mountain man of a husband who oozes testosterone and is super proud of his facial hair. Together we have …
I’d like to list a few ways the biblical idea of repentance can indeed be “hijacked” or stolen. Unhitch Method One way to hijack something would be to unhitch the …
You simply cannot go wrong when praying Scripture. To be honest, as I look back over my life of prayer I must admit there have been times when I simply …
Life can be very challenging. We are constantly facing stressful situations at work, home, school, in the car…you name it. In many cases, our reactions to these situations can make …
No matter how long you’ve been in leadership, it still hurts when people leave your church. It’s somewhat easy to understand people leaving when things are going poorly— when there’s …
Hebrew professor Dr. Julia Blum shares her insights about the Last Supper from Jewish history and the Hebrew translation of the Gospels: THE ROOM FOR THE LAST SUPPER Jerusalem was …
What’s the Difference Between Flattering Your Child or Encouraging Him?
by Kevin Lemanby Kevin LemanWe live in a time where parents feel they have to praise everything kids do; no matter what. Whether they make a good effort, a poor effort, a mediocre effort; …
The religious elite ignored Him as long as they could. Since Jesus sported no theological degrees and wasn’t part of the pastors guild, they didn’t take Him seriously. He was …
I had the most remarkable encounter with God today. I was meditating upon Jesus on the cross, and, after decades of being a Christian, God revealed to me an aspect …
What is the most powerful way to worship here on earth? A good pattern for earthly worship is heavenly worship. If we study Revelation’s description of heaven, we can truly …
One of the most powerful tools any grandparent can utilize is that of asking questions. This simple act reaps so many benefits. Asking questions of your grandchildren shows your interest …
When the disciples screamed in the face of a storm, Jesus slept (Mk. 4:37-38). When Jesus screamed in the face of a cross, the disciples slept (Mk. 14:37,41). Why could …
Why do we call people without Christ “lost?” Dr. John MacArthur teaches us why the cross is foolishness to the unbeliever: “Unregenerate sinners are completely lost. Unaided and unilluminated, in his …
“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s …
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28 We all have those times we wish the voice of God …
How your teenager will respond has everything to do with respect-your kid’s respect for you, and your respect for your kid. Respect begins from the earliest of stages and builds …
Was the fall of Lucifer really discussed in Isaiah 14? What can we learn about Lucifer from this passage? This passage in Isaiah contains a prophecy against Sennacherib who proclaimed …
The pattern of servant leadership didn’t originate in the New Testament. It was woven into the fabric of creation, all the way back to the original relationship the Lord designed …
The older I get the more intense I feel about this. I think we do things backwards in the Christian church. We do these amazing things for God when we’re …
How are we supposed to do our work “as unto the Lord?” I’d like to give some Bible tips for students, stay at home moms and dads, those who don’t …
Same-sex marriage, transgender orientation, and bisexuality fill movies, television and social media. It’s everywhere. So should Christian parents remain silent, or do they help their children understand what the Bible …
I’m not sure if this is in a book somewhere, but it’s widely known that the easiest way to get out of a Christian dating relationship is to throw the …
Do you make and keep friends? How do you love your near ones? Lysa TerKeurst wisely advises us: “I remember sitting in the smelly middle school gym like it was …
In Revelation 1:4-5a we read: John to the seven assemblies located are in Asia: Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to …
My first encounter with my daughter’s guardian angel was on a sunny summer afternoon in the back bedroom of our house. Curly-haired, chubby-cheeked Brianna was 10 months old. Brie could …
I remember the first day I began to struggle with my body image. I was a competitive swimmer and track athlete in high school. I competed hard, which kept me …
Balancing work and family can be tricky. Here’s Carey Nieuwhof’s article on how to re-prioritize and win at home and at work. How’s it going at home…really? Here’s what …
“Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14b [Mordecai speaking to Esther] Beloved, absorb this with your whole heart: You …
Our natural virtues, which come from inborn temperament and family nurture—such as our talents, aptitudes, and strengths—are good things. But they each have a dark side. People with prophetic gifts—that …
“My true brother and sister and mother are those who do what God wants.” Mark 3:35 “Give me a word picture to describe a relative in your life who really …
Jesus’ great, great, great, great grannies were all REALLY bad girls (except for Mary, of course). Matthew mentions five women in the royal line of the Messiah: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, …
Rick told me that he no longer believed in Jesus or the Bible. After many years of church involvement and even ministry involvement, my friend turned away from Christianity and …
Do you know a hoarder? I don’t mean somebody who can’t throw anything away. I mean somebody who keeps to himself everything he has and can’t let go of anything. …
Lysa TerKeurst shares how mothers can pray for their daughters. Here are her thoughts! There is something I’ve come to realize I need to guard against as a mom. I …
Government officials who are trained to detect counterfeit money, don’t study the counterfeits. They study the real bills, which they have come to know so well that when a counterfeit …
Talk to any church leader, and they’ll tell you it feels more challenging than ever to get people to come to church on a Sunday. Even in growing churches …
These days, it’s easy to become obsessed with everything that’s wrong with the world. We’re continually bombarded by “news” (which is sometimes more sensational than informative) that dwells on the …
Are you open to criticism? Do you listen when people oppose you or do you raise your defenses? Pastor Tim Keller shares his thoughts on handling criticism with grace: “Recently …
Most Christians I know want the church to experience revival. We just don’t all agree on what revival looks like. Back in the “olden days” (the mid-1990’s) I preached a few times …
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov said, “I don’t believe in an afterlife, so I don’t have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever …
A conscience is that pressing sense that unerringly guides our choices and pricks us when we don’t heed it’s prompting. It’s that mysteriously universal compass that relentlessly points true north …
When we’re in places of transition and trouble, God shows up to reveal that He has been with us all along. We can learn so much about meeting God when …
Facebook recently announced they’ve hit the milestone of two billion users. There are more Facebook members than members of any religion except Christianity. (Just barely. There are 2.4 billion proclaimed …
We often hear that those who don’t affirm modern feminism are “anti-woman.” Christians are no exception. We sometimes get tagged with this epithet, and once the label sticks we’re either total sellouts …
I know a lot about weddings. I used to write advertising for a company that specialized in rental tuxedos. One of my jobs was to answer all the emails that …
So this isn’t an easy post to write, nor a glib one. I’m not even sure what I’m about to write is accurate. But once again last week, we heard …
Want to know something weird? Women are never referred to as “daughters of God” in the Bible. Kind of odd, especially given how often that phrase is used in evangelical …
Dr. Russell Moore’s most popular and profound article this year came on the heels of a synagogue shooting. Here are his profound observations: “On the Jewish Sabbath this week, a …
The ancient conflict between the spirits of Elijah and Jezebel is an incredibly powerful glimpse into spiritual warfare. In this age-old battle, Elijah represents the voice of Heaven: the call …
“For anyone out there who doesn’t know where you’re going, anyone groping in the dark, here’s what: Trust in GOD. Lean on your God!” (Isaiah 50:10 MSG). Following God will …
You can’t really appreciate the mercy of God if you don’t understand the wrath of God. And if you don’t have a handle on the justice of God, then you …
We live in a culture that’s inundated with tabloids and dirty laundry. There is gossip in our work places. People talk about other people. We spread hearsay and rumors. The …
“Hi, son! How was your day?” “Fine.” “What happened at school?” “Nothing.” “Anything happen you would like to talk about?” “No.” Sound like a familiar conversation when you pick …
“Oh, the comfort — the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person — having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as …
“Preach the gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words.” This classic quote, misattributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, is both clever and catchy. It just isn’t biblical. Evangelism—communicating …
Long before Jesus took on the imagery of the vineyard for Himself, God had been using vineyard imagery to communicate His heart to the people. The Song of …
How do you know if you are proud? Paul has the litmus test. 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 “Now concerning food offered to idols: we know that “all of us …
A few days ago, a friend texted me. Apparently a Christian band had been publicly ripping on him and he needed some advice. Now at the bare minimum, that’s not …
Is everyone equal in heaven? What does the Bible teach? All people are equal in worth, but they differ in gifting and performance. God is the creator of diversity, and …
Anger is a God-given emotion. Which of these statements about anger is true? “I should never allow myself to become angry.” “Anger can become a sin, and that’s okay.” “The …
Ephesians 2:4-5, “But God being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together …
Men who abuse their wives are usually passive and dependent individuals. They find it difficult to express emotions and to deal with anger in nonviolent ways. Often, they did not …
One of the acceptable idolatries among evangelical Christians is the idolatry of the family.” That’s what I tweeted last week. To be honest, I didn’t think much about it. I’ve …
“Every one should get what they deserve.” If a teen studies, works hard, and succeeds in high school, then that teen should be allowed to go to college. If …
We all love romance. We all love a good love story. I don’t know if it is ingrained in us to love romance, or a product of Disney marketing, but …
Guest author for Covenant Eyes, Nate Larkin teaches on the insidious nature of lying as a lifestyle: “There are those, too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but …
How many times have you doubted God’s goodness? Max Lucado teaches on how to trust God and be content: “The widest river in the world is not the Mississippi, Amazon, …
Here’s a question I am asked occasionally…Here’s my podcast with Doug: Guilt drives a dad to worry about how to explain to his daughter that she was conceived before her …
Are you miserable, disgruntled, discontent or just plain crabby? Solomon’s initial words in Ecclesiastes will cause you to grow gloomy, desperate, even suicidal. But, believe it or not, the most …
Psalm 95 is a model for approaching God in prayer. It begins with praise and thanksgiving. The Apostle Paul seldom mentioned prayer in the New Testament without an attitude of …
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus Christ 1. Existing fetal homicide laws make a man guilty of manslaughter if he kills the …
Most church leaders I know would love to see their church grow. Similarly, most leaders I’ve met want their church to grow for what we might call the ‘right’ reasons: …
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 KJV In America, 82% of adults said …
Perhaps you’re familiar with Christ’s promise in John 14: “In my Father’s house are many mansions. . . . I go to prepare a place for you” (v. 2, KJV). The Vulgate, the …
If you’re a Christian, you believe reading the Bible is important. But have you considered how to approach it in the first place? What kind of “heart posture” is necessary? God cares deeply …
Repentance is no more a meritorious work than its counterpart, faith. Repentance is an inward response. Genuine repentance pleads with the Lord to forgive and deliver from the burden of …
“Children, it is the last hour and just as you have heard that Antichrist is coming, even now many Antichrists have arisen. From this we know that it is the …
There is a girl in church (or group of girls who wear totally inappropriate clothes to church. What do I say? Drop Your Stone For those of us who …
Introverts and extroverts — it seems like a useful designation for personality types. Even if they’re not biblical categories, they lead to an interesting conversation for Christians, and to this …
Among all in his era, Noah was the most godly. He alone was considered by the Almighty, blameless. In a time when terrible wrath was about to unfurl, Noah alone …
“This is not my life.” “Those are not my children.” “That is not my husband.” Have you ever looked around at your life and thought any of these things? I …
Crossroads Birth: “The rich and the poor have a common bond, the Lord is the maker of them all.” (Prov. 22:2) Authority: “The eye that mocks a father and scorns …
Almost everyone tries to develop new habits and make improvements at the beginning of a new year. But by the time March rolls around, most of the diets have crashed …
Character has always been important, but it seems like it’s never been as important as it is now. There have been far too many stories of church leaders, business leaders, …
I wonder if out of reverence for Jesus being divine, we sometimes dismiss his disciple-making practices and think, Well, that’s because it’s Jesus; he’s God. Of course he’s the best people-developer …
When I was diagnosed with cancer, the question “Why me?” was a natural one. Later, when I survived but others with the same kind of cancer died, I also had …
What are the idols of your heart? What are the ways in which you have allowed your heart that is intended to worship God, to worship the golden calves that …
Does It Bother You That God Barred Moses from the Promised Land?
by Trevin Waxby Trevin WaxFor a long time, I was bothered by the fact that God didn’t allow Moses into the Promised Land. I sympathized with Moses in his one moment of weakness, and …
Sometimes misery comes in waves. For me that was the year both my parents died. I also lost both our dogs that year; my oldest child left for college and …
How do you answer the charge that America was not founded on Christian principles since there seems to be no religious language in the US Constitution? Here’s one answer: Christian …
Recently it has been reported that the number one cause of death world wide is abortion, with more than 42 million babies slaughtered in 2018. “There were more deaths from …
Ecclesiastes 3:2 states: “There is a time to live and a time to die.” There is one indisputable fact of life and these words of Solomon say it best. As …
What is Noah’s Ark? The Ark of Noah is at the very heart of this story. Therefore, it is the Ark that becomes God’s prophetic message to future humanity. At …
Have you ever had a difficult person in your life? Maybe it was a family member, or a co- worker. Maybe it was a next-door neighbor you found yourself in …
Rejection is a difficult thing to reason with. Truly, when we are rejected once, it hurts, and it often takes some time to get past the pain of that rejection. …
Is your marriage in trouble? Many couples I see will inevitably tell me the tale of being in a sexless marriage for months, years, or decades. I smile and tell …
Can movies and media featuring sexual assault and domination set us back decades by degrading women and advocating masochism and bondage? Debbie Holloway of Crosswalk writes: “It takes very little research …
“Sometimes, when I consider what tremendous consequences come from small things, I am tempted to think…there are no small things.” — Barton The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred when it …
Look at your mental processes. For example consider the following: How many “could-have”, “would-have”, “should-have” statements have you made today? How many “if onlys” were part of your inner vocabulary …
Anicia Faltonia Proba (died AD 432) was a Christian Roman noblewoman. She had the distinction of knowing both St. Augustine, who was the greatest theologian of the first millennium of …
Revelation chapters four and five provide a unique opportunity to experience a bit of heaven—and John’s description is the tiniest glimpse of a mind-blowing reality we cannot even begin …
Paul writes in Ephesians 4:26: “In your anger do not sin” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,” James says, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note …
“Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Matthew 10:28 All of us struggle to make sense of bloodshed and violence. Life is a dangerous endeavor. …
Imagine what a contemporary spiritual awakening might look like in America, in our church and in our culture? When a Christ Awakening comes, it will bring about a restoration of …
Do you struggle with control issues? Brandon Cox pens wise words for pastors and church leaders: “I used to design websites for churches as kind of a hobby and side …
It is amazing how quickly a reputation can be ruined! I had been asked to be the speaker at my home church’s women’s retreat one fall. The more I prayed …
“Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature.” Genesis 1:26 MSG Racial violence has stirred the rawest of wounds–racism. Judging a person according to skin …
Christmas presents piled high….how many toys do our children need? How do we make our Christmas less about money and more about Jesus? Randy Alcorn writes: “An alarming number of …
When families come together for Christmas, they bring their values and routines with them as well. Increasingly—perhaps even unconsciously—those are shaped by a relationship to technology. Everything from gift lists and free …
We learn to find joy in our walk with God as we remember who God is and what He has done for us throughout our lives. Matt Chandler gives us …
Years ago, I interviewed a young man from Burundi who told me something profound: “If I fear death as unbelievers do, I have nothing to offer unbelievers. Only when you …
So…if you had to describe yourself, would you say you’re an optimist, a pessimist, or as pessimists like to say in social settings to be polite, a realist? For the …
What are the bare-bone facts of the gospel? What is the minimum information needed to believe and be saved? While those questions may foster interesting discussions, they are not valid …
More than 25 percent of children in the United States are being raised in a single-parent home according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Ten million of those homes are maintained …
How would Christ celebrate Christmas? It seems like a difficult question to answer. Author Erin Davis pens her thoughts: “Most years I tend to lose sight of Jesus somewhere between …
A war will be waged again this Christmas, a battle far more pressing than whether to say “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas.” For believers, the real challenge is something entirely …
Who was the Innkeeper in Bethlehem who cruelly turned Mary and Joseph away? We’ll never know his name. Pastor John Beeson decries him as one of the Christmas villains: “Every …
We’ve all had our share of cynics and pessimists try to dissuade us from action. We live in an age in which there is no shortage of opinion. The challenge …
Christmas may be celebrated around the world, but many people find it a lonely time. Dr. Deb Waterbury suggests ten ways you can avoid loneliness this Christmas: “It’s simply amazing …
The Festival of Lights For many people in the diaspora – both Jews celebrating Hanukkah and Gentiles observing this celebration – Hanukkah is all about dreidels and latkes. However, if …
The majority of people in the world will miss the next Christmas. But how can that be? How can anyone miss Christmas, given the amount of advertising, publicity, and promotion …
Kevin DeYoung shares his thoughts on how his life changed with just a week of limiting his use of technology. This article was originally titled “What I Learned on my …
Christmas is not always a time of joy. Randy Alcorn shows us five ways to rejoice this holy season. He writes: “Family tensions (whose house do we go to when?), …
One of my favorite biblical role models is Mary of Nazareth. In her life I have found a wealth of wisdom for my own walk with God. Her story illustrates …
When my children were young, one of my sons came into the kitchen while I was doing the dishes, and nonchalantly asked me, “Mom, do you know how to tell …
My friend Paul and I just delivered presents to our adopted homeless community the other night. I don’t have the time or mental fortitude to turn it into an eloquent …
He didn’t call Himself “the reverend Holiness Angelic Divinity III.” He didn’t insist on plush, royal robes or gleaming, golden scepters. He didn’t come on the wings of a heavenly …
When you’re six years old, the world is your oyster and your imagination is taller than you are. Nothing bad could ever happen because the toxic realities of life far …
MONDAY GRUMPY? Gratitude is learning to recognize and express appreciation for the benefits we have received from God and from others. Be on the lookout for blessings, making each day …
Being thankful is a nice idea and something that we’re supposed to do. There’s something right and proper and good about it. But sometimes in the rush of life we …
Are you really excited about the holidays, or are you dreading them? Many people dread “family time.” Russell Moore writes: “We tend to idealize holidays, but human depravity doesn’t go …
Prayer is not mainly a peace-time activity in the New Testament. It is surrounded by a sense of urgency and alertness and warning. It is a war-time instrument. It’s made …
Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred …
“Jesus didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.” Phil. 2:8 MSG …
Mass shootings. Violence. Hate. Max Lucado writes, “We seem to lurch from tragedy to tragedy, shooting to shooting, bombing to bombing. The kids didn’t deserve such a death. Their parents …
Throughout the Old and New Testaments and church history, every spiritual awakening was founded on corporate, prevailing, intensive, kingdom-centered prayer. We cannot create spiritual renewal by ourselves, but we can …
I know what you are afraid of. I’ve been there myself. I understand what it means to have spiritual fear. Maybe you’e never heard it put that way before, but you …
Joy Hlavka Forney grew up in our church. She is a missionary to Uganda and teaches powerfully on how to live victoriously in the midst of difficult circumstances. Here are Joy’s …
Today, I would like to get practical by offering biblical wisdom regarding work for a few specific groups of people. Those groups are students, stay at home moms and dads, …
On more than one occasion, I’ve sat with people and listened as they described in detail how their lives are falling apart around them. As the tragedies unfold, I start …
In a world that is fast-paced, demanding, and stressful, in a society that demands quick fixes and easy solutions, it is difficult to take the time to just think. I mean, what …
More than likely, you’ve spent most of your life choosing to do more than is possible and beating yourself up for not being able to keep up. “I should …
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 NIV Do you know how to comfort and reassure your children? When tragedy, disease and death strike as …
These days there’s a lot of talk about “unity” in the church. On the one side, there are Christians who insist that any talk of “race” and racism threatens the …
History is being played out on two levels. One is seen, the other is unseen. One has humans as the main actors; the other has “gods” as the main actors. …
How do you recognize a great leader when you see one? Jon Acuff describes his day with Dan Cathy from Chick-Fil-A: “Jon, do you want to camp out in a …
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle …
Tip #1 – Be yourself. Nobody’s perfect, but there’s no need to change your entire personality to meet someone else’s expectations. It’s always best to be yourself. Figure out …
Can an abortion doctor really be a Christian? I don’t think so. But this physician disagrees. Willie Parker is an abortion doctor. He says he’s not ashamed of that. Willie …
One of the more striking things about the gospel of Mark (and the other gospels) is how much attention Jesus gives to the human heart. The core of the story …
Paul letter to the Philippian Church contains Paul’s keys to contentment. It is not born in you. It’s a decision you make. This is the man who preached to the …
There are over 300 identifiable human needs. So how do you meet the needs of the children in your home? These thirty needs are carefully described with accompanying Scriptures. Tape …
The black and orange holiday is here. You may be ready to don your red spandex Iron Man suit to trick or treat with your child. I personally like to …
Why did Peter deny Christ? And why do so many of us ignore the need to be humble before God and engage in spiritual warfare? For most, the term spiritual …
God is a Triune Being. He is one God existing in three persons, the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. “Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also …
David, a young adult with autism and mute from birth, was admitted to the hospital for medication adjustment (Names and details have been changed). Two weeks earlier David’s parents had …
Pew recently released a survey[i] on why Americans do and do not go to church. While 73% of Americans identify as being Christian[ii], surveys say Americans who report going …
Why is Daniel so strategic? Isn’t this just a Bible book filled with colorful stories that children love? Author and editor Matt Smethurst relates the true significance of the Book …
Dating at age 16 was the rule in my family. My older sister was clearly ready at age 16. I was so immature at 16. On my first date, I …
Why do committed Christians go to church less often? The statistics are in! 1. Greater affluence Money gives people options. If your church is at all engaging the middle class, …
The secular concept of environmentalism and climate change activism is based upon the idea of nations exercising rights through occupation and proximity. If a people group occupies territory or is …
Why would a Christian need a bucket list? We have all of eternity for joy, excitement and adventure. He writes, “I often cringe when I hear Christians talk about the …
Christian character has always been important, but it seems like it’s never been as important as it is now. Ephesians 5:1-4 states: ” Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk …
It’s no secret that opioid addiction has spread rampant throughout the United States. More often than not, addiction begins innocently, seemingly without provocation. Prescriptions are often written by primary care …
Curtis burst into my office, pushing past my administrative assistant, leaving in his wake papers fluttering from her desk. “I can’t take this anymore! I’m done!” I continued looking at …
“What would you do if you were 22 again?” I was recently asked that question as part of a conference on world missions. I turned 22 in the middle of …
When some Pharisees put Jesus to the test concerning the greatest of all God’s commandments, He answered with a quotation from Deuteronomy 6:5: “You shall love the Lord your God with …
When my family traveled from our small-town home to Tucson for a doctor’s appointment or a back-to-school shopping trip, we always stayed overnight with my mother’s best friend Bea Solley. …
Some people have asked me if our resurrected bodies will shine. They cite two passages: “The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43) …
Very recently I was speaking with a pastor who had come to me for counsel on how to bring his dying church back to life. I was somewhat taken aback …
What does John the Apostle mean when he penned these words? Revelation 1:9 I, John, your brother and the one who shares with you in the persecution, kingdom, and endurance that …
Genesis 2:18 “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” NIV I will make….. …a helper …
The curse of words includes words spoken by others (or even by yourself) that are intended to inflict harm or damage, to belittle you, or to wish you evil. Consider …
Desire is a very powerful force in our lives, and I am convinced it’s the root of why it’s so difficult for us to live intentionally. The reason we get …
These are interesting times for communicators and preachers. Never have we had access to so many other people’s messages. And never have we felt more pressure in delivering our …
I often hear from Christians who want to find a mentor, but aren’t sure how to go about that. Often these believers know they would benefit from this kind of …
Spotting the Signs of Addiction Friends and family are often the first to notice the signs and symptoms of addiction. However, they may be reluctant to intervene, either because the …
Michael Sherrard shares his powerful insights into worldview, Christians, and politics. Here are his valuable insights: IS JUDGEMENT UPON US? I’ve heard it said that God judges a nation by …
I believe there is a Satan precisely because I believe in Jesus. If Satan is our mythological holdover from a pre-scientific age, then the life-long struggle of our Lord Jesus …
Cohabitation is the new norm. Shocking, but sadly true. Shifting gender roles and expectations, the delay of marriage, and a secularizing culture are leading more American adults to believe that …
Two years ago, I sat in a sterile, dark bedroom for months, isolated, gasping for air. My doctors’ orders? Ninety doses of the strongest antibiotic known to man, central lines …
From time to time there are people who become so frustrated by the difficulties of life that they surrender themselves to hopelessness, believing there is nothing good for them in …
When we read about the garden of Eden in Genesis 1 and 2, we can’t help but feel drawn to its beauty and abundance and innocence. It must have been wonderful …
Every week you host services at your church hoping to reach more people, which is admirable and appropriate. The problem is that the culture is changing and never bothered to …
The other day I had someone ask me about a funeral that she was going to. She said “This is a funeral for an unbeliever, and I’m trying to think …
Saul was a bad king. He was impatient when he should have waited, and he hesitated when he should have advanced. Chapter 15 of 1st Samuel is a dark moment for …
Why didn’t God send Jesus to the earth to die right after Adam and Eve sinned? Why did God wait all that time between Adam and Eve and the cross? …
As I approached my 45th spiritual birthday, and considered the many precious gifts I have received in Christ, I was filled with joy and gratitude as I once again spent …
15 Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 …
Pardon for an Unrepentant People “According to Your Word” Moses sent twelve spies to Canaan to bring back a report of the land. When they re turned, ten said that, …
Feelings sometimes run hot in the blogosphere. That’s understandable given (a) some issues discussed, like racism, are already volatile and (b) we often don’t know the individuals we are engaging. …
The Knot recently did a study and found that over the past seven years, weddings in churches have dropped from 41% to 26%.[i] Wow. Did you hear that? Only a quarter …
The social networking phenomenon is accelerating at record speeds and isn’t likely to slow down any time soon. The Pew Research Center states the following statistics for 2018: “Some 95% …
There are many divergent views about the second coming of Christ, but most agree that in the latter days there will be false prophets, false teachers, and false Messiahs. Jesus …
Some of the questions certain to be raised when the death of a Christian appears to be self-inflected are whether or not it constitutes a sin and what are the …
One of my wedding gifts (10 years or so ago) looked like a super cool ashtray. When I opened it, I remember twisting my head to the side and wondering …
It is imperative that we pray faithfully for the upcoming elections, yet our hope and trust is not in the results of elections! That may sound like a strange …
You’d think that being in church leadership would ensure you’re not tempted to fall into the same temptations as, say, leaders in the marketplace. As nice as that line of …
I remember one couple, Bob and Mary, in their early 50’s, who came to see me for a psychiatric evaluation. They were both very polite and somewhat mechanical in their …
God’s love to all humanity is a love of compassion. To say it another way, it is a love of pity. It is a broken-hearted love. He is “good, and ready to …
A young teenage boy died in a hotel room after an overdose of drugs. The partiers around him didn’t even know he was in trouble until it was too late. Sadly, …
Many say that Christians who maintain the historic, traditional doctrines are behind the times, are too exclusive, and are “on the wrong side of history.” Two recent books that cast …
Last year while attending Cru’s biennial staff conference I watched a presentation on what it takes to reach different generations, mainly millennials, with the Gospel of Jesus. Part of the …
Parents today believe it is harder than ever to raise children. The number-one reason? Technology. That’s a key finding at the heart of The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in …
Have you ever heard someone pray, “Satan, I bind you?” Or perhaps you may have uttered such a thing yourself? I’ve heard many people use phrases like this in their …
Amanda Todd became an unwitting spokesperson for despair at the age of fifteen after a predator had convinced her to pose topless for a photo, and then posted it online. …
We’ll have many desires in Heaven, but they won’t be unholy desires. Everything we want will be good. Our desires will please God. All will be right with the world, nothing forbidden. …
Signs and symptoms of bulimia (bulimia nervosa) center on the preoccupation with weight and body shape. Guilt and shame are core symptoms of bulimia. Someone who is bulimic, like a …
Worship wars? They’ve existed for eons. In the Middle Ages, Catholic priests flayed innovative composers who added extra turns to their “tried and true” plainchant. Denominations have divided over worship …
Do you look down on those who are less educated, less affluent, less refined, or less successful than yourself? Do you think of yourself as more spiritual than your mate, …
After I was thrown out of North Park University in the middle of my sophomore year, I returned to Tucson to live with my Mom and Dad. My older brother …
In the ancient world, the two most important buildings of any national capital were the palace and the temple. They represented civil and spiritual authority. In heaven the centrality of …
“Why did I disobey the Lord?” “If only I had kept my mouth shut.” “If only…if only….” Regret. Nothing so chains us to our past failures like regret. I …
I have been an avid reader and lover of history since college. And I have learned a lot from Scott Sunquist, a close friend for the past 34 years since …
Our current church culture fights against us appreciating the Bible as a complex story. Our devotionals and small group studies focus on squeezing from the text drops of practical application. …
First of all, remember that if you plant purity today, you will reap a rich harvest, free from shame and guilt. And, by the grace of God, you’ll look back on …
Did you know that when Jesus gave the Great Commission to his disciples in Matthew 28 that he was not telling them something completely new? In fact, when Jesus gave …
According to recent research, the coming generations have no use for Christianity any more. I’m sure you’ve seen what these sociological studies have found: the younger the generation, the more post-Christian …
I ask this question because some Bible-believing Christians feel that prayer for peace in these “last days” would be contrary to God’s will, since Jesus said, “When you hear of …
You can make a difference in how your child transitions from summer to school year. Joyce Wilson of Teacher Spark shares her secrets. (Don’t forget to click the links. They …
Jesus’ parable of the “prodigal son” has much to teach us-not only from the view of the son who was accepted back into his family by his father, but also …
Why does your pastor need your help? If he were really competent, would he need his church members to do ministry for him or with him? Moses was crushing it. …
Mark 6:32–56 Successful ministry involves meeting people’s needs in the power of God. Disciples commissioned by the divinely powerful Jesus are themselves divinely empowered by him to meet any need. …
Worship is a verb, defined as “with great or extravagant respect, honor and devotion.” Worshiping our Savior, Jesus Christ, is fundamental to living a faith-filled, Spirit-led, Christian life. There …
“Our lost neighbors might be “pagan” in the sense that they are not part of the community of God, but they are still accountable before God. Their consciences are embedded …
Have you ever considered the significance of the appearing of Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration and what it might mean for your life? It may be obvious …
Jay, one of our church members, recently shared with me: “I was a Christian for twenty-two years. But instead of being a twenty-two-year-old Christian, I was a one-year- old Christian …
How many times have you been with someone and sensed a natural opening in the conversation to talk about the Lord, but you didn’t know how to begin or exactly …
STOP: Trying to make it happen and get it done. “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” Ps. 37:7. STOP: Focusing on yourself, your issues, your …
It is beautifully fitting that Christians gather for corporate worship every week. When we do, we give united expression to our truth-rooted knowledge of the triune God and our treasure-rooted …
Many of you who are parents or students are preparing to start school in the fall. Perhaps you have anxiety about studying and memorizing information. With a million and one …
God is a Triune being. This means that he is one God, but he exists as three separate persons. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Spirit is …
In one of his letters, George Washington wrote that he and Martha had not had dinner at home alone for twenty years. Every night for twenty years—7,300 days in a …
Saul was a bad king. He was impatient when he should have waited, and he hesitated when he should have advanced. Chapter 15 of 1st Samuel is a dark moment for …
Currently one in every sixty-eight children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with autism. More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined. …
Let’s be clear from the outset: The Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory is taught nowhere in Scripture. It was invented to accommodate Catholicism’s denial of justification by faith alone. And …
Ever feel like your work is never finished? You can’t quite stop working at home. You wake up most mornings feeling like you’re just stepping back onto the treadmill that …
If you think the gathering of biblical facts and standing up with a Bible in your hand will automatically equip you to communicate well, you are desperately mistaken. It will …
You’re probably trying to change something right now. And — if you’re honest — you’ve already thought about backing off. Change seems too difficult. You’ve watched friends get hurt trying to lead …
“The man who views the world at 50 the same way he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” ~ Muhammad Ali I wish older Christians told …
A year before our move to New York City, on the eve of my thirty-fifth birthday, my husband Gabe surprised me. “How about I send you to Denver, to spend …
Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what …
Several years ago, I attended a concert at the Nasher Sculpture Center in downtown Dallas. About 80 audience members stood in a circle around the musicians. A baritone soloist and …
If you grew up in a conservative evangelical church like I did, it is possible there is a story from the Bible that was repeatedly used to teach you about …
As chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, I want to send a different message to our students, and to the readers of Desiring God, than Jerry Falwell, Jr. sent to …
In many cases, drugs in the 21st century have become more potent than they were a generation ago. Access to drugs in schools has also gotten easier, now ubiquitous on …
From the hurricanes that have ravaged regions along the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to the earthquake that rocked Mexico, the last month alone has left many communities in …
Church leaders who have been around for the last few decades know this ain’t the 1960s! Christians simply aren’t attending church as frequently today as they did in the past. Thom …
Evidence does, indeed, show that Jesus lived. The question is, will you believe it? At this point we’re not even addressing the question of whether Jesus was God in human …
Almost every sector of culture is hit right now with revelations about long-admired people revealed to have secret, disgusting lives. Almost every one of you will face just such a …
Anyone who’s given himself or herself to prayer for a sustained amount of time has likely experienced the disappointment of unanswered prayer. But the more theologicall astute among you may not like that phrase “unanswered …
“The best way to think about Satan’s power is not in terms of physical strength, but moral deception.” Deceiver and Accuser Even though this supernatural being, this fallen angel and …
Does the news overwhelm you? Every day mass murders leave us reeling; struggling to make sense of such tragedies. Where the Bible may not tell us the why of the tragedies, it …
How does a man move on with his life after losing his wife and daughters to two ruthless home invaders who tortured, then killed them? Our nation is torn by …
Have you ever forgiven someone but had bad feelings about them at the same time? Jesus Christ is our model for forgiveness. It’s hard to image Jesus forgiving someone but …
Too often we don’t appreciate what we didn’t work for or had to sacrifice for in one way or another. Hand something to us with no effort exerted on our …
The untouched idol of the American evangelical church is family. I love my family. No family is perfect, but I couldn’t be more grateful for a healthy family: a mom …
According to American business historian Robert Sobel, the British government created a civil-service job in 1803 which called for a man to stand on the white cliffs of Dover with …
In Barna’s most recent research on The State of Pastors, a comprehensive, whole-life assessment of U.S. pastors, commissioned by Pepperdine University, we examine how many pastors are at risk of burnout, relational …
Any church leader who’s been in ministry for more than a few months has heard different variations of it: “I’m looking for a church that meets my needs.” “What are …
An old Chinese proverb says, “One generation plants the trees, and another gets the shade.” You and I are still benefiting from the shade provided by trees planted by our …
I ran over my son last year. I still can’t believe it. Rhett, my baby boy, escaped massive injuries and only suffered a broken hand, a bruise or two and …
Tony Reinke, author of 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You, carefully examines the blessings and challenges of technology in our lives. If you live long enough, pray earnestly, and …
Do your children run to your side when they come home from school? Do family members stare silently at their smartphones during meal times? Do you stop thinking creatively when …
One of my best friends is an atheist. I love Jesus in a crazy-all-of-my-heart kind of way, and she doesn’t believe there’s a God, much less a God who sent …
The sharpened steel axe blade cracked her skull like an eggshell. Awakened out of a deep sleep, Beth fell to the floor in a heap, limp and blood-soaked. In spite …
Abraham’s faith is inspiring. Chasing the grasslands of Canaan as a nomadic shepherd Abraham was free to survey the Promised Land his family would one day possess. Catching each vista …
Parents let schools teach the A B C’s- but what about “the birds and the bees?” In recent weeks, several Texas school districts have been in the news because of …
Theological conclusions depend more on our biography than most of us admit. We’d like to think we reached our views through an unbiased approach to the biblical text, but self-reflection …
One of the most frequent questions I’ve been asked about Heaven over the years is about the nature of marriage there. As I share in my book Heaven, there will be one …
A friend of mine is watching his daughter die. She’s only eighteen. Last month, they were sitting side-by-side on the bleachers at her volleyball games, cheering her team to …
It’s a tough question to answer: so, is your church ready for the future? A lot of the time, I’m afraid the answer is no. This year especially, culture is changing so …
While abused children and victims of spousal battering have been the topics of widespread study, elder abuse has been relatively hidden until recently. The typical victim of elder abuse is …
Choosing a life partner is serious business. It can be the greatest blessing of your life, or the biggest mistake you will ever make. Pastor John Piper gives an insightful …
What does it mean to be happy? Does God want us to be happy? Many of us view happiness as solely depending on what happens to us. In fact, the …
There is a beauty in simplicity. And there is a greater beauty in harmonious complexity. Referring to Jesus, Jonathan Edwards said that there is in him “an admirable conjunction of …
Lead pastors spend a lot time in the front row of the church participating in worship services. In fact, if you’re a church leader reading this you know the double …
We all know Moses’ Hebrew mother, Jochabed, and his famous brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam. But who was this brave Egyptian princess? Her story is absolutely remarkable!! Here are …
Adultery is devastating. In the aftermath of an adulterous affair, the offending spouse must first turn away from sin through repentance before God. But after such repentance takes place, there’s …
Recently, I had a phone call with a young leader convinced he was no longer qualified to lead because he’d messed up in a way that pretty much every man …
We all have strange dreams from time to time, and they are still worth looking at and praying about to see if there is something God wants us to learn …
“Then war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels going forth to battle with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were defeated and there …
Here’s a baffling question for those who read the Bible. Why didn’t God tell Jacob that his son, Joseph was still alive? Jacob languished for years in mourning for what …
So many leaders face the conundrum of the chicken and the egg when it comes to church growth. There’s an 85% chance you’re facing it right now because 85% of …
We live in a stoic society. Often the expression of our emotions is suppressed because we do not know how to process them. When we “stuff” our feelings and fail …
If you’ve been a parent for any time at all, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that your child came into the world with an insatiable faculty for …
I recently gave a talk on revival, and I want to share some thoughts from it. It’s difficult to find the right word for what we mean when we talk …
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, claimed that as church attendance declines, Facebook will become the new church for people, offering a sense of community and meaning.[i] But Facebook …
Every year, around this time, parents and churches ponder how to communicate the Easter story to children, as something more than dyed eggs. The problem is, of course, that it’s …
There are a growing number of Christians that think that the “Easter” is rooted in pagan Babylonian tradition. One of the basic assumptions is that the name “Easter” is but …
How a person views the life and death of Christ is not a question of subjective preference or perspective. The issues are objective and bear eternal consequences. And it is …
One of the questions almost every church leader I know is asking is “How do we reach Millennials?”—that demographic of young adults now in their mid-twenties to age 40. It’s a great …
Binding Satan Without A Rope Have you ever heard someone pray, “Satan, I bind you?” Or perhaps you may have uttered such a thing yourself? I’ve heard many people use …
Here is a conversation between Dr. Kevin Leman and a frustrated wife. Does your husband fail to listen when you are hurting? These words may be for you! Laura’s Question: …
Coping with grief is complex and emotional. As the parent of a special needs child you may feel especially helpless. Finding ways for your child to understand and heal can …
“I don’t know.” Often, when we don’t know something, we make stuff up. When we don’t know the answer to a question, we attempt to answer it anyway. Instead, we …
Many years ago when our church began revitalization, we prayed and asked God whom he was calling us to reach. The answer we felt God impressing upon us then was …
There is a twist—a deeper reason why the perception of hypocrisy exists. It’s not just our lifestyles that have gotten us in trouble; it’s the very way in which we …
We see news stories about the impact of technology on our everyday lives all the time these days. Many of us started to think about how technology affects us personally. But …
Happy Birthday! Or is it? Do you feel discouraged and depressed with every passing year? I’ve heard many older people say, “My body tells me I’m old, but my …
Why do we need to let our voice be heard in government? To keep silent is to willfully relinquish treasured moral and religious freedoms. This is what author Trevin …
Our world is rocked in the wake of mass shootings in our schools and churches. Dr. Russell Moore writes of his own personal pain as he shares the story of …
We should each be able to go to bed every night and reflect back on the day and know that we took at least one action to move us a …
Hurricanes pummel our coastlines leaving flood damage and power outages. In third world countries like Haiti, storms can wreak havoc on everyone and everything in their wake. We have all …
What makes you happy? Can you imagine that true happiness comes only from loving God completely? The Bible describes this delight in experiential terms — an existential reality that is …
You can’t save your children. You can raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord, guard them from the sinful influences and temptations of the world, and cocoon …
Who are the key influencers in your life? Feedback is a gift, so I want to hear what people are thinking and feeling about my organization and my leadership. I …
All of us have been shaped by the words of Billy Graham, whether we know it or not. Here are his most beloved words. Let them inspire and transform …
Praying for the UnsaveablePraying for the UnsaveablePraying for the Unsaveable
by Tom Terryby Tom TerryMark had a Christian experience when he was a teenager. For two years he stuck with it. But events in his life unfolded in such a way that after just …
As the father of five sons, I find myself cringing if the news comes on in front of them. With high-profile men seen to be using and abusing women in …
So you want your church to reach people who don’t go to church. That’s wonderful because that’s basically the mission of the church: to share the love of Christ with the world …
Can a wife be both strong and submissive? A tough question….Here’s my story. I’ll be brutally honest. My Dad wanted a son to take over his business. He had two …
I sat across the room from the couple, trying to slow down my mind and open my heart to the criticism they were leveling at me. They had been offended …
What is the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement? TopNonprofits.com distinguishes them this way: Mission Statement (What You Do): A one-sentence statement describing the reason an organization …
Do you believe in Jesus? I’ve believed in Jesus since October of 1983. When I first came to Christ I knew almost nothing. I had a sense that there was …
Augustine and Aquinas—two of history’s most influential theologians—imagined that in Heaven people would focus exclusively on God and that relationships between human beings would be minimal or insignificant.[i] These great …
So maybe you wonder why your church isn’t growing, or why it’s not growing faster. You’re not alone. The vast majority of churches are plateaued or declining because they can’t …
The world around us is not just wandering, but running, away from the biblical foundational truths concerning marriage and Who created it. So it would then follow that worldly solutions …
Some prayers change lives. This one will change yours. “I was asked to pray an extended prayer for the New Year. Here is my prayer, which I wish for all …
So here’s a question that sounds a little far-fetched, but hear me out. It’s really not. Would you: Read your kids bedtime stories most night? Have a regular date night …
Social intelligence is properly assessing and relating to social environments. Social intelligence is expressed in terms like: Decorum-propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance Etiquette-the conduct or procedure …
I think joy in eternity will be the same sort of thing we know as joy and happiness and delight right now. But it will be purified and absolute in …
According to Luke 1:1–4, the Gospel of Luke and its sequel the Acts of the Apostles were written to help Theophilus (and all subsequent readers) know the truth of the Christian …
One wonders why there are so many people in America who seem so offended at a simple greeting like, “Merry Christmas.” While talk show hosts rant about the “Attack on Christmas,” by …
How would you feel if distant relatives showed up unannounced on your doorstep with plans to stay for a week and were eager to take a tour of your house? …
What are those things upon which we wage war? There are those completely virtuous and entirely untainted causes that are birthed at those seminal moments when the very foundation of …
Porn addiction is a man’s vice! Or is it? We know sexual voyeurism has exploded in today’s society. Approximately forty million people in the United States are sexually involved with …
“So, what would you tell your 25-year-old self?” I get that question all the time from young leaders. It’s a great question. There are so many things I would do …
It seems that Thanksgiving; at least the meaning of it all is being lost somewhere. In many respects we’ve traded it wholesale for football, turkey, an insane variety of foodstuffs …
Is it possible to see betrayal coming? Some red flags are not as obvious as others. For example, if you discover that your man gets drunk with his mother and …
God’s desire is for us to possess a thankful, rejoicing heart. To some, such a goal seems like an unscalable mountain, yet this is exactly what the Lord desires to …
Are you questioning God today? How do you pray when you don’t understand what He is doing? You can argue with God. David did. Let’s be like David, and every …
Merry Christmas! Oh, excuse me! Seasons Greetings. Happy Holidays. Finding Jesus at Christmas is just like playing “Where’s Waldo.” Look hard. He’s nowhere to be found! I attended a middle school “Christmas” …
Worship is a subject very close to my heart. I’ve been drumming in adult worship services since I was fourteen, and received my BA in Music. I only mention this …
The Judean marketplace bustles with customers. The aroma of salted gefilte fish and the stench of human sweat fills the air. Jesus whips out His smartphone from beneath the folds …
None of us are immune. None of us expect to fall. But there’s the precipice. Imagine you’re married to a really important man—so very important that he seems too busy …
Skipping rocks on the lapping waves. Cleaning fish and playing stickball. Playing hide and seek among the olive trees. John and Jesus were probably lifelong buddies. In fact, most historians …
Our neighborhood kids are in their yards gleefully decorating for Halloween. Cardboard witches, ghoulish ghosts and sticky spider webs cover the lawns. I have nothing against candy. Give me a …
When you think about coming to church, what aspect do you look forward to the most? For the sake of this discussion, let’s assume your answer is something spiritually noble—nothing …
Does Nephilim mean “Giants”? The beginning of the sixth chapter of Genesis, where the word Nephilim comes from, is one of the most baffling passages of the Bible: 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in …
What do you know about yourself? Well, probably more than anyone, right? And yet every one of us gets surprised when from time to time, our spouse points out …
The death of Hugh Hefner, the Playboy founder, saw multiple posts on social media remarking about the eternal destiny of the man, that Hefner, having never repented of his sin, …
Do you know Jonah’s last words in the Bible? “Yes, I do well to be angry, angry enough to die.”[i] Those are not words motivated by suffering or grief. Those …
Chances are you have already given to at least one of the disasters that have rocked the United States and Caribbean over the past few months: Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria; …
The world looks on in shock at the shooting sprees and murders that occur in suburban neighborhoods. Surely violence could not happen in your neighborhood! How do you help when …
So you’re a bit of a control freak. And you’re a leader. That’s not surprising. People who like control seem to have a natural ability to get into leadership positions. …
Is there a surefire way your marriage can be protected from adultery? Dr. Russell Moore gives us his opinion: “Whenever one sees a marriage fall apart due to adultery, one …
5 Reasons Why the Church Must Engage the World with Social Media
by Brandon Coxby Brandon CoxWhy should churches engage in social media as an essential priority in reaching the world? As we develop a driving philosophy of why to take up the mantle of social …
The thirst for knowledge and power has seduced the naïve and undiscerning since the dawn of history. More people have their palms and tea leaves read or read the astrological …
Southeast of Tucson, in the Dragoon Mountains is an Arizona State Park and campground called Cochise’s Stronghold. Cochise was a Native American military leader of the Chiricahua Apaches in the …
Face it, there are just some things that we don’t like to do. We all have those irritating things that incessantly demand our attention. Every one of us has a …
How could younger people be more spiritual than their elders? The next generation sees God and the world more clearly than we do. Electronic Arts and Hollywood know their …
Abuse can occur in one-on-one relationships, in families, in institutions, and in society at large. Wherever abuse is found, it should be uncovered, repented of and rejected. It is not …
What do you do when a non-believer asks you for prayer? Your co-worker has just shared with you that her son is battling a drug addiction. You press in and …
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 Can we achieve racial reconciliation? Can our multicolored, …
In 1 Cor. 14:34 the Apostle Paul’s letter states: “…the women should keep silent in the assemblies. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law …
“Small wins have an influence disproportionate to the accomplishments of the victories themselves.” -Charles Duhigg It seems our brains aren’t very good at distinguishing big successes from small successes. …
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, seeks whom he may devour!” 1 Peter 5:8 “So let’s not sleepwalk through life like those others. Let’s …
One of my favorite Bible characters is Rebecca. So today we are in Genesis 24, witnessing Abraham’s servant being sent to find a wife for his young master. The story …
Circumstances. You face them every day, you are always reacting to them–positively or negatively. Think about it. What situations in your life do you wish would change right now? A different …
In life, in our history, in our experience and in everything we do, oftentimes a single act of courage is the tipping point for something extraordinary. A single expression or …
Google knows who we are, sometimes better than we know ourselves. But Google doesn’t love us. Imagine if you had a truth serum that would force you to disclose who …
My husband almost died in July 2016. Brad is an incredibly strong man. Tough as nails. I was working over at Brad’s office, and I found him unconscious on the …
Do Christians annoy non-believers? Yes. Often. If you spend two minutes talking to almost anyone outside the Christian faith and you’re almost certain to hear a list of complaints they …
Seven Tips for Parents of Teenagers in a Technology-Crazed World
by Brandon Coxby Brandon CoxTechnology is a way of life for us. Social media is here to stay. It’s not a trend. It’s not a fad. It’s part of the atmosphere we breathe in, …
In the Book of Revelation, we read a text that describes that with the arrival of the evil Beast – the enemy of God’s people, Christ-followers will be excluded from participation in local …
The Brazilians taught me the beauty of a blessing. Here is a scene repeated in Brazil thousands of times daily. It’s early morning. Time for young Marcos to leave for …
The moment of our greatest success and achievement, when we are riding the crest of the wave, is also the moment we are most likely to be subjected to the …
Without an eternal perspective, without understanding the reality that the best is yet to come, we assume that people who die young, who are handicapped, who aren’t healthy, who don’t …
I lost my father this year. This will be my first Father’s Day without him. But God gave me the greatest gift/ I had a chance to interview him exactly …
For decades churches have had difficulty engaging young men. Not only are guys under 30 underrepresented in worship services, they’re also largely absent from men’s events. The usual men’s ministry …
Time is a precious commodity. If traded on the commodities market, its value would be incalculable. But alas, time cannot be bought or sold. And while the length of our …
My childhood goal was to be a “good girl,” taking perfectionism to a whole new level. I belonged to every club, was an honor student, and felt incredibly guilty if …
I turn 35 today. I know to some of you that may seem ancient. I can see forty over the horizon after all. When I was a teenager, I didn’t …
Carey Nieuwhof is a Canadian pastor with a perceptive, and (possibly an objective) view of American society today. “Regardless of where your politics lean, many would sense that American culture …
Jon Acuff is an insightful author and speaker who gets to the heart of a leadership issue with sharp wit and penetrating insight. Read his words, laugh and learn. (This …
We need balance in our ministries. We need to be focused on our mission while at the same time constantly searching for ways to improve our methods. True Christianity is …
Secrets. We all have them, don’t we? Tucking my son in at bedtime has become quite the confessional. It all started when he remembered taking a pen a year earlier …
Here are a few things you should know about the future of Christianity and how we can reach the next generation with the Gospel in an authentic, relevant way. Our …
Was Queen Vashti, King Xerxes’ ex-wife, as shallow and stubborn as we assume? I want you to ponder and puzzle with me. Queen Vashti’s gripping story is told in twelve …
I recently returned from a short-term mission trip to Senegal, Africa, where our church has had a partnership with a mission agency and a local village pastor for about five …
You can recover from divorce. Here are some right and wrong ways to start your new life. Now you are single. Solitaire is a card game that you play alone. …
We all have them. Actually, worship wars started with Gregorian chant. Some monks got bent out of shape over the newer, fancier plainchant. Pastor Carey Nieuwhof has some sagely advice …
Hell is not a fad. It is not an optional theological premise. It is a spiritual reality. There are plenty of people today who don’t believe in the Bible’s teaching …
The Bible does not describe us merely as wayward, broken, or needing a moral boost but as those who are dead in sin (Eph. 2:1). Dead men and women do …
Expectantly, Emily looked over the shoulder of her precious grandchild doing a connect-the-dots picture in a coloring book. The seemingly random dots held such mystery. What was hidden from her …
Here are some essential questions that each prospective couple should discuss before marriage. Theology What do you believe about . . . everything? Perhaps read through the Desiring God Affirmation …
What is the impact of the water we swim in in 21st century America? Consumerism can infiltrate our spiritual lives. The notion that you have any decision to make on the …
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” —Dale …
Should we protect the planet by addressing the population boom as China did? Interesting question. Here’s what Dr. Russell Moore has to say: “Once, as my wife and I were …
As I have studied the Scripture, observed others’ lives, and seen deeper glimpses of my own heart over the years, I have come to realize that no one—no matter how …
Here’s an urgent and practical question: How should we relate to evil? We can’t stick our heads in the sand. How should we think and feel and act about Satanic …
This week I have asked Tom Terry to answer my “Ask Roger” column. It’s fantastic! “I’m going to ask you a question and it’s a big one. If there is …
Breath is crucial to our existence. When it is present, it comes with hope, opportunity, and potential. When that breath is the very breath of God, something even greater happens. …
You may be fighting a losing battle. First-time guests to your church make up their minds whether they’re coming back or not in the first ten minutes of their visit. …
Unspeakable tragedies. Infamous acts. Brutal terrorist attacks even in Sunday church services. Unlike us, many Christians around the world risk their lives to go to church. In the face of such …
Do you tend to go through the motions at Easter? Is it just another holiday? These famous words will deepen your faith and your Easter experience. “Reasonably speaking, we can …
Janeen has an infectious smile. It shines on the soccer field or when she plays piano. But when this 12-year-old honor roll student’s grades began to slide, her mom began …
Once in awhile, people will ask me questions about leaving their church. They want my advice and opinion on it. This happened again very recently. Because I’ve received this question …
Preaching is always a challenge, especially in an unchurched culture. In terms of seeing radical life changes in individuals, nothing can take the place of Spirit-anointed preaching. The message is …
New pastor or leader, how do you build trust between you and your staff and church members? Here’s a cautionary tale, and a little advice on HOW to be an …
Did you know that your kids use anger to control the people around them? Anger may be a natural emotion, yet we have seen the devastating effects it can have …
How do you keep those first-time visitors coming? Every single Sunday, the goal of our services at North Point is the same: to create an experience so engaging that folks …
It was 8:00 p.m. and we nearly had a family riot. We had another 2 loads to move. I had said we’d only work until 8:00 pm. One child, said “You …