
Eli: The Passive Parent

Cameron Buettel is an author partnering with Pastor John MacArthur at Here are his powerful insights. Parenting is never easy. Nobody in this fallen world has mastered it. And…

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Be Kind at Home

People can be perturbing. Marriage and family life would be a lot less stressful if husbands and children didn’t sometimes act irresponsibly or disregard our feelings or instructions. Ministry would…

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Kindness Begins at Home

People can be perturbing. Marriage and family life would be a lot less stressful if husbands and children didn’t sometimes act irresponsibly or disregard our feelings or instructions. Ministry would…

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The Wonders of Life

The day had finally arrived. Years. Now, I mean years had gone by…notwithstanding great disappointment. You see, this was a day of miracles. It shouldn’t even have been happened. Not…

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What Is Marriage?

We tend to view marriage through the lenses of consumerism. We live in a day and age where individual happiness is the ultimate value, so marriage becomes primarily an experience…

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Francis and Lisa Chan on Living Out Love

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The Death of Christianity?

Is Christianity Dying? Christianity is dying. At least, that’s what major newspapers are telling us today, culling research from a new Pew Center study on what almost all sociologists are…

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Protect Our Children

Much is riding on the children being raised in today’s America, children who could grow to become a mighty generation of Christian stalwarts. That’s why we know we are praying…

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Love the Lord Your God

Only God can initiate revival in the hearts of His people, convicting them of their sin and prompting them to return to God. Written by Henry and Richard Blackaby and…

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Sin Scars: Adultery

How do you experience healing for the shame wounds in your life? Confess your sin. change your lifestyle. God believes in you. Don’t be afraid to pray simple, honest prayers.…

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Sex God’s Way

Sexuality is designed by God as a way to know Him more fully. Knowing God is designed by God as a way of guarding and guiding our sexuality. By John…

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How to Avoid Ministry Burnout

Burnout happens only to givers. Its nature is the depletions of the physical and emotional resources that enable the giver to keep giving. Losing these resources causes despair, depression, irrational…

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Zoo Day

Zoo Day is a simple tale about a caring second-grade teacher who opened the eyes of her students to the wonders of God’s creation.

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Amnon’s Apetite

Amnon abused the trust that his half-sister Tamar had given him, and committed incest with her. He not only ruined her life, but irreparably scarred the household of David.

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How Good Families Go Bad

The stories of Eli, Samuel and David reveal that spiritual men can have unspiritual children. Four myths of child-rearing include: going to church produces spirituality, kids need to make their…

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The Green-Eyed Monster

Jacob’s dysfunctional family is jealous and angry with Joseph, the favored son. Genesis 37 relates details of the conspiracy against Joseph and his consignment to slavery in Egypt. 

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A New Humanity

Paul gives us three pictures of the church in this passage. As members of the family of God we have the privileges of belonging, companionship, provision and protection. We also…

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