Dear Roger and Brie, It seems like the world is falling apart. I’m scared. My friends and I talk about what is happening to the global economy and I just …
God wouldn’t hold it against me if I don’t believe in him?, would he? Given the complexities of our world, how could he? Is unbelief a sin? Surely not! Culturally, …
Dear Roger and Brie, How many times should I pray for someone to be healed? Especially when I see that healing just isn’t happening? I have friends who ask me …
Don’t listen to your feelings; remember what Jesus did for you!” “Don’t be guided by your feelings; listen to what God commands you to do!” In just the past week, …
Learn to live with less, and be generous to others. God will Bless your living and your life. Be like Jesus; Don’t just look down the ladder, Climb down! Dr. …
Abel Able, or Making a Good First And Lasting Impression On God Hebrews 11:4 Soul Structuring Arts—Hebrews 11 Series #4 1504 Hebrews 11 delineates the soul Structuring Lifestyle Arts that …
Two critical aspects of the Christian life are remembering on the one hand and forgetting on the other. What do I mean? When I was in high school football, we had this thing called …
Matthew 5:1-12 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:“Blessed …
How Can I Know God Exists? Dear Roger and Julie, I have wrestled with questions about God for as long as I can remember. How do I know for sure …
Surviving the Waiting Room of Life– part 1-Jeremiah 29:4-14 Nine months before Covid hit our big world, my husband Gary was diagnosed with a brain tumor. While he never got …
18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon …
Fasting is an opportunity to prepare ourselves for God to work in our lives and to answer our prayers. God is always ready. Fasting makes it clear that we are …
Solomon observes that there are two sides to wealth: God-blessed abundance and the insatiable grasping for riches. God has laid out a solid plan to manage our resources. Tithe the …
We learn in the Psalms that it is alright to be honest with God and to express our doubts openly. As we commune with Him, He will give us peace …
How do we know the resurrection of Jesus is true? How do we know the disciples didn’t lie about the resurrection of Jesus? Tom Terry, chairman of our board of …
How many times have we struggled with being “stuck” in a particular holding pattern of thinking, reacting, and living? And maybe as we say here in the great state of …
In order to preserve civilization, decisive action against terror organizations is not an option. Can we forgive our enemies, as Jesus mandated, and crush them at the same time? Can …
Dear Roger, Is it possible that God already has His two witnesses (from Revelation) here on the earth, proclaiming the return of Christ before they show up in Jerusalem? I …
We believe whoever finds God, finds life. Because of You, more people are experiencing the love, hope, and healing only found in Him. Let’s celebrate what God has done and …
Hello Roger, You have mentioned you lost a child. I am a 42 year old wife of four years. My now husband lost his daughter in a car accident …
Grief hits different people different ways. One of the worst things about grief for me besides the intensity of missing my loved one is dealing with all the business …
“From What If To What Is,” Pastor Steven Furtick encourages us to stop worrying about what could be and start trusting who God is.
Beating Fear Drew Anderson Fear has its cause. It also has its consequences. If we left fear there, we’d be with little hope. Praise God, we don’t have to! The Christian …
What is your fear? Fear may be driving down the interstate during rush hour traffic, speaking publicly, confronting a difficult person, seeing a spider, or walking into a large room …
Do you ever wonder why you make certain choices? Maybe you wanted to make a change in your life but just couldn’t stick to it. In this message, we’re getting …
Almost everyone in the world of American religion has spent the last couple of weeks thinking through what Gallup just revealed: that, for the first time since they’ve been surveying the …
Our guest this week is Jonathan VerSchneider. He’s a college student at Villanova University, studying chemical engineering. Jonathan grew up surrounded by Christianity—his parents were Christians, he attended church regularly, …
“Death Is Certain…but God” Psalm 49 Introduction As humans, we all have to face our own mortality The most basic truth about life is death The theme of Psalm 49 …
Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges your congregation to answer …
We are each building a life. We’re building on a foundation. We each get to choose what that foundation is and at the end of the Sermon on the Mount, …
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths …
Psalm 121: “I lift up mine eyes to the hills— Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, The Maker of Heaven and earth.. He will …
James 1:2-3: ‘Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, 3 for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, …
For as long as I can remember, I have found such great comfort and “faith building” in the Scripture passage of Isaiah 55:8-11. When I came upon these verses in …
BEGINNER’S GUIDE: SHARING YOUR FAITH IN JESUS Christianity is known as a missionary religion. This means that a fundamental part of our faith in Christ is to tell others about …
Rebuild your confidence in God and His church. Another day, another pastor or a church in the news headlines. You had your doubts, but now those doubts feel a little …
“The Benefit of the Devil” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Introduction Whenever a teacher in school gave you a test, they never had much to say during the test. The teacher had …
I love dreaming about and planning for tomorrow. Want to draw up a strategic plan? Count me in. Want to talk about which young basketball or football star will have …
John, the disciple who Jesus loved. Jesus washes the feet of the disciples and gives them a new command. Before Jesus goes to the cross, the disciples sitting at the …
Tests and trials are unavoidable, but the way we respond to them is up to us. Join us for the next talk in our series Far from Perfect as we take a …
The Apostle Paul writes back to a church that he began to encourage them about remaining faithful amidst opposition and persecution. He celebrates what he’s hearing about indicators that mark …
Lydia is an example of a woman who was willing to serve others in a unique and powerful way.
KNOWING YOU ARE SAVED Read: John 1:12-13; Romans 8:38-39; I John 5:11-15; We can know we are saved because of the promises in the Bible about our salvation. (Hebrews 10:23) …
Joy. The dictionary defines it as “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.” The apostle James tells us to “Consider it pure joy, …
Our main verse… 1 Corinthians 16:13… Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Matthew 24:42… Therefore be on the alert, for you do …
Faithful trust in God, without pridefully taking credit for divine action, leads to blessing. After the lofty praises sung to Yahweh in Judges 5, we are brought down to terra firma with …
Not long ago, Pew Research released a survey[i] on why Americans do and do not go to church. While 73% of Americans identify as being Christian[ii], surveys say Americans who …
Dear Roger, I have often wondered what you believe about the Bible and how it influenced your life and ministry. Could you give me a short summary of just a …
There are two things that can get us down in life: our own sin and the actions of others. This chapter is going to give us a detailed account of …
Most non-Christians aren’t looking for a debate, but they are bombarded by a tidal wave of media that goes against the idea of faith. Non-Christians are plagued by questions like …
Doubt is both a common and shared experience for many of us in the Beloved community. Although doubt can be a disorientating and a confusing experience, Christ walked through a …
We learn the danger of pride in the story of Gideon. Preached by Pastors Greg Lavine and John Beeson.
Discouragement creeps up on the best of us. It’s lurking in the corners of a promotion. It’s hiding in the shadows of being passed over. It’s slinking through the bends …
Have You Learned to Speak To The Storm? In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus had just finished ministering to the multitudes…and He was about to display to His disciples His authoritative reign over the …
New York Times bestselling author and former NFL quarterback, Tim Tebow, talks about being cut from the NFL, losing your identity, overcoming bitterness, his workout routine, and the joy of …
Will you lift your eyes for a moment? You’ve been looking in the wrong places for your joy, for your peace. You didn’t lose it. You just need somebody to …
All of us realize that we live in a broken world that is not getting any better, yet few of us are doing something ahead of time to prepare for …
“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal,” said Thomas Moore. But if that is true, why don’t we think more about heaven? Why do we only think and talk …
Recently, my Bible study group came face-to-face with the age-old problem: “Why do the righteous suffer?” After almost an hour of discussion, a member of our group said, “I’ve recently …
As I greeted the day with a smile on my face, thinking about His goodness and faithfulness throughout the years, I could not wait to spend some much needed time …
Lessons from the life of King David. Here’s a blueprint for how to survive when we walk through the lowest parts of our lives.
Christ’s departure from this planet was not a departure from His church. He promised His disciples before He ascended to heaven, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). And in …
Enoch learned to have heaven on earth, so it was an easy transition when God decided to take him right up to heaven. Transitioning to the eternal in death is …
Are you struggling with fear today? Is it the pandemic, a job, food, something else? Are you seeing the size of your worries and not the size of your Savior? …
Another day, another pastor or a church in the news headlines. You had your doubts, but now those doubts feel a little more like fractures. You believe God is real, …
Have you ever had a life verse? God can give you a clear direction for your life as you study His Word! I am in a local women’s Bible …
Most non-Christians aren’t looking for a debate, but they are bombarded by a tidal wave of media that goes against the idea of faith. Non-Christians are plagued by questions like …
Dark Times Are Permitted by God. They enhance the presence of God. They are a pathway for God and include perks from God.
Are you over 40, nearing 40 or on your way to 40, then you are part of the Caleb Generation. Caleb, on the brink of the promise land, at 85 …
Soul-Structuring Arts Enoch’s Faith; Or, How to Mezuzah Your Life Dr. Roger Barrier Hebrews 11:5 God never intended for the sacred to separated from the secular. For two centuries we …
In this sermon series, “Tell Me What You Want,” we learn that God sees and cares about our brokenness, hurt, and need. He invites us to turn to Him for …
How much do you value eternal treasures. Jesus’ simple parable reveals what’s in our hearts. Can you leave behind the things of this world to find your heavenly rewards?
INTRODUCTION There are many ways to fail in life, but the only way to succeed is to be intentional. We all have things in our lives we want to improve—yet …
When you see God Is _____ what comes to mind? How can any of us really know what God’s like? Too often, we view Him from our limited perspective, but it doesn’t …
“Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14b [Mordecai speaking to Esther] Beloved, absorb this with your whole heart: You are royalty. …
No one argues that miserliness is an admirable character trait. The national convention of Ebeneezer Scrooge urging Americans to be less generous doesn’t exist. Many perceive one of America’s strongest …
Our doorbell rang – an odd occasion –I got up from the dinner table and walked toward the door. My step hitched halfway to the door as I realized it …
Do you ever wish you knew how to make decisions that would help you reach your goals? What if becoming the person you want to be starts before you make …
We live at the intersection of two theologies, two realities. The faithfulness of God is pursuing from the past—SO FAR SO GOD. And the sovereignty of God is setting us …
Luke writes a story of Jesus that highlights how Jesus was an outsider who came for outsiders. From the very first chapters of Luke, where Luke shows us a child …
Judges is a book concluding with the words, Judges 21:25: “In those days, Israel had no king. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” Gideon was an unlikely …
I write about politics very little, so this is rare for me. I read everything from Drudge Report on the right to Huffington Post on the left daily and almost too obsessively. So it …
James tells us that we can find joy in suffering because it causes us to be conformed to the image of Jesus.
Easter is relevant because Jesus was and is who He claimed to be: God in the flesh. No one expected for Jesus to rise from the dead! Until He stepped …
God rescues us when we realize He is our defender and protector against insurmountable odds.
Are you struggling with fear today? Is it the pandemic, a job, food, something else? Are you seeing the size of your worries and not the size of your Savior? …
I remember an old episode of The Andy Griffith Show entitled, “Tom Silby Returns.” In that episode there is a funny exchange between Andy and Tom made so by a …
If we recognize God’s sovereignty even over Satan’s work, it changes our perspective about our lives and suffering. Satan and God intend the same suffering for entirely different purposes, but …
Queen Esther faced insurmountable odds as she courageously approached King Xerxes to save her people. God gave her favor and freedom for the Jews. Team sermon with Kim Parrish. Sermon …
Dear Lots of Readers, I’ve received many requests this week to share my thoughts on the current turmoil abroad. So, I will share a small part of my own opinions …
“Returning to God” 1 Samuel 7:3-4 Introduction From Aaron and the golden calf to Paul and the altar to an unknown God, idolatry is discussed and illustrated as the governing sin …
Message 3 – Encountering God’s Promise SUGGESTED PASSAGE: Genesis 22:1-18 Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here …
When it comes to spiritual gifts, some people—even spiritual leaders and pastors—get a little bit nervous. They’ll say, “I’m afraid to open myself up to the gifts of the …
God uses suffering for his glory and our growth. Sermon begins at 19:00 Preached at New Life Bible Fellowship, Tucson, Arizona. Team sermon by Greg Lavine and John Beeson
Do you follow God or run ahead of Him? You may have heard the story of Deborah and Barak, but have you ever stopped and thought about their impact? Where …
Galatians 5:22 IT’S QUIET. It’s early. My coffee is hot. The sky is still black. The world is still asleep. The day is coming. In a few moments the day …
How many of us have any idea the depths of God’s forgiveness? In June of 1983, a young woman named Karla Faye Tucker savagely murdered a couple as they slept. …
What is Hope from a Biblical Perspective? Hope is a word used in the Bible both as a verb and a noun. It has a range of connotations, but mainly …
Caleb and Joshua showed great faith in the midst of “giant” obstacles. When you are in the desert, you let the Devil tempt you to ask the wrong questions. “Who …
“TAKE CARE OF THIS FOR ME” The Parable of the Dishonest Manager Luke 16:1-15 If Jesus were here instructing Christians today, He would spend a major portion of His time …
Have you ever wondered exactly what we mean when we invite you to experience hope? Perhaps you are going through a crisis … A health crisis A financial crisis An issue …
When I was a young Christian and didn’t yet understand much about my faith in Christ, I asked a friend who was in prison ministry, “Can a Christian lose his …
As we continue in the Advent season, we look at John the Baptist preparing the way for Christ to come. We also learn what it means to live in the …
“Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy Do you hear what I hear? Ringing thru the sky, shepherd boy Do you hear what I hear?” He said to them, …
“The anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Cushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia. And the people of Israel served Cushan-rishathaim eight …
By now you have discovered that we who are Christians are surrounded! There seems to always be more who are against us than who are for us. We face the …
One of the greatest gifts God can give us is letting us get to the end of our rope! That’s often when and where and how we discover that there …
“Manasseh did not drive out the inhabitants…Ephraim did not dive out the Canaanites…Zubulun did not drive out the inhabitants…Asher did not drive out the inhabitants…Naphtali did not drive out …
“[Judah] went against the inhabitants of Debir…And Caleb said, ‘He who attacks Kiribati-shepherd and captures it, I will give him Achsah my daughter for a wife.’ And Othniel the …
JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY AND TODAY AND FOREVER. MATTHEW 13:8 The psalmist wrote, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand …
WALK WITH THE WISE AND BECOME WISE, FOR A COMPANION OF FOOLS SUFFERS HARM. PROVERBS 13:20 How much can we accomplish in the kingdom of God when we operate by …
SANCTIFY THEM BY THE TRUTH; YOUR WORD IS TRUTH. JOHN 17:17 Jesus had defeated the work of Satan. He had “disarmed the powers and authorities” and “made a public spectacle …
I ALSO DO MY BEST TO MAINTAIN ALWAYS A BLAMELESS CONSCIENCE BOTH BEFORE GOD AND BEFORE MEN. ACTS 24:16 Folklore advises, “Let your conscience be your guide.” This has serious …
God has big plans for you. He plants dreams in your heart—and they can bloom when the soil is fertile. Set your sights on what’s ahead and prepare your soul to …
One of the reasons we minimize being on the wrong path is we say to ourselves, “It won’t happen to me.” We think, I’m in control. I know better. I’m not …
Introduction Believers should seek to get spiritual clarity through prayer as they listen for God to speak to them. Because of spiritual warfare, we should prioritize our need to hear …
Self-awareness is one of the keys to emotional intelligence. It’s also a key to growth. With that in mind, some recent research by the Barna Group through their Barna Cities initiative shows …
Before I entered full-time “paid” vocational ministry I worked in the financial industry. My job was challenging, and presented problem solving opportunities each week. Our division was situated in the …
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Matthew 6:34. Why don’t we live in the moment? Lack of faith. The only way you can be …
Jesus’ care, and his power over disease and death, evokes disciples’ fearless, efficacious faith. “Do not be afraid, only believe.” Mark 5:36:41 Mark 5:21–24 and 5:35–43 form the two halves …
Disciples’ faith in Jesus’ person and power enables them to fearlessly face natural and supernatural calamities. “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” Mark …
Do you ever wonder if you’re praying the right way? Maybe you keep praying, but it feels like your prayers aren’t effective. In this message, we’re learning how to unlock …
The Oxford Dictionary defines apathy as “lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.” It’s the state of being indifferent to something that should otherwise arouse, provoke, or motivate you. It has been noted …
Grief is an emotion that can overwhelm you. Grief can take many forms from denial, anger, fatigue and depression. Here are a few tips on identifying grief in your life …
Stand for Truth, a wonderful Christian news organization in the Philippines compiled these quotes. EVERY PERSON should read these chilling words: 1. CAESAR BORGIA—Italian nobleman, politician, and cardinal: “While I …
I have a besetting sin. A big one. I am angry. I have serious lung issues and I am immunocompromised. Long before COVID, I lived in fear of lugging an …
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 (ESV) Have you ever struggled because you know God can do anything, but …
We saw the storm coming. While it was still days away, the predictions chilled our spines and jolted our complacency. “It’s a monster!” “Disaster is not only at our doorstep, …
June is a brutal month to live in Tucson. With our triple digit temperatures soaring to 115 or worse, the prickly pear cactus pads grow as thin as paper. Everything …
It’s been a turbulent season. What has caused some to stay anchored during the storms and stresses of life, while others have lost their bearings under the same conditions? It …
Many news outlets report the increasing military strength of the Taliban and a repeat of the terrorist attack that shocked America. John MacArthur gives advice on how to respond to …
In the midst of the swirling fears of this world, God invites us to release the fear of the world and fear him. Fear doesn’t just change our actions, it …
Life is infinitely uncertain and God is infinitely complex. The net result? Doubt. We think of doubt in negative terms, but it’s a key catalyst when it comes to faith. …
All (believing) humanity has been united in one body, the work of Christ removing the condemnation of the law for sin, winning access to God, and building believers together into …
I live in Arizona, and since moving here some 23 years ago, I’ve learned to look to the horizon at sunset and sunrise. They are simply spectacular here, and I …
Bible Studies
Cultivate Space to Hear God Speak (Bloom in the Desert 3)
by Jan Shraderby Jan ShraderThe chilly morning was full of promise. Listening to a bubbling creek, I watched curious ground squirrels scampering near my seat. When a single red-tailed hawk began making lazy circles …
The blast felt like a furnace. Opening the door to greenhouse number seven, I could not believe I was going to walk into that atmosphere. The blazing dry heat confronting …
When we experience any kind of trauma, we can respond to the threat in various ways to cope. We are all familiar with the fight or flight response, but there …
When I am on a jog I often find myself looking right in front of me. Whether it’s because I’m focusing on the path, getting lost in my thoughts, or …
Dear Roger, I worry a lot. My friends and family call me a “worry wart.” I have to agree with them. My worrying makes me miserable. Yesterday, our pastor preached …
Esther’s Courage to Save Her People
by Greg Lavine & John Beesonby Greg Lavine & John BeesonEsther had the courage to risk her life to save her people, the Jews. We can learn to have faith in the midst of tremendous obstacles. Preached at New Life …
What we do today and the decisions we make are going to matter now more than ever. The power of living intentionally in Christ is a huge positive benefit bringing …
Dear Roger, My life is a constant struggle. I feel like everything is falling apart. I feel depressed and miserable. My marriage is crumbling. I just lost my job. I pray to …
Then Haman approached King Xerxes and said, “There is a certain race of people scattered through all the provinces of your empire who keep themselves separate from everyone else. Their …
When you set out with intention to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, you are going to face resistance and encounter roadblocks. They are inevitable. Take Nola Ochs, for example. …
“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look around and see. Is any suffering like my suffering that was inflicted on me, that the Lord brought on …
Change is inevitable, and it can be a difficult thing in life. Over my 25-plus years of leadership, I’ve learned six critical moves to solving life problems and I want …
Samson’s life story is in Judges 13-16, and John’s is revealed in Luke 1-3, Matthew 14:10. Central to Samson’s life is that “he will begin to rescue Israel from the …
The call on John’s life is like no other—he is to prepare the world for God’s only Son. From the womb, the Holy Spirit directs John that he will be …
Recently, someone asked me if I was familiar with John 14:12 where Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I …
Here are six things you can do when you’re feeling overwhelmed with life. 1 – Embrace what you’re facing We usually want to hurry through life; we want to get …
We learn from the courageous story of Daniel that: Life Happens Unexpectedly (vv. 1-2) The World Demands Conformity (vv. 3-7) Commitment Begins Inwardly (vv. 8-16) God honors such …
“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your …
“My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody!” Psalm 57:7 (ESV) I trust God. Until I don’t. That doesn’t feel like a …
Dear Roger, I’m stressed and scared. It seems that the world is becoming more unstable daily. I worry about COVID, mass murderers, and protests. I’m worried about losing my …
Four great discoveries are revealed in Romans 6. We have evil natures and have committed sins against a Holy God. While we desire to do well, we always struggle with …
God has big plans for you. He plants dreams in your heart—and they can bloom when the soil is fertile. Set your sights on what’s ahead and prepare your soul to …
Can we not acknowledge that although there may be good and positive things in many different religions, they’re absolutely and completely not the same? Fair enough? Here is what I …
Dear Roger, I grew up in a church that emphasized emotional expression in worship. If I didn’t have an ecstatic, exciting experience in a service, I felt like I …
I live in Arizona, and since moving here some 23 years ago, I’ve learned to look to the horizon at sunset and sunrise. They are simply spectacular here, and I …
“‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.’” John 9:3 (NIV) Have you ever …
Any evangelical who has a passing knowledge of the book of Esther immediately thinks of Esther and her Uncle Mordecai’s courage and exemplary moral character. Children shows like Veggie Tales …
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was a formless and desolate emptiness, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the …
When I am on a jog I often find myself looking right in front of me. Whether it’s because I’m focusing on the path, getting lost in my thoughts, or …
Fall and Spring are my favorite times of year. “For who hath despised the day of small things?” Zechariah 4:10a There’s something about a fire that draws me in …
It was morning. The sun peaking over the horizon…whispering its luminescent yellow glow through the trees. The night had been full of a wearisome wrestling. Emotions tattered. Fervor frayed. Logic …
“Where there are no oxen, the feeding trough is clean, but an abundant harvest is produced by strong oxen.” Proverbs 14:4 When I met my now wife, I knew that …
The other day, one of my daughters crawled up into my lap and nestled into the side of my chest. She took a deep breath, let it out, and sighed …
Every person is as spiritual as he or she wants to be. God has called us, created us and redeemed us. In order to fulfill His calling, we must have …
Our words and actions tell the truth of what we believe. If that statement is true—and I believe it is—then is Christ honestly replicated in everything we say and do? …
The die had been cast. The plans had been laid. The end of a brother would soon come. He wasn’t alone in his deceit. His mother was right there with …
What are you afraid of? Bugs give me the willies. Always have, always will. If I had my way, I’d strap a ten-pound can of Raid to my back and …
“Faith over fear.” It’s one of those Christian slogans that is undeniably true, and, at the same time, less helpful than it may seem. To be sure, our lives as …
Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Care of the soul is serious and important work. For it is through this task that we draw closer to God and thus, …
We have been navigating a sermon series that has been a while in the making here at New Life. It is called Rest. If you’re interested in digging into the …
The story of David and King Saul teaches us how God can intervene in any situation to deliver us.
On October 2, 2020 I became a widow. My husband Gary’s death was not unexpected. For almost 17 months my husband had suffered a slow decline due to a …
When loss happens, bitterness wants to move in. Especially when your personal feelings of loss or emptiness come because of another person’s selfishness or irresponsibility, causing something in your life …
What do we do when our worst, out of control fears come true? JOB’S WORST FEARS CAME TRUE. JOB 1:1: In the land of Uz there lived a man whose …
The anointing of the Holy Spirit enables the believer to minister with God’s power. It allows us to discern truth from error.
“Then war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels going forth to battle with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were defeated and there …
How can you become heavenly-minded and hopeful? 1. Remember that eternal life starts now. Jesus said in John 17:3: “Now this is eternal life; that they may know You, the only eternal …
The person on this planet most suited to deceit is you. The person on this planet more capable of harming yourself is you. You and I are, in fact, able …
A while back I took a large number of professional and personality assessments to help me hone in on what my greatest strengths and desires are so that I can …
Plagues and suffering have often produced the greatest hymns of hope, help and joy! Read the lyrics of songwriters who rose above darkness, depression and disease by singing praise. See …
Dear Roger, I’m beginning to get scared. Pandemic surges. Earthquakes, fires, wars abound. I’m worried about my family. Especially right now, I want my prayers to be answered. But is …
You need some good news—as a human and as a leader. We all do. While 2020 was dominated by crisis, tragedy, division and disease (as this recap of the Top …
So many of Solomon’s observations are horizontal musings—the bitter, barren, boring side of life as seen through his disillusioned eyes. But, in chapter five he zeros in on the remarkable …
Do you ever get tired of the spin? It even affects the language that we use. John Ortberg has noted how our language has changed a little bit over the …
The man without God says: “You and I control our own destiny. God expects us to make things happen. Faith may give you peace and the freedom to find meaning …
The end of Jesus’ story is found in the beginning. Every detail of God-made-flesh in the manger points to the crucified Savior on the cross. Today, we consider Herod and …
Jesus came to the earth three times: He came humbly as a baby, He came secretly at the Rapture and He came victoriously as King and Judge. Examine these three …
Roger Barrier began preaching at the age of thirteen. This evangelistic message is his very first semon. Be blessed. Preached at Northway Baptist Church on May 15, 1963, Dallas, Texas.
We all face death. Every day. Especially this year. How do you cope? 1. Don’t fear death. Anticipate it with joy. Paul said it best, “And I trust that my …
Carefully determine what pleases the Lord (Ephesians 5:10 NLT) Yet what should be the basis for your intentions? Better asked: What does God look at to judge that your …
Jesus assures us that we can cast our cares upon Him. Why don’t we experience His presence and peace? 19th century pastor Charles Jefferson wrote, “Be kind to everyone you meet, …
GOD CAME TO US AND OFFERED HIMSELF. HOW DO WE RETURN TO HIM? Psalm 51, was penned by David immediately after Nathan the prophet had confronted him. It is one …
The very message of Christmas is the message of salvation.
Mary embodies the faith in God we all need. How did she cope with her challenges? How did she face the future?
Introduction I grew up in the church, but until a few years ago I knew nothing about the Christian Calendar. My background did not include observances such as Advent. To …
A great author tells the beginning of the story to prepare the hearer for the end of the story. Charles Dickens famously starts A Tale of Two Cities with the …
Do we choose to be Herod, cling to our power, and our glory, and our sin, and ourselves? Or do we willingly humble ourselves before Jesus and find that in …
This classic sermon from 1986 reminds us that God is still preparing us to meet Him. We can know much about His return and the end of the age from …
Dear Roger, All over the world, wars, persecution, plagues and famine are everywhere. People seem frightened, frustrated and angry. I know that we are continuing to face an uphill battle. …
PSALM 23 David, the author of Psalm 23, illustrates the relational and covenantal nature of God from the vantage point of a shepherd taking care of his sheep. Just as …
1 SAMUEL 17:1-47 INTRODUCTION Sometimes just one thing being wrong can mess up everything else. In 1 Samuel 17, Israel had a problem, and his name was Goliath. Today, we …
Jesus desires us to know, commune and fellowship with Him on a moment-by-moment basis. We need a more personal communion with God in prayer and through His Word so that …
“Son of man, when a land sins against me…even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver but their own lives by their righteousness” …
Don’t you? Don’t you need some Peace On Earth and Goodwill to Mankind? Don’t you need some Silent Night, Holy Night? Don’t you need the appearance of angels, the …
Introduction Gold: emblematic of Jesus coming to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Matthew 2:2 A metal fit for a king Frankincense: emblematic of the priesthood and …
This morning, I’m reflecting on the fact that I’m going to die soon. I don’t know how soon. I don’t know whether I’ll live to be 90 or just have …
My wife loves to drive when we travel. Why? It’s not that she loves the steering wheel, it’s just that she loves to stay on track. My mind tends to …
“The Future Looks Uncertain…but God” Daniel 2 Introduction Predicting the future is big business People have created an industry, from fortune cookies to horoscopes In the US, it’s a $2 …
Music is a unique vehicle when instruments and voices respond to the rap of the Divine Conductor’s baton. Nothing can replace our soul-song. If its outlet gets clogged, the soul …
What are you trusting God to do in your life today? Do you need to address some things in your health, break some old habits and start some new ones? …
Our world is always one push-button away from annihilation. If stocks plunge, nest eggs disappear. Pandemic fears fill our hearts. Don’t even get me started discussing global warming, moral depravity …
God is portrayed in Scripture as full of light. He has a bright radiance, seen by Moses and Elijah and Isaiah and the apostle John and shown in Christ at …
Many of Jesus’ blessings were spontaneous. The wind of the Holy Spirit Jesus described in John 3, the fire by night in the desert in Exodus, the miracles of Jesus …
Like Paul praying for the church in Ephesus, we should earnestly seek the things that God has promised to those who are in Christ.
You have no idea what God might set into motion with one word of encouragement. Words have power! One encouraging word could be the catalyst for change in your life. …
Ours is a cocooning society. Politics and pandemics have isolated us. We sit dazed and mesmerized by our gadgets. But technology is no substitute for companionship. We have virtual friends …
Jim Roan, an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker said, “Your life doesn’t get better by chance. It gets better by change.” If that is true, why is it so hard …
Peter says that he is about to die, so he wants to share with Christians the most significant lesson they could ever learn. As a pastor, if I could say …
Have you received devastating news? Divorce? Disillusionment over current events? Perhaps, like Job, everything in your life seems to be falling apart and you are just waiting for the other …
A true revival does not just happen. There are conditions that must reside in the human heart before the Lord visits His people. We Must Want Deliverance, Not Just Relief …
“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” Genesis 1:31 (ESV) Remember who …
Week 52 – Pray that, as this year comes to an end and we look forward to a new year, the Lord will help your grandchildren to grow daily in …
Perhaps the biggest impediment to believing in God (as stated by those who don’t) is the presence of pain and suffering in the world. How can there be a God …
“The convoluted wordings of legalism grew up around the necessity to hide from ourselves the violence we intend toward each other.” – Emperor Paul Maud’dib, From the novel, “Dune Messiah,” …
“Heavenly places” means the “spiritual realm.” When you are under assault, when your life is being shattered, when you are trying to be in the will of God, you have …
In this study we will see how the prophet Jeremiah, in his writings, demonstrated that the person who sins does not know God, and that truly knowing God is dependent …
Our highest calling, our mission is to go into all the world and make disciples. Jesus, didn’t say above all else, be right with all your heart, mind, and soul, …
The story of Joseph is one of the Bible’s most compelling tales. And the most gripping feature is the difference between Joseph’s outlook and that of his eleven brothers. After …
Have you watched the pages of the calendar flip by or listened to the tick-tock of the clock counting out the hours year after year, wondering where God is in …
“How can God just do nothing?” This was the vulnerable and honest question I got from someone in the audience during a recent Q&A. The pain in her question was …
Benjamin (my five-year-old grandson), and I were arm-wrestling on the bed. Benjamin took a short break, crawled to the corner of the bed, and whispered a prayer, “God, give me …
In the late 1990s, Martin Seligman, the president of the American Psychological Association, noted psychology’s emphasis on the negative side of life, including depression and anxiety, while ignoring the positive, …
Our world is always one push-button away from annihilation. If stocks plunge, nest eggs disappear. Pandemic fears fill our hearts. Don’t even get me started discussing global warming, moral depravity …
“You fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” Psalm 16:11 KJV What a drastic difference salvation makes! To the one who doesn’t know …
The story of Ehud the Judge in Judges 3 is framed by two statements about his mission to free Israel from King Eglon of Moab. The first is the statement, “[Ehud] …
The COVID-19 global pandemic is a crisis we’ve never seen before. I started thinking about the word crisis and the different meanings for it. And the definition that really caught my attention: …
In my previous blog, How to Respond to a National Crisis, we looked at the first of four kinds of crisis in our lives, taken from this month’s Intentional Living teaching with Dr. Randy …
If you feel disconnected, hopeless, or you just know something is missing—it’s not the end of your story. It’s an opportunity to reconnect. To find hope. And to rediscover what …
Whenever you travel to another country, you need the right documentation to be admitted across their borders. I made the mistake one time of getting all the way to the Los …
Earlier today I noticed this meme on Facebook, posted by a friend of mine. It’s a challenge to the believer that the God he worships is self-contradictory and inconsistent. The …
Shame. Shame is the fear of being unworthy, and it adversely affects our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. Shame makes us feel small, unwanted, and unloved. And if we …
When Christians are at the center of cultural and political power, we don’t quite understand the Lord as a Warrior, but when Christians are marginalized, seeing that the Lord wars …
The 3 P’s: Presence, Prayer, Practical Help are just the few ways you can be there for others. But more important than coming up with the 3 p’s for a …
Are We Obligated To Keep The Sabbath? The writings of the Apostle Paul would seem to be clear that Christians do not need to observe the ceremonial and legal practices …
I want to talk today about you. There are a lot of questions about what kind of unique witness should the church have at a time like this—how do you …
People are really struggling during this global pandemic. Many are not even aware how much the stress of what is going on in the world is impacting them. I’m feeling …
All of us have been shaped by the words of Billy Graham, whether we know it or not. Here are his most beloved words. Let them inspire and transform you …
Do you feel responsible for your spouse’s and child’s arguments? Have you been labeled “the bad parent”? I will answer both of these questions in this podcast.
On the night the disciples shared their first communion, Jesus prophesied that one of the twelve would betray him. Jesus’ prediction proved very inflammatory for the disciples. With all …
‘Abba, Father,’ he said, ’everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.’” Mark 14:36 (NIV) Do you ever feel …
Dear Roger, I always understood that the Bible tells us to not be drunk, but it doesn’t explicitly say not to drink or that drinking alcohol is a sin, …
Through the years, I have observed that most people (even Christians) have ideas about what heaven will be like that are vastly different from how Scripture describes heaven. In this …
Dear Roger, Where do we go after death until the judgment? Sincerely, Betty Dear Betty, Death and dying are on the back burners of everyone’s minds, from preschoolers to the …
This remarkable sermon is tremendous! Commitment to God is essential to develop any successful relationship. Joshua challenged Israel, “Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and …
Every one of us has something we would give anything to get. Right now, many of us would give anything to get back to normal. But, as Steven Furtick asks …
Read 2 Chronicles 34 “For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet a boy, he began to seek the God of David his father, and in …
God allows His children to face a dilemma in order to reveal the greatness of His power. What appears to be a no-win situation is actually a situation in which …
In 1 Kings 17, the story is told of Elijah’s encounter with the widow of Zarephath – a nameless woman who lived in a city experiencing a dire situation. A drought …
God creates contradictory trials as a part of fulfilling His promises to us. In Genesis 22:1-18, God tested Abraham and told him to take his son, Isaac and offer him as …
We all have a place we want to go, a goal we want to achieve. But one of the biggest challenges in getting to where we want to go is …
Am I sinning if I’m not happy as a Christian?” In answering this question, I’m assuming two things of readers: You are familiar with what I’ve written about how happiness and …
“Did God make them gay?” What a whopper of a question. I groaned a little bit inside as my inquisitive 13-year-old asked me this. He was peering over my …
Mirrors come in all sizes and shapes. Sometimes it’s a prophet who helps us see the blind spots in our lives. Sometimes it’s an epiphany that pulls back the veil …
Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry. He lived and interacted with others at the speed of walking. He had time for people. He was relaxed. However, for most …
The world needs leaders, especially during times of uncertainty. But not just any leaders. King Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God in a drastic way, but learned from his suffering to …
Young Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had to choose between God and facing the fury of one of the most powerful kings in history. They chose to face death rather than …
“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in …
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 …
Shame. Shame is the fear of being unworthy, and it adversely affects our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. Shame makes us feel small, unwanted, and unloved. And if we …
What do you look for when you look for a church that is a good fit for you? Maybe it’s the music? Maybe it’s the preaching? Maybe it’s the children’s …
How do you seek God? You pursue a relationship while simultaneously submitting to his rule, his authority, where he has the last word over your word, over your thoughts, over …
How would someone in your trials respond if they were confident? God was with them. If they were absolutely confident that it was more to their circumstances than meets the …
The Christian faith is about a relationship, not religion. As Christians, we sometimes confuse the two and allow religion to damage and poison our relationship with God. We participate …
As you know, these are some of the most complex times in church leadership in decades. As churches reopen their in-person gatherings, there’s one particular trap to watch out for. …
Our Psalm today, 88, is probably the darkest of all of them, and therefore to our ears, it will feel like the strangest worship song ever. But obviously it is …
If we aren’t battling our sinful desires…they’ve won. Christianity will always have a bad reputation, unless we prove otherwise by our lives. It all comes down to how we live. …
When life gets turned upside down, we might try to solve our problems on our own or turn to food, shopping, or an addiction for comfort and strength. But those …
Christians have a legal right to have their prayers answered because prayer is not just an activity. Believers have an authorized right for God to hear and respond to their …
When committed believers pray, an atmosphere is created which allows God to change His mind about negative events in their lives. Hopeless situations, disappointing circumstances, or even consequences of unaddressed …
When we have a crisis, that crisis should drive us to the Lord and not away from Him. In John 11, Martha and Mary went to Jesus with a crisis of …
Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides …
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he …
I love to run—with friends, alone, on a trail, anytime, anywhere. I love the challenge and the press of reaching new milestones and levels of exertion, so I know what …
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) She had the most angelic sweetheart lips. …
“All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.” …
We need to live lives that demand an explanation. Paul lived this life that didn’t make any sense. In Philippians 4, he is talking about joy and contentment while chained …
“They do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 Thirty-seven years old. Thin, almost frail. Balding and bespectacled. An electronics buff. Law-abiding and tired. Certainly not a description you …
Are there times when you feel a strong pull to say or do something to fit in or to be liked or to control someone’s perception of you? At some …
Lazarus and Dives: How to Live and How to Die People have differing ideas about what happens when we die. All of these confusing opinions must seem rather strange to …
The God who lives in unapproachable light became approachable in the person of Jesus (John 1:14). In fact, it was Jesus Himself who made God visible to us: “No one …
The truth is, we all have a sin problem. That’s why we need Jesus so much. But if someone you love is trapped in a pattern of sin or refuses …
Have you ever thought of sleep as a gift? Symbolically, it means God the Father wants to teach you the rest you can experience by trusting in Him. Hebrews 4:9 …
The command “don’t worry” comes from Jesus. In Matthew chapter 6, verses 25 to 34, Jesus says “Stop worrying”, in verse 25, 31, and 34. Stop it. Now you say, …
“Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil and let us see what we are made of.” —Charles Spurgeon I agree with Charles Spurgeon: Trials are indeed a …
“Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes …
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). “All the peoples of …
I see the face of a man who failed. . . who failed his Maker. Again. I promised I wouldn’t, but I did. I was quiet when I should have …
“And now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the rules that I am teaching you, and do them, that you may live, and go in and take possession …
Sixteen years ago, my wife Maria and I were in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, having traveled there the day after my Ph.D. hooding at Southern Seminary. Shortly after our arrival, we met …
There are three test areas to evaluate if we’re personally doing church right – are we growing in knowledge, love, and service? How do the following verses reinforce the importance …
I was asked a few days ago three questions related to our finances and needed perspective during these challenging times with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. Honestly, our needs as Christ …
“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything …
Are you praying a lot for health these days? I am. How many of your prayers are for your or others’ health or safety? If we were to take every …
King Solomon, the wisest man on earth, wrote the practical book of Proverbs to teach us how to live. One of his first teachings was to “Get wisdom, seek her …
“In the same way the chief priests also, along with the scribes and elders, were mocking Him and saying, “He saved others; He cannot save Himself. He is the …
Many times I’ve found–after the dust has settled–that things that seemed so significant at the time were really insignificant. The situations or issues weren’t trivial, but they really didn’t …
When I saw the movie Paul, Apostle of Christ, I was surprised at how dark it was, focusing almost exclusively on Rome’s brutal violence done against Christians and their children. …
Love needs to rest so it can awaken again later, not in the form of lust, but in a truer and more beautiful state. This additional rest allows it to …
The story of the fearful disciples facing imminent drowning or shipwreck called out for Jesus. Peter saw Jesus walking on the waves and stepped out of the boat to reach …
We are facing worldwide crises daily. Many people are struggling with fear over the future. As followers of Jesus, what should our response be? One Chinese pastor wrote, “We are …
As the world slowly re-opens on the other side of COVID, a question for you today. Are churches behaving like malls in the age of Amazon, just hoping for people …
Galatians 5:22-23 lists the qualities of “faithfulness” and “meekness” next to each other. Faithfulness has to do with the keeping of promises, and the courageous declaration of truth. The Greek …
God is sovereign, wise, just, and merciful. He governs all things, making no mistakes, doing no one wrong, and making all things serve the everlasting joy of undeserving persons who …
#1 Next time your day goes south, here is what you do: Steep yourself in the grace of God. Saturate your day in His love. Marinate your mind in His …
Like many other believers, I’ve always sought to have a time of devotion and prayer every morning. And like most other believers I have found it to be a struggle …
Tucson, Arizona was experiencing flooding in October 1983. I was out riding my motorcycle in the rain looking for work every day but getting nothing. I hoped to work in …
In the Lord’s Prayer, we learn that God is our Father and His kingdom is our priority. He alone is the source of our provision, and as we forgive others, …
We need to build our faith on a strong foundation that will protect us when the storms rage. Because a man is the foundation of our society, anything a spiritually-strong …
So what’s needed to have stronger faith, the faith of Paul? What’s needed is that tenacity. What’s needed is that spirit that says, hold on a second. I’m not going …
I was walking into a grocery store the other day, and while dutifully using the antiseptic wipes provided for me at the front door, I began wiping the handrail on …
God may actually be shouting loudly, and it’s possible we’re just not listening. After running 90 miles away from Queen Jezebel because he had killed her 400 prophets of Baal, …
You can KNOW what to pray. Jesus knew what was in the heart of every man and woman and it was not always what he or she thought they needed. …
Have you learned to live an abundant life despite circumstances? God’s plan is to renew us. Every day is a new adventure. He renews our minds with his Word. He …
How can you become heavenly-minded and hopeful? 1. Remember that eternal life starts now. Jesus said in John 17:3: “Now this is eternal life; that they may know You, the only eternal God …
Dear Roger, I’m not even sure how to ask this question. I am terribly discouraged. I am so overwhelmed with what is happening in the world. I’ve prayed and prayed, …
Spring 2020? It’s time for a deep breath, a steady resolve and a few decisions. I’m thinking of three essential, emotional tools. Gratitude. Collect your blessings. Catalog God’s kindnesses. Assemble …
Many people, including many readers of this blog, are facing some level of financial uncertainty right now because of the coronavirus crisis. These are challenging times, and you may find …
What do you trust? Who do you trust? This is the overarching theme of the Bible. Where do we put our trust? Biblically, it is called “self-righteousness” to seek outside …
Most of us have experienced our personal worlds becoming smaller in the past few weeks. As of this writing, much of the U.S. and the rest of the world is …
Look at Jesus Christ. He despised it, ignored it, endured it to save you and me. SHAMEFUL REJECTION Luke 4:28-30: He came to his hometown – They kicked him out. …
We live in uncertain times. But God is not surprised. Solomon wrote these words in Psalm 127: “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. …
Easter is the time when we celebrate Christ’s power. We celebrate this verse in Revelation, when He says “I was dead, and now I am alive forever.” I hold the …
How do you shelter in place? Are you climbing the walls? I have learned this skill over many years. So many people have asked how I’m doing during the quarantine. …
God has placed grandparents in the uniquely designed position within the family to be the rememberers. As the patriarchs and matriarchs, it is our job to remember and to tell. …
“The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 RSV She …
The story of Abraham inspires us to believe God for His provision. We can trust Him if we believe, obey and listen. Be inspired to meditate on this powerful story …
She walks ‘with’ fear, but she does not live ‘in’ fear. At nineteen, Anna’s story is less a story and more a most wrenching tale penned of blistering heartache, seemingly …
Pastor John Piper was asked “How Do We Make Sense of the Coronavirus?” Here is his thoughtful answer: “How do I make sense of this? How do you get understanding?” …
Our churches face a new challenge. Do we obey the government and observe quarantine, or do we exercise our religious liberty to assemble and worship? Of course, we should comply …
I had a car accident about a month ago. I was driving, comfortably aware of the moment. Life was good, and then, BOOM! I instantly went into fight or flight …
How do you quantify fear? How do you measure anxiety? None of us knows what lies ahead of us with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. When scientists’ predictions range from tens …
Max Lucado inspires with these words about how to handle a recession with peace and joy: “Turn on the TV or open a paper and the financial news can be …
- begins its post on Biblical Contradictions[i] with this statement: “It is a central dogma of all fundamental Christians that the Bible is without error. They teach this conclusion by …
John Piper teaches a powerful lesson on God’s conditions for answering your prayers. Here’s how to pray more powerfully! “God never ignores his children. He is never too busy. Never …
In the Bible, Jesus tells us a story about two men who built their houses on two very different foundations. While one was built upon the sand with little difficulty, …
Do you see what is going on around you and feel overwhelmed? This is what author Lysa Terkeurst has to say: Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and …
King Nebuchadnezzar had no peers. He was the uncontested ruler of the world of the 6th century B.C. Babylon, his city, rose out of the desert plains like a Manhattan skyline. …
“I don’t even know why we’re here. Nothing is going to change.” I’ve heard those words many times in counseling sessions. And I’ve felt those words from the posture, from …
All of us have our weak moments in life–those moments when we doubt ourselves, our ability and our resources available to help us face up to the challenges of simply …
Last summer, our purebred chocolate lab enlivened our home with a litter of puppies. One of them captured the hearts of many visitors, both in person and online. Flash had …
Sarah is my favorite woman in the Bible. Flawed but faithful, she inspires me to finish my race well. Although I stumble and struggle along the way, I know I will …
This past Sunday you may have heard me make a possible puzzling statement… “Pure rationalism will lead to irrationalism.” What does that mean? Let me explain. Man’s reason and senses enable …
Some of you are losing sleep over what you don’t understand about God. Habakkuk gives you the answers and a way to process your doubts and discouragement.
My first college class was Music Theory. It started at eight in the morning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Dr. Lia was the professor. His daily uniform consisted of thick …
How do you handle anger? I drive a little manual 2005 Scion xB that just eclipsed 195,000 miles. I love that little car. It’s fuel-efficient and requires minimal maintenance. And …
Every once in a while a new movement comes along that seeks to capture the attention of people away from traditional faith commitments. My attention was grabbed by one so-called …
Dear Roger, I’ve been having some really serious health problems and one of my Christian friends recommended that I read the book of Job. That was the worst advice I’ve …
Dear Roger, I’m reading through Solomon’s book of Ecclesiastes and two thoughts grab my attention. First, it’s so depressing. Solomon says that everything is “vanity” or “worthless emptiness.” …
“Make the word of God fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. To them God chose to make known how great among …
“Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant” (I Samuel 15:3). …
“For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but …
“A person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by …
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:5). How are we commanded to love …
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). “All the peoples …
“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and …
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23). Have you ever broken the …
“Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by …
Dear Roger, If the devil cannot read our minds, why wouldn’t we want to pray silently and not verbally? When he hears what we’re praying, would our answer be …
How can God use stress in our lives to produce good. How can it conform us to the image of Christ. Randy Alcorn writes: 1. God uses stress to get …
One night after I had gone to bed early, the phone rang, and when my son picked up he heard a woman weeping on the other end. She was crying …
Dear Roger, Does the Bible address climate change? What does it say about taking care of the planet? Sincerely, Jamie Dear Jamie, Among several environmental and sociological causes, climate change …
We all can become deceived both in our personal lives, our relationships, and our ministries. Here are some significant questions and observations that will allow you to evaluate your leadership …
Many Christians ask me, “Am I sinning if I’m not happy as a Christian?” In answering this question, I’m assuming two things of readers: Happiness and joy are synonyms, and …
There was a man who started on a life journey only to see it come crashing down as he exited in failure. What was a hopeful beginning ended in bitter …
Ever wake up with a pounding heart, racing brain, and knots in your stomach? I hate anxiety. My body and brain are just convinced that the world is falling apart, …
One night after I had gone to bed early, the phone rang, and when my son picked up he heard a woman weeping on the other end. She was crying …
Ever wake up with a pounding heart, racing brain, and knots in your stomach? I hate anxiety. My body and brain are just convinced that the world is falling apart, …
“God is dead”Frederich Nietzsche It began in the despair of 19th century Europe. Its inventor would die in 1900 on the cusp of a new century. His views would combine with …
Have you ever considered the significance of the appearing of Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration and what it might mean for your life? It may be obvious …
Have you ever considered the significance of the appearing of Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration and what it might mean for your life? It may be obvious …
Dear Roger, My husband and I were discussing how much you had to believe to be a real Christian? So that’s my question. Sincerely, Lanette Dear Lanette, Christianity is a …
I sometimes post pictures on Instagram of books that I’m reading, usually just a stack on my table to let my followers know what I’m thinking about at the moment. …
Dear Roger, What does the Bible say about the vegan or vegetarian lifestyle? It seems that In Genesis 1 there is evidence that God intended for us to be …
Dear Roger, I have an inoperable brain tumor. The pain is increasing. I am on heavy pain medicines. It still hurts. I’ve read several articles on dealing with pain, done …
Jesus assured His mother at the wedding feast that there’s always enough when He is in charge. Do you trust Christ’s provision in your own life? Here’s how you can.
The most important influence to my pastoral counseling is from David Powlison. Powlison was a professor at the seminary my wife Angel graduated from and has had an indelible impact …
I think I have been backsliding. I feel awful. How do I come back to God? Sincerely, Sad and Disappointed in Myself Dear Sad and Disappointed, The fact that you’re …
Once on a mission trip to Pakistan I saw an appalling sight in the market place. A man was begging with a gazillion flies swarming around an open sore on …
Lysa TerKeurst explains that the key to surviving pain is laying your sufferings before God: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8a (NKJV) Does it …
Dear Roger, Greetings in Jesus name. Let me be sincere with you, things are NOT well with us. Due to the challenges we have undergone last year in …
If you’ve read the Old Testament then you may remember the story of King Hezekiah. He was a reformer, a righteous king whom we praise for his trust in God …
Russell Moore inspires us as we contemplate our independence: “A few years ago, I stood at the grave of Thomas Jefferson, and wondered. I was in Charlottesville to speak at the …
“What is truth?” Pontius Pilate The greatest pursuit of mankind has been that of truth. What is truth? How do we know? How is it lived? Truth is that which …
Compared to joy, happiness has gotten a bad reputation. Particularly among Christians. In the recent past (30-40 years) we have been taught that there is a significant difference between joy …
Recently, my loving husband had surgery to remove a brain tumor. When we learned of the tumor, some doctors were moving fast and some painfully slow. I experienced two prayer …
“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you …
We must declare war on the version of ourselves we don’t like, we are encouraged to be intentional with our thoughts. Negative thinking cannot lead to a positive life. Preached …
Daniel the prophet was a great man. He was dedicated, disciplined, excellent of spirit and a mighty leader. How do we develop good habits? Small, consistent changes transform us. We …
Why Did the Children of Israel Wander Away from God? They had unrepentant hearts…. Moses sent twelve spies to Canaan to bring back a report of the land. When they …
What happens when you close your eyes in death? The questions you have about life after death can leave you wondering, but they don’t mean you have to live in fear. …
A lot can happen in a year. In Genesis 18, God visits Abraham. While sitting at the entrance of his tent, Abraham notices three men standing before him by the …
Dear Roger, I’m a new Christian and I’d like to know more about spiritual gifts. Our pastor preached once on spiritual gifts, and then he went on to something else. How …
Wherever you are in your “mothering,” may you find rest, strength, comfort, wisdom… or even a swift kick in the seat of the pants as you spend time in God’s …
Dear Roger, I have an inoperable brain tumor. The pain is increasing. I am on heavy pain medicines. It still hurts. I’ve read several articles on dealing with pain, done …
Fear Human beings have always been scaredy-cats. That observation is not surprising. What is surprising is that even we—evolved “modern” people—are so scared. On paper, we should have fewer fears …
“Count it all joy when you encounter various trials…” James 1:2 The day had arrived. It was beyond sad. It was solemn, and it was heavy. Without hesitation we were …
Where is God when genocide, rape, and starvation are part of everyday life? Many Christians have great difficulties answering this question, often overwhelmed with the scope of evil in the …
“Books don’t change people,” John Piper once observed. “Paragraphs do. Sometimes even sentences.” A good sentence is a gift. We love finding complex truth shrinkwrapped in clear, simple, memorable form. It’s …
Most people are obsessed with the future. They worry, they wonder, they obsess about possible scenarios. And some, in desperation, seek to learn what is ahead by seeking fortune-tellers or …
Life can be very challenging. We are constantly facing stressful situations at work, home, school, in the car…you name it. In many cases, our reactions to these situations can make …
What’s the Difference Between Flattering Your Child or Encouraging Him?
by Kevin Lemanby Kevin LemanWe live in a time where parents feel they have to praise everything kids do; no matter what. Whether they make a good effort, a poor effort, a mediocre effort; …
Dear Roger, What does Scripture say about Christians and Bankruptcy? Cheryl Dear Cheryl, I hope you are just curious and not personally facing the specter of bankruptcy. If …
The idea of a resurrection demands our faith and absolute surrender. If Christ did not rise, there is no hope. There is no meaning apart from God. Because of what …
Do you make and keep friends? How do you love your near ones? Lysa TerKeurst wisely advises us: “I remember sitting in the smelly middle school gym like it was …
My first encounter with my daughter’s guardian angel was on a sunny summer afternoon in the back bedroom of our house. Curly-haired, chubby-cheeked Brianna was 10 months old. Brie could …
“Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14b [Mordecai speaking to Esther] Beloved, absorb this with your whole heart: You …
Our natural virtues, which come from inborn temperament and family nurture—such as our talents, aptitudes, and strengths—are good things. But they each have a dark side. People with prophetic gifts—that …
So many people never receive what God has promised because they don’t persevere. The first reason is because our perspective gets blocked. Secondly, I think a lot of us stop short …
Rick told me that he no longer believed in Jesus or the Bible. After many years of church involvement and even ministry involvement, my friend turned away from Christianity and …
Lysa TerKeurst shares how mothers can pray for their daughters. Here are her thoughts! There is something I’ve come to realize I need to guard against as a mom. I …
These days, it’s easy to become obsessed with everything that’s wrong with the world. We’re continually bombarded by “news” (which is sometimes more sensational than informative) that dwells on the …
A conscience is that pressing sense that unerringly guides our choices and pricks us when we don’t heed it’s prompting. It’s that mysteriously universal compass that relentlessly points true north …
Dr. Russell Moore’s most popular and profound article this year came on the heels of a synagogue shooting. Here are his profound observations: “On the Jewish Sabbath this week, a …
Pastor Levi uses 2 Timothy 1:10 to show how Jesus turned off the darkness and brought life through the Gospel. Pastor Levi gives four ways to make it through grief, from remembering …
The ancient conflict between the spirits of Elijah and Jezebel is an incredibly powerful glimpse into spiritual warfare. In this age-old battle, Elijah represents the voice of Heaven: the call …
How many times have you doubted God’s goodness? Max Lucado teaches on how to trust God and be content: “The widest river in the world is not the Mississippi, Amazon, …
Repentance is no more a meritorious work than its counterpart, faith. Repentance is an inward response. Genuine repentance pleads with the Lord to forgive and deliver from the burden of …
Almost everyone tries to develop new habits and make improvements at the beginning of a new year. But by the time March rolls around, most of the diets have crashed …
What are the idols of your heart? What are the ways in which you have allowed your heart that is intended to worship God, to worship the golden calves that …
Sometimes misery comes in waves. For me that was the year both my parents died. I also lost both our dogs that year; my oldest child left for college and …
How do you answer the charge that America was not founded on Christian principles since there seems to be no religious language in the US Constitution? Here’s one answer: Christian …
Look at your mental processes. For example consider the following: How many “could-have”, “would-have”, “should-have” statements have you made today? How many “if onlys” were part of your inner vocabulary …
Dear Roger, I’ve struggled with fear, anxiety and worry my whole life. Now, more than ever, death, disease and financial uncertainty plague all of us. My mother used …
Dear Roger, I just read 2 Timothy 3:1-6, which says that a massive turning away from God will occur in the last days. I have been wondering if the Bible …
Years ago, I interviewed a young man from Burundi who told me something profound: “If I fear death as unbelievers do, I have nothing to offer unbelievers. Only when you …
Suffering is only a temporary condition for the Christian, suffering is used by God to bring good, suffering will one day be eliminated.
Hi Roger, When was Jesus born? Thanks, “LAC” Dear “LAC”, What an interesting question! It may or may not surprise you to know that there is much discussion—even argument—throughout …
The Festival of Lights For many people in the diaspora – both Jews celebrating Hanukkah and Gentiles observing this celebration – Hanukkah is all about dreidels and latkes. However, if …
Grace really is, relationally speaking, it really is the unsettling solution for just about everything. Jesus was full of grace. He extended it to people who were nothing like him, …
I know what you are afraid of. I’ve been there myself. I understand what it means to have spiritual fear. Maybe you’e never heard it put that way before, but you …
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 NIV Do you know how to comfort and reassure your children? When tragedy, disease and death strike as …
Dear Roger, I am a new Christian and the church where I found Christ had a big fight and split in two. It was awful. People were fighting and choosing …
Dear Roger, What about tattoos and all those piercings? Are they Biblical? Thanks Dear Thanks, Tattoos are mentioned specifically by name in Leviticus 19:28: “‘Do not cut your bodies for …
Purim in Esther Predicts Nazi Germany and Jewish Extinction You all know the story: expelled from the Holy Land, Jews settled in different towns of the Persian Empire. At some …
Dear Roger, My Christian friends hold a very different set of values than I do. They permit their kids to celebrate Halloween, they engage in social drinking and use recreational …
Why is Daniel so strategic? Isn’t this just a Bible book filled with colorful stories that children love? Author and editor Matt Smethurst relates the true significance of the Book …
Dear Roger, Our Bible study group was discussing how and why God could justify sending good people to hell. We all agree that someone like Adolf Hitler ought to be …
Why would a Christian need a bucket list? We have all of eternity for joy, excitement and adventure. He writes, “I often cringe when I hear Christians talk about the …
Dear Roger, My friends and I were discussing the recent terrorist attacks on civilians here and abroad. The topic of whether or not a Christian can hate terrorists arose. Is …
Revelation 6 is an unfolding of God’s judgment in the Tribulation. Discover the antichrist and afterlife. What will these times look like? Man, who has rejected his Creator, will suddenly …
Dear Roger, I’m finding that believing in the validity of Christianity is becoming more difficult. How could a loving God allow so much suffering? With thousands of religions …
Dear Roger, Why does it seems, churches or missionaries seem to be oblivious to us trying to pay tithes and offering every time we come to service. They never stop …
Many say that Christians who maintain the historic, traditional doctrines are behind the times, are too exclusive, and are “on the wrong side of history.” Two recent books that cast …
God’s name, YAHWEH, is spoken without the vowels. In fact, when a Jew spoke the Hebrew words, it was a whisper-a breath. God gave us our first breath and we …
Mark 6:32–56 Successful ministry involves meeting people’s needs in the power of God. Disciples commissioned by the divinely powerful Jesus are themselves divinely empowered by him to meet any need. …
Worship is a verb, defined as “with great or extravagant respect, honor and devotion.” Worshiping our Savior, Jesus Christ, is fundamental to living a faith-filled, Spirit-led, Christian life. There …
“Our lost neighbors might be “pagan” in the sense that they are not part of the community of God, but they are still accountable before God. Their consciences are embedded …
Jay, one of our church members, recently shared with me: “I was a Christian for twenty-two years. But instead of being a twenty-two-year-old Christian, I was a one-year- old Christian …
“The man who views the world at 50 the same way he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” ~ Muhammad Ali I wish older Christians told …
Anyone who’s given himself or herself to prayer for a sustained amount of time has likely experienced the disappointment of unanswered prayer. But the more theologicall astute among you may not like that phrase “unanswered …
Too often we don’t appreciate what we didn’t work for or had to sacrifice for in one way or another. Hand something to us with no effort exerted on our …
Focus on being ungrateful. Compare what you have to people who have more. Pursue temporary possessions over eternal treasures. Develop and attitude of entitlement. Preached at Used by permission.
I ran over my son last year. I still can’t believe it. Rhett, my baby boy, escaped massive injuries and only suffered a broken hand, a bruise or two and …
One of my best friends is an atheist. I love Jesus in a crazy-all-of-my-heart kind of way, and she doesn’t believe there’s a God, much less a God who sent …
Abraham’s faith is inspiring. Chasing the grasslands of Canaan as a nomadic shepherd Abraham was free to survey the Promised Land his family would one day possess. Catching each vista …
One of the most frequent questions I’ve been asked about Heaven over the years is about the nature of marriage there. As I share in my book Heaven, there will be one …
Elijah called fire down from heaven. But in a moment of weakness, he doubted God and lost his way. How did God speak to him, and how does He speak …
A friend of mine is watching his daughter die. She’s only eighteen. Last month, they were sitting side-by-side on the bleachers at her volleyball games, cheering her team to …
A friend of mine is watching his daughter die. She’s only eighteen. Last month, they were sitting side-by-side on the bleachers at her volleyball games, cheering her team to …
Choosing a life partner is serious business. It can be the greatest blessing of your life, or the biggest mistake you will ever make. Pastor John Piper gives an insightful …
Dear Roger, I really struggle with anger. It seems like I just can’t keep it under control. I know it’s not Christian to be angry, so what advice would …
As you read, remember this…if God could make Paul victorious through Christ in his trials, then he can certainly give us power to get through ours: Dear Roger, Greetings …
There is a twist—a deeper reason why the perception of hypocrisy exists. It’s not just our lifestyles that have gotten us in trouble; it’s the very way in which we …
Why do we need to let our voice be heard in government? To keep silent is to willfully relinquish treasured moral and religious freedoms. This is what author Trevin …
Do you believe in Jesus? I’ve believed in Jesus since October of 1983. When I first came to Christ I knew almost nothing. I had a sense that there was …
Dr. Randy Carlson and the Family Life Radio Team have created a diagnostic tool to find out who you are and your primary strengths for serving God and others. A …
‘God is not silent. His Word is clear, sufficient and authoritative. He continues to perform the miraculous and to intervene for His people.
Rejoice. Refuse to resent. Recognize God’s Hand at work. Appreciate all seasons of life. Don’t confuse the supply with the Source. Recognize. Release. Receive. Remain. Preached at Elevation Church. Used …
Are you questioning God today? How do you pray when you don’t understand what He is doing? You can argue with God. David did. Let’s be like David, and every …
Chances are you have already given to at least one of the disasters that have rocked the United States and Caribbean over the past few months: Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria; …
One of my favorite Bible characters is Rebecca. So today we are in Genesis 24, witnessing Abraham’s servant being sent to find a wife for his young master. The story …
Circumstances. You face them every day, you are always reacting to them–positively or negatively. Think about it. What situations in your life do you wish would change right now? A different …
Here are a few things you should know about the future of Christianity and how we can reach the next generation with the Gospel in an authentic, relevant way. Our …
Do you tend to go through the motions at Easter? Is it just another holiday? These famous words will deepen your faith and your Easter experience. “Reasonably speaking, we can …
Janeen has an infectious smile. It shines on the soccer field or when she plays piano. But when this 12-year-old honor roll student’s grades began to slide, her mom began …
Dear Roger, Everyone gets so excited about Easter. I don’t understand why. All they talk about is Jesus coming back from the dead. How does that change my life …
Have you ever made a promise you didn’t keep? Have you ever rushed to judgment? Have you ever felt like walking with God has become harder and harder? How do …
Dear Roger, You said in today’s post that you will post your answer to the meaning of “666” when somebody asks you. May I please be considered a “somebody” …
God has blessings for you in categories that you don’t even know exist. Preached at National Community Church.
Why should we understand the heart and mind of others who do not choose to attend church? If you’re like many Christians, you have an authentic desire to share your …
Dear Roger, I got emotionally involved with a man at work. One thing led to another and before I knew it, our relationship became physical. It didn’t last very …
What kind of prayers do you pray? Do you pray with faith or doubt, selfishly or unselfishly? Dr. John Piper reveals how Christians often ask God for their good, …
We constantly find ourselves captivated by a whole lot of things. There’s a seemingly endless bunch of stuff that we become absolutely fascinated with and fixated upon, sometimes to the …
One of the reasons I say that it is good for American Christianity to no longer think of itself as a “moral majority” is that such a mentality obscures the …
We learn from Paul’s bout with the stormy Mediterranean Sea that all of us occasionally face “the perfect storm.” When a sequence of catastrophic events rock our world, Paul reminds …
Individual rights assume individual responsibility. We are a nation of laws, but we can do better. We as Christians are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to do …
Can America (and the world) achieve racial reconciliation? Can our multicolored, multi-tongued society find common ground for communication? For peace? For cooperation in meeting head-on the great needs of our …
Over the years, I have heard men give compelling reasons to be a pastor. I have also heard a few ridiculous reasons. But most often, I have heard reasons that …
How personal and passionate is your love for God? We were designed to cling close to Him, believe in Him, rely upon Him and never, never leave His side. We are …
One of the most important discoveries I have ever made is this truth: God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in him. This is the motor …
According to celebrity tabloids and talk shows, the rich and famous seem to flaunt friendships for their own personal benefit. One day the paparazzi record starlets who are devoted to …
You are an investigative reporter. Every day you are collecting evidence. Your future story has already been written based upon the nature of God and His plan for you. Future …
Dear Roger, My girlfriend and I have been together for nine years. We both believe that marriage is within God’s will for us. However, whenever I raise the question of …
Dear Roger, Did God predestine people to go to Hell? Sincerely, PH Dear PH, Let me begin with an overview of predestination as envisioned by John Calvin. Calvinism teaches, …
“God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces of good against evil …” – E.M. Bounds …
Could be God preparing us for the future, so that we are ready to share our faith in a post-Christian culture, under persecution? Or are we so complacent that we …
A journey through grief is complex and confusing. One way to gauge how well you are dealing with the loss, your grief and your grief emotions is to take an …
There is a magical thing that happens in homes all over the world. When you have a child, you want your child to crawl, and then you want your kid …
Impending doom seems to permeate our society. Past generations had no idea of the perils and plagues in other parts of the world. But we live in an information explosion. …
If you are a Muslim, or have a muslim friend or relative, this post is for you. “The Father’s Love: Islam’s Missing Names of God.” What do parents and God …
Francis Chan teaches this simple message on the prayer of faith and Jesus’ power to heal. The concluding video of God’s angelic protection is riveting. Don’t miss it.
I just heard a bad sermon today (visiting friends, of course). I tried not to sleep through it. Forty-five minutes of meticulous theology rapidly delivered in a soft monotone. Zzzzzz….. …
Jesus cherished women! In a time when females were considered inferior to men and treated as property, Christ counted them among His most valued disciples and friends. I want you …
We can learn to see through our enemies to see God’s presence. When troubles like fear, depression, or anxiety seem right on top of us, we can look through them …
Dear Roger, I am a pastor and my members are always asking me why I don’t preach the Book of Revelation. Can you help me? Why should I preach …
RU-486 has once again burst upon the American moral consciousness. The FDA has relaxed its rules and given women more opportunities to abort their babies by simply swallowing a small …
Battles are both the bane and the glory of our existence. We adamantly abhor them when they’re forced on us by vengeful adversaries who mean us all the harm they …
Much has been made of the growing post-Christian sentiment among America’s youngest generation of adults. But how has this well-documented turn away from religion affected Millennials’ views of Christianity’s most …
“I think I’ll go with you today,” Ted informed Krista as she started out the door one Sunday morning. Her stomach knotted. She glanced at him, wondering what brought this …
Given the rising tides of militant atheism, postmodern skepticism, biblical illiteracy, self-love and gross immorality, what are we to make of the current interest in heaven? One thing is …
A day-by-day discipleship plan to help a believer understand the Word of God and follow Him more closely.
I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.-Mark Twain. According to Oceana, a nonprofit organization, sharks kill only about four …
Fear and superstition? Really? Have I got your attention? Recently I’ve been reading the book, How The West Really Lost God, by Mary Eberstadt. The book makes a strong case for …
This year I was exposed to a lot of new ideas, concepts, and principles, primarily from the 52 books I read. Here are five concepts/principles that significantly affected me. 1. …
Kneel in pursuit of God’s presence. Don’t bow down to something else. Kneel in repentance. Jesus never turns away from a sinner with a repentant heart. Kneel in submission. You can …
Atrocity and loss cause us to feel fearful, helpless and vulnerable in the face of an uncertain future. How can we help the poor, the refugee, the victim? What can …
Francis Chan addresses greed in the lives of believers. He explains that while we live life it easy to be captured by money and things, missing out on our fulfillment …
Dear Roger, I am from Malaysia and we live in a country with mixed races. Islam is the main religion and whoever embrace Islam cannot be converted to other religion …
While the United States remains shaped by Christianity, the faith’s influence—particularly as a force in American politics and culture—is slowly waning. An increasing number of religiously unaffiliated, a steady drop …
Roger, I am in a quandary that has me in a bit of a desert…. My family and I attend church, and lately, we feel that we may not …
Much has been made of the growing post-Christian sentiment among America’s youngest generation of adults. But how has this well-documented turn away from religion affected Millennials’ views of Christianity’s most …
Dear Roger, I’m just confused on one point, where does it say that satan has open access to Heaven? and there are scriptures that say no sin can dwell …
So it’s Saturday morning and your 7th grade daughter comes running in your room and says, “Mom/Dad, Brian just called and asked me to go to the show this afternoon. …
The slick, successful American church may have missed Him altogether. What if Jesus was asked to pastor your congregation. Would anybody come? And would they stay? A scruffy homeless dude …
A Christian atheist believes in God, but lives his/her life like He does not exist. Therefore, there is no transformation or expression of faith in God. They live worldly lives. …
Technology is a tool that when used well extends our natural reach and ability. In fact, these words are an example of how the internet and text can extend far …
Francis teaches on the importance of trusting in God to lead us towards what is best for us. Planning, while not always a bad thing, can be counterproductive if planning …
We spend so much time trying to impress God that we forget He is crazy in love with us. Rest in His love and not in your works. The God …
When will we dare to trust that Jesus is who he says He is, and will do what He said he will do? Self-dependence and fear can become daunting apart …
The classic story of David and Goliath answers the question, “What does real courage look like?” David’s heart surfaces in this story of fear and faith. “David showed us that …
There’s no limit to the good thoughts God wants us to have. So, why do we waste so much time preoccupied with our doubts and fears? How are we supposed …
Caleb modeled radical faith into his later years. King Asa, in contrast, trusted in his allies rather than God. Instead of getting comfortable and complacent as we age, we should …
Ross Douthat on the Character of Christianity’s Decline, Part 1
by Tim Kellerby Tim KellerWhy is Christianity declining in the U.S.? Here are five basic reasons found in Ross Douthat’s new book, Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics. FIVE MAJOR CATALYSTS …
Loving your mother-in-law can be a mixed bag. My mother-in-law made it abundantly clear that she didn’t approve of me from Day One. Her son, an angelic boy scout who …
Caleb, on the brink of the Promised Land, at 85 years old said, I was 45 years old when God sent me to survey the land, and at 85 I’m …
In an unbelieving culture, Mordecai held an integrity that was used by God to deliver the Jewish people. Mordecai’s role as a peacemaker points forward to the complete peace and …
We learn much about deep faith when we examine the temptation of Christ. Deep faith begins when we stop trying to prove who we are and by what we do …
The Apostle Paul commended the Colossian believers for their faith, their love for the saints and their hope of heaven. Paul prayed for them to live a life worthy of …
What do you do when storms crash around you? Stay in the boat, hold onto Jesus. When life becomes difficult, you deepen your roots in faith. Watch the sermon “Planted …
We all face giants in our lives. Don’t be caught off guard. You have a God-given advantage. The Jewish soldiers said of Goliath, “He’s too big to kill.” David, full …
People have a desire to be know by others. All of us have an appetite to be known, but the thing about an appetite is it can never fully and …
Two stories are juxtaposed here: the story of a nation of people whom God liberates and the story of Moses the deliverer. Israel and Moses, their leader, learned the unfathomable …
Research on charitable giving routinely points to the fact that those who are more deeply engaged in religion are more likely to give and give more to charitable organizations. This …
Faith is relational, not formulaic. If you are frustrated or confused by seeming inconsistencies in Scripture, the God of the Bible longs to meet you where you are, to be …
Whether you are a control freak like Augustus, panicking because your plans aren’t coming together like you had hoped, or whether you are confused by life circumstances that don’t make …
The story of the Samaritan woman is one of the most beloved stories ever told by the gospel writers. The story is read and heard dozens of times throughout the …
When I was diagnosed with cancer, the question “Why me?” was a natural one. Later, when I survived but others with the same kind of cancer died, I also had …
Behind the smoke and ash, behind the shattered glass, a groan in Ferguson remains. Whether justice was served or injustice actually occurred, the perception of injustice surfaced a real and present pain. On …
Psalm 37 teaches us to enjoy God, to trust He will give us right desires. We don’t need to be anxious. Just walk in faith and do good. Preached at …
My name is Kevin. I am 35 years old, and I am a walking miracle. The man I am today is not the man I have always been. My life has …
The face of religion across the United States has recently changed in five primary areas. These shifts were identified by a national survey conducted in three times over a 14-year …
Since we all experience losses in our lives, we need to learn how to accept what we cannot change and grow through the crisis. How well we handle any crisis …
I continue to receive emails from parents asking about modern day prodigal children. Whether the prodigal is defying family rules, living an undesirable life style, or leaving to who-knows-where, it’s a …
Hebrews 12 is a key passage in perseverance in the faith. Heaven is cheering us on. Jesus is the pioneer who inspires us to run the race without giving up. …
Francis Chan preaches at Passion Conference about the importance of reading the Word, discerning the lies caused by our own sinful desires to compromise and the power of literal obedience. …
Jesus didn’t heal the blind man in Mark 8 the same way He healed the blind man in John 9. The blind man had to take a step of faith, …
God loves us. He has rescued us and He has a plan for us. These are some of the foundational statements our faith found in scripture. And when we read …
Jesus asked Jesus to follow Him immediately. What a bold request! How do you recognize and respond to God’s call for your life? Expect it to be clear, progressive and …
We are inspired to persevere, to protect each other and to live with strong values and strong faith from the builder generation. From them, we can be inspired to press …
“…In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome this world.” John 16:33 NIV A sign beside the door of an Army Chaplain’s office stated: …
Do you remember your “first kiss?” I hate to burst your bubble, but those “first kisses” you remember . . .whether it was a stolen smooch in the schoolyard, …
David’s darkest hour running from King Saul was the day he returned home to Ziklag to find his family, flocks, and food cruelly ripped away. How did David deal with …
One of the most important aspects of a successful life is knowing where to go. An eagle has eight times more visual cells per cubic centimeter than a human. It …
Feeling grumpy, discouraged, disappointed or just plain grouchy? Perhaps you need a dose of gratitude. Paul tells to give thanks in everything. I’m not feeling it. But being joyful …
Neil Anderson’s Freedom in Christ Ministry provides powerful, relevant resources for fighting spiritual battles. One of the chief battles every Christian faces is the struggle with fear. “Courage is …
Jesus said you can overcome, even though you are overwhelmed, out-matched, incapable, and hated by the world. You can be confident because of Christ in you and in this world. …
When we find ourselves living in a spiritual desert, we must understand God wants us to bloom.
God often uses our deserts to heal us. When we have been wounded, a quiet dryness is exactly what I need to heal.
We may not like the path God gives, but our eternal destination makes the scenery we see relevant to our desire to keep flowering in desolate places.
The heart of God working in the heart of man doesn’t look the same on everyone when it happens. But whether in the quiet stirrings of our spirit or in …
We must act upon our faith by loving our community and serving others well.
How do we discern the effects of witchcraft? We must not be oblivious to the schemes of Satan, assuming that the practice of witchcraft is only used among primitive peoples …
I didn’t want just a filter that was like a fence around my kids. Fences might be good for keeping dogs in, but they only provide a temptation for people. …
Most pastors see themselves as preachers first. They naturally want to maximize their pulpit time. Indeed, sermon length is increasing worldwide. However, I want to identify compelling reasons to keep …
Let me chat with those of you who are control freaks. I’m a control freak, a perfectionist. I’m a Type A personality. I want to control everything! It is human …
In my reading this past month, I discovered that Immanuel Kant made a case for a Christian sexual ethic but without using any appeal to the Bible or theology. In …
God’s yes in salvation is found in Jesus Christ. God’s hearing of your prayers is found yes in Jesus Christ. God’s ability to sustain you in suffering finds its yes …
Sin hurts ourselves and others, but through confession, we can have a new start. Let’s talk about how we can find freedom, forgiveness and restoration with God and others. Let’s …
1. Public beliefs: Public beliefs are things we espouse because they help us fit in, or navigate our human environment. 2. Private beliefs are things that we sincerely believe or …
Preach It, Teach It has presented various discussions regarding the issue of homosexuality. Tom Terry, seasoned author, is presenting his own view on the volatile issue of gay discrimination. What …
God calls us to gaze at Him in prayer and only glance at our problems. If we reverse the two, we can allow circumstances to dictate our view of God, …
How do false teachers creep in and contaminate the church? Peter, in the book of 1 Peter, describes the nature of false teachers and their certain judgment. As believers, we …
Church leaders want to be good stewards of what is entrusted to them, but each generation has struggled to find an appropriate way to measure their effectiveness. Businesses measure return …
The following article is adapted from John MacArthur’s response during a Q&A session at Grace Church. Much of what John says here has been expanded in his book, Safe in the Arms …
READ JOHN 12: 20-32 There are two words in the Greek language that could be translated as Greeks – Hellenistoi and Hellenes. Both refer to Greek affiliation. John uses here …
God has given me the gift of recruiting volunteers. It’s not a splashy gift like prophecy, healing or miracles. Recruitment is not a spiritual gift but requires the use of …
Twitter now has 554,750,000 active registered users. 58 million tweets fill cyberspace every day. I can’t imagine life without twitter. Twitter’s role in the communications revolution is obvious, whether it …
The presence of Christ in our darkest times should give us boldness and confidence. The whole passage is about peace in the midst of the storms, the threats in our …
Just moments ago, she had enjoyed all the thrills of sleeping with a man she shouldn’t have. And only a short time later, she stood naked and beaten before a …
I opened up the paper on Sunday morning and found it telling me that science may well show us that “dogs are people too” and should possibly be given the …
THERE ARE SNOWSTORMS. There are hail storms. There are rainstorms. And there are doubtstorms. Every so often a doubtstorm rolls into my life, bringing with it a flurry of questions …
The New Version of Sleepovers! Last month, USA Today ran an article written by Amanda Marcotte encouraging parents to allow their teenagers to enjoy romantic sleepovers or invite their boyfriend …
How important is your reputation to you? Have you suffered rejection and slander for following Jesus? How many of us Christians would follow Jesus during His time? His reputation was …
Some time ago, while browsing through a leading national magazine, I came across a bit of shocking information which demanded both my attention and further investigation. As for the shocking …
We need to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. Instead, we need to start playing offense with our lives. The world needs …
I used to be an atheist. In my teenage years I didn’t believe in God. It all seemed rather strange to me and I saw no evidence for God, so …
God’s covenants are irrevocable promises that He will love, rescue and protect His people. The rainbow, the atoning sacrifices, the Ark of the Covenant, the Law, and the cross are …
My identity is not in what I see. “My identity is not in my future accomplishments or my past failures.” “I do not live a life of fear or anxiety.” …
You’ve probably heard the age-old argument about free will. Does man truly have free will to decide his own fate? If God hardened pharaoh’s heart then why was pharaoh responsible …
The Mosaic Covenant, of the Law, taught the Israelites the truth about their sinful motives and that they couldn’t do enough works to earn heaven. The law stirred within them …
What is the difference between necessary judgments of probability and sinful prejudice? How did Jesus respond in these situations? In a reflective look of Martin Luther King’s life and Roe …
From Abel’s sacrifice. to Abraham’s ram, to the Passover lamb in Exodus, portraits of Christ foreshadow His coming throughout Scripture.
Plenary session for Passion Conference, Campbridge. What thing, if you lost it, would cause you to lose the will to live? Harsh economic realities are casting new light on the …
Dear Roger, I recently became a Christian and I have a question. The woman who led me to Christ encouraged me to start reading my Bible immediately. She told me …
The simple message of the cross is a stumbling block to nonbelievers. The formula for a divine transaction is found in Romans 4: faith plus nothing equals the righteousness of …
Jesus teaches us that we are to serve Him boldly, without reservation. We can learn to take our eyes off of ourselves and our limitations and positively focus on Him. …
Here is the word used when the graph of fulfillment and the accumulation of things comes together. It’s one simple word, ENOUGH. It may be different areas of our lives …
Recently, a couple of books and websites have referenced me as a good example of how to exegete and “engage culture” in the task of preaching. They include citations of …
We are all afraid of something. And for most of us, these fears are preventing us from reaching our greatest potential. Fear of acceptance. Fear of failure. Fear of not …
Elisha had a defining moment with Elijah when Elijah asked him to leave his life as a farmer and to follow him. We all have defining moments in our lives. …
Good conversation with God is like tennis, with back and forth exchange. Prayer is two-way communication. God not only hears you, but you can hear Him. In other words, prayer …
What are the implications of the resurrection for our lives? How will the Good News of Jesus impact the way you live?
Contrary to popular belief, men do have feelings. But most men are reluctant to share those feelings with others. Women, on the other hand, have no problem opening up. Why …
Dear Roger, Recently I was having my morning devotionals when I came across Matthew 6:16-18 and noticed that Jesus twice said to His disciples, “When you fast.” He didn’t say, …
The prophet Elijah experienced great victories and great trials in his life. Calling fire down from heaven was a miraculous triumph. But lonely days of starvation at the Brook Kerith, …
Recently, a couple of books and websites have referenced me as a good example of how to exegete and “engage culture” in the task of preaching. They include citations of …
One thing I love about the automobile industry is their solution to problem solving. Faulty parts do not have to undergo painstaking surgery. They are simply replaced with a duplicate …
Finding faith can transform us. Hebrews 11 teaches us that because we belong to Christ, we can have confidence with God that He will guide our lives, forgive our sins …
Four great discoveries are revealed in Romans 6. We have evil natures and have committed sins against a Holy God. While we desire to do well, we always struggle with …
God is looking for faith that trusts Him enough to do what He says. He’s not looking for intellectual assent, positive thinking or risky living.
Dead. That’s exactly how John felt that morning as he faced the platform. He was singing along with the music, eyes closed, trying to focus on the lyrics, trying to …
One of the great dangers of faithfully observing Sabbath is legalism. What about pastors, nurses, doctors, police officers, and others who must work on Sundays? Jesus observed Sabbath but he …
God has the power to fix the world, and He does care about the suffering. He is working out an eternal plan to redeem and restore it all. Genesis describes …
We can pray to God using His many names: God, Mighty and Majestic, God our Helper, God our Righteousness, God our Sanctifier, God our Peace and Indwelling Presence, God our …
Lisa, my wife, and I just finished a great seminar about sexual purity. In it, we covered our “10 Commandments of Purity” (We’ve also put these in our book Sexperiment …
At the end of this article I will give four very practical steps that I take as I enter the arena of each day where I must make moral choices. …
Paul teaches in his first letter to Timothy that we should be humble toward others, cling to the truth and avoid materialism. We should always try to do what is …
Have you heard this one? It’s a relatively new claim by some in the Faith movement in the last few years, and it’s a whopper. In a nutshell, there are …
The late Christopher Hitchens quipped “…You can’t very easily invite somebody to your church and then to supper and inform him that he’s marked for perdition.” However much you and …
We live on hope, not memory. When we focus on our hopes for the future, not the memories of our past, we realize what it means to truly experience joy …
There is a place of immunity for the believer, a spiritual fortress in Christ that shelters us from the attacks of the devil. For those who abide in this stronghold …
A wounded person definitely needs his/her space. For the sake of simplicity I will use “his” for the moment, though the victim may also be a woman or child. “Down” …
Dear Roger, How many times must I pray for someone to be healed? I have friends who want me to pray again and again for their healing. The call …
Jonah’s book reveals what we can expect when we say “no” to God’s clear instructions. We head into a “storm” in our lives, we put others in danger. We face …
Dear Roger, Could space be a part of heaven? Sincerely, Simbi Dear Simbi, If Heaven is in just the right place in space, it might begin to explain how God …
Hi Roger, I am a Christian married to a Christian. I make significantly more money than my husband. I want to be able to tithe on the money I make …
Eggs sometimes get a bad rap at Easter. Eggs are such a widely used symbolic food. Everyone from dancing druids and pagan fertility gods to — worst of all — …
Dear Roger, My husband would rather go to porn sites than have sex with me. What is wrong here? What do I need to do? Sincerely, C Dear C, You …
Holly screamed as loud as her three year old little voice could muster. The team of nurses and doctors could not hold her still. You see, even though Down’s Syndrome …
Translating beliefs into our lifestyle and relationships hinges dramatically on Romans 12. When we see God’s mercy, it causes us to respond to temptation in surrender and worship. Once and …
Many Christians debate whether the devil is on the earth or in hell; can he dwell in Christians or only in the world? The fact is, the devil is in …
Francis Chan gives his testimony of how God reignited the fire of love and dedication in his heart. We can learn how to “regain” our first love for Jesus as …
We learn much about misguided faith and a skewed view of God from reading the story of Jephthah, who made a foolish vow to God and murdered his only daughter. …
Why do women walk away from church? Most people assume that men are leaving church and the women remain to “hold up the pillars,” but George Barna’s statistics on female …
The prophet Habakkuk prophesied during the Babylonian occupation and questioned God about why the nation suffered so. At the end of the book, the prophet comes to faith and proclaims …
“Julie, he’s not heeeere!!!!!” my husband shrieked. He yelled so loudly to silence my screams that he bruised a vocal cord and had to croak through his sermon the next …
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus Christ 1. Existing fetal homicide laws make a man guilty of manslaughter if he kills …
Dear Roger, Psalm 32:1-2 says our sins are covered…this is from Christ I would believe and that God does not count are sin against us, in 2 Cor 5:10 and …
Overflow with hope, the word overflow means to super-abound, to be filled to the brim, it would speak of a container that is filled where you can’t pick it up, …
A child’s Christmas is always magical-twinkling lights, reindeer hooves, sugar cookies and snowy skies. On Christmas Eve of my fifth year, I was decked to the max. I donned my …
The man with the withered hand had to step out on faith and trust Jesus amidst great opposition. When we take that simple step of faith, Christ can radically transform …
Advent is an intentional season of “preparedness.” We think of Advent as a “journey,” to use Oprah Winfrey’s favorite word. We think of Advent as a progressive path we take …
My wife had a bad experience with Chick-Fil-A. But here’s the truth: sometimes we have a single bad experience and never go back. We eat at Chick-Fil-A at least two …
King David experiences rejection, grief, abandonment, guilt, humiliation and disappointment during his lifetime. In his psalms, David examines the darkness in his life only to discover victory with God. These …
In the opening of Ruth’s story, we hear of the tragic loss of her husband and brother-in-law. We can learn from this passage that the wrong direction always equals the …
Jesus asked this penetrating question to three seekers and His response forever transformed their lives.• A blind spiritual zero (the blind beggar) – became a blazing light of God’s power• …
“Why Care About Sexual Activity Among Young Teenagers?” Warning: The Information in this article is graphic in nature and is appropriate only for adults, especially pastors, parents and youth leaders. …
King David doubts God because his life is falling apart. He doesn’t think God cares. Asaph doubts God because his world is falling apart. He doesn’t think God is fair. …
Breakthroughs often follow breakdowns. All of us love breakthroughs right? We love spiritual breakthroughs when God answers a prayer or some miracle happens. We love breakthroughs, but in my experience, …
In light of what we have learned from this great tragedy, as a nation we have greater clarity of our values, clarity on what makes America great, and clarity that …
Are there tears in heaven for believers? Of course, we are saved by faith, but Scripture teaches that God “will wipe away” every tear. Certain passages teach that our judgment …
Genesis 4 is a study in contrast between the worship of Cain and Abel. Why should we call upon the sacred name of God (YAHWEH)? Because He is inviting us …
Jesus teaches that we live under great stress when we worship the rival god, Money. We must learn to walk in faith in the present and run to Jesus when …
We need to suffer in order to reign with Christ. When you are in the middle of suffering and you doubt that Jesus cares for you, picture Him stretching His …
Have you seen control and manipulation divide your church? Have you suffered through the fall of a spiritual leader into sexual sin? The life of Queen Jezebel gives us a …
Does God answer prayer? We should make legitimate requests offered with respect and kindness, like a child to a father, and fitting into the scope of what God wants …
Watch out for the “dogs” who teach works instead of faith by grace alone. We must count everything as loss for the sake of Christ, and always boast in Him.
False prophets tried to lie to Israel about the coming judgment upon their nation. Ezekiel the prophet was trying to help them with their blind spots by telling them truth. …
Brain cancer survivor Matt Chandler talks about making the most of every moment by rejoicing in God and remembering His goodness, His redemption and His sovereignty. Every day, we are …
The fullest expression of Christian living has to be a combination of God’s truth entering the head, igniting the heart, and outworking through the hands. If we’re going to enjoy …
Often when God calls us forward, He will first stretch us backward. God is always calling us forward in partnership with Him.
How can declining birth rates impact the unique Christian view of the family? This is a pressing issue, because we need to get a handle on this complex phenomenon. In …
Rule of Life. The meaning of Rule comes from the Greek word for “trellis.” A trellis is a tool designed to enable a grapevine to get off the ground and …
Paul gives us a glimpse of man from God’s perspective. Without Christ, mankind is misguided, wounded and marred by sin. Suppressing the truth invites God’s tough love. Embracing the truth …
Furnaces come in all shapes and sizes. Some are the fires fueled by pain and suffering. Some fires are caused by our broken world. Some fires are heated for God’s …
The story of the complaining Israelites in the wilderness teach us many lessons. God gives us salvation and freedom, but often, God’s people are impatient and complain. God disciplines us …
We can look at Thomas and label him the doubter – he has unfairly been labeled…this is a Bible snapshot of a time of questioning, wondering, searching for him…rightly so. …
Gideon is a man with a major inferiority complex, as we learn right away. We see early in the story that he considers himself a loser of all losers. He …
Sujo John tells his story of his journey to Christ and his experience during 9/11.
God’s blessings in our lives can easily be turned into smug, self-satisfied arrogance if we grab the glory for ourselves rather than thanking Him. Climbing the ladder of success led …
Traditions can be biblical or they can simply be held because one is resistant to change. Distinguishing between the two is critical.
Michal, King David’s wife, despised his worship when he danced before the ark of the covenant. In punishment, God said she would remain barren the rest of her life. We …
James teaches that being a servant of God is a joyful life. Great servants like Moses, Joshua and David are described. We are encouraged to serve God willingly and gladly.
Let’s talk about being “born again.” Regeneration, entry of God’s nature and life into our real existence and identity, has, as a natural progression or part, entry into the status …
I love to explore the wonders of eBay. Do you? I am an eBay addict. I may need help. My most recent purchase is one of the first books published …
Deborah was both a prophetess and a civic judge, one of the few godly leaders from the book of Judges. Her boldness and faith encourages us to pray big, dream …
Jim Rohn says that small disciplines move us toward success and lead to more disciplines. He advises that we read, journal, and turn our philosophies (e.g., “I am a spiritual …
What are spiritual gifts and how do they function in the Body of Christ. An overview of Biblical teaching on gifts.
What is the model for the Christian church? We know that Jesus said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Paul tells us that as believers we …
Moses led the people, fed the people, and carried the people to freedom. Sometimes we don’t want to let go of our captivity and step out in bold faith. …
Naivete or Christian love? What is the balance? The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood: but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them” (Proverbs 12:6). This …
Is change, spiritual growth, a natural part of becoming a Christian? Yes. Living in the status of disciple has, as a natural part and progression, spiritual formation in Christlikeness. Progression …
The will of God often sends us to meet needs and into danger. It is hard to remember that Jesus did not come to make us safe, but rather to …
Dear Roger, I have Asperger’s Syndrome (a type of autism). Do I retain this characteristic or will Jesus Christ remove that condition from me? I actually like being able to …
God has a great desire for a genuine relationship of trust and love with humanity. The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life that never pursues its …
The Israelites didn’t want to be facing the Red Sea with the Egyptian Army breathing down their necks. They thought God made a mistake. But it’s because we are totally …
Mary of Bethany truly learns to worship at the feet of Jesus. Mary receives her blessings at His feet, and she lays her burdens at the feet of Jesus. Too …
” We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing …
Quaking in your boots? Perhaps you fear foreclosure on your house. Maybe you have a child headed in the wrong direction. Downsizing at your company causes you to shiver. A …
Some people look at faith in God as something that is regulated to “personal belief.” In other words, you can believe something if you want, but it’s not really real. …
What do you do when you’re low on love? Do you try to conjure it up by the sheer force of will? As if there is within us a distillery …
The “ready” position is the stance that an athlete takes to be prepared to take on any challenge. If you’re ready, you are not afraid. Don’t be afraid of tyrants, …
The promised land landmines include unrealistic expectations that lead to disappointment with God, amnesia that leads to fear and arrogance, and partial obedience that leads to compromise and presumption. Only …
The apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians from a dark prison cell in Rome. We learn much about inner joy and contentment from his story.The prisons of loneliness, …
When we face life’s floods, our way through is obedience to God. Obedience puts God in the front, shows where our faith is. Blessings are not always measured by success …
God make us all to be dreamers, and He placed within us deep desires to achieve, to express uniqueness and to make a contribution. Joseph was a dreamer-one whose dreams …
God promised Joshua and the Israelites that they would take the land. But God’s promises also come with conditions. Cowards, who refuse to follow God’s plan, get angry with Him …
The poetry of Genesis is drawing us in… showing us that Elohim is different from the gods of Mesapotamia and Sumer. Elohim is a present God. When I feel alone, …
People who are searching for Christ are frustrated by feeling they have to keep a set of rules to please God. The concept of receiving unconditional love is foreign to …
When a Jericho (a seemingly insurmountable obstacle) blocks your path, never confuse God’s patience with weakness or approval. in yesterday’s (or someone else’s battle plan. God will go before you. …
Advertisements bombard us today. A simple drive down the road is filled with an array of quips, quotes, empty promises, and invitations to spend your money. QVC infomercials and internet …
The parable of the prodigal son illustrates the heart of God for His wayward children. The younger brother broke all the rules, felt he didn’t deserve his father’s love and …
We live and do ministry in Princeton, a college town in New Jersey. If you took a string on a map and connected New York and Philadelphia, right smack dab …
Some time ago, a woman came to the microphone at a conference and told of how, 14 years earlier, her adult daughter had been stalked and then viciously murdered by …
Seasons of adversity—economic or otherwise—do not catch God off guard. He knows everything that is going on in our world. He also knows what lies ahead. He is orchestrating all …
There is perhaps nothing I feel more uncomfortable teaching than prayer. If you were to list my spiritual gifts in order, the gift of prayer might eke out the gift …
You think to yourself, “Life can’t get much better than this!” Today, the sun beams on your face, the wind blows at your back, and the world is at your …
Paul the apostle teaches that if we know who we are and believe who we are, then we must live who we are-walking worthy of Jesus Christ. We reflect His …
The tighter we hold onto life, the harder it will be to let go. The believer sees death as a graduation, not the end!
In the late 1800’s, a large group of European pastors came to one of D. L. Moody’s Bible conferences in Massachusetts. As was their custom, the European guests put their …
Refusing to deal with the past robs us of our future. We must face and accept the truth and receive grace instead of guilt. Our “skeletons” from the past can …
How can my words deceive others? We can often speak untruths in the name of “etiquette” or “fearing what others think. Here are just a few ways we can compromise …
Living courageously means sharing Christ fearlessly. We bond together as co-workers as we reach the world for Christ. Church-goers are not to be consumers, but committed followers of Christ.
Strength and courage come from the choices we make more than the feelings we have. Joshua received God’s blessing because He obeyed in he face of insurmountable odds.
The desperate widow who begged Jesus for help, the neighbor who continued to knock and beg for bread were stories Jesus told to cause us to have indomitable faith and …
He was a professional thief. His name stirred fear as the desert wind stirs tumbleweeds. He terrorized the Wells Fargo stage line for thirteen years, roaring like a tornado in …
Behold a hero of the west: the cowboy. He rears his horse to a stop on the rim of the canyon. He shifts his weight in his saddle, weary from …
I would suggest that most of us have one of two models of forgiveness: a Brita model or a leaky spigot model. The Brita model is the American model, the …
Fierce, contrary winds whipped the waves of the Galilean Sea like a frothy meringue. Jesus’ rag-tag team shivered in their sandals as their tiny wooden skiff tossed about on the …
I came across a sad story this week, a story about a honeymoon disaster. The newly weds arrived at the hotel in the wee hours with high hopes. They’d reserved …
A Vietnam vet, a widow and a mom relates their journeys defending their country and keeping the faith.
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In our culture, that sounds crazy, and is at minimum something …
Rebecca Thompson fell twice from the Fremont Canyon Bridge. She died both times. The first fall broke her heart; the second broke her neck. She was only eighteen years of …
He had always loved those who were his own in the world, and he loved them all the way to the end. (Jn. 13:1) Give thanks to the Lord because …
Christians often justify their decisions by saying, “I have a peace about it.” Is that a cop-out? Is God’s peace subjective? “Peace” is one of those Christianese terms that is sometimes used in …
The kingdom of heaven. Its citizens are drunk on wonder. Consider the case of Sarai. She is in her golden years, but God promises her a son. She gets excited. …
The kingdom of heaven. Its citizens are drunk on wonder. Consider the case of Sarai. She is in her golden years, but God promises her a son. She gets excited. …
Pandemonium means bedlam, chaos or confusion. Does that sound like Sunday morning at your house? If you know your Greek, pandemonium means daemonium (demons) and pan (all around). No matter …
Pandemonium means bedlam, chaos or confusion. Does that sound like Sunday morning at your house? If you know your Greek, pandemonium means daemonium (demons) and pan (all around). No matter …
Much of the Word applies specifically to the battles we face. However, the Bible consists of sixty-six books. My point? The Bible has much to say about fighting the good …
Much of the Word applies specifically to the battles we face. However, the Bible consists of sixty-six books. My point? The Bible has much to say about fighting the good …
Our assumptions keep many of us from faith. As we age, many of us stop believing and start assuming. We stop living out of our right brain imagination and start …
To my dear Muslim friends: The Quran and the Injeel (the Gospels) in the Bible reflect very different views of God. God’s love is the basis for all relationships and …
Peter teaches three reasons why we suffer. It can be because of our own mistakes or it can be undeserved. Suffering can also be mysterious, we don’t know why. Regardless, …
I am sure we have all been asked, or pondered the question on our own, “What would you do differently, if you knew you only had 6 months to live?” …
Science itself points to a non-physical reality. Making something from something is talent. Making something from nothing is miraculous. God Himself broke into our natural world in the person of …
John Godfrey Saxe articulates a classic argument that all faiths are the same and that no one should make truth claims about God. He states that the true God is …
Moses allowed God to replace His fear of Pharoah with faith in God. God replaced Moses’ controlling self-reliance with humility, his self-centered stubbornness with faith and his unworthy self-condemnation with …
Dear Roger, I continually struggle with the story of Abraham and Isaac. In all truth, this story really bothers me. I realize that God did not have Abraham …
Christians may suffer because of sin’s consequences, Satanic attack, or because we live in a fallen world. God uses suffering to make us like Christ.
Here I am toe-tapping again, my silent protest to waiting. My body weight shifts every few minutes as I check my watch and tap some more. I can feel the …
Faith is a combination of belief and commitment. A belief is a thought that we think to be true. A commitment is an act of our will. In life there …
A pure heart is essential to truly know God. A dirty human spirit impairs our ability to hear God speak.
Spiritually mature Christians know God intimately and experience His revelation deeply. They persevere in ministry, compassionately nurturing others.
God communicates with us by the Bible, by reason, by godly counsel, by circumstances, by dreams, signs and wonders. He speaks Holy Spirit to human spirit. How do we know …
Man is body, soul and spirit. Cultivating the inner spirit is critical because that is where God the Holy Spirit indwells and speaks.
The tension between science and scripture often comes from faulty biblical interpretation, leading people to a shaky faith foundation. The heavens truly declare the glory of God. Such a confluence …
Faith means a long-term commitment to God’s will in spite of circumstances or criticism. A true experience with God will evoke life change. Faith’s actions have long-lasting and eternal results.
Doubt is an inescapable part of the human experience. Faith is an inescapable part of being human. We set up an unlivable life when we attempt to live with 100 percent …
The Christian leader that builds his role on Christ-centered bedrock is blessed with a sound foundation for setting priorities and is more faithfully followed because those he leads know the …
The Christian leader that builds his role on Christ-centered bedrock is blessed with a sound foundation for setting priorities and is more faithfully followed because those he leads know the …
The lifestyle art from the testimony of Enoch in Hebrews 11:5 is discussed. My faith means I creatively integrate the sacred into my everyday life. In Hebrews 11:5 the author …
We are God’s only marketing strategy, valued and entrusted with the gospel to shed the light of His glory and character on a world in darkness. We must be salt …
Something about me and sports are not compatible. The mere suggestion of a ball game can double my stress level. I can lose a game of tennis before I can …
The ingredients for answered prayer include understanding God’s will, living a righteous life and praying with faith. When praying for the sick, we need to understand the reasons for sickness and …
Mary Magdalene learned from the resurrected Christ that God is real, He loves her deeply and eternally, and she had a purpose to share Jesus with a broken world. Truly, Mary …
If you trust you “sin struggle” is always going to win, Romans 6 has some great news for you! In this text, Paul reveals a great truth that points to …
Dear Roger, I recently became a Christian. The pastor told me that now I needed to be baptized. I told him that I was baptized as a baby and didn’t …
How many of you have ever had to forgive anyone? Was there ever a downside to it? Many studies have proven that childhood trauma and emotional trauma from the stresses …
In my own admittedly limited experience, I’ve found that one of the most important aspects in my walk with God is keeping my mind grounded in the truth of Christ. …
Rahab, the Jericho prostitute, is first known by her reputation but remembered by her faith. She fears God and bases her life on the promise that God will save her. Because …
Nebuchadnezzar demonstrates amazing leadership skills, but loses his kingdom for a time. Eventually, he listens to the wisdom of Daniel and repents. Leadership is a stewardship gift given for a …
Samson, the strong man from the Book of Judges is contrasted with John the Baptist, the prophet who prepared the way for Christ’s coming. One man lived out of step …
Knowing and loving God is facilitated by the revealed light of Christ and His Word and by intimately connecting with Jesus on a personal, experiential level.
Growth toward spiritual maturity is a journey into deeper intimacy with the Triune God that produces a reflection of Christ’s love to our near ones and to one another.
The foundation of our faith completely rests on Jesus. Just as a building cannot stand without a cornerstone, you and I cannot truly understand who we are without giving our …
Bible fellowships must be an authentic biblical expression of Christian community where assembled believers experience intimacy and utilize their unique spiritual gifts.
A healthy marriage is characterized by mutual giving and receiving. Parents must teach biblical values, invest love and defer to their needs.
TEACHER TO TEACHER One of my early mentors in the art of teaching was fond of saying, “review, review, review.” He knew that people learn new material by associating it …
Believers pray understanding there is one True God who is personal, living and hears their prayers, who is caring and involved in their lives, and who wants to have the …
How do you develop a healthy, balanced life style and manage the stressors of life well? Let’s look at three different aspects of your life: emotions, relationships, and spirituality. First …
Sometimes there are compelling realities to life that move us to action. The resurrection should move us to take a risk with no reserves, no retreat and no regrets.
Each of us has a race to run and everyone of us can finish well. Great racers strip down and develop endurance.
As believers, we are on the “winning side.” God sent His prophetic messengers to prepare our hearts to receive His grace. Don’t live with a short-term view of God’s plan.
Faith is the secret ingredient to life that explains the extraordinary behaviors of ordinary people and the supernatural events that surround them.
Three categories of tests from God are described in Scripture. Temptations come to all believers from Satan. Trials are used by God to refine our faith and make us look …
Unless we become like children-humble, teachable and trusting-we will never grow into the spiritual people God intends for us to be. The intellegencia in Athens were too proud to receive …
To continue with my theme from the last week’s series of blogs about the resurrection, there’s one more entry I’d like to post about what the resurrection does for us. …
Dear Roger, Do you have to publicly become a Christian or can you do it in private? Sincerely, Anonymous (from Casas Church Discovering Christianity Class) Dear Anonymous, When I was …
The first miracle sign Jesus performed was at the wedding feast in Cana. Changing water to wine is a sign of the lavish lifestyle that Jesus offers to all who …
“The Lord was with Joseph” is a repeated phrase throughout his story. Chapter 40 discusses the detention of the King’s cupbearer and baker, their dreams and the decrees of the …
We must invest care and compassion into the lives of those who need to know Christ, and simply invite them to experience Christ with us in church.
Whose job is it to convict a lost world of its sin? It is the work of the Holy Spirit. Confrontational approaches to sharing our faith violate the relationships which …
Herod’s steward walked 20 miles to ask Jesus to heal his ailing son. Besides finding healing for his boy, the steward found faith in a miracle-working Savior.
I recently read an interesting quote about Buddhism’s impact on real world problems. Check this out. “Christmas Humpreys, an influential Western Buddhist, admits…’It may be asked, what contribution Buddhism …
I recently read an interesting quote about Buddhism’s impact on real world problems. Check this out. “Christmas Humpreys, an influential Western Buddhist, admits…’It may be asked, what contribution Buddhism …
Teacher Jane W. shares Christ in the classroom in Tanzania. She soon travels to one of the war zones where poverty and chaos reign. Where does she get her courage! …
David, in the midst of his troubles, had learned the “golden secret.” He taught that we must be stirred to love God and focus on Him, and He will not …
We can be free from anxiety and aloneness because we have access to the throne room of God and His gifts of peace and joy. We must live with the …
Dear Roger, My mother died this week. I’d like to know what the Bible teaches about what happens after death. Love, Roger Dear Roger, Death and dying is a subject …
Paul encourages us to finish the race with the strength and power only God can provide. Our hope is in heaven, not here on earth.
How well do you know God? Has it ever occurred to you why we are able to know the depths of God’s character? We all have people we know better …
How long must I call for help and you do not listen? How long must you tolerate injustice? You don’t seem to care that the Babylonians, a wicked and perverse …
Surrendering to God’s will, re-assessing our strengths and weaknesses and discerning the passions God has given us enable us to recover from failure and loss.
Hebrews 11 is the “Hall of Heroes”-portraits of faithful men and women like Moses, Noah, Abraham and Sarah. Their lives inspire us to emulate their obedience and trust in God.
Do we have to abandon reason to have faith? Science, philosophy and anthropology point to the existence of a Master-Designer.
Mary asked the angel two questions: Is this Jesus worth it, and can God do this? We ask the same questions every day. Is following God worth the sacrifice, and …
God must exist because every effect has a cause, every design a designer and because men universally believe that He exists. The universal moral code is stamped on the hearts …
It’s December. Perhaps you are scurrying around searching to find just the right Christmas gifts for loved ones. Do you find yourself so consumed with holiday preparations that you don’t …
Living by faith is the lifestyle guaranteed to please God. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. God rewards our …
Abel’s blood sacrifice pleased God because only a blood sacrifice can forgive sin. Jesus’ work on the cross is our only hope of salvation. Every other religion rests upon the …
The personality, position, power, purpose and destiny of Satan is carefully studied. His demonic forces are described, and the victorious power of God over the Adversary is taught.
Wycliffe missionaries Larry and Nancy Hagberg relate a remarkable story of faith in the midst of cancer, a near-fatal car crash and floods. God’s Word is the powerful, sustaining force …
The first part of the Hebrews seminar covers Christ’s role as king and priest after the order of Melchizedek. We are encouraged to grow up in the faith and encourage …
The test of faith is to stand firm and follow in the footsteps of Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 11 gives us a litany of faithful …
The scene: A bunker on the front lines. Artillery shells are exploding all around. Machine-guns lay down a blanket of tracer rounds overhead. The drone of enemy dive-bombers is increasing …
The prophet Habakkuk longs to know God’s timetable for justice among His people, but his Creator is teaching him patience. Waiting does not mean a plan is flawed, idle or …
iPods, iPhones, text messaging, e-mail, social networking, video and audio input are all screaming for our attention. It’s funny how the absence of something in your life causes you to …
Peter learns to trust Jesus in a new way when Jesus calls him out of the boat to walk on water. Kingdom living requires faith. Faith leads to risk. Risk …
Session one of Dr. Toussaint’s seminar introduces the theme and the purpose of the book. 1 Peter was written to encourage suffering saints who were being persecuted for their faith …
We witness at every stage of our spiritual growth, but we evangelize more effectively as we mature in Christ. Fishing for lost souls looks like accepting the rejected, supporting the …
God’s Word tells us when we are sick to give thanks in all things, look for God’s refining work in our lives, seek to have His heart and pray in …
Hi Roger, I am intrigued with your “One-Sentence Sermon.” I remember hearing about it but I was not there. I would like to hear the story and I’m sure others …
Three things are going on in the Acts ministry of Christ today. Christ is coming as the spirit to dwell in His followers. Jesus is engaged in His greatest work of …
The Lord’s Prayer is the blueprint for every believer’s prayer life. By personalizing this model prayer, we learn how to be genuine with God and bring His will to bear …
Disappointment is part of the cycle of life. Sometimes disappointment comes from our own faulty thinking, foolish choices or from vulnerable moments following great mountaintop experiences. Asaph pens words of pathos …
The contextualization of Christianity in a culture is a controversial work. How much of the presentation of the Gospel must be adapted to a culture, and honor the culture? When …
A “God-fearing” woman is not a terrified woman, but a wife and mother who lives in joyful intimacy with God. Reverence and respect for the God who loves her guides …
Fear is the antithesis of faith. Examples like the terrified Hebrews spying out the Promised Land, David facing the giant Goliath, the disciples panicking on a stormy boat, illustrate the fact …
In spite of our fears, Jesus says we can handle the truth and it will set us free. God used Elijah’s fears to deepen Elijah’s faith and distinguish his spiritual …
We gain momentum in our spiritual lives when we take the Bible to heart. Jesus teaches how to have a receptive heart in the parable of the soils. Jesus puts …