Bible Studies

David: How to Make Godly Choices

Read I Samuel 16:1-13. EXAMINATION (V.1) “How long will you grieve over Saul?” The Hebrew word for “grieve” in this passage is usually denotes mourning over a death. Samuel’s grief over Saul is deep…

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Hagar’s Story

 Today, we will speak about one of the most overlooked chapters in the book of Genesis – Chapter 16. This is the chapter when Sarah’s Egyptian slave Hagar became pregnant…

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Samson and Lust

Rebellious disdain of one’s divine calling, expressed in uncontrolled lusts and vengeful actions, can lead to destruction. At some unspecified time in the recent past, Samson, in a rage, had…

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Unleashing God’s Power

Electric vehicles have become more popular in recent years. There are many kinds of electric cars, but only three major types: hybrid, plug-in hybrid and all-electric. Plug-in hybrid and all-electric…

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Leah’s Tears

When we study about Rebecca, we see an interesting detail in her story. At the end of Genesis 24, we are told that Isaac loved Rebecca (יֶּאֱהָבֶ֑הָ) – and this…

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Unleashing Praise

In our culture today, feelings are often overemphasized and given too much authority. When Christians indulge in this exaltation of emotions, it can affect our spiritual life, especially our worship…

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Victory over Worldliness

Introduction In today’s world, it is common for people to identify themselves using their “preferred pronouns” to reveal how they want others to address and identify them. The cultural assumption…

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Eli: The Passive Parent

Cameron Buettel is an author partnering with Pastor John MacArthur at Here are his powerful insights. Parenting is never easy. Nobody in this fallen world has mastered it. And…

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Before Bethlehem

The angels must have been stunned to see the second member of the triune God become a human being! The baby of Bethlehem was Creator of the universe, pitching His…

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The Coming Glory

The Coming Glory Romans 8:18-25 The last three years have been some of the most emotionally difficult years we have ever seen. Everyone I encounter seems to be stressed to…

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Stop Being Offended

Intro: Colossians 1:13-14 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness Rescued Greek Erry-Sáto: snatch someone out of danger, child stepping out into the street. and brought us…

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How Does God Protect Me?

GOD’S PROTECTION! Because of man’s sin and the subsequent curse that poisoned the perfection of God’s creation, the world is often a dangerous place. People suffer every day from natural disasters,…

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The Reality of Demons

The Reality of Demons When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, “I will return to…

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4 Reasons Why We Give

Why do we give? The first hit when you Google “why should I be generous?” is this article which lays out four reasons: 1)      Giving frees you from the “burden…

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Go: Jonah Part 3

Jonah was the only prophet called to people out of Israel.[i] That fact makes it easier to sympathize with Jonah’s resistance to God’s call to go to Nineveh. “I didn’t…

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Arise, Jonah! Part 2

Lessons from an Anti-Hero The Anti-Hero isn’t a modern invention, thousands of years ago Jonah was the Anti-Hero of his own story. Jonah’s story is in the Bible to hold…

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Jonah, the Anti-Hero

Lessons from an Anti-Hero: Jonah Jonah was the only prophet called to people out of Israel.[i] That fact makes it easier to sympathize with Jonah’s resistance to God’s call to…

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Mentoring Others

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the…

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Returning to God

“Returning to God” 1 Samuel 7:3-4 Introduction From Aaron and the golden calf to Paul and the altar to an unknown God, idolatry is discussed and illustrated as the governing sin…

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Returning to God in Unity

“Returning to God in Unity” Ephesians 4:1-6 Introduction Many fish species swim together in groups called schools to survive. The school creates a tight formation that moves swiftly in perfect…

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Kindness Begins at Home

People can be perturbing. Marriage and family life would be a lot less stressful if husbands and children didn’t sometimes act irresponsibly or disregard our feelings or instructions. Ministry would…

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Building Up One Another

As a child of God, you have a very special relationship with other Christians. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians pictures this relationship in two different ways. First, every believer is…

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The Verdict of Calvary

Introduction In our culture today, many philosophies and worldviews based on human wisdom compete for our attention. These ideas, however, are marked by deception and the absence of Christ. If…

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Deleting Your Demons

Introduction Some people have a compulsion to hoard things like collectibles, sentimental items or even garbage. When someone accumulates garbage, that waste attracts insects and rodents, making a bad situation…

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A Time for New Wine

Introduction Have you ever been involved with a remodeling project? It can be a very messy undertaking. Because the goal of remodeling is to make something better from its worn…

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Time to Grow Up

Introduction Certain things hopefully come with age as we grow and mature: more understanding, more wisdom, more responsibility and more expectations. Parents recognize this as they approach their children in…

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Hearing God’s Voice

Introduction Believers should seek to get spiritual clarity through prayer as they listen for God to speak to them. Because of spiritual warfare, we should prioritize our need to hear…

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30-Day Bible Reading

Revive Our Hearts Day 1: What You’ll Find Between the Covers We’re so glad you have taken the challenge to read the Bible daily for the next thirty days. It’s…

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Is Technology Your Idol?

Technology is designed to be a tool that serves and informs us, not a master that dictates how we live. Through science, entertainment, and communication, technology makes our lives easier…

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Idolatry: What You View

Satan has a trap. He wants us to think the word “idol” doesn’t apply to us. However, because sin affects everyone, so does idolatry. As Pastor Evans mentioned, “idolatry is…

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Stewardship is Wise

PRIORITIZING STEWARDSHIP “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with…

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How God Trains Us

DISCIPLINE GOD’S WAY PROVERBS 3:11-12 “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the…

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Abundant Living: Proverbs

DAY THREE-ABUNDANT LIVING The fatherly advice of this wise saying contains a warning and a promise humility and godly living bring health and well-being. The two parts are inextricably bound…

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Lies Women Believe

Lies About God God is not really good. God doesn’t love me. God is just like my father. God is cruel and overbearing. God is not really enough. God’s word…

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The Beatitudes

The term Beatitudes means ‘The Blessings’ or ‘be- attitudes’, as in the attitudes we should live by or be. These character traits, when observed by others within an individual’s life,…

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Listen When God Speaks

So many of Solomon’s observations are horizontal musings—the bitter, barren, boring side of life as seen through his disillusioned eyes. But, in chapter five he zeros in on the remarkable…

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21 Days of Prayer

This next month we begin an important conversation about our vision for the next mission season of connecting people to Jesus and one another at Southeast Christian Church. Where do…

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Hebrew Guide to the Psalms and provide insights from Biblical Hebrew with an answer key for leaders and a small group discussion guide. Psalm chapters 1, 2, 23, 42-43, 51, 73, 84, 90,…

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Protect Our Children

Much is riding on the children being raised in today’s America, children who could grow to become a mighty generation of Christian stalwarts. That’s why we know we are praying…

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No Barriers in Christ

The ministry of reconciliation and the word of reconciliation are the foundations of revival in the Church. People need to see God’s unconditional love through us.

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Love the Lord Your God

Only God can initiate revival in the hearts of His people, convicting them of their sin and prompting them to return to God. Written by Henry and Richard Blackaby and…

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God With Us

The heart of God working in the heart of man doesn’t look the same on everyone when it happens. But whether in the quiet stirrings of our spirit or in…

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St. Patrick: Who Was He?

Patrick’s vision for evangelizing Ireland was rooted in his knowledge of the lrish and seeing gospel metaphors hidden within Ireland’s soul. He believed genuine Christian community shared among the population…

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Warfare Praise

  Scripture tells us that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. When we praise, we invite God’s presence and authority into our situation, and silence Satan’s accusations and…

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What is Worship?

Worship, bowing the knee, kissing the Hand of the Master in devotion and obedience, is what man was created to do. The Bible is filled with examples of how we…

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Discipline God’s Way

The concept of discipline conjues up all kinds of images–punishment, asceticism, regulation, authority or control. For many people, discipline is to be avoiced at all costs. However, solomon teaches us…

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Humility and Godly Fear

Godliness and humility are indispensible virtues to impart to your children. King Solomon teaches that holiness, godly fear and obedience produces abundant life and intimacy with God and others.

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Lectio Divina Reader

This ancient practice comes from the Christian monastic tradition and gets its name from the Latin words meaning reading and divine/holy. It incorporates listening, meditation, prayer, and contemplation in order…

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Another Trinity

Recognizing the triune nature of man helps us understand more of God’s Word and His triune nature. The Bible was written that we might know God in all of His…

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Leaving a Legacy

Great leaders know how to “pass the baton.” Moses. Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Paul trained their disciples to take on the mantle of leadership.

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The Bad Seed

Every family has a “bad seed,” a relative with a shady reputation that soils the family name. We all have the “seed of sin” and need new life in Christ.

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Snow Days

“Snow Days” remind us of God’s amazing love in cleansing us from sin. We should slow down and relish the wonder of God’s creation and love.

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Why do we love our pets so? Perhaps we see ourselves in them. Their mischievous antics remind us of our fallenness and our potential for love and devotion.

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Betty Croaker

The Thanksgiving meal may be tasty or pasty, but the concept of stopping to thank God for His abundance is essential. He has given so much, and we are humbled…

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Me First!

We reflect the character of Christ in the everyday moments of life. We must wait for others, show kindness and patience and let them know they are loved and valued.

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Creepy Crawlers

SCRIPTURE STUDY Psalm 91 PRAYER FOCUS Dear Jesus, Help me to recognize Satan’s schemes and call on You to protect me. I know that You have promised to send your…

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Fraidy Cats

Fear can dominate our lives, but Christ’s love replaces our fears with confidence in His unconditional love and acceptance. We never have to walk in fear again.

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Stinky, messy Saturday chores are the bane child’s existence. Growing up means we do things we may not like for a greater good. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, takes care of…

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City Slickers

The psalmist in Psalm 84 writes that a day in God’s house is better than a thousand anywhere else. We should find our security, safety and satisfaction in His presence.

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“Sabbath” days of rest and relaxation are a gift from God. We should be thankful and praise Him for being a loving Father who enjoys blessing His children.

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Kids love sweets and fill their little tummies with as much as they can get. We need to crave God’s Word in the same way. His words are like honey…

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Communicating effectively with others is a skill that must be developed in our lives. A little girl receives attention, respect and affirmation from a loving godfather.

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Great Scotts!

Loving our near ones is a reflection of God’s unconditional love for us. We must love our neighbors as ourselves by being hospitable and accepting.

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Bored Games

Board games that children play can often bring out the true sinful nature within the heart of a child: selfishness, greed and unforgiveness.

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God’s creatures reflect His wisdom, imagination, and glory. When we look with wonder at His world, we learn more about our Heavenly Father.

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Car Wars

Brothers and sisters often struggle with intimacy and unity. God longs for us to love our near ones unselfishly and humbly.

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“Shots” are always painful. We must handle the “shots” we receive in life with grace and forgiveness, and avoid injuring others.

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Bullies do not have to dominate our lives. Intimidation, anger, and aggression are defused by a confident self-concept and compassion for our enemies.

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The Alien

Having a new baby in the home can be traumatic. Young siblings are unaware of future joys that will result. Help your child understand how to love the baby.

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All of us have a little waywardness in our nature. The key is to recognize that we are sinful and need a Savior. When we submit our lives to Him,…

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Zoo Day

Zoo Day is a simple tale about a caring second-grade teacher who opened the eyes of her students to the wonders of God’s creation.

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Cindy, My Enemy

Those who oppose us often have experienced our rejection and insensitivity. When we humbly look at ourselves, we can learn to extend grace and patience to others.

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Tea Party

Moms know the hearts of their children and have a special way of meeting their needs. Acts of kindness are cherished by those who receive them.

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The Square Dance

We often hurt those we love the most. Our expressions of love must be genuine, and we must be patient with those who have difficulty expressing their feelings.

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Puppy Love

Loving God whole-heartedly is a little like puppy love. We must love God sincerely, honestly and without reservation. God rejoices over His precious children with abandonment.

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The Tomato Caper

You can be sure your sin will find you out-whether it be a tiny transgression or a full-fledged, pre-meditated rebellious act. Julie learned how to confess and repent.

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Wholly Devoted

As devoted followers of Christ, we must have a pure heart, not a perfect ones. We may struggle to know God’s plan completely, but will respond in quiet faith and…

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Hark the Harold

Children’s Christmas programs remind us of the innocence of pure worship. The beauty and glory of the Christ-child is reflected in the faces of God’s little ones.

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Life In Focus

Samson, the strong man from the Book of Judges is contrasted with John the Baptist, the prophet who prepared the way for Christ’s coming. One man lived out of step…

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An Identity of Love

TEACHER TO TEACHER This is the last lesson in our Faith Foundations study series. It contains four “big ideas.” First, we describe Casas as a Kingdom church whose primary mission…

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We Need Each Other

God created man with physical, spiritual and relational needs. Relational needs are to be satisfied by near ones such as spouses, family, friends and church members.

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God Desires Our Love

Growth toward spiritual maturity is a journey into deeper intimacy with the Triune God that produces a reflection of Christ’s love to our near ones and to one another.

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Loving and Serving

We are free to choose how we will relate to God and others. We may selfishly indulge our sinful nature, or we can choose to use our resources to lovingly…

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Famous Invitations

Three famous invitation stories are conserved in the Gospels for our meditation. Disciples who can truthfully testify to life-changing experiences with Jesus have the authority and power of Christ to…

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Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part Two

Three parts of the Lord’s Prayer are discussed: daily bread (God’s provision through Christ), forgiveness out of grace, and resisting temptation. We learn that prayer requires humility and persistence. Prayer…

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Why Should I Pray?

Believers pray understanding there is one True God who is personal, living and hears their prayers, who is caring and involved in their lives, and who wants to have the…

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Making Jesus Real

Jesus calls us to a lifestyle of serving, making disciples, evangelizing the world and reflecting the right view of the real God to those around us.

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Healing Wounds

Life sometimes hurts. We heal hurt with comfort, anger with forgiveness, guilt with confession, fear with perfect love and condemnation with God’s unconditional love and acceptance.

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The Temptations

“The Temptations” lesson includes a discussion of sin and human nature, the temptation of Adam and Eve and the temptation of Christ. Satanic temptations include doubt, vulnerable times of fatigue…

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Our Spiritual Armor

The armor of God consists of the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. Each piece…

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Know Your Enemy

The personality, position, power, purpose and destiny of Satan is carefully studied. His demonic forces are described, and the victorious power of God over the Adversary is taught.

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Love That Lasts

God’s love for us is completely unselfish. Christ modeled such sacrificial love while He was on earth. The apostle Paul paints a picture of agape love in 1 Corinthians 13…

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Divine Design

King David experienced rejection, heartache, disappointment, and difficulty. How did He survive? When we study his prayers, we know he was deeply connected to God. Psalm 139 is a love…

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Failing Forward

Psalm 32 and 51 are twin poems that describe David’s prayer of brokenness and repentance. Psalm 32 paints a portrait of his emotional pain and how he became healed in…

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Finding Faith

King David began to doubt God when his life was falling apart. Asaph began to doubt God when his world fell apart. Some of our doubts are rational. Many are…

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Journey Into Worship

The Psalms of Ascents are fourteen poems that depict the pilgrimage of faith for abeliever. As the spiritual child grows to maturity, his worship of God will change dramatically. He…

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Delighting God’s Heart

The “Indescribable” companion devotional addresses the importance of praising God in our everyday lives. We are given a garment of praise by God, and when we wear it, we grow…

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The Changing Role of Women

Women were not honored in the known world during the time of King Solomon’s reign. Unfortunately, women were considered property or second-class citizens. Israel’s idolatrous neighbors based their value of…

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Be Ready

We have an opportunity to make every day count before Christ’s return. Living in the light of the urgency of our call and the hope of His rewards changes everything.…

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Bethlehem Star

What was the Star of Bethlehem and what did it signify? Nine points of the star’s meaning are revealed in Matthew 2. The light of God’s glory not only appeared…

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How to Handle Anger Day 4

King David, Solomon’s father, gave us a powerful model for handling anger. Because the shepherd-king was called the “man after God’s own heart,” he had profound insight into God’s character.…

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Discipline Day 5

When God makes you responsible for disciplining others, you are accountable to Him. Such discipline and discipling will require tremendous thought, time, and energy on your part as you invest…

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Discipline Day 4

We learn that God provides a place for His children, gives His laws, explains the benefits of obeying His laws, explains the punishment of disobedience, explains the process of restoration,…

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Discipline Day 2

God’s discipline of His children takes a paradigm shift in our thinking to understand that discipline is good, and the results are holiness, righteousness, and peace. It takes years of…

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Discipline Day 3

God knows what is best for us. He created us (Psalm 139:13). He is omniscient and eternal (Isaiah 46:10; Revelation 21:6a). God is love (1 John 4:8); therefore, all He…

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Discipline Day 1

Before Adam and Eve sinned, they existed in perfect harmony with each other and with God. But when sin entered the picture, their purity was replaced with the bent for…

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Learning from Criticism

People have different priorities and expectations; so evaluate criticism in light of your purposes and calling in life. Recognize that your critics can often see your blind spots objectively, and…

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Words of Blessing

Even though words can hurt, the tongue can bring us and others great blessing and delight. According to Proverbs 25:11, well-spoken words reflect beauty and value: “A word aptly spoken…

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Wounding Words

Broken bones heal more quickly than wounds inflicted by a malicious tongue. Lying words, hypocritical words, and thoughtless words can destroy lives. Conversely, timely words aptly spoken can contribute to…

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The Power of Words

King Solomon declares that our tongues have the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21), He recognizes that with forethought, the tongue can heal, encourage and teach (Proverbs 16:23). However,our…

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Train Up a Child Day 4

Paul gives a startling insight into the dynamic of the parent-child relationship. He states that there are certain barriers to child-rearing that must be considered. If a child is provoked…

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How to Study Wisdom

Motivation-a passion to get wisdom, acquisition-a careful study of God’s Word, application-a pragmatic integration of truth into daily life, and persistence-a continuous pursuit of truth will bring depth and grace…

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The Wisdom of Jesus

Jesus Christ is the embodiment of Divine wisdom. Through the person of Christ, we live in power, seated in the heavenlies, protected by His armor. To choose truth is to…

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Hagar’s Story

Today, we will speak about one of the most overlooked chapters in the book of Genesis – Chapter 16. This is the chapter when Sarah’s Egyptian slave Hagar became pregnant…

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