Latest in Bible Studies
Matthew 5:1-12 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:“Blessed …
The Sealed and the Unsealed Let’s start with the beautiful words from Revelation 5:1-9, where all three components of our title are present: 1 And I saw in the right hand of Him who …
I Chronicles 28:9-10 “Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will …
How should we pray for our children? Deborah Haddix provides this thoughtful, thorough guide for Moms and Dads who need practical help for how to pray for their children. Just …
Q: Does God permit or condone revenge? “Then Samson called to the LORD and said, “O Lord GOD, please remember me and please strengthen me only this once, O God, …
Have You Answered The Ultimate Question? No matter who we are we must find an answer to the ultimate question of life: “Who is Jesus?” Why is this the ultimate …
Read: II Samuel 21:1-14 EXAMINATION Background Understanding this episode in David’s life requires us to know something about the Gibeonites. Verse 1 says, “There is bloodguilt on Saul and his house, because …
Read I Samuel 16:1-13. EXAMINATION (V.1) “How long will you grieve over Saul?” The Hebrew word for “grieve” in this passage is usually denotes mourning over a death. Samuel’s grief over Saul is deep …
What is your favorite story from the life of David? What stands out to you as the most significant thing in David’s life? I think one of the most significant …
Hover you mouse over the scripture reference to read I Samuel 16:1-13. EXAMINATION (V.1) “How long will you grieve over Saul?” The Hebrew word for “grieve” in this passage is usually denotes mourning over …
I know what you are afraid of. I’ve been there myself. I understand what it means to have spiritual fear. Maybe you’e never heard it put that way before, but …
Laodicea was a rich church as the community was a financial center in Asia Minor. Some scholars note that it was the financial capital of the region, with a wealthy …
Matthew 3:13-4:11 Have you ever wanted to read a biography of someone you admired, a person you were curious about? After her death I found Roselyn Carter’s life fascinating. I …
My beloved readers, of course, I wrote this post a few weeks before the war (it feels like an eternity ago), and even in the worst nightmare nobody could then …
How do you handle criticism? How does one protect himself from the “scourge of the tongue” (Job 5:21)? If you are going to be successful in the Lord’s work, you …
The ancient city of Jericho was a hotbed of wicked Amorite culture. It was heavily fortified with imposing walls. It was also Israel’s entry point into the Promised Land. Conquest …
Beating Fear Drew Anderson Fear has its cause. It also has its consequences. If we left fear there, we’d be with little hope. Praise God, we don’t have to! The Christian …
The High Holidays are upon us, and my upcoming posts will be dedicated to the Fall Feasts. This month, however, I can still indulge myself with my favourite topic: showing …
Today, we will speak about one of the most overlooked chapters in the book of Genesis – Chapter 16. This is the chapter when Sarah’s Egyptian slave Hagar became pregnant …
The illicit thirst for power, destructive in its ramifications, brings about fitting retribution from God. Of all the narratives in the book of Judges, Yahweh’s presence is felt the least …
Rebellious disdain of one’s divine calling, expressed in uncontrolled lusts and vengeful actions, can lead to destruction. At some unspecified time in the recent past, Samson, in a rage, had …
Godless leadership leads to godlessness in society that invites the discipline of God. Othniel is the perfect model of a judge; Ehud is deceptive; Barak is fearful; Gideon is skeptical …
Electric vehicles have become more popular in recent years. There are many kinds of electric cars, but only three major types: hybrid, plug-in hybrid and all-electric. Plug-in hybrid and all-electric …
The ultimate goal of the Christian life is to become just like Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29). John the Apostle referred to those who had become like Christ as spiritual …
Then, they said to the king, “Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, Your Majesty, or to the decree you put in writing. He still …
BEGINNER’S GUIDE: SHARING YOUR FAITH IN JESUS Christianity is known as a missionary religion. This means that a fundamental part of our faith in Christ is to tell others about …
The Good Woman Luke 15:8-10 The fact that Jesus loved women and encouraged them is a very personal truth to me. From childhood I have felt the Holy Spirit …
“The Benefit of the Devil” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Introduction Whenever a teacher in school gave you a test, they never had much to say during the test. The teacher had …
Christianity is a faith of relationships. This means that we were created to be with one another. From the beginning of creation when God saw that the first man, …
Nourish Your Soul: 30 Day Challenge You have a living soul that lasts forever, and it forms the very foundation of who you are. This in itself is absolutely incredible! …
KNOWING GOD THROUGH PRAYER There is one practice in the Christian life that many Christians struggle with: prayer. Think about it this way: many Christians want to pray to God …
HOW GOD’S WORD CHANGES US ABIDING Read: John 14:23, 15:10; I 3:24, James 1:22 Becoming a spiritual young man begins by “Abiding” in God’s Word. We abide by: Knowing God’s …
When we study about Rebecca, we see an interesting detail in her story. At the end of Genesis 24, we are told that Isaac loved Rebecca (יֶּאֱהָבֶ֑הָ) – and this …
GETTING TO KNOW THE HOLY SPIRIT As a new believer in Jesus you have probably heard about God the Father and Jesus the Son. But have you heard of the …
KNOWING YOU ARE SAVED Read: John 1:12-13; Romans 8:38-39; I John 5:11-15; We can know we are saved because of the promises in the Bible about our salvation. (Hebrews 10:23) …
Our main verse… 1 Corinthians 16:13… Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Matthew 24:42… Therefore be on the alert, for you do …
What happens when we try to plan our own repentance? God reveals his heart in Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son.
Faithful trust in God, without pridefully taking credit for divine action, leads to blessing. After the lofty praises sung to Yahweh in Judges 5, we are brought down to terra firma with …
In our culture today, feelings are often overemphasized and given too much authority. When Christians indulge in this exaltation of emotions, it can affect our spiritual life, especially our worship …
Introduction In today’s world, it is common for people to identify themselves using their “preferred pronouns” to reveal how they want others to address and identify them. The cultural assumption …
Cameron Buettel is an author partnering with Pastor John MacArthur at www.gracetoyou.org. Here are his powerful insights. Parenting is never easy. Nobody in this fallen world has mastered it. And …
Why Is Christ’s Imminent Return So Important? Why is it so important to believe that Christ could come at any moment? Because the hope of Christ’s imminent coming has a …
The Festival of Lights For many people in the diaspora – both Jews celebrating Hanukkah and Gentiles observing this celebration – Hanukkah is all about dreidels and latkes. However, if …
Every Christian loves the story of Christmas. We love to hear about the angels and the shepherds. We love the think about noble Joseph and humble Mary. We love the …
The angels must have been stunned to see the second member of the triune God become a human being! The baby of Bethlehem was Creator of the universe, pitching His …
The Coming Glory Romans 8:18-25 The last three years have been some of the most emotionally difficult years we have ever seen. Everyone I encounter seems to be stressed to …
The Good Shepherd Luke 15:1-7 Psalms 23 was my father’s favorite Psalm. If you were raised in church like me, you can probably quote 75% of it from memory. As …
Faithfulness to God manifest in uncompromising godliness and reliance on God brings blessing. Joshua, the one who had begun to lead the Israelites so successfully against the Canaanites, and who …
The Book of Judges closely parallels the times we live in today. We can learn much about our culture from studying this Bible book! Scholar Abraham Kuruvilla introduces us to …
Intro: Colossians 1:13-14 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness Rescued Greek Erry-Sáto: snatch someone out of danger, child stepping out into the street. and brought us …
BREATH PRAYERS FROM SCRIPTURE Teach your grandchildren a short, easy, simple prayer that can be spoken in a single breath and repeated numerous times throughout the day. Cultivating the habit …
GOD’S PROTECTION! Because of man’s sin and the subsequent curse that poisoned the perfection of God’s creation, the world is often a dangerous place. People suffer every day from natural disasters, …
THE TRAITS OF A SPIRITUAL CHILD Read: I John 2:12-14 Their sins have been forgiven and they are just coming to know God (I John 2:12-13) The word “know” in …
Almost every spiritual conflict is fought on a specific battlefield. This is because the Enemy, Satan, only has access to a specific area of our lives where we might …
Have you ever had a life verse? God can give you a clear direction for your life as you study His Word! I am in a local women’s Bible …
Many of us enjoy stories about good versus evil. We love to watch the good guy defeat the bad guy. Still, we often underestimate how enticing and persuasive the bad …
When you enter heaven, how much will you know? Will you have all knowledge as it pertains to your life? Perfect knowledge as it pertains to everything? Can we learn …
Should we pray curses upon our enemies? Psalm 35 As I listened to my friend speak in anguish of her helplessness to stop her husband’s infidelity, my anger began …
People often think of desiring rewards as selfish, but believers know that heavenly rewards are given in recognition of a life lived according to God’s principles. Although these rewards are …
A very wealthy gentleman offered a poor young boy the opportunity to earn some extra money by watching over his home while he and his family went away for a …
Worship’s Scope “When they saw Him, they worshiped Him” (Matthew 28:17) The scope, or extent of worship can be both wide or narrow. In one sense everything …
What’s In a Name? Global positioning systems-what a boon to those of us who find ourselves directionally-challenged. We all need “GPS” assistance in our lives. Some of us are …
Feasts of the Lord Then never let anyone criticize you for what you eat or drink, or about observance of annual festivals, […]. These are only a shadow of …
Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 “A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, …
INTRODUCTION There are many ways to fail in life, but the only way to succeed is to be intentional. We all have things in our lives we want to improve—yet …
Bible Studies
Bible Absolutes, Spiritual Convictions and Personal Opinions
by Don McMinnby Don McMinnWhat do you believe and why? There is a difference between a biblical absolute, a spiritual conviction, and a personal opinion. It’s important to know the difference and not misapply …
The Reality of Demons When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, “I will return to …
NEGATIVE FEELINGS RENEW YOUR MIND WITH THE TRUTH Abandoned – Hebrews 13:5; 1 Cor 6:17; Mat 1:23; Psalm 139:7; Acts 17:27-28 Accused – 1 John 2:1; Job 16:19; 23:11; Jer. …
Perhaps my favorite nursery rhyme is Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t …
Why do we give? The first hit when you Google “why should I be generous?” is this article which lays out four reasons: 1) Giving frees you from the “burden …
Why do we give? The first hit when you Google “why should I be generous?” is this article which lays out four reasons: 1) Giving frees you from the “burden …
No one argues that miserliness is an admirable character trait. The national convention of Ebeneezer Scrooge urging Americans to be less generous doesn’t exist. Many perceive one of America’s strongest …
Our doorbell rang – an odd occasion –I got up from the dinner table and walked toward the door. My step hitched halfway to the door as I realized it …
Do you know what Jonah’s final recorded words were? Were they words of repentance? Words of gratitude? Words of praise? Nope. They were words of spite. The last words that …
Jonah doesn’t get much right. Not much at all. God called him to arise and go to Nineveh. Nope and nope. Jonah ran the opposite direction. But after God gets …
Jonah was the only prophet called to people out of Israel.[i] That fact makes it easier to sympathize with Jonah’s resistance to God’s call to go to Nineveh. “I didn’t …
Lessons from an Anti-Hero The Anti-Hero isn’t a modern invention, thousands of years ago Jonah was the Anti-Hero of his own story. Jonah’s story is in the Bible to hold …
Lessons from an Anti-Hero: Jonah Jonah was the only prophet called to people out of Israel.[i] That fact makes it easier to sympathize with Jonah’s resistance to God’s call to …
He is aliiiiive! He is aliiiiive!” It was Easter Sunday morning. My five-year-old nephew was to be baptized that day. “Nana” had flown into town to share in the occasion. As …
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the …
“Returning to God” 1 Samuel 7:3-4 Introduction From Aaron and the golden calf to Paul and the altar to an unknown God, idolatry is discussed and illustrated as the governing sin …
“Returning to God in Unity” Ephesians 4:1-6 Introduction Many fish species swim together in groups called schools to survive. The school creates a tight formation that moves swiftly in perfect …
“Returning to God Through Prayer” Matthew 6:5-13 Introduction Prayer is like the National Anthem before a football game for many of us. It gets the game started but has no …
“Returning to God” 1 Samuel 7:3-4 Introduction From Aaron and the golden calf to Paul and the altar to an unknown God, idolatry is discussed and illustrated as the governing …
Message 3 – Encountering God’s Promise SUGGESTED PASSAGE: Genesis 22:1-18 Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here …
Message 2: Encountering the Power of God SUGGESTED PASSAGE: Exodus 14:1-18 Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp before Pi-hahiroth, …
Message 1: Encountering God’s Person SUGGESTED PASSAGE: EXODUS 3:1-14 Now Moses was pasturing the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the …
This comprehensive survey compiled in 2018 will inform how you relate to your children, your students and your church ministry. Don’t miss it! www.josh.org
“He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 NKJV A friend organized a Christmas cookie swap for our church office staff. The plan was …
Q: Does God permit or condone revenge? “Then Samson called to the LORD and said, “O Lord GOD, please remember me and please strengthen me only this once, O God, …
Reading the Bible can be a daunting task. Practically speaking, when we open our Bible, we can feel like we’ve been dropped in an unfamiliar forest in the middle of …
THE END OF THE MATTER Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 This morning, as we come to the end of the book of Ecclesiastes, I am going to talk about fear—and love. “Now all …
KNOWING GOD FROM THE INSIDE OUT Ephesians 1:15-19; 3:14-19; Colossians 1:9-12 Imagine before we had the Bible, how would we know what God is like. Imagine you lived on …
The second section of James takes a closer look at temptation and will hammer out some vital Biblical principles which will help us face the reality of evil in our …
“TAKE CARE OF THIS FOR ME” The Parable of the Dishonest Manager Luke 16:1-15 If Jesus were here instructing Christians today, He would spend a major portion of His time …
People can be perturbing. Marriage and family life would be a lot less stressful if husbands and children didn’t sometimes act irresponsibly or disregard our feelings or instructions. Ministry would …
As a child of God, you have a very special relationship with other Christians. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians pictures this relationship in two different ways. First, every believer is …
Introduction Few people in history had as much to lose as Job had. He was enormously successful, vastly wealthy, blessed with a large family and he was known for his …
Introduction In our culture today, many philosophies and worldviews based on human wisdom compete for our attention. These ideas, however, are marked by deception and the absence of Christ. If …
Introduction Some people have a compulsion to hoard things like collectibles, sentimental items or even garbage. When someone accumulates garbage, that waste attracts insects and rodents, making a bad situation …
Introduction The answers on multiple-choice tests are typically A, B, C or D. Sometimes, however, the true answer lies outside the list of the options offered. When Jesus faced a …
Introduction Whenever a teacher in school gave you a test, they never had much to say during the test. The teacher had nothing to say because the test was designed …
The Festival of Lights For many people in the diaspora – both Jews celebrating Hanukkah and Gentiles observing this celebration – Hanukkah is all about dreidels and latkes. However, if …
Many Freemasons are unaware of the secret practices of their members, but the demonic implications are significant, and require warfare prayers. These “secret” upper levels are well-documented and should be …
“Dear Father, please bless this food to our bodies and help us to honor You in all that we say and do today. Amen” This would typically be a sweet …
The language in the Ten Commandments is countercultural, counterintuitive, offensive, and shocking to anyone who has not embraced the God-centeredness of God. We might summarize the first two commandments like …
Introduction When a child becomes ill with a virus or disease, they cannot see or comprehend what is happening internally on the microscopic level to make them sick. A child …
Introduction Believers should seek to get spiritual clarity through prayer as they listen for God to speak to them. Because of spiritual warfare, we should prioritize our need to hear …
Respect is a key factor in creating a loving family. Here are just a few ways you can make your family stronger and kinder! www.deborahhaddix.com
Let’s do a little Bible study together through I John 3:19-4:4. First, let’s look at our passage. By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure …
Let’s do a little Bible study together in I John 2:3-11, and I John 2:15-17 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep …
Introduction On a football team, there is a kicker and that kicker has one aim — to kick the football perfectly between the two goalposts and to score points that …
Introduction The concept of “cancel culture” has contaminated our society. Many people think they can cancel whatever person, community or ideal that does not agree with their version of reality …
At the age of thirteen, I deceitfully hid her desert saga inside my textbook during class, trying to steal any precious reading time I could find. I was tempted to …
The vineyards stretching before us seemed to glow in the early morning dew. After rounding a deep curve on a winding road, a quaint monastery suddenly appeared in the verdant …
June is a brutal month to live in Tucson. With our triple digit temperatures soaring to 115 or worse, the prickly pear cactus pads grow as thin as paper. Everything …
God’s truth must quicken your heart, be obeyed and take root in every part of your life. www.tonyevans.org.
We must view all of life through the lens of God’s truth in His Word. www.tonyevans.org.
Bible Studies
Learning to Be Gentle to Ourselves (Bloom in the Desert 6)
by Jan Shraderby Jan ShraderI was crushed when I read the letter. The homeowner’s association had the audacity to call them weeds. The first tiny sprouts had promised me red tubular flowers set against …
I shared the following notes with a pastor friend who was preparing a message addressing sexual immorality and gender confusion. It’s a different approach, a verse by verse brief commentary …
Yellowed and shriveled up, the sight before me was inconceivable. The cactus looked dead but was flush with flowers. Gently and carefully my coworker moved around the thorns to pick …
Bible Studies
How Spiritual Dryness Facilitates Healing (Bloom in the Desert 4)
by Jan Shraderby Jan ShraderThe instructions were simple, but I was struggling to actually believe them. “Make sure you transplant the cactus and succulents with dry soil.” Really? These directions confused me because before …
Bible Studies
Cultivate Space to Hear God Speak (Bloom in the Desert 3)
by Jan Shraderby Jan ShraderThe chilly morning was full of promise. Listening to a bubbling creek, I watched curious ground squirrels scampering near my seat. When a single red-tailed hawk began making lazy circles …
Nestled slyly in Queen Creek Canyon, under a canopy of towering trees, lies one of the oldest arboretums in the western United States, Boyce Thompson Arboretum. Hiking trails, carefully designed …
The blast felt like a furnace. Opening the door to greenhouse number seven, I could not believe I was going to walk into that atmosphere. The blazing dry heat confronting …
Introduction Have you ever been involved with a remodeling project? It can be a very messy undertaking. Because the goal of remodeling is to make something better from its worn …
Introduction Certain things hopefully come with age as we grow and mature: more understanding, more wisdom, more responsibility and more expectations. Parents recognize this as they approach their children in …
Introduction Life is full of battles, wars in both the physical and spiritual worlds. Even being a follower of Jesus, you may eventually come to experience what feels like nothing …
Introduction Have you ever seen someone try to experience the benefits of something without doing what was required to gain them? As an onlooker, it can be frustrating watching a …
Introduction Believers should seek to get spiritual clarity through prayer as they listen for God to speak to them. Because of spiritual warfare, we should prioritize our need to hear …
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God …
Revive Our Hearts Day 1: What You’ll Find Between the Covers We’re so glad you have taken the challenge to read the Bible daily for the next thirty days. It’s …
Technology is designed to be a tool that serves and informs us, not a master that dictates how we live. Through science, entertainment, and communication, technology makes our lives easier …
Satan has a trap. He wants us to think the word “idol” doesn’t apply to us. However, because sin affects everyone, so does idolatry. As Pastor Evans mentioned, “idolatry is …
PRIORITIZING STEWARDSHIP “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with …
DISCIPLINE GOD’S WAY PROVERBS 3:11-12 “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the …
DAY THREE-ABUNDANT LIVING The fatherly advice of this wise saying contains a warning and a promise humility and godly living bring health and well-being. The two parts are inextricably bound …
Lies About God God is not really good. God doesn’t love me. God is just like my father. God is cruel and overbearing. God is not really enough. God’s word …
Mark’s gospel is a phenomenal short story about Israel’s God, Israel’s King and Israel’s glorious kingdom. The very first sentence of the Gospel of Mark, whether functioning as a title …
Satan tempts us to sin and stops us in our tracks by accusations, but his most insidious weapon is deception, because we don’t know when we are being deceived. Through …
The Torah Portion Mishpatim (Ex. 21:1 –Ex. 24:18) seems to be all about laws and rulings (its very title, mishpatim, actually means “laws”). However, at the end of all these …
The Bronze Serpent was a picture of the sin that Jesus would become for us. Without executing this spiritual exchange, we could never become the righteousness of God (Romans 3:23).
What are you afraid of? Bugs give me the willies. Always have, always will. If I had my way, I’d strap a ten-pound can of Raid to my back and …
The term Beatitudes means ‘The Blessings’ or ‘be- attitudes’, as in the attitudes we should live by or be. These character traits, when observed by others within an individual’s life, …
The Samaritan woman from John 4 gives us a basis for what it looks like to navigate racial, ethnic and cultural differences. www.ocbf.org.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit enables the believer to minister with God’s power. It allows us to discern truth from error. www.ocbf.org
Introduction God wants to see people look like Jesus. With this end in mind, He allows us to go through circumstances within His providential will so that we might be …
One of the ways the Holy Spirit ministers to a child of God is to help and give wisdom in every task God asks him or her to do.
The power of the Holy Spirit is unimaginable. He will allow you to carry out God’s work around the world.
Our kingdom is not of this world. Our calling is not to mirror the world’s ways and customs but to live unaltered by the push and pull of cultural norms.
So many of Solomon’s observations are horizontal musings—the bitter, barren, boring side of life as seen through his disillusioned eyes. But, in chapter five he zeros in on the remarkable …
How was the New Testament Scriptures Compiled? One day I was visiting with a friend who was raised in church, but a bit of a skeptic. He asked me, “Jan, …
Jesus came to the earth three times: He came humbly as a baby, He came secretly at the Rapture and He came victoriously as King and Judge. Examine these three …
Mary embodies the faith in God we all need. How did she cope with her challenges? How did she face the future?
Introduction I grew up in the church, but until a few years ago I knew nothing about the Christian Calendar. My background did not include observances such as Advent. To …
Do you want to experience all that God has in store for you? The gateway to much of that experience is in the scripture. The Bible says of itself: “All …
PSALM 23 David, the author of Psalm 23, illustrates the relational and covenantal nature of God from the vantage point of a shepherd taking care of his sheep. Just as …
1 SAMUEL 17:1-47 INTRODUCTION Sometimes just one thing being wrong can mess up everything else. In 1 Samuel 17, Israel had a problem, and his name was Goliath. Today, we …
Peter Stoner, in his classic book Science Speaks, calculated the chance of any man fulfilling these prophecies, even down to the present time, to be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 (10 to the …
Solomon was a wise man, but he did not always act wisely. Jesus was the personification of wisdom.
In this study we will see how the prophet Jeremiah, in his writings, demonstrated that the person who sins does not know God, and that truly knowing God is dependent …
Lysa Terkeurst shares five principles that help you to process pain. Forgiveness is more satisfying than revenge. Our God is not a do-nothing God. Your offender is also suffering. The …
Sin, bitterness, pride, arrogance, rebellion are all dangerous impediments to our spiritual lives and make us vulnerable to Satan’s influence.
Are We Obligated To Keep The Sabbath? The writings of the Apostle Paul would seem to be clear that Christians do not need to observe the ceremonial and legal practices …
Author Larry Stockstill penned this prayer guide as a chapter in Praying for a Christ Awakening by Dr. David Ferguson.
Encouragement is a powerful way to deepen your intimacy with your spouse and to reflect the loving character of Christ.
This next month we begin an important conversation about our vision for the next mission season of connecting people to Jesus and one another at Southeast Christian Church. Where do …
I was asked a few days ago three questions related to our finances and needed perspective during these challenging times with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. Honestly, our needs as Christ …
King Solomon, the wisest man on earth, wrote the practical book of Proverbs to teach us how to live. One of his first teachings was to “Get wisdom, seek her …
Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap …
Hebrew professor Dr. Julia Blum shares her insights about the Last Supper from Jewish history and the Hebrew translation of the Gospels: THE ROOM FOR THE LAST SUPPER Jerusalem was …
The Ark of Noah is at the very heart of the flood story. Therefore, it is the Ark that becomes God’s prophetic message to future humanity. At times people have …
Suffering is only a temporary condition for the Christian, suffering is used by God to bring good, suffering will one day be eliminated.
You do not know what the future holds; only that God promises a future with hope. Dont sacrifice your future.
Did Abraham obey God by going to Egypt during the famine in Israel? Why did he offer his wife to Pharaoh? Why did he life? Did any good come from …
A comprehensive study leads you through Scriptures regarding heaven, hope, God and future events.
Purim in Esther Predicts Nazi Germany and Jewish Extinction You all know the story: expelled from the Holy Land, Jews settled in different towns of the Persian Empire. At some …
Recovery is possible for both you and your husband. This guide will help you understand why your husband uses pornography, as well as outline the pathway to recovery and restoration.
Rebekah is greeted by Eliezer, servant of Abraham. Does she accept his request to become the wife of a man she never met?
Why did Rebekah “fall” off of her donkey when she first saw her beloved? Learn why….
Isaac and Rebekah marry. It is a love story for the ages. What made their marriage so legendary? Find out
This is the first record of twins in the Bible, and the strife between the two brothers will forever shape history. Here’s why
Rebekah clothed her son in animal skins in the same manner Adam and Eve were clothed to cover their sin against God. What other symbols will you discover?
Why does Isaac favor Esau and Rebekah Jacob? This lesson will shed light on why the two mates fought for control
Why didn’t Isaac and Rebekah confer about their children? What brought about such alienation? Perhaps Rebekah had to lie for her husband
Covenant Eyes has created a comprehensive guide for parents to keep children safe and pure while using technology. Best resource of its kind!
Are you in serious need of a makeover? Not the kind that refers to your “Mom jeans” or your hair color. I’m talking about a makeover of your heart. Used …
Bible facts you should know about this amazing Bible book!
The robe of Christ represents His glory and Christ’s covering over you in love and forgiveness.
Dr. Randy Carlson and the Family Life Radio Team have created a diagnostic tool to find out who you are and your primary strengths for serving God and others. A …
Matthew, Daniel and Ezekiel provide valuable insight into this bloody battle waged before the return of Christ.
Learn to be curious, wise, discerning and well-rounded.
[ Significance in Retirement God has great plans to refocus and renew your ministry in retirement years. ABOUT THE AUTHOR There has been a critical error on this website. Learn …
Study the last week of Christ’s life from Palm Sunday to Resurrection. What can be learned? Some ran, some stayed, and some denied him. Who would you have been and …
This powerful study will provide answers to the central truth, the scarlet thread of the Bible. Preach it as a sermon, teach the lesson to your class or use it …
Praying For Your Children by Dr Neil Anderson The Apostle Paul concludes his teaching on the armour of God by saying, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times …
This Freedom in Christ curriculum is a 14-page guide in four parts. It not only includes solid Bible study, but self-evaluation tools, devotional thoughts and discussion information.
A day-by-day discipleship plan to help a believer understand the Word of God and follow Him more closely.
Gratitude is a choice. This 30-day guide will transform your thinking, your relationships and your walk with God.
A wealth of information about Hebrew custom, geography and history give amazing new insight into John 4.
Hebrew history reveals many insights about how John wrote the Book of Revelation, not as a haphazard account, but a studied, highly structured document.
This exposition of John 13:1-20 provides insights from the original language to indicate Jesus’ true meaning as He spoke to His disciples. http://jewishstudies.eteacherbiblical.com/
e.TeacherBiblical.com and eTeacherHebrew.com provide insights from Biblical Hebrew with an answer key for leaders and a small group discussion guide. Psalm chapters 1, 2, 23, 42-43, 51, 73, 84, 90, …
God has called us to a ministry of mercy and reconciliation. Without our struggle and subsequent rest in God, we are useless to speak peace to others.
When we find ourselves living in a spiritual desert, we must understand God wants us to bloom.
Isaiah 35 is a prophecy about Jesus’ second coming when miraculously the blessings of Eden will once again be restored.
God often uses our deserts to heal us. When we have been wounded, a quiet dryness is exactly what I need to heal.
One of the reasons we make a trip to the desert is so God can heal us. God takes us to a quiet dry place and he speaks tenderly to …
God has privileged us with a ministry born from our own pain. When we begin to boast of the wonderful mercy and healing he has given to us we offer …
We may not like the path God gives, but our eternal destination makes the scenery we see relevant to our desire to keep flowering in desolate places.
Much is riding on the children being raised in today’s America, children who could grow to become a mighty generation of Christian stalwarts. That’s why we know we are praying …
Peter began with deep faith, then slipped into over-confidence and spiritual laziness. Intimacy with Jesus was replaced with distant following. We can re-build our lives when we come to Jesus …
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (Heb.13:4) No doubt, our culture is sex-obsessed …
God accepts you unconditionally, loves you sacrificially, understands you intimately and relates to you continuously.
The ministry of reconciliation and the word of reconciliation are the foundations of revival in the Church. People need to see God’s unconditional love through us.
Only God can initiate revival in the hearts of His people, convicting them of their sin and prompting them to return to God. Written by Henry and Richard Blackaby and …
The heart of God working in the heart of man doesn’t look the same on everyone when it happens. But whether in the quiet stirrings of our spirit or in …
The account of the miraculous spread of the Gospel after Christ’s ascension teaches us about how to pray for God to bring a harvest of souls.
We must act upon our faith by loving our community and serving others well.
From Abel’s sacrifice. to Abraham’s ram, to the Passover lamb in Exodus, portraits of Christ foreshadow His coming throughout Scripture.
Since the fall of man, the sacrificial lamb represents the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, Jesus.
The lifting up of the Bronze Serpent in the wilderness is a type of Christ being lifted up on a cross to save us from sin and death.
Jesus is described as the Rock, the Cornerstone struck once for all on the cross. Moses striking the rock was the Old Testament picture.
Why did Jesus choose a cornerstone as a poetic metaphor to describe Himself? This ancient picture emphasized Jesus’ work and His power.
The story of infidelity in Hosea, Abraham’s servant, the story of Adam and Eve are just a few examples of Christ’s Old Testament pictures as the Bridegroom.
The Bridegroom’s typology points to Christ’s mission on earth and His loving character. Ironically, we are also the friend of the bridegroom.
If you want to understand the picture of Bread you must see only Jesus satisfies.
Jesus is the Bread of Life. Eternal life with all its beauty and rest comes from him alone. Our God-created hunger can only be satiated by God Himself.
The picture of Christ as the suffering servant is reflected in the truths of betrayal preceding forgiveness, identification with the sinful and humiliation preceding exaltation.
The picture of Jesus as the Suffering Servant is one of the most precious portraits of Christ in the Old Testament (Matt. 16:21). Joseph is a perfect example of …
Melchizedek, King and Priest as described in Genesis 14, is the perfect picture of Christ serving as King and Priest in the New Testament.
Jesus Christ was the real and final sacrifice for sin, as well as the high priest who offered the sacrifice in the heavenly sanctuary.
If you want to understand the Bronze Serpent, you must see that when Christ is exalted, He will draw all men to Himself.
A prayer guide for Christians to come before God for our servicemen and women. The guide is based on the verses in Psalm 23.
When we trust in Jesus, we are exhorted to not judge others. Our character will be changed and so will our reputation.
If we want to avoid misunderstanding God’s plan, we have to respect God’s eternal plan must take precedent over our human instinct of self-protection.
Patricks vision for evangelizing Ireland was rooted in his knowledge of the lrish and seeing gospel metaphors hidden within Irelands soul. He believed genuine Christian community shared among the population …
God calls us uniquely to perform ministry, on His terms. Our foremost concern is to bear fruit in our lives that reflects His nature.
This study of the life of St. Valentine gives us great insight about the holiday we celebrate today (with or without candy).
The elaborate wedding garments of the Bride of Christ are being adorned every time we simply trust God.
God is using the side effects of living in a sinful world to make you long for heaven. Jesus came to restore all that was lost in the Garden.
Who are angels and what do we know about them? The Bible has answers, especially from verses about Christ’s birth.
Two bears or lies: God could never love me. Well, if I were God I would never have done it that way.
When we bring before God’s throne of grace those who curse us we are exercising spiritual muscles of mercy and faith.
Psychologist Dan McGee creates an instrument to evaluate the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of a minister. Every pastor will benefit.
Josh.Org provides a description of the types of pornography that assault our young adults and how to be aware to protect them and pray for them.
This is a diagnostic test for pastors and church leaders to determine if their church culture is “guy-friendly” or not. Each question covers a different aspect of how your church …
A guide to praying the “Daily Office,” an early church discipline of prayer, meditation and scripture study throughout the day. Nehemiah, Daniel, and Jesus are examples included in the study. …
This assessment tool evaluates an individual’s general formation and discipleship, the emotional components of their discipleship, hurts from the past, brokenness and vulnerability, limits, grief and loss. It also provides …
Scripture tells us that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. When we praise, we invite God’s presence and authority into our situation, and silence Satan’s accusations and …
Worship, bowing the knee, kissing the Hand of the Master in devotion and obedience, is what man was created to do. The Bible is filled with examples of how we …
God is not just seeking worship, He is seeking worshippers. He longs for an intimate relationship with you!
Traditions can be biblical or they can simply be held because one is resistant to change. Distinguishing between the two is critical.
Michal, King David’s wife, despised his worship when he danced before the ark of the covenant. In punishment, God said she would remain barren the rest of her life. We …
“They lay their crowns before the throne and say, ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God’” (Revelation 4:10,11) A good pattern for earthly worship is heavenly worship. It’s very safe …
Eagerly desire spiritual gifts. God longs for you to operate in your giftings as the Holy Spirit leads and empowers you to minister to His Church.
We are the hands and feet of Jesus to the world. Our gifts are unique and equally valuable to the Kingdom of God.
Pastoring, or shepherding is the capacity to guide, guard, and grow a group of people to be like Christ.
Administration is the ability to organize and manage the church. Leadership attracts and energizes people by creating a vision and inspiring them to make it a reality.
Tongues is the ability to speak in a language not learned, or pray through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and interpretation reveals the supernatural message.
Distinguishing spirits is the God-given ability to know if God, self, or Satan is at work. Faith is the gift to see God’s work and trust it will come to …
Helps is the spiritual ability to see other’s needs and meet them. Giving is the God-given ability to make money and invest it in God’s Kingdom work.
Teaching and prophecy is the spiritual capacity to clarify and preserve the truths of God. Prophecy includes fore-telling and forth-telling.
Gifts of miracles, healing and mercy authenticate God’s message and demonstrate Christ’s love.
Apostleship establishes new churches and ministries to spread Christianity. Evangelism gifts personally and/or publicly persuade people to receive the Gospel.
Comparative listings of the gifts by type and how they are utilized. Ministries of Christ and gifts of the Spirit are developed.
What are spiritual gifts and how do they function in the Body of Christ. An overview of Biblical teaching on gifts.
Knowledge is a special word for from God for a specific situation, wisdom is the supernatural ability to give God’s guidance, exhortation urges people to godly living.
The concept of discipline conjues up all kinds of images–punishment, asceticism, regulation, authority or control. For many people, discipline is to be avoiced at all costs. However, solomon teaches us …
Spirituality and stewardship are inextricably linked in scripture, from Genesis to Hebrews. God longs to receive our worship through giving Him our best possessions and talents. He alone is worthy …
Godliness and humility are indispensible virtues to impart to your children. King Solomon teaches that holiness, godly fear and obedience produces abundant life and intimacy with God and others.
Solomon writes in Proverbs chapter three that the teaching of godliness and faithfulness must be intentional. Parents should impart the principles of holy living by example, by instruction, and by …
Prayer ideas for pastors include their spiritual lives, their ministry, their family and their influence on the community.
The words of Jesus to the seven churches reveal much about His will for the church universal. Using the guidelines in this passage, a prayer guide is developed to effectively …
Prayer ideas for pastors include their spiritual lives, their ministry, their family and their influence on the community.
This ancient practice comes from the Christian monastic tradition and gets its name from the Latin words meaning reading and divine/holy. It incorporates listening, meditation, prayer, and contemplation in order …
Why do we often emulate the person we least desire to be? Hebrews chapter 12 gives us a strategy for personal growth.
” We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing …
Millions of people are traumatized as victims of crime. God has real answers and comfort for their hurts.
Recognizing the triune nature of man helps us understand more of God’s Word and His triune nature. The Bible was written that we might know God in all of His …
The content of our hearts determines our attitudes, words, and actions. What wechoose to look at and listen to shapes our hearts and minds just surely as the food we …
Great leaders know how to “pass the baton.” Moses. Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Paul trained their disciples to take on the mantle of leadership.
Psalm 121 assures us that God guards and protects us at all times-even when we sleep. He is our guide, and our safe place.
Solomon pens this psalm about building your life, enjoying your family, living protected and focusing on your priorities.
Psalm 120 describes the dissatisfaction the pilgrim feels with the place he is spiritually. He longs for greater intimacy with God. The allegorical details of this “faraway” place are compelling.
Psalms 120-134 teach us how to grow in our spiritual journeys emotionally and practically.
A father’s heart longs to be with his daughter. When she joins him on a business trip, she feels loved, valued and included.
In our fast-paced, high-tech society, we miss the opportunities to know God, love well and enjoy life
Every family has a “bad seed,” a relative with a shady reputation that soils the family name. We all have the “seed of sin” and need new life in Christ.
Little children may not seem to be listening in “big church,” but God often uses those moments to speak to them personally and transform their lives.
Gossip can destroy relationships and ruin our intimacy with Christ.
“Snow Days” remind us of God’s amazing love in cleansing us from sin. We should slow down and relish the wonder of God’s creation and love.
Our love relationship with Jesus and with others far surpasses the fleeting pleasures of worldly treasures. We must be passionate about eternal things and stop grasping for earthy wealth.
Why do we love our pets so? Perhaps we see ourselves in them. Their mischievous antics remind us of our fallenness and our potential for love and devotion.
Family get-togethers can be wonderful or horrible. We can learn to enhance our family relationships by gracious speech and genuine appreciation. Make your holiday reunions special!
The Thanksgiving meal may be tasty or pasty, but the concept of stopping to thank God for His abundance is essential. He has given so much, and we are humbled …
We reflect the character of Christ in the everyday moments of life. We must wait for others, show kindness and patience and let them know they are loved and valued.
SCRIPTURE STUDY Psalm 91 PRAYER FOCUS Dear Jesus, Help me to recognize Satan’s schemes and call on You to protect me. I know that You have promised to send your …
Fear can dominate our lives, but Christ’s love replaces our fears with confidence in His unconditional love and acceptance. We never have to walk in fear again.
God’s great love is demonstrated through the heart of a caring grandparent. God’s creatures also reflect His creativity and humor.
Stinky, messy Saturday chores are the bane child’s existence. Growing up means we do things we may not like for a greater good. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, takes care of …
We all need a sense of wonder in our lives as we see His creation. We remain youthful and grateful when we watch Him work.
The psalmist in Psalm 84 writes that a day in God’s house is better than a thousand anywhere else. We should find our security, safety and satisfaction in His presence.
“Sabbath” days of rest and relaxation are a gift from God. We should be thankful and praise Him for being a loving Father who enjoys blessing His children.
Kids love sweets and fill their little tummies with as much as they can get. We need to crave God’s Word in the same way. His words are like honey …
Communicating effectively with others is a skill that must be developed in our lives. A little girl receives attention, respect and affirmation from a loving godfather.
Christians cannot compromise their values to get what they want. They must be persons of integrity and faithfulness.
We must focus on the inner beauty God has given us and not our outward physical appearance.
A little chatterbox learns that listening is more important than talking. God created us to love and serve others unselfishly.
Loving our near ones is a reflection of God’s unconditional love for us. We must love our neighbors as ourselves by being hospitable and accepting.
Little girls learn to sink or swim. We must keep our eyes on Jesus to live a life of faith in the face of storms.
Every child needs a good care-taker. Every child of God has the assurance of God’s care, training and protection.
Board games that children play can often bring out the true sinful nature within the heart of a child: selfishness, greed and unforgiveness.
Marker days in our lives remind us of how interested God is in the little things, and how much He longs to affirm and bless us.
A little girl learns that summer fun can be more than just a trip to the swimming pool. Vacation Bible School was a life-changing experience-glitter and all!
God’s creatures reflect His wisdom, imagination, and glory. When we look with wonder at His world, we learn more about our Heavenly Father.
Cars are companions that accompany us on our life-journey. True friends stand beside us and share our life experiences.
We all need a “quiet place” to meet God and re-group from a hectic life.
Brothers and sisters often struggle with intimacy and unity. God longs for us to love our near ones unselfishly and humbly.
Every little girl needs a father or grandfather in her life who models the intimate, caring, faithful love of God the Father. Grandpa B did just that.
“Shots” are always painful. We must handle the “shots” we receive in life with grace and forgiveness, and avoid injuring others.
We all need a little attention, but Jesus should take center stage of our lives. God calls us to be humble and to joyfully serve Him.
Everyone longs for affection. We should greet each other warmly and make others feel welcomed and valued. However, God desires us to be sexually pure.
Bullies do not have to dominate our lives. Intimidation, anger, and aggression are defused by a confident self-concept and compassion for our enemies.
Our memories can teach us much about ourselves and our walk with God and others. We can learn spiritual principles by reflecting on our past.
An ailing five-year-old suffers with chronic illness when a group of kind kindergarten students show genuine love and concern. God never forgets us.
The people we love may have different interests and perspectives than we have. We love them by entering their world, listening and delighting in their work and play.
Having a new baby in the home can be traumatic. Young siblings are unaware of future joys that will result. Help your child understand how to love the baby.
We often live our lives in selfishness and self-reliance. The trials that come to us remind us of how much we need a Savior.
All of us have a little waywardness in our nature. The key is to recognize that we are sinful and need a Savior. When we submit our lives to Him, …
Fairy tales spark our imaginations. Storytellers captivate their listeners. But when God speaks to our hearts, our lives are forever changed.
Zoo Day is a simple tale about a caring second-grade teacher who opened the eyes of her students to the wonders of God’s creation.
We often ignore the needs of others because we are preoccupied with our own pursuits. Those we love express anger toward us because of unmet needs. We can deepen our …
Those who oppose us often have experienced our rejection and insensitivity. When we humbly look at ourselves, we can learn to extend grace and patience to others.
Moms know the hearts of their children and have a special way of meeting their needs. Acts of kindness are cherished by those who receive them.
Chocolate is delightful, tempting and fattening. Sin may be fun and tasty at first, but eventually leads to spiritual death.
We often hurt those we love the most. Our expressions of love must be genuine, and we must be patient with those who have difficulty expressing their feelings.
Loving God whole-heartedly is a little like puppy love. We must love God sincerely, honestly and without reservation. God rejoices over His precious children with abandonment.
Happy memories remind us of God’s goodness and care, and sustain us through the painful times of life.
You can be sure your sin will find you out-whether it be a tiny transgression or a full-fledged, pre-meditated rebellious act. Julie learned how to confess and repent.
Faithful friends are hard to find. We often model critical behavior and conditional love. True intimacy includes acceptance, respect and comfort.
The friends we choose can deeply influence our lives. Bad company ruins good morals.
As devoted followers of Christ, we must have a pure heart, not a perfect ones. We may struggle to know God’s plan completely, but will respond in quiet faith and …
God gave Israel seven annual feasts that reminded them of His goodness in the past and His exciting plans for the future.
We serve others well when we have Christ’s heart, when we humble ourselves and become caringly and intimately involved and invested in their lives.
God desires that we live balanced lives by spending quality time in rest, work and play. Meditation intimately connects us with Christ.
Because of Jesus, God’s Son, we are loved deeply, accepted wholly, and forgiven completely. Cease striving and begin to rest in His love.
Children’s Christmas programs remind us of the innocence of pure worship. The beauty and glory of the Christ-child is reflected in the faces of God’s little ones.
Christians may suffer because of sin’s consequences, Satanic attack, or because we live in a fallen world. God uses suffering to make us like Christ.
A pure heart is essential to truly know God. A dirty human spirit impairs our ability to hear God speak.
Spiritually mature Christians know God intimately and experience His revelation deeply. They persevere in ministry, compassionately nurturing others.
God communicates with us by the Bible, by reason, by godly counsel, by circumstances, by dreams, signs and wonders. He speaks Holy Spirit to human spirit. How do we know …
We must let God put away our pride, leading to a humble state of brokenness that puts Christ on display. Pride sabotages relationships.
Man is body, soul and spirit. Cultivating the inner spirit is critical because that is where God the Holy Spirit indwells and speaks.
Spiritual young men and women use their spiritual gifts, are outward-focused, generous givers and are secure in their identity in Christ.
Spiritual children are often immature and dependent on others for care. They are just learning to apply scripture and struggle with fear and faith.
We mature spiritually by processing through identifiable stages of development: children, young men and women and spiritual mothers and fathers.
As image-bearers of Christ, we are refined throughout our lives; suffering and brokenness are integral parts of God’s sanctification process.
Spiritual mothers and fathers do not see God as distant, inspecting or disappointed. They are intimate with God and have a right view of Him.
When believers give the Bible its rightful place of authority in their lives, they intimately experience its Author in life-changing ways.
Spiritual maturity moves us steadily toward intimacy with God. The greatest tragedy is the Christian who refuses to grow up.
ALONE WITH HIM “You fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” Psalm 16:11 KJV What a drastic difference salvation makes! To the one …
Samson, the strong man from the Book of Judges is contrasted with John the Baptist, the prophet who prepared the way for Christ’s coming. One man lived out of step …
TEACHER TO TEACHER This is the last lesson in our Faith Foundations study series. It contains four “big ideas.” First, we describe Casas as a Kingdom church whose primary mission …
God is the source of all agape love, the essence of His character. Believers, indwelt with the Holy Spirit, have that same capacity.
God created man with physical, spiritual and relational needs. Relational needs are to be satisfied by near ones such as spouses, family, friends and church members.
We often deal with our sins by libertinism, rationalism, and justification of secret sins. Instead, we must surrender to the Holy Spirit’s work.
Christians must view non-believers through the lens of fallenness and aloneness. We must meet aloneness needs and reach out to those who don’t know Christ.
Knowing and loving God is facilitated by the revealed light of Christ and His Word and by intimately connecting with Jesus on a personal, experiential level.
Growth toward spiritual maturity is a journey into deeper intimacy with the Triune God that produces a reflection of Christ’s love to our near ones and to one another.
Bible study must include observation, interpretation and application, but must also include relational questions about intimacy with God and others.
Bible fellowships must be an authentic biblical expression of Christian community where assembled believers experience intimacy and utilize their unique spiritual gifts.
A healthy marriage is characterized by mutual giving and receiving. Parents must teach biblical values, invest love and defer to their needs.
We are free to choose how we will relate to God and others. We may selfishly indulge our sinful nature, or we can choose to use our resources to lovingly …
Jesus embodied the heart of a devoted servant-humble, deferring personal rights to serve others and diligently working to meet the needs of the ones being served.
Relational outreach involves personal connection, intercession, invitation, inclusion and instruction.
TEACHER TO TEACHER One of my early mentors in the art of teaching was fond of saying, “review, review, review.” He knew that people learn new material by associating it …
Three famous invitation stories are conserved in the Gospels for our meditation. Disciples who can truthfully testify to life-changing experiences with Jesus have the authority and power of Christ to …
This lesson takes a fresh look at the Great Commission, Christ’s mandate to make disciples, and the transformation that must take place.
Six biblical prayer principles include faith, persistence, right motives, zeal, and obedience. Intercede for spiritual growth and evangelism.
Christ received His authority and power from His Father. Our authority as believers is through the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. We operate in faith, love and …
Three parts of the Lord’s Prayer are discussed: daily bread (God’s provision through Christ), forgiveness out of grace, and resisting temptation. We learn that prayer requires humility and persistence. Prayer …
The disciplines of reverencing His Name, pleading for His kingdom to come and submitting to His will should impact our passion for the world, our intimacy with God, and our …
Believers pray understanding there is one True God who is personal, living and hears their prayers, who is caring and involved in their lives, and who wants to have the …
Jesus calls us to a lifestyle of serving, making disciples, evangelizing the world and reflecting the right view of the real God to those around us.
Cultivating an intimate relationship with Christ, investing in loving relationships, following God’s plan, and pursuing heavenly rewards are the things that matter most in life.
Life sometimes hurts. We heal hurt with comfort, anger with forgiveness, guilt with confession, fear with perfect love and condemnation with God’s unconditional love and acceptance.
A list of common misconceptions about forgiveness is discussed, forgiveness is defined and a step-by-step process for forgiving is included.
A satanic foothold is established in our minds when we embrace deception, bitterness, rebellion, pride and habitual sin. Generational sin and involvement in occult practices can also cause strongholds in …
“The Temptations” lesson includes a discussion of sin and human nature, the temptation of Adam and Eve and the temptation of Christ. Satanic temptations include doubt, vulnerable times of fatigue …