Does Nephilim mean “Giants”? For many people, the beginning of the 6th chapter of Genesis, where the word Nephilim comes from, is one of the most baffling passages of the Bible: 4 The Nephilim were on …
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If you are a Christian, then the statements below are true of you. READ DAILY AND PRAY OUT LOUD. THESE TRUTHS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.I am accepted… John 1:12 I …
Do you care if your child texts while driving, wears a seat belt, rides in a car where the driver has been drinking alcohol, drives a car while drinking alcohol, …
My parents marched into the classroom and demanded to know why their son got a B. It was tense. This was my first B in high school and it was …
How can a good and powerful God tolerate all the evil in the world? That question—frequently posed by skeptics and liberal theologians—is a not-so-veiled attack on the God of the …
Augustine and Aquinas—two of history’s most influential theologians—imagined that in Heaven people would focus exclusively on God and that relationships between human beings would be minimal or insignificant.[i] These great …
It’s great to do life with fellow brothers and sisters of the faith, but every once in awhile I get a thought about a different way of doing church. I …
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o’clock on Sunday morning.” Progress is slow on racial reconciliation …
Then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. . . . And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” …
Donald Trump is elected President of the United States. So what should evangelical Christians do now? No matter what our differences politically or religiously, surely we can all agree that some citizens …
Church leaders, times are changing, but the real question is how quickly and how deeply? In fact, unless you’re under 25, the world into which you’re born doesn’t really exist …
Have you ever made a promise you didn’t keep? Have you ever rushed to judgment? Have you ever felt like walking with God has become harder and harder? How do …
Do you wonder why your church is not growing? Have you ever read Acts 15? It’s right between Acts 14 and Acts 16! Many people find themselves skipping the chapter, …
My sister Kathy is remarkable. The Proverbs 31 woman falls short of her virtue. Kathy is the queen of compassion. She knows what is really important: loving Jesus and loving …
I believe that abortion is the most important social issue of our day. There are few issues that tell us more about our society. Abortion is important because allowing the …
When we make New Year’s resolutions, we are usually quite sincere but idealistic. We promise more than we will realistically deliver, which sets us up for false guilt, toxic shame, …
Do I really want to see myself? Really? Not as I might prefer to see myself in order to have some rickety and ill-placed semblance of peace. Not the image …
This comprehensive study was jointly written by Matt Chandler and Geoff Ashley. Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3 In …
Our pets are precious to us. The Barrier family has owned a plethora of furry friends: a boisterous border collie, a cantankerous Corgi, a gregarious Golden Retriever and a …
My weight tends to fluctuate by about 20 pounds. That’s not an issue though because I’m a 6’8” linebacker in the NFL and you can barely tell. (Most of the …
So you’ve noticed something. Your ability to lead well seems to fluctuate. Some days (and seasons) you seem to be in top shape. You have energy and enthusiasm, a clear mind …
‘Tis the season of Advent – the celebration of the coming, the appearing of Jesus Christ. Advent consists of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, and Christmas Day. Traditionally, …
A young mother whose son was killed in a fire started by outdoor Christmas lights expressed her fear of the upcoming first Christmas following his death. She did not have …
Do you ever look back at the end of the day only to wonder where all the time went? Did you wonder where your productivity went? Welcome to the club. Productivity …
Why should we understand the heart and mind of others who do not choose to attend church? If you’re like many Christians, you have an authentic desire to share your …
What do you do when you are feeling blue? You don’t need to feel helpless! Many of us experience depression at a significant holiday like Christmas. Especially this year….Sometimes it’s …
I recently joined a group on Facebook that discusses scientific evidences for creation. While the purpose of the group is discussion about how the natural world points to a Creator …
Professor Julia Blum teaches at out of Tel Aviv, Israel. Her profound knowledge of the Bible and Jewish history will greatly bless you this Christmas: When was the Silent …
Do you want to experience true happiness? God’s Word gives us seven ways to be happy in Him. 1. God’s Immeasurable Love for Us In Ephesians, Paul prays that the …
Why do flight attendants give parents flying with young children the instructions, “If there is a change in the air pressure in the cabin and the oxygen masks are …
When is the last time you so enjoyed spending time with others that you never looked at your watch, never checked your phone? Michael Hyatt, Don …
What kind of prayers do you pray? Do you pray with faith or doubt, selfishly or unselfishly? Dr. John Piper reveals how Christians often ask God for their good, …
We overcome Satan’s schemes when we understand how he oppresses us and how we must defeat him. Here are some clear ways to recognize demonic oppression in your life and …
In the most severe trial their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and …
What should you pray for your children? Pray a virtue a day: 1. Salvation—”Lord, let salvation spring up within my children, that they may obtain the salvation that is in …
What difference is Heaven supposed to make in our lives now? Why do you think many Christians don’t look forward to Heaven anymore? What are some of the biggest misconceptions …
Religious Beliefs Are the Greatest Influence in a Voter’s Decisions Fewer Americans are going to church these days, but a new national survey reveals that the most likely influence …
Andrea and I grew up in homes that had very different views on eating. Andrea’s family had a value of healthy living. My (Doug’s) family came from a carefree and …
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but can’t? Then He is not all-powerful. Can He prevent evil, but is unwilling? Then He is wicked. Is He able and willing? Then …
True peace is the fruit of being confident in God’s love; it is born of the revelation that, regardless of the battle, “Greater is He who is in you than …
When a man retires at sixty-five, studies show his chances of having a fatal heart attack immediately double. Our minds and bodies weren’t made to be shut down. Nowhere in …
We constantly find ourselves captivated by a whole lot of things. There’s a seemingly endless bunch of stuff that we become absolutely fascinated with and fixated upon, sometimes to the …
Can you legislate morality or ethics? “You can’t legislate morality,” the old saying goes, a statement that purports to be common sense, until you begin to realize you can’t not legislate morality. …
One of the reasons I say that it is good for American Christianity to no longer think of itself as a “moral majority” is that such a mentality obscures the …
Identify 19 possible motives that trigger your porn consumption. This is a guest post for Covenant Eyes written by Brad Hambrick. Often triggers and motive are treated as two distinct things, …
Kindness: Discover the Power of the Forgotten Christian Virtue!
by Frank Violaby Frank ViolaI want to clarify niceness is not kindness. There’s a big difference. By kindness, I’m not talking about when you buy a stranger coffee or when you bring in your neighbor’s trash cans …
There’s been plenty of debate about teens and their social justice “slacktivism,” but how much truth is there to the claim that young people are only taking action with 140 characters or less? A new …
A perverse man spreads strife, and a slanderer separates intimate friends. —Proverbs 16:28 Jesus made a remarkable statement concerning Judas. He said, “‘Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, …
Are you a control freak? It’s easy to do, whether you are a leader of a large organization or the mother of small children. It’s amazing to me how many …
When is the last time you preached or heard a message on grieving or lamenting that was not at a funeral? When is the last time your church sang a …
Can America (and the world) achieve racial reconciliation? Can our multicolored, multi-tongued society find common ground for communication? For peace? For cooperation in meeting head-on the great needs of our …
The Discovery Channel once hosted a series called “Dirty Jobs.” Mike Rowe, the host, mucked-out, dug under, flushed, slogged, and slid through some of the most filthy and foul places …
Over the years, I have heard men give compelling reasons to be a pastor. I have also heard a few ridiculous reasons. But most often, I have heard reasons that …
Several years ago, I quipped before an audience, “Election years make people crazy.” And that was before I had any idea what was coming in 2016. For families with children, this …
Don’t make excuses for character flaws and bad behavior, thinking “that’s just who I am.” I once had an employee who had the audacity to declare, “I know I have …
The Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Center on Philanthropy, Indiana University, in partnership with the Alban Institute, released a Congregational Economic Impact Study. Prior to the study, …
How personal and passionate is your love for God? We were designed to cling close to Him, believe in Him, rely upon Him and never, never leave His side. We are …
People usually think of “Heaven” as the place Christians go when they die. A better definition explains that Heaven is God’s central dwelling place, the location of his throne from which …
Success has been accorded an endless array of definitions. Some are crafted to make failure seem more like success so that we can limp through life and fail without remorse …
Can you believe that your thinking can dynamically impact your physical, spiritual and emotional health? As a Christian neuroscientist, this information is transformational. We cannot afford not to ”bring all …
One of the most important discoveries I have ever made is this truth: God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in him. This is the motor …
If you could only tell your top leaders a few things, what would you tell them? 1. Your competency will take you only as far as your character will sustain …
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” Here we find an example of Jesus comforting his disciples. When He tells them not to …
According to celebrity tabloids and talk shows, the rich and famous seem to flaunt friendships for their own personal benefit. One day the paparazzi record starlets who are devoted to …
I believe that one day, my preaching of God’s Word will be called a hate crime. That day may come sooner than later. Look around. The way the U.S. is …
Unless you’re reading this with a flashlight from six feet under, you probably experience worry or anxiety. Everyone does! But once we understand how we’re making ourselves worried, we can …
Does your child have the “back-to-school” jitters? Many kids dread going back to school…. unless they were incredibly bored during summer break! They face fragile self-esteem issues, fear unknown teachers …
Pornography is not new, but the digital age has made it more ubiquitous and accessible than ever before. The technological realities of smartphones and high-speed internet have fundamentally changed the …
Ask 100 people if they’d like to make significant progress on their goals over the next week and you’ll probably get 100 yeses. (Actually, you’d probably get 99, thanks to that one jerk …
Don’t you hate it when people bring up objections to the Gospel that seem high and intelligent just to catch you off-guard in your witness about Jesus? For instance, have …
Super Bowl champions like Peyton Manning know how to focus. In fact, any great athlete has learned the art of staying in the zone no matter how intense the pressure is …
In 1066, one of history’s most decisive battles was fought. William, Duke of Normandy, dared to invade England. He confidently approached his formidable opponent with his secret weapon, an invention …
We are reluctant to say them, but when spoken honestly and appropriately, three simple phrases can help maintain our personal integrity and sustain peace in relationships. “I don’t know.” Often, …
Why do we sometimes make choices that defy any shred of reason or seem void of even the slightest hint of sensibility? More times than we can count we stand …
The most fundamental question that teenagers in your community will ever wrestle with is, “Why am I here?” Unlike past generations, teens today aren’t looking for the meaning of life. Instead, they’re …
“And now, brothers, as I close this letter, let me say this one more thing: Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that …
No one goes into marriage with the idea of hurting the other person; however, sometimes circumstances out of our control arise. Pornography and sexual addiction is a serious issue that …
Recently, I moved to “limbo land.” Do you know how to find that address? Maybe, it is where you have encountered something serious and the doctors have used that dreaded …
King Solomon was the richest, wisest man who ever lived, and yet his greedy, proud, lusty heart poisoned his abundant life. The king who had everything developed a divided heart …
The fog of the broken heart. It’s a dark fog that slyly imprisons the soul and refuses easy escape. It’s a heavy cloud that honors no hour and respects no …
Five Awkward Conversations Teens Should Have with Their Parents
by John Piperby John PiperAwkward. Mom and Dad sitting in the room. How do you have “the talk” with them: tough subjects no one wants to mention? John Piper writes: “So you’re a parent. …
“God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces of good against evil …” – E.M. Bounds …
It’s hard to remember a time when people were more angry. A civilized person ought to be, first of all, civil. Yet, today there is no discourse, no respect for …
Israel was hopelessly outnumbered. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon “and all his army, with all the kingdoms of the earth that were under his dominion and all the peoples, were fighting …
Do you wonder if your prayers hit the ceiling? Is God listening? How can you know that prayer makes any difference? Absolutely! And prayer makes a difference because the living …
When we ask the question about what draws others to us, we might first want to determine why we’re asking the question. This magnetism is not about popularity, attractiveness or …
Disciplining our children is a hotly debated issue in our culture and the Christian community. Typically, the flashpoints in these debates ignite around issues like spanking, public reprimands, and what …
The church is God’s plan to change the world. The government is not the plan. Philanthropy isn’t. The church is. The church is God’s idea of how the Kingdom of …
Have you ever been in a volatile relationship? The word “volatile” means “liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.” You may be sitting next to a terrorist: …
I believe that the church is the hope of the world and is positioned like no other channel of influence to shape culture. Its people are called to be in …
“Anybody who acquires deep expertise does so at the expense of breadth. The challenge is to understand how much depth is enough, and how much is too much.”-Andrew Hargadon. Most …
How do you influence another person for good or evil? How do you effectively pass on your spiritual legacy to someone else? Elijah and Elisha, Moses and Joshua were both …
A journey through grief is complex and confusing. One way to gauge how well you are dealing with the loss, your grief and your grief emotions is to take an …
Why does Jesus call Pergamum’s church the place where Satan’s throne is? Revelation 3:12 “And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘The words of him who has the …
So many of us suffer with false guilt; we take moral responsibility for actions, events, and situations that were not our fault. False guilt has no value; it is always …
There is a magical thing that happens in homes all over the world. When you have a child, you want your child to crawl, and then you want your kid …
For many years now, the Lord has put the issue of revival praying upon my heart. Initially, I must admit, my prayers were fairly generic: “O Lord, please revive us.” …
King Solomon aptly penned these words: “To everything there is a season…a time to weep….” Dr. Russell Moore wisely inspired a godly response to the Orlando Massacre. “We woke up …
How do we balance justice and forgiveness? “Can we pray for justice, and yet love our enemy at the same time?” The answer is yes. But let’s start with our …
What do I say to a mourner? The moment of greeting a mourner is indeed difficult. What are the words of comfort? Can I help to ease the pain? …
Why is America divided? It is possible to bridge the rift? America is divided for one, simple, yet profound reason. We no longer believe the same things. Take the case …
Impending doom seems to permeate our society. Past generations had no idea of the perils and plagues in other parts of the world. But we live in an information explosion. …
Your husband learned from an early age to deny his true feelings — and to be silent about his deepest needs. Most men long for greater intimacy with their wives …
Thanksgiving conjures up memories of many friends whose delicious dishes have graced my holiday table: Colonel Sanders, Aunt Jemima, and, of course, Sara Lee. Nothing good ever emerged from my …
Good is the enemy of great. Greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance. Greatness is a matter of conscious choice and discipline. Why do some companies, organizations and their …
Do you remember when you first heard the “sex talk”? I had the “sex talk” with both of my boys. Each responded in the same way. They interrupted me and …
The most obvious red flags are blinding bright and quite large. They are carried by emotional invalids who think they’re going to the Relationship Olympics to win the gold. These …
“Most Americans, white and black, see racism as a lingering problem in the United States, and many say they know people who are racist. But few Americans of either …
#1Next time your day goes south, here is what you do: Steep yourself in the grace of God. Saturate your day in His love. Marinate your mind in His mercy. …
When you go through grief, you go through a lot of complex, confusing emotions. One way to gauge how well you are dealing with the loss, your grief and your …
I don’t talk about this much. It’s too hard. But God calls me to share it now and then. This is one of those times. I know, because I heard …
Who is God? Where did He come from? Why am I here? How can a loving God let people suffer? How could He create Satan and a Hell? What exactly …
I am surprised by, and sometimes frustrated at, some people’s submission to emotions. Emotions dominate their lives. Rational thought is ignored and facts are resisted. Like the lady with the …
If you are a Muslim, or have a muslim friend or relative, this post is for you. “The Father’s Love: Islam’s Missing Names of God.” What do parents and God …
This study is a comprehensive look at a difficult topic. Please read the article in its entirety. Although this article is specifically about homosexuality, all iterations of LGBTQ+ issues …
It’s not about sex, it’s about safety. “Last night my preteen daughters cried, afraid of going to a bathroom or locker room at school.”-Brianna Wetherbee. TO SIGN A PETITION PROTESTING …
Given the substantial evidence of Scripture to the contrary, the burden of proof is on those who argue people in heaven are unconcerned with and unaware of what is happening …
Are you satisfied with mediocrity? Dr. Don McMinn shares his thoughts about how to pursue excellence. Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. —John Gardner Librettist and theatrical producer Oscar …
I never knew what a “godly person” looked like. Now I want to become one. More than anything. In my early radio career I was once engineering a live talk …
I just heard a bad sermon today (visiting friends, of course). I tried not to sleep through it. Forty-five minutes of meticulous theology rapidly delivered in a soft monotone. Zzzzzz….. …
How does Satan influence you? How do you defeat him? You can clearly ways to recognize demonic oppression in your life and find victory! I believe a Christian cannot be …
I love history and I love America! Thought I’d share a little of both in a brief article. For the record, this isn’t a dissertation. It’s a blog. And I’m …
We live in a time of spiritual intensity. Battle lines are drawn. For Christians especially, every word and action counts for something. It is a time of choices, where those …
How do you know you have a spiritual stronghold in your life? Max Lucado writes: “Does one prevailing problem stalk your life? Where does Satan have a hook in you? …
One of the key ways to reach an unchurched audience is through special events. Warren Bird writes: “For church leaders who are trying to crack the code on more effectively …
Why should the church disengage from politics? There are voices shouting from both sides of the issue. I often hear from some Christians who argue that we should disengage from …
Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is.—John Maxwell Learn from your successes. Do we learn more from studying failures or successes? Obviously, we learn from both, but often …
Jesus cherished women! In a time when females were considered inferior to men and treated as property, Christ counted them among His most valued disciples and friends. I want you …
When asked if we would recognize friends in Heaven, George MacDonald responded, “Shall we be greater fools in Paradise than we are here?” Yet many people wonder whether we’ll know …
At our church, Redeemer we often speak of serving, strengthening, and “renewing” New York City. When we talk like this, we must be careful not to deny “common grace.” We …
Here is a question we received on our site, Covenant Eyes: Dear Luke, “I have asked several pastors/mentors/friends about masturbation and whether it is sinful or not. I do not …
How you can pray for deployed military personnel? We hear people say, “Pray for our Troops!” But what do we pray for? What, specifically, are their needs? Here are insights …
Have you settled for a mediocre faith? Is your prayer life mundane, expectations low. God is bigger than that. Steven Furtick preaches about childlike faith. “Paul said to not let …
“There are times when I am so unlike myself that I might be taken for someone else of an entirely opposite character.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions, 1782 Last night Mary and …
I talked with a young woman who viewed the Christian life as one of utter dullness. She knew that following Christ was the right thing to do, but she was …
TIME magazine featured a cover story on a new initiative against Internet pornography. These anti-porn activists, though, aren’t the caricatured pursed-lip moralists. They are instead young men who say that …
In the world of athletics, the phrase playing hurt is used to describe an athlete who continues to play even though he or she is injured. It also describes a necessary life …
Battles are both the bane and the glory of our existence. We adamantly abhor them when they’re forced on us by vengeful adversaries who mean us all the harm they …
Much has been made of the growing post-Christian sentiment among America’s youngest generation of adults. But how has this well-documented turn away from religion affected Millennials’ views of Christianity’s most …
Andy Stanley dove into a pool of piping hot water last week, with remarks pitted small churches against big churches. His comments came within the context of his explaining why he believes …
Here are scriptures to address Satan’s attacks on your mind. Blasphemous Thoughts –2 Cor10:4-5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, …
As we celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I want to offer up five significant thoughts about what the resurrection of Jesus Christ provides to us. The resurrection of …
Jesus’ ministry was predicated upon accepting people. He erased the artificial boundaries of culture and status, looked beyond people’s sin, and accepted them. He touched lepers, ate with sinners, visited …
The disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! —John 20:19 Suddenly, their eyes were opened, and …
Revelation 2:8-9 8 “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write the following: “Thus says the one who is the first and the last, the one who was dead, but …
Excuses are like hiding places that promise to keep you safe from difficult things. Ignore them. The only things that reproduce faster than rabbits are excuses when you’ve got important …
The recent spate of terrorism employed by ISIS has scared the liver out of people around the world, it’s barbarism even chilling the blood. Numerous Christians have weighed-in on the …
“I think I’ll go with you today,” Ted informed Krista as she started out the door one Sunday morning. Her stomach knotted. She glanced at him, wondering what brought this …
Is God calling you to serve Him in ministry? First of all, it’s a big YES. God draws lost people to himself to save them, and his desire is that …
“Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.”-Hermann Hesse Do you ever track conversations? I do. Sometimes I wish I didn’t, because I find …
After a loss, each member of a family has his or her own unique grief process. But just as important and unique is the grief experience of the entire family …
Given the rising tides of militant atheism, postmodern skepticism, biblical illiteracy, self-love and gross immorality, what are we to make of the current interest in heaven? One thing is …
Church health is the result of balance. Balance occurs when a church has a strategy and a structure to fulfill the five New Testament purposes for the church: worship, evangelism, …
Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity.—Hitchens A woman checked into the hospital to have a tonsillectomy, and the surgical team erroneously removed a portion of her foot. How …
There are two conditions of the heart no one can hide: one is when the heart is filled with love and the other when we are infected with bitterness. Either …
I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.-Mark Twain. According to Oceana, a nonprofit organization, sharks kill only about four …
It will come as no surprise to most that the U.S. population has been consistently loosening its ties with church over the past few decades. In the early 1990s, only …
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine… That’s a line from the chorus of a hit song by the band R.E.M. And I think, …
“Gary R. Brooks, Ph.D., describes what he observes as a ‘pervasive disorder’ linked to the consumption of soft-core pornography like Playboy.1 He mentions five main symptoms of this:” • “Voyeurism …
Great teams are led by people confident enough to recruit people better than themselves.—Warren Bennis A favorite toy among Russian children, the matryoshka doll is a series of wooden …
What does the term “snarky” mean? We learn much about scoffers and mockers from the book of Proverbs. David Denby, a New Yorker film critic, recently wrote a book called …
Spiritual abuse is often unrecognized among Christians and churches. A person who has experienced hurt at the hands of a religious leader who “spoke for God” will likely have a …
Spring speaks a different dialogue in the country. Its native tongue is the same: warmer days, sudden gusts of air like angels are breezing through, robes caught on branches then …
Children need us to be strong and confident in the Lord. We cannot impart what we don’t possess. If the parents are not experiencing freedom in Christ, they will have …
Depression is one of the most common serious mental disorders, and yet it is often misunderstood, unnoticed, or even ignored. Everyone feels down sometimes, but depressed people have a persistently …
Two thousand years ago, Jesus approached twelve seemingly unsuspecting Galileans and bid them: “Come, follow me.” For the next three years, they walked alongside him as he discipled them. Toward …
The role of leadership is to leverage the tension to the benefit of the organization. That’s your assignment as a leader. You’ve got to learn through your personality, your position …
“I quit!” I told my husband. “I’m leaving our church. This church no longer brings me life. It brings me death. I am going to another church.” I had been …
I must admit I was speechless for close to an hour. I saw a video posted online, of an undercover operation in which Planned Parenthood’s top doctor is selling the body …
Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Online Harems A wife who stumbles on the Internet tracks of her husband’s porn tour is often shocked at the number of images and videos in …
Even though I believe we’ll live in time in Heaven, God is certainly capable of bending time and opening doors in time’s fabric for us. Perhaps we’ll be able to …
Too often we are repetitively reactionary and little more. Life becomes something more of obligatory duty rather than gifted privilege. Our days become stale, methodical routines that hammer out another …
Do you know the power of “Same?” Many of us are looking to set new goals, make new changes, and seek new results. However, the key to the changes we …
Fear and superstition? Really? Have I got your attention? Recently I’ve been reading the book, How The West Really Lost God, by Mary Eberstadt. The book makes a strong case for …
Few churches understand how to reach millennials for Christ. Over recent months I’ve been collecting and tweeting(@warrenbird) various research, trends and ideas on that topic. Here are some of my better …
This year I was exposed to a lot of new ideas, concepts, and principles, primarily from the 52 books I read. Here are five concepts/principles that significantly affected me. 1. …
Jeff Foxworthy, the old, redneck comedian who readily admits that he is “not smarter than a fifth-grader” is wiser than he looks. In spite of his humble roots, Foxworthy teaches …
How do we learn to persevere in the challenges of our lives? We play hurt. In the world of athletics, the phrase playing hurt is used to describe an athlete who continues …
Dr. Russell Moore recently commented on the state of the Pro-Life movement here in the United States. His words were encouraging: “Last Friday the U.S. House of Representatives voted 241-187 …
Thank Goodness. Christmas Doesn’t Make Sense Through the power of the Internet, I am often able to look like I have my life all together. I know the things to …
You are hurting, aren’t you? You are stressed. I know I am. How do you know you are worried and stressed? 42% of Americans experience these stress symptoms: anger, irritability, …
THE NINE POINTS OF CHRIST’S STAR From the Biblical account in Matthew, unpacking it verse by verse, we can compile a list of nine qualities that must be present before …
Russell Moore shares his insights about tension during the holiday season. Here are his wise suggestions: “We tend to idealize holidays, but human depravity doesn’t go into hibernation between Thanksgiving …
CAN ALLAH LOVE THE SINNER? GOD GIVES UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. The Quran clearly states that Allah does not love the sinner. Note just a few of the many passages in the …
Atrocity and loss cause us to feel fearful, helpless and vulnerable in the face of an uncertain future. How can we help the poor, the refugee, the victim? What can …
Do you get sucked down the rabbit hole of Twitter? You know what I’m talking about, I’m sure. You mindlessly open the apps, start scrolling and suddenly you look up …
Vets tell us that our canines have the emotional and intellectual capacity of two-year-olds. I beg to disagree. Toddlers are much dumber than dogs, and I have hard evidence to …
Washington, Oregon, California and Vermont all have passed assisted suicide laws called “Death with Dignity” laws. These are the thoughts of Dr. Russell Moore concerning the ethics of assisted suicide. …
Why does God allow suffering and death? This is the age-old question that has plagued man for thousands of years. It is a direct challenge against the goodness of God. …
Western society used to be basically divided between people who (1) respected the Bible as “the truth” but didn’t follow it, (2) believed and followed it devotedly, or (3) rejected …
Have you ever known someone who tends to say everything he thinks? There is no filter between thoughts and speech. It is a flawed type of communication that reasons, “If …
I recently took a survey that made this amazing claim: “Given that over 95% of people in the U.S. under the age of 33 don’t attend church, to what degree do you …
Given the substantial evidence of Scripture to the contrary, the burden of proof is on those who argue people in heaven are unconcerned with and unaware of what is happening …
What are good and evil? More specifically, how shall we define moral evil, functional evil, functional good, and moral good? Moral Evil is behavior, thoughts, and feelings that violate God’s law, …
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.&“Train up a child.” Rarely is a proverb so often …
Is it okay to talk to our loved ones who’ve gone on to be with Jesus? First, would it even be possible for someone in Heaven to know what’s happening …
The tragic death of any celebrity offers every parent the opportunity to talk to your kids about drugs. Her death is on every television, magazine, and Web site in the …
Heaven: What is the Difference Between Present Heaven and Future Heaven?
by Randy Alcornby Randy AlcornPeople usually think of “Heaven” as the place Christians go when they die. A better definition explains that Heaven is God’s central dwelling place, the location of his throne from which …
While the United States remains shaped by Christianity, the faith’s influence—particularly as a force in American politics and culture—is slowly waning. An increasing number of religiously unaffiliated, a steady drop …
There is a species of fish – the Japanese carp, known as the Koi – that will grow in size only in proportion to the size of the body of …
“It is as well to admit when your enemies are onto something.” So wrote Douglas Murray in his essay in the May issue of the British magazine Standpoint. While Murray’s point was on …
During a home Bible study I attended recently, someone asked the question, “How do I know what God has given me to use for his kingdom?” There were a lot of answers around the …
When we ask the question about what draws others to us, we might first want to determine why we’re asking the question. This magnetism is not about popularity, attractiveness or …
When my wife and I purchased our first home, I determined our lawn would be at least comparable to that lovely lush landscape of the guy two doors down. Our …
First Corinthians 15 is the definitive chapter on the subject of resurrection. There Paul severely rebukes anyone who would doubt or question it: “But someone will ask, ‘How are the …
Materialists believe that the mind emerges from the brain and that the mind (soul) is an artifact of the brain. Like the Sadducees of Jesus’ time, they only believe what …
People usually think of “Heaven” as the place Christians go when they die. A better definition explains that Heaven is God’s central dwelling place, the location of his throne from which …
Much has been made of the growing post-Christian sentiment among America’s youngest generation of adults. But how has this well-documented turn away from religion affected Millennials’ views of Christianity’s most …
Battles come every day. In whatever form they come, they come. They come with relentless pressure, incessantly assailing the battlements of our lives and our culture. Battles come in our …
What labels do you apply to yourself? How do you see yourself? How do you define your humanity? Do you think of your limitations, your flaws of character, your sin? What do you …
A bucket list is a list of things you want to accomplish in your lifetime. They are typically out-of-the-ordinary experiences, not mundane, predictable ones. For instance, you wouldn’t include maintain …
The relationship of homosexuality to Christianity is without doubt one of the main subjects of cultural conversation today. If you are a Christian in New York City, it is nearly …
Is the Word of God that should drive our discussions about modesty. What has God revealed about it? First and foremost, a biblical definition of modesty must focus on the heart. …
Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. This old saying shows up a lot on t-shirts, coffee cups, and wall plaques. It’s supposed to make us smile, but it annoys me. …
Due to the many differences in the physical makeup of male and female brains, men and women experience anger differently. Men, on average, fire up quickly but cool down in …
So it’s Saturday morning and your 7th grade daughter comes running in your room and says, “Mom/Dad, Brian just called and asked me to go to the show this afternoon. …
Criticism sticks. Compliments slide right off our backs like water off a puffin. (Ducks have had their day.) It’s a sticky substance, like great wads of gum that will bond …
Is it possible to have a thriving relationship with God even in the middle of a culture gone crazy? Absolutely! And my confidence is bolstered by the testimony of an …
Idols & The Christian God Are you an idol worshiper? What place do idols or images have in your religious life? What light does the Bible shine on idol worship or …
After having her whole world rocked—and in a very public way—author and popular speaker, Lisa Whittle was forced to honestly confront her own brokenness for the first time. That time …
Nobody gets married planning to have an affair. I’ve never done a wedding where the bride or groom is checking out other guys or girls at the wedding, trying to …
The slick, successful American church may have missed Him altogether. What if Jesus was asked to pastor your congregation. Would anybody come? And would they stay? A scruffy homeless dude …
Sometimes, when I consider what tremendous consequences come from small things, I am tempted to think…there are no small things. — Barton The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred when it broke …
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your back pocket. -Will Rogers The Millionaire Next Door, written by Stanley and …
Success has been accorded an endless array of definitions. Some are crafted to make failure seem more like success so that we can limp through life and fail without remorse …
“Sid, come to my office. We need to talk.” As Sid sat there wondering what was happening, the school official said, “Sid, I really like you. I believe in you. …
My mother-in-law was a nag extraordinaire. Helen spread negativity like oily peanut butter on bread. “Papaw,” her doting husband, tuned her out 4 years after they married. Helen, bless her …
I know a pastor in California who reversed his position on homosexuality. The pastor said that his shift coincided with his 15 year-old son’s announcement that he is gay. This …
Me. Myself. And I. The three people we tend to care about the most in western civilization. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, the sickness of self-absorption has infected …
How do you beat porn addiction? For the man or woman who has been fighting this battle for the long time, often its seems like there’s no hope in sight. …
Being a church leader is harder than ever in the U.S. Actually, I think it’s more difficult to be in any kind of leadership position—whether political, spiritual, media, economic, or …
Why do kids lie? They start early. It’s hard to trust again after a child has started habitually lying. How can you be sure he won’t lie again? How do …
Over the last two weeks, we announced that the U.S. now has at least 8,000 multisite churches (by the broadest definition) and also 5 trends in how multisites launch and …
Guest Author:Dr. Faydra Shapiro Introductions are funny things – sometimes it’s what is unsaid, what is assumed, that can tell you the most. Several years ago I gave a talk …
This past year, Barna Group has spent a considerable amount of time studying the unchurched—those who have not attended church within the past six months. Much of that research is …
There’s been much hand-wringing over ISIS’s success in recruiting young men from the West to join their holy war. Contrary to the stereotype of the poor, disadvantaged youth acting out …
Technology is a tool that when used well extends our natural reach and ability. In fact, these words are an example of how the internet and text can extend far …
A lifetime of influence always reflects a person of character. A pastor or spiritual leader is not a job description, it’s a life that’s shaped in a certain way. We …
There are times when we the best of our logic fails to understand the worst of other’s behaviors. It’s part of the oddity or maybe complexity of the human psyche …
Jon Acuff’s best-selling book provides unique insights for you to progress from average to awesome. Here are some of his thoughts: Over the last 100 years, the road to success …
Is Christianity Dying? Christianity is dying. At least, that’s what major newspapers are telling us today, culling research from a new Pew Center study on what almost all sociologists are …
Let me tell you a little bit about my church. Sunday services are superb. They last anywhere from 8 to 10 hours, depending on how the Spirit is moving. At …
Conservatives have been arguing for years that America is faltering and may soon be lost if we do not readopt the values our society once held. “America,” they say, “is …
I was on a flight from San Diego to Dallas. I’m a million-miler with American Airlines so I usually request, and get, an aisle seat, but on this flight, I …
Missing From The Bible. Eight Things Jesus Never Said Here are eight things Jesus never said: (1) I am God (2) I created the universe (3) I am higher than …
This article was authored by Ben Driver, a guest contributor to Covenant Eyes. When dealing with porn we need to look at the big picture and the little picture. We …
Are you experiencing contentment? Contentment, true contentment, is a rarity in today’s world. King David pictured contentment in the simplest of terms. David, the Warrior-King of Israel, wrote these words …
I have always found Jesus’ words in Matt 5:21-22 to be shattering. He begins by reminding his listeners that anyone who murders will be judged. But then he gives three …
Raising money. Challenging, but doable. According to social policy expert Dr. John McKnight, “you don’t know what you need until you know what you have.” Needs are easy to spot …
An old man recalls being a young voter, patriotic and passionate, empowered by virtuous ideals and honorable service to his country. Enduring election after election where “his candidate” losses, he …
We affirm people when we treat them with dignity, knowing that they matter to God. If you want to stand out in your leadership, one secret puts you head and …
Some Christians, in their effort to stress holiness of life, do not put a great deal of emphasis on God’s gracious acceptance of us despite our sins. Others, in their …
An episode of ABC’s Modern Family captures the split in American opinions about porn. Claire Dunphy finds a dirty picture on one of their computers and assumes it was her …
Maybe this is your journey. Here’s the scene: You’re in a battle with sickness, oppression or some similar need. However, you seek God and, in some way, the grace of …
The Holy Spirit has an amazing ministry in the life of the believer. You should know exactly how He blesses your life. 1. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, …
In a recent Facebook post I asked the question, “How could Cain be guilty of murder when there was no law against murder?” A few people answered the challenge, but …
18th-century pastor John Newton showed us that most Christians live with obvious character flaws that ruin both their joy and also their Christian witness. But why do so many Christians …
Understanding the distinctive characteristics of your offspring because of their birth order can dramatically affect your parenting. Here is a concise description of unique birth order qualities. I hope you …
I find it frustrating when I read or hear columnists, pundits, or journalists dismiss Christians as inconsistent because “they pick and choose which of the rules in the Bible to …
For years I’ve been haunted by one of John Newton’s letters, which was later titled “Blemishes in Christian Character.” Newton was an 18th century Anglican minister who had once been a slave …
A pastor friend told me last week that he had church members enraged with him when he suggested from the pulpit that we ought to pray for the salvation of …
1. Secularization Is on the Rise Nearly two-fifths of the nation’s adult population (38%) now qualifies as post-Christian (measured by 15 different variables related to people’s identity, beliefs and behaviors. …
If the church doesn’t read the signs of the times, we will be right where we evangelicals were after Roe v. Wade—caught flat-footed and unprepared. Thankfully, the Catholics were there to …
People skills are invaluable in leadership. Imagine how difficult it would be for a man to lead if he was timid and indecisive. Or consider the wreckage produced by a …
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your back pocket. -Will Rogers The Millionaire Next Door, written by Stanley and …
The Tolerance of Jezebel in Thyatira (Rev. 2:19-24) people? 19 ‘I know your deeds: your love, faith, service, and steadfast endurance. In fact, your more recent deeds are greater than …
The average person isn’t buying the “core product” of our churches. Why is that? Have you been to McDonald’s lately? Ronald is taking a back seat. What used to be …
“Oh, my God!” Really? Is He? Oh…my…God: a standard response to everything from rage to surprise. I used to be shocked by those blasphemous words. I’m a closet HGTV …
“Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it!” (Ephesians 5:10 The Message) It’s a life-altering directive and where living intentionally begins. Intentionality then occurs when you combine …
“Blessed is the person who is not offended by me.” ~ Matthew 11:6 To be offended means to stumble or trip. The Scripture tells us that Jesus is a rock …
Sometimes Free Speech Means We Should Shut Up. As a Christian, I must always self-examine and ask if what I’m involved in is helping or hindering the Great Commission. I …
We are reluctant to say them, but when spoken honestly and appropriately, three simple phrases can help maintain our personal integrity and sustain peace in relationships. “I don’t know.” Often, …
Last week Matthew Paul Turner reached out to get my opinion on church Father’s Day celebrations like Church Unlimited’s Baconfest (Corpus Christi, TX) – offering 5 types of free bacon …
It is often said that fear of God has no place in the Christian’s life for, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear …
Revelation 2:17 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, …
In John 8:44, Jesus speaks of Satan as “a liar and the father of lies.” Deception is his preferred tool as he attempts to rob God of His glory. Like …
Religion, Addiction, and Sobriety Religion relates to spirituality, which is embracing a higher power and allowing that power to help us through life’s struggles. Spirituality is something that’s with a …
Sabbath rest is essential to effective Christian living. Dr. Timothy Keller, in his sermon, Wisdom and Sabbath Rest, articulates invaluable principles for observing a sabbath. Rest, ironically, is an activity …
Ross Douthat on the Character of Christianity’s Decline, Part 1
by Tim Kellerby Tim KellerWhy is Christianity declining in the U.S.? Here are five basic reasons found in Ross Douthat’s new book, Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics. FIVE MAJOR CATALYSTS …
Loops are negative interactions between two people in which each reaction heightens the conflict. For example, if one person is demanding, the other person will often withhold. Or if one …
I am studying this week for a Mother’s Day Sermon I will be preaching. When I start the message prep process, I always begin with prayer and then find a …
WHAT DID YOUR WIFE REALLY NEED FROM HER FAMILY THIS YEAR? Husbands are often clueless to the needs of their wives. If you are like me, your mind raced and …
Her brother was gone. The grief welled up in her heart, threatening to spill over in a flood of tears. Nights of nursing, the best care she could possibly give …
Loving your mother-in-law can be a mixed bag. My mother-in-law made it abundantly clear that she didn’t approve of me from Day One. Her son, an angelic boy scout who …
During the past two years, as I was writing a book on the subject, I have spent time recalling and distilling the many lessons I’ve learned both as a pastor …
Have you ever heard someone say that they are against organized religion? Or perhaps they regard organized religion as having brought harm to society? After all, hasn’t religion been a …
Sitting on a friend’s porch watching a cloud-lit sunset is hardly the image you may have of how a savage rape occurs. But that’s my story. As I waited …
Jesus said that the goal of every disciple is to bear much fruit. If we bear none, the vinedresser will remove us (John 15:2). If we bear some, He will …
Is she a collection of body parts? Is she made of plastic? Or is she a whole person with a soul, full of all the things that make a person …
According to researchers, the vast majority–a whopping 75-98 percent–of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us …
The stern warning to Ephesus is followed by an encouragement that is notoriously difficult to understand. It is this encouragement that provides us with a considerable amount of clarity about …
Ross Douthat on the Character of Christianity’s Decline, Part 2
by Tim Kellerby Tim KellerI had the pleasure of reading the manuscript of Ross Douthat’s new book Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics (The Free Press, 2012), slated to be released …
Narrow-minded, judgmental Christians. That’s how many people view Christ-followers. Often we do not convey God’s love, mercy and compassion as we ought. However, Christianity is not simply a set of …
Laura’s Question: ?”The other day I was sharing with my husband about my day. It was a hard and long day. As I started to tear up, he launched into solutions …
Anticipate and reflect! Experiences aren’t truly yours until you think about them, analyze them, examine them, question them, reflect on them, and finally understand them. — Warren Bennis My favorite …
“I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” Ps. 119:11 Developing an intentionally Biblical world-view requires an intentional study of God’s Word, aimed …
Leadership is a rare commodity. It’s almost impossible to imitate. Competitors can only imitate what you do, but they can’t imitate who you are. How do you define a successful …
Proverbs three is a life map that we can’t avoid. This pithy chapter has keys to love, life and faith that will stay our course on our walks with God. …
In the midst of His greatest anguish, Christ’s attention was not on Himself and His needs. Even as He hung on the cross, beaten and bleeding to death, His focus …
How do leaders get vision? The short answer to this question is: People find what they look for and leaders look for vision. We all pursue our priorities and leaders …
“After saying these things, Jesus was troubled in his spirit, and testified, “Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.” 22 The disciples looked at one another, …
Facebook is kind of a big deal. Pastors cannot afford to ignore it. You know how I know Facebook has taken over the world? My Mom uses it. Facebook started …
What are the biggest issues facing the Western church today? Timothy Keller has some insightful answer that challenge our thinking. We must be aware of who we are and what’s …
Throughout 5,000 years of recorded human history virtually every culture has had some kind of myths regarding the supernatural world. In fact, Judaism and later Christianity, also sprang from a …
Time is a precious commodity. If traded on the commodities market, its value would be incalculable. But alas, time cannot be bought or sold. And while the length of our …
If you’ve listened to fairy tales, or if you’ve watched early classic Disney cartoons, one thing becomes clear: a lot of “poor little” princes and princesses shared a common family …
Lying to ourselves is easy. Lying to God is not. Even little white lies are not little to God. Wise Solomon warns us in Proverbs that “…the Lord detests lying …
A few weeks ago, I told myself, “I am going to Internet so hard in 2015!” That wasn’t an official goal, but more of a statement you yell at your …
Perhaps you’ve heard a story like this before. Jason is 19-years old. He wants to take a year-long break from school before going to college so that he can backpack …
Complacency is a potently tragic hallmark of our lives. We’ve certainly got bunches of it. In fact, as the old saying goes, we’ve got it “in spades.” Complacency is conceived …
In Leo Tolstoy’s novel The Death of Ivan Ilych, the protagonist, Ivan Ilych, is a smart, competent attorney dying from an unknown cause. Tolstoy describes a scene in which Ivan …
If there’s anyone who wants to hurt the church, we have a spiritual enemy who wants I believe to divide us in denominations so we don’t work together. I also …
10 Reasons Why Reaching Muslims for Christ Should Be a Priority for Every American Christian
Church history shows us that in key periods of time, God gives specific assignments to His followers. In times past, when God’s church has been at its most prayerful, courageous, …
Texting and “Sexting”: Teaching Teens to Engage with God and Others
by Kevin Lemanby Kevin LemanTexting is here to stay. It’s part of the growing technology world that you teenagers know and love. But it’s also important that your teenager know when it’ appropriate to …
Just a few days after my husband’s passing, my phone rang. For the sake of protecting the guilty, let’s say the caller represented Shady Pines Old Folks Home. Me: “A …
I would like to introduce David Jenkins, Executive Director of Servants of Grace Ministries as a guest author of this powerful article. Read his insightful thoughts: Recently a new survey …
People have a desire to be know by others. All of us have an appetite to be known, but the thing about an appetite is it can never fully and …
Why does the problem exist? You are easily swayed by marketing and advertising. An entire industry (marketing and advertising) has one main goal – to get you to buy more …
Seeking Sobriety Faithfully When we put a face to someone who uses drugs or abuses alcohol, we usually think of teenagers experimenting with marijuana, abusive fathers who always have a …
Are you happy or unhappy with your life? If you sat down and made a list of reasons why you are happy or unhappy, chances are, you will be able …
For decades Kathy and I have profited immensely from the pastoral wisdom of the converted slave trader John Newton. As an 18th century Anglican minister, Newton was a good preacher, …
Online giving certainly isn’t new in North American churches, especially congregations that are larger, growing, and/or drawing healthy percentages of young adults. But congregations such as First Baptist Church of Glenarden …
Do we know how to restore disgraced Christian leaders? Do we emphasize the importance of purity and blameless character of those who lead our congregations? John MacArthur, in his blog …
As a parent, have you ever had the feeling society is working against you in raising your children – particularly in regard to sexual matters? If you have, you might …
Last week we announced that the U.S. now has at least 8,000 multisite churches, a phenomenon growing in churches worldwide ( and which Leadership Network tracked in a recent survey. …
Do you pack a prayer punch? Can you really change God’s mind? When do you go to the mat and contend for the victory? Should you ever face plant, belly-down, …
Research on charitable giving routinely points to the fact that those who are more deeply engaged in religion are more likely to give and give more to charitable organizations. This …
“As you come to Him, the living Stone – rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him – you also, like living stones, are being built into …
What are you looking for in a religion? By involving yourself in religious belief or an organization, what do you hope to gain? My experience with people from all …
We forget. In the middle of our own agendas, we forget. Consumed by the incessantly shifting tides of the culture, we forget. Caught up in the ever-changing maze of politically …
The story of the Samaritan woman is one of the most beloved stories ever told by the gospel writers. The story is read and heard dozens of times throughout the …
When I was diagnosed with cancer, the question “Why me?” was a natural one. Later, when I survived but others with the same kind of cancer died, I also had …
Pregnancy used to be an event of universal joy and approval: the excitement and promise of new life, the beauty of a woman in her finest moment, the sweetness and …
This is going to be controversial. I’m going to say something about Hamas, ISIS, terrorism, and Israel—and you may not like it. I don’t know if I like it. But …
Behind the smoke and ash, behind the shattered glass, a groan in Ferguson remains. Whether justice was served or injustice actually occurred, the perception of injustice surfaced a real and present pain. On …
Many hurting people coming to the church for help are dealing with an unchangeable issue in their family system which is constant and painful and creates a stress level that …
What do hamsters, bunnies, Michener and Mozart have in common? They are known for being prolific. I tirelessly toiled to be a great composer. I certainly was prolific (in a …
We need to talk about and preach about abuse, whether it is physical, sexual or emotional. Statistics tell us that abuse is a growing problem in the United States and …
I’m thankful for warning systems. The dashboard lights in my car, smoke detectors in my home, even the little bumps in the road that let me know when I’m crossing …
Streaming your church service online right now is very popular. Why? Because of Internet. But we’re still working out a lot of the kinks. There still questions. Lots of them, …
My name is Kevin. I am 35 years old, and I am a walking miracle. The man I am today is not the man I have always been. My life has …
The face of religion across the United States has recently changed in five primary areas. These shifts were identified by a national survey conducted in three times over a 14-year …
1. Fighting Sexual Sin is Not About “Do More, Try Harder” A dangerous philosophy was circulating in the church at Colossae that was championing asceticism: if you want to remain pure, …
Since we all experience losses in our lives, we need to learn how to accept what we cannot change and grow through the crisis. How well we handle any crisis …
Pastors have an awesome calling. They’re my heroes. I serve them through the community because I know what it’s like to be in the trenches of leading a local congregation. It’s …
I continue to receive emails from parents asking about modern day prodigal children. Whether the prodigal is defying family rules, living an undesirable life style, or leaving to who-knows-where, it’s a …
We hear a lot of discussion in the church about how we should be engaging culture. What are we talking about, when we talk about culture? I think the best …
Like many younger ministers I worked far too many hours, never saying “no” to anyone’s request for my pastoral services. When salary increases were offered to me, I turned them …
Have you ever heard this one: Can God create a rock so heavy that even he could not lift it? Did you know that there is a biblical answer to …
The number of very large churches continues to increase, as our graphic dramatically illustrates. And within that group, the biggest churches continue to get bigger. In the past I’ve written …
Psalm 46 is a poem that brings us great confidence and faith. It is the inspiration for my songs and my life. Read the psalm with me first. …
Who has influenced you over the course of your life? If you think back to your childhood, there are all kinds of influences there. Maybe your parents, your friends, maybe …
Derek Leman, a messianic rabbi from Atlanta, GA in this guest post for Jewish Studies for Christians deals with an issue of whether or not Jews and Gentiles are bound …
What’s the best way for your church to communicate to your congregation? Well, it depends on the church. The world is increasingly a complex melting pot of subcultures. Some churches …
“…In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome this world.” John 16:33 NIV A sign beside the door of an Army Chaplain’s office stated: …
More often than not, we’re pretty good with beginnings. However, a lot of times we seem to hate endings. In stating that, I need to clarify there are a whole …
Bewildered brides. Gloomy grooms. Panicky parents. Cynical clergymen. Will this marriage really last? Or will it dissolve into devastating divorce? God has given us three biblical principles from Genesis to …
Being pro-choice is passé nowadays. According to The New York Times, younger supporters of abortion on demand are done with the “pro-choice” label, choosing instead to counter their “right to life” opponents …
Men who won’t grow up. Extended adolescence. Adultolescence. Arrested development. There are many ways to describe the fact that it is taking young adults – especially men – longer to …
I’d like to encourage you to keep track of what God does in your marriage over this next month. I hope you’ll take time to share what God does in …
We think Millennial ministry is so important our team decided to revisit some of our most popular research on young adults. We want to help you learn more about the next …
It’s 3:45 a.m. and you have been lying awake for almost an hour, plagued by self-doubt and anxiety. It begins with your son’s dropping grades at school, and how he is …
We’re not all too bad at bobbing and weaving. We’re pretty good at side-stepping and side-lining issues. We’re quite adept at cutting and spinning, doing a bit of …
Do you remember your “first kiss?” I hate to burst your bubble, but those “first kisses” you remember . . .whether it was a stolen smooch in the schoolyard, …
How should Christians relate to a secular society that does not know Jesus? Paul’s letter to Titus sheds light on this scenario, showing us how God’s grace should motivate Christians …
I can still remember the first time I saw one. I had gone to work with my dad—a big thrill for a ten-year-old whose father worked in the oil fields. …
Leaders have a number of key tasks if we are to operate out of high level of integrity. These include: 1. Confronting myself. Am I calm and clear about what …
Do you want to keep a pulse on the next generation of seekers? How do they perceive Christians, and why should it matter to us? The Barna group, in a …
You will be astonished at this information. Christians should not be ignorant of God’s plans for His chosen people in His Word. Jews are, biblically speaking, the “chosen people …
Kent Shaffer codified his observations concerning Malcolm Gladwell’s sermon at Catalyst Atlanta 2013. His discussion of David and Goliath is both encouraging and life-changing. Israel was still in its infancy, …
How could I be so blind? Why did I not see the signs? Everyone around me knew I was in over my head, and they were plotting an intervention. Cults …
Scripture says that the Lord left nations in the promised land “to test Israel by them (that is, all who had not experienced any of the wars of Canaan); only …
We need to live lives that demand an explanation. Paul lived this life that didn’t make any sense. In Philippians 4, he is talking about joy and contentment while chained …
What kind of person must I be to be used greatly by God? 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, …
Sometimes God calls us to wait, and that is hard. But waiting for God is not passive; it is active, purposeful, and spiritual. In ministry there are often moments when …
We live in a time when most people in our culture don’t think. Instead, they “feel” and they believe that what they feel is truth. Most of what we see …
Our world is always one push-button away from annihilation. If stocks plunge, nest eggs disappear. Antibiotic-resistant diseases loom ahead. Don’t even get me started discussing global warming, moral depravity or …
Church Office Online: Texting Your Way to Healthier Church Communication
by Kent Shafferby Kent ShafferWhat’s the best way for your church to communicate to your congregation? Well, it depends on the church. The world is increasingly a complex melting pot of subcultures. Some churches …
Satan tempts us to sin and stops us in our tracks by accusations, but his most insidious weapon is deception, because we don’t know when we are being deceived. Through …
There’s a gap that exists between who we are and who we want to be, the gap between our current project and where we want it go. What do you …
In 1927, the famed British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote an essay entitled, “Why I Am Not a Christian.” Russell’s essay inspired the title of this post. By “Christian,” I mean …
I still feel the sizzle of burning flesh when Talid, my Turkmen Christian brother, had his feet branded with a white-hot iron. He narrowly escaped and limped across a scorching …
Chris Dixon is an entrepreneur and a partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz so he sees thousands of ideas—some that look like good ideas and some that look like …
Feeling grumpy, discouraged, disappointed or just plain grouchy? Perhaps you need a dose of gratitude. Paul tells to give thanks in everything. I’m not feeling it. But being joyful …
Neil Anderson’s Freedom in Christ Ministry provides powerful, relevant resources for fighting spiritual battles. One of the chief battles every Christian faces is the struggle with fear. “Courage is …
This blog was originally titled “How to Provoke Your Children” on Have you experienced the paralysis of finding a good book on Christian parenting? Visiting your local Christian bookstore …
It’s been said that a good sermon is like a good skirt: long enough to cover the essentials, but short enough to keep you interested. Why do men prefer short …
John’s Gospel begins, just like the book of Genesis, with: in the beginning. In Genesis, God speaks, and darkness is divided from the light (Gen. 1:4). Darkness and light have …
When I was young, there were plenty of people who didn’t think I’d amount to squat. My life’s philosophy was “I only count when I get other people’s attention.” And …
There’s no end to what we can learn about the brain. Check out this now basic information: “The brain has the storage capacity of 6 million years of the Wall …
The number of very large churches continues to increase, as our graphic dramatically illustrates. And within that group, the biggest churches continue to get bigger. In the past I’ve written …
I have to love him, but it doesn’t mean I have to like him! Have you ever heard anyone express this idea? Perhaps you’ve said it yourself? I know I …
What are you trusting God to do in your life today? Do you need to address some things in your health, break some old habits and start some new ones? …
You can’t lead a church, evangelize a community, or do business without communicating. And the better you become as a communicator, the better you become as a leader, and the …
Dad, did you know that your relationship with your daughter is the most important relationship in her life? It is. Enjoy it. Encourage her. She is seeking your approval. A …
Technology is a tool that when used well extends our natural reach and ability. In fact, these words are an example of how the internet and text can extend far …
A glance around the evangelical landscape today offers a wide variety of leadership models and styles: entrepreneurs, kings, rock stars, motivational speakers, armchair psychologists, and modern-day monks. You would have …
“Happy Father’s Day!” Daughters, do those words invoke images of love and acceptance, or neglect and abuse? Here’s a Bible character who could be nominated for Worst Dad Ever. “Here’s …
RESOLVING HYPOCRISY: Most of us are unaware of how hypocrisy controls our lives. Here is a list of symptoms that will identify areas you need to address in your integrity …
The church in western culture today is experiencing a crisis of holiness. To be holy is to be set apart, different, living life according to God’s Word and story, not …
Recently, at a routine mammogram, the doctors discovered that I had developed breast cancer. Since then, it has been a whirlwind of appointments, scans and surgery. Even though the past …
Cleaning; it’s the upkeep side of life. It’s the irritating drudgery that’s always following us around with broom in hand. Cleaning is the voracious vacuum that’s never satisfied, the frantic …
Not long ago, someone asked me the following question: “Can you give me some advice on how to handle criticism? I don’t think I’m doing a good job with it. …
I will bring these people to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer (Is. 56:7). In the court of King Xerxes, entering the king’s presence …
The tiny skiff sailed across the English Channel in the foggy dead of night. Icy winds and frothy waves tossed the boat from side to side, nearly capsizing the fragile …
Christians have made the gospel about so many things … things other than Christ. Jesus Christ is the gravitational pull that brings everything together and gives them significance, reality, and …
It was just another day at the office for me. Morning counseling sessions had gone well, and it’s a rare day that I ever hear anything new. Well actually after …
Exaggeration, falsification, misrepresentation, spin or stretch or whatever you want to call it, it is lying. And that brings us to the ninth commandment. God literally forged these words in …
How do we discern the effects of witchcraft? We must not be oblivious to the schemes of Satan, assuming that the practice of witchcraft is only used among primitive peoples …
Women are always asking me how they can get their husbands to talk. “He just won’t talk to me, Dr. Leman. I just can’t seem to make out what he’s …
I didn’t want just a filter that was like a fence around my kids. Fences might be good for keeping dogs in, but they only provide a temptation for people. …
What Does the Bible Tell Us About How to Pray? Jesus shares some tremendous insight regarding how to pray to God in Matthew 6:5-13. “And now about prayer. When you …
Most pastors see themselves as preachers first. They naturally want to maximize their pulpit time. Indeed, sermon length is increasing worldwide. However, I want to identify compelling reasons to keep …
by Dr. Randy Carlson Clutter is the enemy of intention. Without a sense of order in your life, your marriage relationship will never reach its potential. You probably …
Face it, there are just some things that we don’t like to do. We all have those irritating things that incessantly demand our attention. Every one of us has a …
We live in a war zone. Satan has successfully duped the vast majority of our churches into imbalance regarding all things concerning or threatening him. Our human natures are drawn …
Learn to make the hand-off. Try to do for the next generation of church leaders what the previous generation of church leaders has not done for you. We need to …
When I was a young believer, I committed to memory Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is living and operative and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even …
Can you really argue that we are fearfully and wonderfully made? I became enamored with Science in a class in immunology at the University of Chicago. I know just about …
The Excellent Book, Hispanic Realities Impacting America: Implications for Evangelism and Missions , by Daniel Sanchez, Ph.D., provides an eye-opening overview of America’s rapidly changing population demographics. It vividly reminds readers that …
Scientists at the Oregon Health and Science University reported they had produced embryonic stem cells from a cloned human embryo. Here are 9 things you should know about human cloning: …
I’ve been wrestling with the issue of online hypocrisy. That might surprise you a little bit, that the way a Christian acts online doesn’t line up with how they describe …
Scripture is clear that believers must be faithful to examine and judge our own selves: “If we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged” (1 Corinthians 11:31). This calls …
At The Global Leadership Summit, Patrick M. Lencioni discussed the the benefits of focusing on organizational health. Here are a few of his observations: Organization health is the single greatest competitive advantage …
What Apps Would Jesus Create for His Smartphone? Gracebook. #Bitter? Game of Stones Angry Hebrews God’s Word with Friends Where’s Zacchaeus? Morning Star Wars Kugel Maps You probably think this …
80% of the world’s population now have mobile phones. There are billions of mobile phones around the world. At the Mobile Ministry Forum, over 100 leaders gathered to discuss what is next in …
If you ask most evangelical Christians what marks a true disciple of Jesus, their answers will mostly be external. They read their Bibles every day. They evangelize. They go to …
Leadership is a concept a person is either drawn to or one they push away. You may not see yourself as a leader, but without leadership, your family will go …
“Living together before marriage is one of America’s most significant and unexpected family trends. By simple definition, living together-or unmarried cohabitation–is the status of couples who are sexual partners, not …
Let me chat with those of you who are control freaks. I’m a control freak, a perfectionist. I’m a Type A personality. I want to control everything! It is human …
In my reading this past month, I discovered that Immanuel Kant made a case for a Christian sexual ethic but without using any appeal to the Bible or theology. In …
How can we create a healthy culture and proper values in our churches? These are notes by Tim Schrader from the Catalyst Leadership Conference: Groeschel teaches: • Every organization has …
You probably hear a lot about how much our society has progressed. Whether it’s technological or scientific advancement, breakthroughs in medicine or manufacturing, or any other area where progress can …
All right, all right, all right. Matthew McConaughey took home the Oscar for best actor, in Dallas Buyers Club, another victory for anti-Christian agendas. Really? We deify our Hollywood gods …
A man’s life is a series of transitions. As he moves from one stage to the next, he often passes through a liminal state – no longer his old self …
Twitter has made me a better disciple of Christ. I don’t tweet about what I eat, or babble nonsense about my day, but I think twitter is a powerful tool …
Have you ever heard someone make this statement? “You’re putting God in a box!” I’ve watched it used in two ways. One is legitimate, the other is a deflection from …
Who Is “Unsafe” and Who Is “Safe?” When I was a counselor at a Christian agency, the front desk received a call from a distressed woman. She said that she …
Neuroscience now knows that willpower is a function of the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Scientific studies have also confirmed that using porn over and over actually reshapes these areas of the …
Divorce touches each of us, sooner or later. A friend, a brother, a co-worker, or perhaps, you. If you haven’t been affected by divorce, you probably will be-it’s one of …
Sin hurts ourselves and others, but through confession, we can have a new start. Let’s talk about how we can find freedom, forgiveness and restoration with God and others. Let’s …
Do you or your child experience ADD or ADHD symptoms? What are the most common? A sense of underachievement, of not meeting one’s goals (regardless of how much one has …
Throughout history, deadly epidemics have ravaged mankind. In the fourteenth century, the infamous Black Death (an outbreak of bubonic plague) killed millions in Europe. Cholera, diphtheria, malaria, and other sicknesses …
Preach It, Teach It has presented various discussions regarding the issue of homosexuality. Tom Terry, seasoned author, is presenting his own view on the volatile issue of gay discrimination. What …
“It is not God who hinders the healing of our land. Rather it is our apathy, our own unbelief, that keeps us from grasping the potential offered in the Gospel …
Teams are important because of synergy. Churches get people to give them money to create volunteer positions for them to fill. If you don’t know why something is working …
What was my most embarrassing moment? Combine my brash disregard for tradition, my total lack of tact, my predilection for clumsiness and the possibilities for humiliation are endless. The longer …
1. Porn causes men to feel like they “need” sex. The journal Human Brain Mapping published a study demonstrating that while many men and women have similar regions of the …
Imagine that you are going on an extended trip. Pretend that you are departing for several months and have to leave your children behind. You plan to eventually return and …
The power of Pentecost makes for a fantastic story. Rushing wind, flaming tongues, and the proclamation of a fisherman turned evangelist calling people to repent and be baptized. But don’t …
Rape is one of the most traumatic experiences a person can endure. Rape and violent death are among the experiences many women fear most. Sexual assault is a very complex …
Children are arrows from the Lord, not darts, according to Psalm 127:3. “They are a reward from Him.” Cherished gifts. Our future and our joy. You can make your …
“Is the United States Superior to Other Nations?” “American Exceptionalism can be a touchy subject because some think the term means that the U.S. and Americans are better than everyone …
Futurist David Zach relates some powerful insights about the importance of living our lives on the basis of enduring principles rather than on fads or trends. But fads and trends …
How do false teachers creep in and contaminate the church? Peter, in the book of 1 Peter, describes the nature of false teachers and their certain judgment. As believers, we …
As a child, the stories of C.S. Lewis in The Chronicles of Narnia had a great impact upon me. At the time, I was unaware of their spiritual implications. But …
When I was young, there were plenty of people who didn’t think I’d amount to squat. My life’s philosophy was “I only count when I get other people’s attention.” And …
Who are elders, and why does any church need them? Max Lucado In the first letter Paul wrote to Timothy, he speaks to a church which already has elders and …
She sat down to enjoy a cup of coffee and check her e-mail on her iPad. Trying to find a website she visited the day before, she opened the browser’s …
Do you ever get tired of the spin? It even affects the language that we use. John Ortberg has noted how our language has changed a little bit over the …
Church leaders want to be good stewards of what is entrusted to them, but each generation has struggled to find an appropriate way to measure their effectiveness. Businesses measure return …
Then, they said to the king, “Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, Your Majesty, or to the decree you put in writing. He …