Leah, the Unappreciated Mother

Leah, wife of Jacob and sister of Rachel, was switched with her sister on Jacob and Rachel’s wedding night. She lived in a loveless marriage, unappreciated and unsupported. We can love, affirm and respect our wives and mothers.

Microsoft Word – 1778s Mothers Day Leah.doc


Turn in bibles to Genesis 29:16.
Introduce sermon: The Unappreciated Mother
How many moms and grandmas got good gifts for Mother’s Day? Bad gifts? Men, ever gave

good gift? Bad Gift?

SLIDE #2: Good Mother’s Day gifts
Get Out Of Jail” free card – means get out of the house, away from the kids and get hair done,

manicure and pedicure
Bad gift: WD 40; big league chew and beef jerky—only stores open last night at midnight

Good gift: Big bar of Hershey’s chocolate Bad Gift: String Bikini

Good gift: Homemade Marconi necklace–home made by your child it goes with any outfit. Bad gift:
SLIDE #3:T-shirt: “Sometimes I wake up grumpy and sometimes I let her sleep.”

Good gift: Snuggy

Searching TIVO for upcoming shows: “I like soap operas.”

SLIDE #4: “As the Jew Turns.” SLIDE #5: Or “Haran 90210.”

So, you press the button and the TIVO takes you not to the TV but directly to Genesis 29.

SLIDE #6: READ Genesis 29:16-18: Now Laban had two daughters; the name of the older was Leah , and the name of the younger was Rachel. 17 Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel was lovely in form, and beautiful. 18 Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.”

Sibling rivalry intense
SLIDE #7: READ Genesis 30:8: After Bilhah had Naphtali: Then Rachael said, “I have had a

great struggle with my sister and I have won.”

Set up Julie and Jacob And Laban Story

SLIDE #8: This story all started with a bowl of five-alarm chili. Jacob, who’s name means “sneaky con man” stole the inheritance and blessing from his older brother Esau by cooking chili for his blind dad and passing himself off as his hairy, smelly sibling. When big

brother returns, he realizes Jacob has tricked him, and vows to kill him when Dad dies. At this point, we see Jacob heading for the hills to live with his uncle Laban far far away from Esau.

SLIDE #9: Now the soap opera begins. Jacob sees young Rachel, his cousin, getting ready to water her sheep. He is blown away by her gorgeous eyes and curvaceous figure. Without even introducing himself or asking her name, he cries like a girl, waters her sheep, plants a mad passionate kiss upon her lips and asks to speak to her Dad to ask for her hand in marriage. Jacob happily agreed to work seven years shoveling sheep manure to win the hand of the fair maiden.

SLIDE #10: At the end of seven years, Laban pulled a switch on his sneaky nephew. When the wedding night came, Laban slipped the older daughter Leah into the tent with Jacob.

SLIDE #11: Jacob was stunned the next morning to learn of the switcheroo. Now, how in the world could a groom possibly fail to recognize his new wife on their wedding night? Well, according to our research-the tent was dark, Leah was veiled and Jacob was plastered. The Hebrew word for wedding feast was “tslah” which means “kegger.”

SLIDE #12: Jacob was livid with Laban! Struck another deal to work seven years for the Rachael, the girl he really wanted. Seven days later he kicked Leah out of the marriage tent and Rachel moved in to Jacob’s tent and Leah got the boot.

SLIDE #13: Now begins the parade of children. Leah is a mom. She gets no love from Jacob. She does everything in her power to win his love and approval through the sons she gives to him. He never gives her the time of day. He even abandons her to raise their sons the best she can—on her own. Her boys are a disaster.

On this mother’s day, we want to gain an appreciation for so many moms who labor quietly and lovingly behind the scenes—under love and under appreciated.


SLIDE #15: READ Genesis 29:17-18: Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel was lovely in form, and beautiful. 18 Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.”

Leah had weak eyes.
Near Eastern standard of beauty was lively, sparkling glowing eyes, enhanced by cosmetics. Weak Eyes Idea suggests she was rather plain.

Rachael, on the other hand was drop-dead gorgeous.
Eyes were great—coke bottle figure evident even through robes.

Leah never measured up to her more beautiful sister.

How many of you went to school with Rachael? and hated her?—and at the same time wished you were her twin?

Women’s self esteem issues.
Women never think they are beautiful enough.

Love me for me or my beauty?

Linda Siemonite was my college suite mate. Linda was beautiful, blonde, buxom and incredibly talented. Every guy at Baylor lined up outside the dorm to get a date with Linda. Four years later, Linda married an ugly guy fifteen years her senior. Her roommates were puzzled. They said “Linda, you could have had any guy on campus. Why him?” She smiled and said, “He’s the first guy who loved me for my inside rather than my outside.”

SLIDE #16: Leah means cow or strong — symbol of fertility. Rather see her as strong rather than cow.

SLIDE #17: Rachael means ewe—little lamb
What were they thinking: Meet my daughters cow and little lamb!

SLIDE #18: What might Jacob have done? Pick out something positive.

Realized her pain and tried to help her

“Kind of person most people pass by.” I try to spend extra time with those people. Ask her questions about herself. Get to know her character.
Like being a Shepherd? Etc.

Look closer rakkoth means tender, delicate and soft.
Leah’s eyes were sensitive, gentle and kind.
Perhaps Rachael’s eyes sparkled while Leah’s were dreamy and tender reflecting their


There is usually something very special inside all of us if we will just take time enough to look.

SLIDE #19: Susan Boyle –dull eyes. Plain package with a remarkable voice and winning personality.

Set up video


There is usually something very special inside all of us if we will just take time enough to look.

SLIDE #21: READ Genesis 29:20-21: So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her. 21 Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife. My time is completed, and I want to lie with her.”

SLIDE #22: READ Genesis 29:22-25: So Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a feast. 23 But when evening came, he took his daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob, and Jacob lay with her. 25 When morning came, there was Leah ! So Jacob said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn’t I?

SLIDE #23: How could Jacob fail to notice that he had the wrong girl?

Bride not present at feast.
Feast is word for imbibing, root meaning is drunk
Room in darkness
Veil remained in place until the marriage is consummated as a sign of modesty and subjection

to her husband.
Voice veiled since bride was presented in utter silence.

SLIDE #24: This a security issue.

So Uncle Laban says, “Finish this daughter’s bridal week; then we will give you the younger one also, in return for another seven years of work.”

Didn’t want to finish the bridal week. He wanted nothing to do with her!

Humiliation: on the eighth morning she is replaced by her younger sister. Jacob lay with Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than Leah.

SECURITY is a big deal for women.

You won’t leave me: you will stay with me?
You will be faithful and loyal?
You will give me stability—financially, mentally, emotionally and physically? Will you help me raise my children and support and feed them?

SLIDE #25: Security “snuggie”- The perfect Bible picture is found in the book of Ruth when the widow Ruth goes where Boaz is sleeping and covers herself with his blanket. When Boaz awakes, he knows exactly what Ruth is asking. She wants him to “cover” her with love and protection as her husband.

My maternal grandfather was a sex addict. He married and divorced my grandmother three times. He had multiple affairs, coming home at all hours of the night with no explanation or apology. My Mom saw him at the movies with another woman. When she tearfully told her mom, her mother shook her head and said nothing. When he had last affair before their final divorce, his mistress walked straight up to my Grandmother, introduced herself and said two words: “He’s mine.”

Was she a willing participant in the deception or merely an obedient daughter? Better the wrong man than no man at all?

Laban “took” Leah and “gave” her to a man who didn’t love her.

Did Leah have any choice in the matter? We have no idea. Took and Gave make it doubtful. Take Rachael’s veil with trembling hands, wiping away tears of shame—or zip her lip and be

glad the veil hid the smirk on her face?

We do know this, come morning light Leah would surely be the most hated woman in Haran for stealing her sister’s husband.

Imagine Jacob was mature enough to minister to Leah’s needs. Hard, but thought only of himself.
Sorry Laban put her in this position.
Stayed longer than three days—after all, he had 7 years to go.

I will take care of you and meet your needs—No. She was left with no security. Work on this together = maturity INDIFERRENCE VERSUS LOVE AND APPROVAL

Tries to gain Jacob’s approval by giving him sons.
Intense longing to be loved (33:34) names of first three children.

SLIDE #27: Reuben: “God Knows I Am Miserable. Surely Jacob Will Love Me Now.”

SLIDE #28: Simeon: “God Sees Me, But Jacob Still Doesn’t Love Me.”

SLIDE #29: Levi: “Perhaps Now My Husband Will Finally Accept Me.”

SLIDE #30: Rachael was not much better: Joseph means “Maybe God will give me another son!”

SLIDE #31: Dinah, the daughter, was an afterthought. Her name meant God’s judgment.

SLIDE #32: JULIE—ADD SITTING AROUND THE TABLE: “Maybe he’ll love me” chew your food.; “He’s gotta love me”, pass the potatoes. Don’t fight with your brother, “Jacob doesn’t give a darn” Then Rachel yells, Take off your sandals! “Maybe God will give me another son.” If you don’t clean your tent, I’ll make “God’s Judgment” do it.

Still thinking about finding love through approval

Leah was trying to please the unpleasable. Mother in law, husband

The church where one of my daughters attends is comprised of a young congregation-everyone is under forty. The pastor and wife planned a women’s retreat called “Feel the Burn.” The

pastor announced that retreat t-shirts would be given out at the back table. There were three shirt sizes: XS, S and M. One mother of three said, I can’t wear a medium. Don’t you have any larges?” The pastor’s wife replied, we’ll have to special order, but if I were you I’d be a medium by next year’s retreat.”

What Jacob could have done?
Love is a choice.
Looked upon her pain and misery and loved her Agape love

By the time the fourth son comes along there is a decided change in her attitude.

SLIDE #33: READ Genesis 29:35: She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.

Judah = this time I will praise the Lord.

You are loved by God. Learned to find happiness even in a loveless marriage.

“She could not change Jacob but she could change herself and recognize God’s hand in her life (30:13).

Leah began her marriage focusing on what she lacked an being miserable, but she changed her heart and focused on what she had and determined to praise the Lord.

Leah began her marriage focusing on what she lacked an being miserable, but she changed her heart and focused on what she had and determined to praise the Lord.

Leah personified the need for every woman to live for God and His glory.


Let’s talk about the children.

Reuben slept with this father’s concubine, Bilah: Jacob did nothing until curses him before he dies.

Sold brother Joseph into slavery

Dinah, Leah’s daughter, wondered over to Philistine camp and was raped. Didn’t even know about it for several days and then he was displeased but did nothing—after all, it was Leah’s child

So, sons took matters into own hands—circumcised story—murdered men of Shechem. Heart break of absent, uncaring, silent, and passive dad and husband.

Broken heart of how sons turned out—and dad didn’t care! Father gave Leah no support with the rowdy boys.

If your kids go bad, there is still hope for repentance.

Boys finally repented with broken-hearted humility at the end of Genesis.
Wicked sons came to repentance and faith. It is never too late for your kids to return to G od.

SLIDE #36: What can husbands do? Share the Load.

Wanda and the laundry

Dad’s you don’t have to repeat the same mistakes of your father’s role model. You can love and support your wife no matter what kind of model you

SLIDE #37: Want can children do? Make good choices: Bronwyn and drugs

Pick up room—doesn’t need to be fight
Kid’s love and respect; live a godly life.
SLIDE #38: What can grandparents do? Adopt

My paternal grandparents knew how to support my mother. Momma worked long hours alongside my Dad to get their struggling construction company started. So Grandpa and Grandma picked us up early Friday morning for a day of fun. Grandpa Boy took us to the zoo, filled us up with corn dogs and popcorn and drove us home for a long afternoon of stories and dress-up. Grandma had an endless supply of costume jewelry and high heels. By five o’clock, my tired parents arrived and Grandma and Grandpa had spent the afternoon cooking fried chicken, black-eyed peas fresh-shelled, and homemade peach ice cream. We went home spoiled and stuffed. My Mom felt blessed and supported.

Snuggy: Surrounded by hope and support.

Support: Mom Squad story:When our first daughter was alive, she was terminally ill. We were not sleeping for months, because she had to be fed every two hours. We were so despondent. Then came a knock at the door. Twelve ladies came to our home and said, “We are the Mom Squad. We will come every night at 10 o’clock and stay all night with your baby so that you can get some sleep. They never missed a night in nine months! What support and dedication for a hurting mom!

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