
Eli: The Passive Parent

Cameron Buettel is an author partnering with Pastor John MacArthur at Here are his powerful insights. Parenting is never easy. Nobody in this fallen world has mastered it. And…

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Francis and Lisa Chan on Living Out Love

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Protect Our Children

Much is riding on the children being raised in today’s America, children who could grow to become a mighty generation of Christian stalwarts. That’s why we know we are praying…

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Zoo Day

Zoo Day is a simple tale about a caring second-grade teacher who opened the eyes of her students to the wonders of God’s creation.

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How Good Families Go Bad

The stories of Eli, Samuel and David reveal that spiritual men can have unspiritual children. Four myths of child-rearing include: going to church produces spirituality, kids need to make their…

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Having Childlike Faith

Unless we become like children-humble, teachable and trusting-we will never grow into the spiritual people God intends for us to be. The intellegencia in Athens were too proud to receive…

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The Sin Exchange

Lately I’ve become increasingly more aware of the enemy’s subtle tricks and deceptions in my life. As someone who works in ministry as a vocation, it is easy to get…

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