
Shame Off You!

I remember even being at school, I was the little ethnic kid. You know, my parents came from Egypt into Australia after the overflow of king Farouk. And there was…

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Am I a Narcissist?

How can I know if I am a narcissist? In the ancient myth, the hunter Narcissus was acclaimed for his beauty. Many sought Narcissus romantically, but he spurned them all.…

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The Good Father

The Good Father Luke 15:11-32 After my husband died, I was struggling to fall asleep at night and I was struggling to stay asleep. I had tried singing praise songs…

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Happiness, Sex and Sexual Identity

Sex as God intended—in marriage, between a man and a woman—is a pleasure to be celebrated (see Proverbs 5:15-19). Sex outside of marriage brings serious negative consequences—emotional, physical, and spiritual. Promising…

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Consumerism and the Church

“Consumerism and the Church: Reclaiming the Gospel From Our Most Powerful Religion” is written by Joe Terrell, content manager at Joe’s writings for Medium, Relevant, Carey Nieuwhof, and his personal…

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Ready to Party

Ben has decided that he wants to die. This son of mine, who lives with a trust I aspire to….he believes in heaven, and can’t wait to get there. Why…

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Sexuality, the Bible and LGBTQ

DEFINITION Sexuality refers to God’s anthropological design and pattern for the procreative relationship between male and female and to the experience of erotic desire within that design. Gender refers to…

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Mary’s Magnificat

Imagine how Mary must have felt when she was told by an angel that she would be the parent of the long-awaited Messiah—that she’d be responsible for raising and nurturing…

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8 Myths about Heaven

Big books full of Scripture, theology, and quotations from people long dead don’t normally sell well. Yet to my surprise, and the publisher’s, over a million copies of my 2004…

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Can Systemic Sin Exist?

Our world is talking theology. They probably aren’t aware of it, but theological conversations permeate the air. One such conversation that has persisted over the past several years has been…

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Be Kind at Home

People can be perturbing. Marriage and family life would be a lot less stressful if husbands and children didn’t sometimes act irresponsibly or disregard our feelings or instructions. Ministry would…

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Healing Pandemic Disunity

Playing into Satan’s Strategy The increase in Christians bickering over non-essentials doesn’t seem to be a passing phase. And it injures our witness, inviting eye rolls and mockery from unbelievers…

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How Satan Uses Your Suffering

“I’m done with God.” “No one will ever understand.” “I’m never trusting anyone again.” “I can’t pray.” “I won’t pray.” I’ve heard all of these statements from people in the…

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Easter or Passover?

“Easter” Or “Passover”? We all know that the early church did not celebrate Easter with jelly beans, chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chickens. Their children never went on Easter egg hunts.…

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Faith Over Fear

“Faith over fear.” It’s one of those Christian slogans that is undeniably true, and, at the same time, less helpful than it may seem. To be sure, our lives as…

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Thirty-Five Ways to Care for Your Soul

Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Care of the soul is serious and important work. For it is through this task that we draw closer to God and thus,…

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Satan and Slander

A perverse man spreads strife, and a slanderer separates intimate friends. —Proverbs 16:28 Jesus made a remarkable statement concerning Judas. He said, “‘Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve,…

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The Power of a Blessing

Remember: List 5-10 things you remember from childhood. Now, go back and scan your list. How many of those memories are negative in nature? Don’t be alarmed if most of the…

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Should We Fear Satan?

Anxiety disorders are the number one mental health problem of the world; so fear is a very serious issue that we’re dealing with. Fear of anything other than God is…

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Missions and Social Justice

I commonly hear Christians and non-Christians object to missions on the grounds that missionaries have sometimes been the tip of the spear for oppression and cultural subjugation. People cite the…

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Have You Hit a Wall?

I love to run—with friends, alone, on a trail, anytime, anywhere. I love the challenge and the press of reaching new milestones and levels of exertion, so I know what…

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How to Pray All Day

Like many other believers, I’ve always sought to have a time of devotion and prayer every morning. And like most other believers I have found it to be a struggle…

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Surviving Spring 2020

Spring 2020?  It’s time for a deep breath, a steady resolve and a few decisions. I’m thinking of three essential, emotional tools. Gratitude. Collect your blessings. Catalog God’s kindnesses. Assemble…

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Rediscovering Courtship

I was first introduced to the idea of courtship while reading The Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler. I was automatically intrigued. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a…

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A Modern Sabbath Day

I recently studied the 10 Commandments and took notice of number four, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) I have no problem not stealing or murdering, but I…

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A Glimpse of Grace

Last summer, our purebred chocolate lab enlivened our home with a litter of puppies. One of them captured the hearts of many visitors, both in person and online. Flash had…

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Mad Men and God

This past Sunday you may have heard me make a possible puzzling statement… “Pure rationalism will lead to irrationalism.” What does that mean? Let me explain.  Man’s reason and senses enable…

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