Psalm 23: A Sheep’s Comfort and Peace
The Lord Is My Shepherd PSALM 23 November 5, 2006 S-746 Psalm 23 is often referred to as the “Shepherd’s Psalm”. This Psalm is used more often in hospitals, prison…
The Lord Is My Shepherd PSALM 23 November 5, 2006 S-746 Psalm 23 is often referred to as the “Shepherd’s Psalm”. This Psalm is used more often in hospitals, prison…
Roger and Scott GO sermon #2 Matthew 28:19-20 S-1752 SLIDE #1: background passport slide ROGER SLIDE #2: Introduce video #1 of Roger and Julie teaching in Mongolia We have the…
tHE END TIMES FRAMEWORK: “LET THE READER UNDERSTAND” Jesus’ Olivet Discourse #2 Matthew 24:15-29 S-1744 TITLE SLIDE #1: Today we continue a four-Sunday emphasis on Jesus discussion concerning future events…
GOD WILL USE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF JUDGMENT AT THE GREAT WHITE THRONE. GOD WILL JUDGE: 1. With Truth (Romans 2:2) 2. According To His Kindness (Romans 2:4) 3. On The…
GOD’S WILL AND GRACE Romans 1:24-32 S-1699 ●SLIDE: Will and Grace is a television sitcom glorifying the homosexual lifestyle. According to Romans 1, God is not nearly so impressed with…
Paul sent numerous greetings to the Christians at Rome as he concluded his letter. No doubt behind each of these names is a story of romance with Christ. The number…
This study is the culmination of kingdom living, which is the future kingdom itself. There are four distinct experiences that sum up the announcement and inauguration of the coming future…
Jesus’ perplexing story of the dishonest manager teaches us that non-Christians are often more diligent and wise in preparing for their futures than Christians. We must use earthly wealth to…
FINDING foundationS FOR CONTENTMENT AND joy Romans 5:1-11 S-1706 Turn to Romans 5 and Philippians. This morning we are talking about rejoicing from Romans 5. Paul mentions several reasons to…
Jesus’ perplexing story of the dishonest manager teaches us that non-Christians are often more diligent and wise in preparing for their futures than Christians. We must use earthly wealth to build…
People have all sorts of opinions about heaven and hell and what happens when we die. Some children were asked to share their ideas of what happened after we die.…
Esther’s story is a powerful glimpse of how God used a poor Jewish teenager turned queen to save the Jewish nation. From her life we can learn many things-to whom…
Condemnation engineering” usually goes hand in hand with another we often use to manage the lives of others. That is the practice of pushing or nuggets of wisdom and advice…
Matthew4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13 S-1735 SLIDE # Read Luke 4:1-13 from The Message. OK. There was this overweight man who was so serious about his new diet that he even changed…
Jesus teaches how to evaluate where you are in your spiritual walk. Soils testing MATTHEW 13:1-9, 18-23; MARK 4:1-8, 14-20; LUKE 8:4-8, 12-15 S-1739 In Matthew 13 (teaching sections in…
Andy Stanley discusses how our behavior will eventually reflect the condition of our hearts. Hey, growing up in our home, and I bet your home was similar, there were certain…
Drs. Roger and Julie Barrier teach on the dilemma of dealing with fear and Satanic intimidation instead of trusting in God. WHEN FEARS COME TRUE S-1729 ROGER ·SLIDE #: Turn…
Pastor Levi Lusko shares how we can get to know God’s plan for us by understanding the things that Satan hates and fears. By keeping our attention on Christ and…
Pastors Roger Barrier and Scott Brendan recount healings from leprosy, appearances of jesus and powerful stories from around the globe as ordinary people from Casaas Church surrendered to mission work…
Sometimes an option we’re considering creates tension inside of us. When that happens, it can be tempting to ignore the discomfort or brush by it. But instead of doing that,…
We can pray to God using His many names: God, mighty and majestic, God our Helper, God our Righteousness, God our Sanctifier, God our Peace and Indwelling Presence, God our…
Let’s examine some Biblical principles to keep in mind during a bear market (a recession; “lean financial times”). The Bible carefully lays out a financial plan of money management that…
Spiritual gifts are given by God to build up the church and impact the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit empowers each believer with distinctive gifts and ministries. Before Christ…
We don’t have to be confused about signs of the times. The prophet Daniel outlines the kingdoms of the world in his vision of the multi-metallic man and the seventy…
Paul learns how to survive in the darkest circumstances not only by the “grace power” of God, but by the support system of saints around him. When times get really…
Hosea was asked by God to marry an unfaithful woman and love her unconditionally. In doing so, he demonstrated the kind of amazing love God has for his children. THE…
If these are the Endtimes, We need encouragement and direction. What should a Christian do? Read the Book of Revelation. Receive a blessing. Consider God’s perspective on materialism. Handle your…
The Roots and Rise of Antisemitism – Revelation 12:1-12 – Skip Heitzig [MUSIC PLAYING] Turn in your Bibles, please, to Revelation, chapter 12, the book of Revelation, chapter 12. I…
Solomon heard these words from his father: “Fear God and keep His commandments.” Godly reverence and obedience are the keys to success and happiness!
Paul thanks God for the power of unified Christians on a mission to evangelize the world. He believes in them, prays positively for them and continually shows his gratitude for…
Jesus healed in many ways, but in the case of the leper, Jesus reached out and touched him. The very essence of Christianity is to touch the untouchable, love the…
Keep doing what you done, you’ll keep getting what you got. And if you want something new, we’re going to need to try something different. I say, we think different.…
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to the book of 1 Samuel chapter 1, 1 Samuel chapter 1. It’s in the Old Testament. If you’re at Genesis, keep going.…
How God sees you. God never calls you to earn his love. He gives you lavishly his love. And then in telling you who you are in Christ, he calls…
Jesus invites you to follow him into a whole new life, a new path. That’s what you do when you follow someone. You don’t go down your path anymore, but…
Andy Stanley discusses how our behavior will eventually reflect the condition of our hearts. Hey, growing up in our home, and I bet your home was similar, there were certain…
In this message, we learn that the depth of our relationship with God determines the depth of our endurance and faith when facing difficult situations where it feels like our…
Solomon observes that there are two sides to wealth: God-blessed abundance and the insatiable grasping for riches. God has laid out a solid plan to manage our resources. Tithe the…
Spiritual Discernment – 1 John 4:1-6 In this short, yet powerful book written by the the disciple John, we can prepare to be challenged to live out our faith in…
God is positioning me. Say, “I’m positioned for a miracle”. And that means that we have to learn how to see in our spirit what we cannot sense. And this…
We learn in the Psalms that it is alright to be honest with God and to express our doubts openly. As we commune with Him, He will give us peace…
On Good Friday, and on Easter Sunday, we consider events that occurred while on the road. As Jesus approached the city of Jerusalem for His atoning death and glorious resurrection, He…
God has the power to fix the world, and He does care the suffering. He is working out an eternal plan to redeem and restore it all. Genesis describes how…
Shame is a story you tell yourself about yourself. Like a news ticker thatruns in the background of our minds, we have shame scripts that say: “I am unworthy, I…
We believe whoever finds God, finds life. Because of You, more people are experiencing the love, hope, and healing only found in Him. Let’s celebrate what God has done and…
“From What If To What Is,” Pastor Steven Furtick encourages us to stop worrying about what could be and start trusting who God is.
The best predictor of success in life, in love, and in leadership is your proficiency at please, sorry, and thanks. Those three words are the foundation of all healthy relationships…
We do these practices like (slowing, simplicity, silence, solitude, sabbath and more) in order to grow the fruit of the Spirit within us and cultivate compassion like Christ within our…
Do you ever wonder why you make certain choices? Maybe you wanted to make a change in your life but just couldn’t stick to it. In this message, we’re getting…
Have you heard from Heaven a calling for your marriage? It’s not a one-size-fits-all. God has a plan cut out just for you! With principles from the Marriage Devotional and…
We often define our lives by the big moments. But most of our lives consist of ordinary chapters. They may not feel significant, but ultimately end up changing everything. In…
The book of Psalms is a collection of songs by human writers who poured out their hearts – and their emotions – into expressing their joy, pain, and praise.…
The heart, in biblical terms, is not part of who we are, but rather the center and core of who we are. So when it comes to Jesus describing who…
“War in Heaven Brings Wrath on Earth!” That could be the headline of Revelation 12. The ongoing battle of the ages that began in heaven and has played out…
God alone is the author and definer of human sexuality and the context in which sexual intimacy is to occur. Sex, sexual identity, and sexuality were created for His purpose…
In Peace of Mind, we will look at how some familiar names in scripture dealt with many of the same struggles we face today. We’ll learn how they overcame those struggles…
Can you imagine what could happen if we gave control of our life to God? It’s scary, but the benefits are world-altering. The story of Elisha challenges your congregation to answer…
We are each building a life. We’re building on a foundation. We each get to choose what that foundation is and at the end of the Sermon on the Mount,…
For better or worse, our words function as self-fulfilling prophecies and create worlds. If you want to change the world, change your words. Just as ships are steered with a… A lie is an enemy of the truth, and Satan is the father of lies. He originated lies, and he has children, since he’s the father, who perpetuate his…
Rebuild your confidence in God and His church. Another day, another pastor or a church in the news headlines. You had your doubts, but now those doubts feel a little…
David and Jonathan, son of King Saul, formed a deep bond of friendship despite the attempts of a raging father to destroy David. Their friendship is legendary. The protection of…
Tests and trials are unavoidable, but the way we respond to them is up to us. Join us for the next talk in our series Far from Perfect as we take a…
The Apostle Paul writes back to a church that he began to encourage them about remaining faithful amidst opposition and persecution. He celebrates what he’s hearing about indicators that mark…
When Jesus was crucified, the disciples wondered what was next. The Man they had followed for over three years, the Man they believed would save Israel and the world, had…
In psychology, mental health has a scale from FLOURISHING to DEPRESSION. FLOURISHING is evidenced by things like optimism and empathy and authenticity. DEPRESSION is evidenced by things like hopelessness and…
Feelings of spiritual inadequacy can make us fearful of God, but not in the healthy way. This series explores how knowing the loving, gracious God of Scripture can overcome our…
Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape…
Blood and Thunder is about a recipe for revival. It’s about seeing more of God. In this series, Pastor Levi will show how a move of God takes power from above…
During the earth’s greatest trial and tribulation will also come its greatest opportunity for salvation. Even after the church is raptured off the earth and ensconced in heaven, there will…
Every new year, we make decisions about who we want to be. We make resolutions; we set goals. But often these goals are focused on ourselves. Losing weight, saving money…
Welcome to this first message on the life of David, but we have to warn you that if you grew up just hearing about his stories in Sunday School, then…
Pandemics and crises feels a little bit like the GRINCH that stole Christmas for some of us, but we made a decision at the beginning of this ADVENT series—CHOOSE HOPE.…
Christmas is stressful because we all want to give the perfect gift. But gifts are temporal. A godly home, integrity, love and a good marriage are precious gifts. The gifts…
We need to put on Christ. Holiday apparel will come and go. But the beautiful qualities of gentleness and purity will show to be the most enduring beauty.
The Advent Season is a time of reflection as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus! This year at Hope, we’ll also have weekly artwork that helps us immerse…
The Hebrew word for peace is SHALOM. Shalom is RELATIONAL HARMONY and it’s four-dimensional. It’s right relationship with God, Self, Others, and Creation. How do we experience the peace…
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is central to the story of Christmas. Unfortunately, people are greatly divided about her importance and her role. Some magnify her too much, making her…
Leave your baggage behind. In a crowded, busy holiday season, it’s common for people to feel weighed down by family relationships, financial pressure, regret, or failure. This series will help…
As we shop, look up, seek out or ask for gifts in this season of the year — let’s do ourselves a favor and REMEMBER the GIFT of the Savior…
There are two things that can get us down in life: our own sin and the actions of others. This chapter is going to give us a detailed account of…
Doubt is both a common and shared experience for many of us in the Beloved community. Although doubt can be a disorientating and a confusing experience, Christ walked through a…
We learn the danger of pride in the story of Gideon. Preached by Pastors Greg Lavine and John Beeson.
Forgiving someone who wronged you can be hard—it might even seem impossible. We’re learning what can happen when we unlock the power of forgiveness. From the latest headline to social…
Paul faced many kinds of trauma throughout his ministry. Here are just a few: Acute: a response from a one-time traumatic event Chronic: a long-term response from prolonged or repeated…
Will you lift your eyes for a moment? You’ve been looking in the wrong places for your joy, for your peace. You didn’t lose it. You just need somebody to…
All of us realize that we live in a broken world that is not getting any better, yet few of us are doing something ahead of time to prepare for…
Week Four of “Substitute Identities.” God’s purposes for us are to have our identity rooted in his calling for us to be saints and to trust our sexual lives to…
“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal,” said Thomas Moore. But if that is true, why don’t we think more about heaven? Why do we only think and talk…
Let’s talk about sharing our faith at work. The big point of our series is that our work itself matters to God and is part of his creation and redemption…
How will you ever be happy? Content in your own skin? The world tells us we will be happy once we and others accept who we are. And who are…
Believe your big risks will be rewarded. Believe what you ask for is possible. If you’re ready to see a spark in your life, pray boldly. Pray daringly. Pray with…
Lessons from the life of King David. Here’s a blueprint for how to survive when we walk through the lowest parts of our lives.
We have all heard the famous Benjamin Franklin quip, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Given death’s sure nature, why is it…
When it comes to repairing relationships, no one responds well to being convinced, coerced, convicted or controlled. Yet we try those approaches over and over again.
Preparing your kids to spread their wings requires patience, humility, creativity, uniqueness, and parenting with the end in mind. Discover 7 tips that will grow you as a parent while…
Another day, another pastor or a church in the news headlines. You had your doubts, but now those doubts feel a little more like fractures. You believe God is real,…
Paul mentions Oneisiphorus in the book of 2 Timothy. He was a loyal man, an encourager to Paul. He was an unsung hero of the Bible who exemplified friendship!
Humility is not thinking less of yourself or having low self-esteem, it is thinking of yourself less, by thinking of others and God more. As the Spirit of God dwells…
Dark Times Are Permitted by God. They enhance the presence of God. They are a pathway for God and include perks from God.
At the end of the day, I want to be famous in my home. Success is when those who know you best respect you most. It starts with the last…
In this sermon series, “Tell Me What You Want,” we learn that God sees and cares about our brokenness, hurt, and need. He invites us to turn to Him for…
How much do you value eternal treasures. Jesus’ simple parable reveals what’s in our hearts. Can you leave behind the things of this world to find your heavenly rewards?
The search for purpose can lead you to some unexpected places. Learn to embrace the moment in time God has placed you in: you’re there for a reason. Used…
In this message, we’re digging into a subject that hits close to home for many people. In fact, it’s one of the biggest reasons people leave the church. We’re talking…
Pastors Greg Lavine and John Beeson teach a series on “40-Day-Prayer Challenge.” This week’s teaching is on “lead us not into temptation.” Sermon begins at 21 minutes on the video.…
When you see God Is _____ what comes to mind? How can any of us really know what God’s like? Too often, we view Him from our limited perspective, but it doesn’t…
Do you ever wish you knew how to make decisions that would help you reach your goals? What if becoming the person you want to be starts before you make…
Your sins don’t define you, and shame has no power over you. Learn about how your identity is found in Jesus’ sacrifice, not in your failures. Main Scripture: Psalms 34:1-10,…
One of the darkest rooms anyone can enter is dealing with a broken family. To be part of a family that is fragmented and malfunctioning feels bleak and miserable. The…
We live at the intersection of two theologies, two realities. The faithfulness of God is pursuing from the past—SO FAR SO GOD. And the sovereignty of God is setting us…
Luke writes a story of Jesus that highlights how Jesus was an outsider who came for outsiders. From the very first chapters of Luke, where Luke shows us a child…
As we have seen in this series, some of the Bible’s greatest heroes had darkroom experiences. They were developed by those painful experiences and used by God to impact their…
God wants to bless you beyond your ability to ask or imagine! The very first thing God does, after creating us in His image, is to bless us. Blessing is…
When you read Genesis in entirety, you see what a master stroke God is doing, very deliberately, to repeat these stories. They tell us something very important, they tell us…
Judges is a book concluding with the words, Judges 21:25: “In those days, Israel had no king. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” Gideon was an unlikely…
James tells us that we can find joy in suffering because it causes us to be conformed to the image of Jesus.
Easter is relevant because Jesus was and is who He claimed to be: God in the flesh. No one expected for Jesus to rise from the dead! Until He stepped…
With the Global Peace Index the lowest it’s been in a decade and the Misery Index at a high, it’s hard to believe that peace is within reach in today’s…
Dead air is a period of silence in radio or television in which the broadcast signal is interrupted and there’s no transmission. Throughout history, God has broadcast His truth to…
Every culture ebbs and flows as it marches toward extinction. The great Roman Empire, the Mayan civilization, Bronze Age Greece—every complex society in history has eventually collapsed. Daniel was in…
Queen Esther faced insurmountable odds as she courageously approached King Xerxes to save her people. God gave her favor and freedom for the Jews. Team sermon with Kim Parrish. Sermon…
It can be hard to maintain hope in the middle of chaos. But our hope isn’t anchored to circumstances, theological opinions, or a book. Our hope is anchored to an…
prophecyThe Book of Revelation has a two-fold purpose. But contrary to what many Christians assume, it’s not a book of riddles and cryptic clues to see who’s smart enough to…
Philippians makes clear that our stories are living expressions of Jesus’ story.” As Christ-followers, we’re called to emulate Jesus by living a life of joy, prayer, and perseverance through hardship.…
To be a conqueror is to rejoice when the battle is over. To be more than a conqueror is to rejoice before the battles start. And that’s Gideon. He goes,…
God uses suffering for his glory and our growth. Sermon begins at 19:00 Preached at New Life Bible Fellowship, Tucson, Arizona. Team sermon by Greg Lavine and John Beeson
Time is measured in MINUTES, but life is measured in MOMENTS. You don’t FIND TIME, you have to MAKE TIME. How? For starters, curse the barren fig trees. These are…
Do you follow God or run ahead of Him? You may have heard the story of Deborah and Barak, but have you ever stopped and thought about their impact? Where…
It’s been said that our decisions and responses determine our destiny. As we explore the rise of David and the sad demise of King Saul, we’ll see why one of…
Caleb and Joshua showed great faith in the midst of “giant” obstacles. When you are in the desert, you let the Devil tempt you to ask the wrong questions. “Who…
Our prayers aren’t meant to be rehearsed, but a reflection of our real life circumstances. Get honest with God with these 7 keys to a powerful prayer life. Preached at…
No one knows more about a creation than its creator. We see this with mothers and children, architects and buildings, and painters and their art. But is it true for miracles too? In…
What do you do when life gets confusing and hard? Or when things don’t seem to fit into a bigger, better plan? Joseph, the father of Jesus, wrestled with those…
As we continue in the Advent season, we look at John the Baptist preparing the way for Christ to come. We also learn what it means to live in the…
Even when they’ve been on the calendar all year, the holidays can sometimes take us by surprise. In fact, even the first Christmas started with a change of plans. No…
Lots of people make a lot of fuss about Christmas. Some love this time of year (myself included). Others hate it or are opposed to its celebration. Some couch their…
Advent is a time of expectancy and preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Historically, it is a season rich with meaning and symbolism for Christian believers all over the…
If you find yourself in a dark place, Pastor Mark shares four helpful hacks:1) It’s always darkest before dawn2) Widen your aperture3) Live in day-tight compartments4) Let your light shine…
By now you have discovered that we who are Christians are surrounded! There seems to always be more who are against us than who are for us. We face the…
Our passions and desires are at war within us, and we must fight against them. While pride, boasting and divisiveness mark worldly people, humility, obedience and repentance mark the godly.…
Have you ever walked into a room and felt out of place; like there was a chasm standing between you and everyone else? Maybe it was the way you dressed,…
One of the greatest gifts God can give us is letting us get to the end of our rope! That’s often when and where and how we discover that there…
As the people of God, we live COUNTERCULTURE. When we love our enemies, heaven invades earth. When we pray for those who persecute us, heaven invades earth. When we bless…
As Jude called his readers to fight for the faith, he wanted them to know that turning from the truth was not new, nor was it novel. The battle for truth…
What is the full effect of steadfastness? That we lack nothing. When we are discontent, we think that we lack something. “If only I had…” James tells us that when…
God has big plans for you. He plants dreams in your heart—and they can bloom when the soil is fertile. Set your sights on what’s ahead and prepare your soul to…
In the family, God calls us to pass on wisdom and receive wisdom. God uses family to help us establish boundaries. God makes the path of family bigger. Team Sermon…
It takes moral courage to STAND AGAINST what is WRONG and STAND FOR what is RIGHT. It takes moral courage to SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER, to SPEAK THE TRUTH IN…
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Matthew 6:34. Why don’t we live in the moment? Lack of faith. The only way you can be…
Do you ever wonder if you’re praying the right way? Maybe you keep praying, but it feels like your prayers aren’t effective. In this message, we’re learning how to unlock…
We think forwards, but God is working backwards. God begins with the end in mind. Occasionally, he pulls back the curtain of time and reveals His plans and His purposes…
We all have struggles: fear, self-image, managing money, addiction, loneliness – the list goes on and on. What if there was a new way to walk through our struggles? God…
The Oxford Dictionary defines apathy as “lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.” It’s the state of being indifferent to something that should otherwise arouse, provoke, or motivate you. It has been noted…
Hurting someone because they hurt you doesn’t end the cycle. It perpetuates it. And it makes you look like the person you dislike.
Because sin grows best when it’s left unaddressed. And when we’ll address it, we won’t be lethargic. We will be hungry. We won’t be lenient. We will be disciplined. When…
People have been going to war for centuries. Conflicts and clashes are part of our history both as a civilization and as a nation. But there are three wars that…
It’s been a turbulent season. What has caused some to stay anchored during the storms and stresses of life, while others have lost their bearings under the same conditions? It…
You’ve probably heard me refer to the book of Jude as the Acts of the Apostates. Apostasy is turning away from Christ by leaning on the rationale of worldly philosophy…
In the midst of the swirling fears of this world, God invites us to release the fear of the world and fear him. Fear doesn’t just change our actions, it…
What do you do when you feel like you’re slipping? Discover four handles for when what you are holding feels too heavy and how to carry on when what you…
Paul writes that we should refrain from quenching the Holy Spirit as He works to make us look more like Jesus. Preached at the Village Church.
Life is infinitely uncertain and God is infinitely complex. The net result? Doubt. We think of doubt in negative terms, but it’s a key catalyst when it comes to faith.…
Joy. It’s not getting what you want. It’s appreciating what you have. Joy isn’t always the easiest choice or the obvious choice, but joy is a choice. The Apostle Paul…
If you have ever tried to walk straight while aboard a ship being tossed by the ocean’s waves, you know how hard that is. The motion around you challenges the…
Wise speech is the right word spoken at the right time with the right intentions in the right to the right person from the right person. Team sermon preached by…
The book of Proverbs provides us with great advice about the importance of family and the responsibility to pass on wisdom, good character and integrity to the next generation. God…
Hebrews 12:27 moment—everything that can be shaken will be shaken. God is shaking false securities and false identities, false assumptions, and false narratives, false idols, and false ideologies. But we…
Rest is not passive, it’s active. We must accept his grace and strength and rest upon Him. Give your burdens to Christ and experience His peace. Team sermon preached at…
God is called Almighty fifty-seven times in Scripture. It means that the resources of His power are boundless. He is unlimited in His ability and unconstrained in His capacity. God’s attribute of…
When it comes to having healthy relationships we must get out of our comfort zones and do the hard things. Just because something is unpleasant doesn’t mean it’s unprofitable. Preached…
Esther had the courage to risk her life to save her people, the Jews. We can learn to have faith in the midst of tremendous obstacles. Preached at New Life…
The unseen war behind all wars is won as the sower of deceit is thrown from heaven. A desperate and defeated Enemy turns his attention to the people of God.…
King Solomon advises to pursue wisdom with your heart and your head. Wisdom is so much more than knowledge or cleverness. Wisdom is spiritual discernment that comes from God. Wisdom…
Standing for God’s truth is a serious thing. Standing against it carries major repercussions. In this series, Skip Heitzig presents Jude’s call to get in the ring—a call that is…
If there is a being up in heaven right now that spoke the world into existence.. If there really is a creator, then why would I value my own opinion…
“Whoever has ears, let them hear.” It’s only six words, but it’s an urgent exhortation with exponential implications. The word “obey” in Latin means “to give ear.” God speaks in…
God has big plans for you. He plants dreams in your heart—and they can bloom when the soil is fertile. Set your sights on what’s ahead and prepare your soul to…
It may feel like the end, but it’s always too soon to give up. With the power and perspective of the resurrection, we can find blessing when things feel broken,…
When Christ died on the cross, everything changed. Three things that have changed for you as a Jesus person because of what happened as Christ died at the hill shaped…
Can we not acknowledge that although there may be good and positive things in many different religions, they’re absolutely and completely not the same? Fair enough? Here is what I…
The resurrection of Jesus is either a fairy tale or the most wonderful and hopeful event in history. A resurrection from the dead may sound ridiculous to some, but for…
The story of David and King Saul teaches us how God can intervene in any situation to deliver us.
The person on this planet most suited to deceit is you. The person on this planet more capable of harming yourself is you. You and I are, in fact, able…
Roger Barrier began preaching at the age of thirteen. This evangelistic message is his very first semon. Be blessed. Preached at Northway Baptist Church on May 15, 1963, Dallas, Texas.
Do we choose to be Herod, cling to our power, and our glory, and our sin, and ourselves? Or do we willingly humble ourselves before Jesus and find that in…
This classic sermon from 1986 reminds us that God is still preparing us to meet Him. We can know much about His return and the end of the age from…
God’s glory shows us who we are in relation to a glorious God. His glory drives out fear and replaces it with joy. God’s glory reassures us of the power…
Many of Jesus’ blessings were spontaneous. The wind of the Holy Spirit Jesus described in John 3, the fire by night in the desert in Exodus, the miracles of Jesus…
Like Paul praying for the church in Ephesus, we should earnestly seek the things that God has promised to those who are in Christ.
You have no idea what God might set into motion with one word of encouragement. Words have power! One encouraging word could be the catalyst for change in your life.…
Hiram Johnson said, “The first casualty in war is truth.” God’s people have been in a cosmic battle since the fall. Satan’s first allegation against truth was in Genesis 3:1:…
No matter what, God is ultimately in control of this and every other election in history. As Proverbs 16:33 reminds us: man can cast lots, but God decides. His sovereignty…
“Heavenly places” means the “spiritual realm.” When you are under assault, when your life is being shattered, when you are trying to be in the will of God, you have…
What does the Bible teach about political issues from both party sides? How do we understand our behavior as believers and our responsibility as citizens. God has a lot to…
Our highest calling, our mission is to go into all the world and make disciples. Jesus, didn’t say above all else, be right with all your heart, mind, and soul,…
The story of Joseph is one of the Bible’s most compelling tales. And the most gripping feature is the difference between Joseph’s outlook and that of his eleven brothers. After…
If you feel disconnected, hopeless, or you just know something is missing—it’s not the end of your story. It’s an opportunity to reconnect. To find hope. And to rediscover what…
Conversations about race are hard, but they need to happen. How can we handle those talks—and our relationships, too—in a way that infuses them both with understanding and hope? Join…
When you what God gives you to do, He surrounds you with all of the people that you need to do what you can’t do. You have everything you need…
We tend to view marriage through the lenses of consumerism. We live in a day and age where individual happiness is the ultimate value, so marriage becomes primarily an experience…
Noah’s legendary faith allowed him to look to the future as he refused to be “conformed to this world” in the present (see Romans 12:2). It takes enormous faith to…
When Christians are at the center of cultural and political power, we don’t quite understand the Lord as a Warrior, but when Christians are marginalized, seeing that the Lord wars…
The 3 P’s: Presence, Prayer, Practical Help are just the few ways you can be there for others. But more important than coming up with the 3 p’s for a…
When leading through uncertainty, you must display your humanity. You have to be vulnerable, transparent, real. The people who are looking to you need to experience your empathy because they…
We all know how easy it is for friends to show up when times are good. But, all of us need people in our lives that show up and who…
God has a house. It’s called his kingdom. That’s his house. And he not only owns the house, he owns everything in the house. Psalm 24, verse 1 says, “The…
Is a lifetime commitment to a spouse even reasonable? Does permanence have to become a goal if it means a couple just has to grin and bear it? What if a…
Through the years, I have observed that most people (even Christians) have ideas about what heaven will be like that are vastly different from how Scripture describes heaven. In this…
This remarkable sermon is tremendous! Commitment to God is essential to develop any successful relationship. Joshua challenged Israel, “Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and…
Every one of us has something we would give anything to get. Right now, many of us would give anything to get back to normal. But, as Steven Furtick asks…
Everything visible and physical is preceded by something invisible and spiritual. The consequences we are dealing with in our lives, in our homes, in our culture, we are dealing with…
We all have a place we want to go, a goal we want to achieve. But one of the biggest challenges in getting to where we want to go is…
What lessons do we learn from the families in Genesis? Most consequences don’t come with an expiration date. Love your wife, love your kids, but put God first. Live a…
Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry. He lived and interacted with others at the speed of walking. He had time for people. He was relaxed. However, for most…
We’ve all heard the verse, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone, the new has come.” The new creation, however, is not just…
The world needs leaders, especially during times of uncertainty. But not just any leaders. King Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God in a drastic way, but learned from his suffering to…
Young Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had to choose between God and facing the fury of one of the most powerful kings in history. They chose to face death rather than…
How do you seek God? You pursue a relationship while simultaneously submitting to his rule, his authority, where he has the last word over your word, over your thoughts, over…
How would someone in your trials respond if they were confident? God was with them. If they were absolutely confident that it was more to their circumstances than meets the…
Renewed | Part 2 | “A New Heart” Text: Ezekiel 36:22-27, Philippians 1:6 This is literal regeneration. Jesus is right in front of me, waiting for me to be ready…
When life gets turned upside down, we might try to solve our problems on our own or turn to food, shopping, or an addiction for comfort and strength. But those…
The command “don’t worry” comes from Jesus. In Matthew chapter 6, verses 25 to 34, Jesus says “Stop worrying”, in verse 25, 31, and 34. Stop it. Now you say,…
How long till we get back to normal? You keep waiting all you want. Or you can worship. You could keep resisting, or you can receive. I love what God…
The story of the fearful disciples facing imminent drowning or shipwreck called out for Jesus. Peter saw Jesus walking on the waves and stepped out of the boat to reach…
We need to build our faith on a strong foundation that will protect us when the storms rage. Because a man is the foundation of our society, anything a spiritually-strong…
God’s rule had now entered history through Jesus the King – being both human and divine; He was to rule over all. It is critical for believers to understand the…
Why did God institute the Sabbath? The good news here is that Jesus is our Sabbath rest, that you and I have the opportunity to walk in centeredness, presence, and…
So what’s needed to have stronger faith, the faith of Paul? What’s needed is that tenacity. What’s needed is that spirit that says, hold on a second. I’m not going…
We are different. We are not of this world. Our minds are transforms so we can do the will of God. We live by faith, not by fear. We are…
We’re being told to wash our hands, and to wash our hands a lot. Well, as you wash your hands, I want you to wash somebody else’s feet. I want…
Encounter | Week 2: God seeks a loving union with you. The better the relationship the deeper the union. Join Matt as he uses Exodus to explain this in more…
Encounter | Week 1: The sooner you realize God has a plan for everything the better. And it’s His world. We’re just living in it.
Hope is contagious. When the fear of the unknown spreads, our hope in Christ can spread even faster. Replace panic with peace. Replace anxiety with comfort. Replace the “what-ifs” with…
Jesus went into the grave to bring you out of it. It wasn’t nails that held Him to the cross, it was love.
What do you do when you feel that the world has gathered against you? The hardest thing you ever do is to wait in God’s promises and rest. That’s where…
The story of Abraham inspires us to believe God for His provision. We can trust Him if we believe, obey and listen. Be inspired to meditate on this powerful story…
Without the Holy Spirit, we’re ordinary in every way. With the Holy Spirit, all things all possible. His anointing is the X Factor—it helps us do what we do better…
Surprisingly, the key to power is in humility and sacrifice. Compassion is God’s secret weapon to storm the gates of hell.
Forgiving others is hard, but forgiving yourself can be even more difficult. When guilt and regret fill your past, believing in your future seems impossible. But God wants you to…
In the Bible, Jesus tells us a story about two men who built their houses on two very different foundations. While one was built upon the sand with little difficulty,…
Paul teaches the importance of waiting for the right person, to maintain your sexual purity and to not be afraid to be single when He calls you to be. He…
This is God’s universe and God does things His way. You may have a better way, but you don’t have a universe. God commands us to be courageous because we…
When we feel anger, our emotions tell us it’s 100 percent someone else’s fault. But James, the brother of Jesus, has something different to say. When we take a step…
Some of you are losing sleep over what you don’t understand about God. Habakkuk gives you the answers and a way to process your doubts and discouragement.
God knows your need (and He’s the only one who can meet it). Instead of focusing on what I need, what I think, what I want, I’m changing my prayer.…
Worship through singing is our response to God’s glory, love and holiness. In the story of David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant, we learn that Michal, his wife,…
josafat parte 2 from Pibnogales Josue on Vimeo. Los conflictos y las amenazas de muerte y de invasión al pueblo de A Dios, se dieron cuando Josafat habia hecho lo…
Padres necesitan orar estas cosas:para reciban Jesu Cristo al senor en su vida, crezcan vidas sanos y puros, para que entienden y aprendan la disciplina y la novezca. Finalmente, El…
La historia del joven rico nos enseña una gran lección; él se afanó por el presente y cuando vino a Cristo la demanda del Señor para tener la vida eterna…
Asi que no depende del que quiere ni del que corre, sino de Dios que tiene misericodia.
Hay una tremenda bendicion en la adoracion a nuestros Dios, por lo cual tenemos que tener conciencia de lo que esto conlleva, asi que pongamos atencion a lo que el…
La piedra angular y el punto centrifico. Amor-atesta a la unidad-es la marca que Cristo les dio a lost Cristianos para que exhibieran ante todo el mundo. Solament con esta…
Pocas cosas en la vida son más difíciles de superar que el ser malentendido. Sin embargo, el ser malentendido es una experiencia humana muy común. Todo puede estar yendo muy…
La naturaleza pecaminosa o carnal, todo lo que hacemos fuera de Cristo, vale nada, y hay una gran posibilidad que si no realizamos esta verdad, podemos vivir una vida completa…
Un santo no es una persona que es libre de pecado, no es un luchado. Nunca en su vida tampoco no es persona que murio para las cosas de Dios.…
Que gigantes tienes en tu vida? Somos mas que vencedores en Jesu Cristo!
Abraham esta buscando una novia por su hijo Isaac. Con quien voy a pasar el resto de su vida? Tiene que ser creente, que vive una vida pura.
Lucas 15, se encuentras 3 parabolas que tienen comun denominador, älgo se perdio pero tambien algo se encontro ya que el quiere tener un acercamiento con nosotros. Ahora hemos entrado…
Es importante organizar la iglesia con lideres espirituales.
2 Samuel cap 6:1-11 en donde nos habla de ver si en realidad, estamos en la voluntad del señor, muchas veces, creemos que estamos haciendo las cosas, pero no es…
“El hermano Josue Cuamba trae una predicacion hacerca de las personas ancianas de la Iglesia, que es lo que la Biblia dice al respecto, lo conoceran cuando vean esta predicacion.”
When you’re wondering how to overcome anxiety, one of the best things you can do is shift your perspective. In this message, we’ll learn from the story of Paul and…
Egypt suffered horribly when God sent the plague of the frogs. Frogs were everywhere, but Pharaoh waited to call for Moses. In the same way, we tolerate sin in our…
God used a highly unlikely widow-pagan and impoverished, to richly provide for God’s prophet Elijah. Never underestimate. So often we think God cannot use us because we are unlikely. But…
When our dreams are shattered, can we actually experience the grace of God in the midst of our humanity, watch God’s spirit move in a powerful way, in a vibrant…
How do you truly live a life filled with the Holy Spirit? Paul teaches to speak truth, make melody, always be grateful and yield in obedience. Preached at Chase Oaks…
We all struggle with evil. David expressed his sorrow and frustration in this psalm. “How Long, O God?” David struggled – and then he prayed fervently. When pain, heartache, injustice and…
God wants you to know which one is more important, the traditions of men, or the truth of God. And it’s about time for some of us to decide, are…
The series “Where Are They Now?” is concluded at Elevation Church with Judah Smith’s message about the story of Jacob and his grandsons. Joseph brought his eldest son to receive…
Proverbs 14:30: “A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.” Envy causes us to compare and compete with others in an unhealthy way. It…
Dishonesty begins when you avoid conflict and intimacy. Dishonesty is based on the fear of revealing your weaknesses. Be authentic and give grace. Allow others to extend grace and acceptance…
Jesus assured His mother at the wedding feast that there’s always enough when He is in charge. Do you trust Christ’s provision in your own life? Here’s how you can.
Anxiety will always try to stop you from chasing God’s calling. Join Pastor Craig Groeschel to see how to start coping with anxiety by adopting a perspective of praise, even…
Paul teaches in Galatians 5:24 through 6:10 that true spirituality is manifested in a loving concern for others. The crucified life is a life of love and self-sacrifice. Help those…
To take back your mind, you have to humble your heart. Preached at Elevation Church. Sermon notes by
What myths do you believe about money? If we follow God’s plan, He’ll do more through us together than we could ever do on our own. Message entitled, “Camels and…
We must declare war on the version of ourselves we don’t like, we are encouraged to be intentional with our thoughts. Negative thinking cannot lead to a positive life. Preached…
In a world dominated by social media, it is easy to compare ourselves to others and to become discontent with our lives. It is also easy for us to judge…
Everyone is chained by something. Allow God to set you free! Preached at Elevation Church. Used by permission. Notes by
There is only one being created in the image of God, in all of creation, and that being is the human being, and that being is the object of God’s…
Daniel the prophet was a great man. He was dedicated, disciplined, excellent of spirit and a mighty leader. How do we develop good habits? Small, consistent changes transform us. We…
A time is coming to the church where “people will be lovers of self.” Do you feel like this time has already come? The Bible says that in the end…
Joy is triumphant elation in the face of great loss. Joy is not getting what you want, it’s appreciating what you already have. You are God’s workmanship! Preached…
What happens when you close your eyes in death? The questions you have about life after death can leave you wondering, but they don’t mean you have to live in fear.…
Sex can be really beautiful or really dangerous because it brings the body and soul into a kind of wholeness not otherwise known. It is a good gift of God…
The Book of Revelation recounts the events of the End Times, weaving God’s plan at the creation to the wrath of God, the final judgment, and the eternal reign of…
Some might have experienced the forgiveness of Christ but you are still living as though you are in debt. You feel as though you need to add onto the cost…
It was a Red Letter Day. Bloody, beaten, and nailed to a cross, a dying Jesus looked at those around Him and spoke His final words as a man. What…
All religions: Hinduism, Islam, New Age, Mormonism, Scientology-have some truth and beauty but are not the same. Christianity is far different because a holy, mighty God freely gives the gift…
Did Christ rise from the dead? How do we really know? Many scholars refute the resurrection because they say the gospels were written much later in time. So where in…
All the best stories have it. The right setting. The climactic action. The memorable characters. And the greatest story forever told is no exception. Steven Furtick surveys the panorama of…
Expect evil, hate evil, endure evil for God’s purposes. Pray for escape from evil. Give thanks for its refining effects, overcome evil with good. Remember that God is in control…
When Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross to extend mercy, He never intended for us to keep it to ourselves. Discover the freedom found in forgiveness and the…
The idea of a resurrection demands our faith and absolute surrender. If Christ did not rise, there is no hope. There is no meaning apart from God. Because of what…
In the beginning, God created humankind in His image. We have been creating God in our image ever since. But what you end up with is a god who looks…
So many people never receive what God has promised because they don’t persevere. The first reason is because our perspective gets blocked. Secondly, I think a lot of us stop short…
History’s most spectacular sin was the murder of Jesus. Satan’s power in Judas’ sinful passions, Satan’s role in His own destruction, God’s role in the murder of His Son and…
Pastor Levi uses 2 Timothy 1:10 to show how Jesus turned off the darkness and brought life through the Gospel. Pastor Levi gives four ways to make it through grief, from remembering…
The false prophet in Revelation is the mouthpiece for the Antichrist and brings the world to its knees to worship this false Savior. Who is he and what does he…
Oftentimes, it feels like marriage is an expectation society has for each of us—as if marriage will make our lives complete. What happens when marriage doesn’t come quickly for us?…
Fifty-four percent of American couples are choosing to live together rather than to be married. We must ask ourselves: Which “benefits” of cohabitating are you most tempted to believe? How…
Most times the reason we don’t let go of worldly things is that we don’t seem to realize that there is something better and more important than what the world…
King David had no reason to invite Saul’s crippled grandson, Mephibosheth, to sit at his royal table. But David had made a covenant with Jonathan. Jesus has made a permanent…
The Advent Conspiracy calls us toward some beautiful, simple and significantly life-giving truths. Lean in with us. Here are 4 key expressions that enable us to “worship fully” in this…
It’s rather shocking to examine the history of Jesus’ family tree- a lineage of prostitutes, scandal, adultery, murder, and idolatry– but all to prove that it doesn’t matter who you…
Grace really is, relationally speaking, it really is the unsettling solution for just about everything. Jesus was full of grace. He extended it to people who were nothing like him,…
In an instant…God spoke creation into existence. God began to prepare a plan to reconcile us back to Himself. But Christmas is free, but not cheap; fast, but not hurried;…
Andy Stanley and comedian Jeff Foxworthy discuss life issues and the importance of making a difference in our community. “When the church does good, God’s name is made great. This…
Revelation 6 is an unfolding of God’s judgment in the Tribulation. Discover the antichrist and afterlife. What will these times look like? Man, who has rejected his Creator, will suddenly…
Peter We are citizens and strangers upon this earth. But in Revelation 21, John the Apostle gives us a glimpse of God’s Kingdom at the end of time. Preached at…
John the Apostle gives us a glimpse of God’s Throne Room in Heaven and the throng around the throne. Who are the beasts and the elders? What can we learn…
The reality gap is this. Our God is an utterly amazing, incredible God. So we think – What does a God-believer look like? Every one of us comes up with…
God’s name, YAHWEH, is spoken without the vowels. In fact, when a Jew spoke the Hebrew words, it was a whisper-a breath. God gave us our first breath and we…
When is the rapture of the church? When is Armageddon? Does the Millennial Reign of Christ really happen? Why the urgency of sharing the Gospel? Because Jesus is coming back!…
The good news about a single Savior who provides abundant life for all who die with him… Jesus didn’t view his celibacy as a no…no to joy, no to sex,…
Focus on being ungrateful. Compare what you have to people who have more. Pursue temporary possessions over eternal treasures. Develop and attitude of entitlement. Preached at Used by permission.
Words are powerful. They can beat us down and lift us up. They wound and they heal. And the right words at the right time can be exactly what we…
Elijah called fire down from heaven. But in a moment of weakness, he doubted God and lost his way. How did God speak to him, and how does He speak…
Most of us have been hurt by someone we know or someone we love. Sometimes, our reaction is to disconnect from that person and hold a grudge or to hurt…
‘God is not silent. His Word is clear, sufficient and authoritative. He continues to perform the miraculous and to intervene for His people.
God wants us to be addicted to Him. We can fall in love with doing good things, with resisting sin, with caring for the poor, with memorizing Scripture, but it’s…
God is above but He is not pushed up; He is beneath but He is not pressed down. He is outside but He is not excluded. He is inside but…
Grace is almost incomprehensible to the human mind, because we believe we have something to offer God apart from Christ. Grace is free and cannot be earned or bought. Francis…
Rejoice. Refuse to resent. Recognize God’s Hand at work. Appreciate all seasons of life. Don’t confuse the supply with the Source. Recognize. Release. Receive. Remain. Preached at Elevation Church. Used…
We often trade what we’ve decided and what we know is most important for a bowl of stew. What’s true of Esau is true of you. You have no idea…
According a University of Massachusetts study, 60% people cannot have a 10-min conversation without lying.We lie to impress, avoid conflict, get away w/something, shift blame, or to be nice. Satan,…
Paul teaches in Philippians 2 that God’s children are to be positive, not grumbling or doubting so that they shine like lights in the midst of a wicked, dark world.…
The Gadarene demoniac was desperate and destroyed. Even in his deranged state, he ran to Jesus and knelt at his feet. No one is too far from God to worship…
False teachers are often hard to spot. They appear to be righteous, but pander lies of relativism, subjective morality, social gospel, and universalism. Christ wants us to base our beliefs…
Three marriage myths may hinder the relationship between husband and wife: Unrealistic expectations, that we can change our spouse, and that a love relationship is easy. Learn that relational pain…
Jesus embodied compassion. What can we learn from how He treated others? True compassion demands action. It interrupts our daily routine. Caring costs. But compassion changes lives! Preached at…
Know your Enemy’s strategy: temptation, lies and condemnation. Overcome by being tethered to the truth, led by the Holy Spirit and understanding the compassion of God. Only those who know…
The resurrection of Jesus provides us with complete victory in life. He conquered death for us, He rules the universe and He places Satan underneath His feet. We don’t have…
The second ALL IN sermon deals with the tension, wisdom and calling that flows out of Matthew 6:24. We learn how to have money work for us and not make…
Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money destroys us. The richest are not those who have the most, but those who need the least. Money…
God has blessings for you in categories that you don’t even know exist. Preached at National Community Church.
The Book of Zephaniah contains a wonderful and moving description of God’s love. We don’t deserve God’s love, but He offers it to us in the gift of Jesus Christ.…
Christ has created us to put off our old sinful natures and to become compassionate, kind, gentle, humble, grateful people. We must demonstrate patience toward others, because Jesus reigns in…
End-times Christians will be lovers of themselves, greedy, boastful, proud, abusive and disobedient to parents. We can stand out from the crowd by failing to conform to the decadence of…
God has plans for a hope and a future for us. But the real message is that life isn’t easy. Often His best plan is not ours, but protects us…
We learn from Paul’s bout with the stormy Mediterranean Sea that all of us occasionally face “the perfect storm.” When a sequence of catastrophic events rock our world, Paul reminds…
Individual rights assume individual responsibility. We are a nation of laws, but we can do better. We as Christians are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to do…
It’s often our times of greatest struggle that we can gain the most strength and increase our faith. Jacob renamed his son Benjamin. This compelling Bible story shows us that, though…
You are an investigative reporter. Every day you are collecting evidence. Your future story has already been written based upon the nature of God and His plan for you. Future…
Could be God preparing us for the future, so that we are ready to share our faith in a post-Christian culture, under persecution? Or are we so complacent that we…
There’s no place for this nonsense in the church, no place for this nonsense in the kingdom of God.We can celebrate our unique cultural backgrounds. The book of Revelation says…
Racism isn’t just the presence of hatred-it’s the absence of love. How do we “neighbor” others? By recognizing our own prejudices, seeking to understand others, and by loving those different…
Dr. Chet Weld speaks on identifying anxiety in your life and recognizing the patterns of automatic negative thinking and faulty assumptions. By understanding these key issues, we can find great…
Francis Chan teaches this simple message on the prayer of faith and Jesus’ power to heal. The concluding video of God’s angelic protection is riveting. Don’t miss it.
We often get so caught up thinking about where we’d rather be and what we’d rather be doing, that we forget all the places God has already been with us.…
We can learn to see through our enemies to see God’s presence. When troubles like fear, depression, or anxiety seem right on top of us, we can look through them…
“Once Upon a Marriage, Part Two” is the story of a passive husband, King Ahab, and his controlling wife, Queen Jezebel. A truly bad romance, both partners were self-centered and…
Satan’s tactics are subtle. He masquerades as an angel of light so that the things he tempts us with look beautiful. However the only good and perfect gifts come from…
Our lives are filled with white noise: the expectations of others that distract us from God’s calling for our lives. How do we tune out “white noise.” hear God speak…
We completely underestimate the power of Jesus. What often happens when you hear the name “Jesus”? Is He namby-pamby or the God of the Universe? Pastor Francis Chan takes a…
What is the point of Jesus’ parables? We must learn the context, the question and the hinge moment (the outlandish surprise element). The legal experts only wanted to call other…
How do you know if you are a lukewarm Christian? You crave acceptance from others rather than from God. You rarely share your faith in Christ. You think more about…
Mark 9 allows us an eyewitness account of a mountain top experience Jesus has with some of his early followers. It’s known as the ‘transfiguration’ – which is a fancy…
Pastor Francis Chan deals with the moral failure of a church leader in a wise, compassionate, godly fashion. Sin must be dealt with, but our focus in facing the issue…
Peter grows from a roughshod fisherman to a gentle and caring shepherd of God’s people. When we serve as God’s shepherds, we must be broken, humble and love unconditionally. Those…
Our God stands unchanging through time as the source of our strength. The power of same is the culmination of our consistency with Him. If you resist the monotonous, you’ll…
Pastor Chan teaches that after the fall, God promises to restore the world to Himself. All of our lives should be lived in light of the new Heaven and Earth.
Kneel in pursuit of God’s presence. Don’t bow down to something else. Kneel in repentance. Jesus never turns away from a sinner with a repentant heart. Kneel in submission. You can…
The Prince of Peace (Shar Shalom) declared that his mission was to restore shalom — to bring freedom to the prisoner, recovery of sight to the blind. And how did…
Wise Men followed the star. They jumped for joy, and they came bringing gifts. Mary and Joseph needed a miracle and it was provided by someone that God sent from…
Children swarm the stage as Francis Chan teaches about the Creator and His creation in a humorous, profound and engaging way. He teaches about the fullness of the God-man residing…
Francis Chan addresses greed in the lives of believers. He explains that while we live life it easy to be captured by money and things, missing out on our fulfillment…
Casas Church devotes a day to honor First Responders. In a culture filled with fear, we must trust God and pray for those who protect us. Remember who you are, where…
Peter teaches how deeply Jesus values you and showers you with unconditional love, grace, joy and blessing for the good purpose of blessing others. Imagine the audience in 1 Peter.…
The Greek word for “royal” translates as “support of/to the people”. It’s a title of service and humility. Not how we typically think of royalty. This is then tied to…
Hearing God’s voice is essential to your walk with God. There are several basic questions you must ask yourself. Have you trusted Christ? Do you have the Holy Spirit? Have…
When Jesus was crucified, the curtain in the temple dividing the Holy of Holies from everything else, was ripped from top to bottom. God said, “That which divided us is…
Peter teaches that we are a “People Belonging to God.” The Greek word is best translated “possession.” We are God’s treasured possession. If you can view yourself as God’s treasure, you…
God directed you to this sermon, I believe, so that you would know, first, that you don’t have to die, and, second, so that you would know that Jesus, who…
As we meet the needs of our children, we forge bonds that forever change our relationships. Discovering the wonder of being with our children and listening to their hurts are…
A Christian atheist believes in God, but lives his/her life like He does not exist. Therefore, there is no transformation or expression of faith in God. They live worldly lives.…
We, the church, are the bridge God created to impart grace to the world. We must appropriate the grace God has given us. We don’t go to church, we are…
Sermon begins at 32:05. We can listen to the voices of rage and anger in our lives. We can hear the shouts of the world around us, or we can…
Francis teaches on the importance of trusting in God to lead us towards what is best for us. Planning, while not always a bad thing, can be counterproductive if planning…
We spend so much time trying to impress God that we forget He is crazy in love with us. Rest in His love and not in your works. The God…
Jesus stilled the storm for his disciples when they were terrified and paralyzed with fear. Christ is not threatened by our life’s storms. He asks us to dare to see…
When will we dare to trust that Jesus is who he says He is, and will do what He said he will do? Self-dependence and fear can become daunting apart…
The classic story of David and Goliath answers the question, “What does real courage look like?” David’s heart surfaces in this story of fear and faith. “David showed us that…
Daring to befriend someone takes courage. Jonathan humbly protected and encouraged David. We are capable of loving others because we are loved by God. Part Two of the Daring Greatly…
There’s no limit to the good thoughts God wants us to have. So, why do we waste so much time preoccupied with our doubts and fears? How are we supposed…
What is the secret to life, according to Solomon: the fear of God. Fear is not terror. Rather it means, “I am going to bend to God’s better way. I…
CLICK ON VIMEO ICON OR WATCH HERE. The Bible says that the nation of Israel followed God faithfully throughout the life of Joshua and the elders who succeeded him. But…
King David’s affair shows us that we all are vulnerable. Remember that you are weaker than you think you are. Run. Avoid tempting situations and redirect your energies, especially if…
Caleb modeled radical faith into his later years. King Asa, in contrast, trusted in his allies rather than God. Instead of getting comfortable and complacent as we age, we should…
“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Number your days, seize opportunities to love and mold your children. When you see how much…
This is one of the most common and most important questions people ask about God. The answer is bigger than we sometimes think, and, while it is not always easy,…
We know that Christ is powerful in us as individuals. When we gather together it is strong and vibrant. We are the church – a gathering of people whose lives…
Paul teaches that we are God’s poema-His “masterpiece” designed to reflect His character on the earth. Grace is God’s means for our transformation. Preached at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship. YouTube link…
Velcro love sticks and stays. God’s HESED love causes us to act on commitment, not feelings first. Suffering is the context where true love begins. Christ’s sacrifice is the embodiment…
Satan caused Eve to doubt God’s goodness and to twist His words. In doing so, we also are tripped up by his lies and doubts. Remember, your sin will find…
Why do so many Christians love Jesus but not the church? Perhaps they have experienced hurt and disappointment. Are you happy with your church? Love for the church comes from…
Courageous commitment doesn’t make sense and it never will. It didn’t in Daniel’s day and it doesn’t in ours-but as we learn in the unusual suspect of Daniel, because of…
God is the God of the nations. Egypt’s pharoah, Persia’s Cyrus, Artaxerxes of Persia among others were guided by the hand of God to carry out His plan. God protects…
Josiah, the child king, began his reign at eight and died at thirty-nine. His grandfather and father were wicked, idolatrous monarchs. While re-building the temple, Hilkiah the priest found the…
Caleb, on the brink of the Promised Land, at 85 years old said, I was 45 years old when God sent me to survey the land, and at 85 I’m…
In an unbelieving culture, Mordecai held an integrity that was used by God to deliver the Jewish people. Mordecai’s role as a peacemaker points forward to the complete peace and…
Deep transformation is always connected to our deepest desires. In Christ we find the quenching of our thirsty souls. Just like the Samaritan woman, you can embrace the grace of…
We learn much about deep faith when we examine the temptation of Christ. Deep faith begins when we stop trying to prove who we are and by what we do…
The miracle of Lazarus’ resurrection doesn’t just foreshadow the resurrection of Christ, it foreshadows yours! When we sin, our soul is wrapped in grave clothes. Sin buries us alive. Sin…
The Apostle Paul commended the Colossian believers for their faith, their love for the saints and their hope of heaven. Paul prayed for them to live a life worthy of…
This moving sermon by John Piper was preached at Watermark Church and was titled “A Tender Word for Pharisees.” Jesus shows God’s love for Pharisees in his parable of the…
Jesus engages people as souls. He engages all of them, not just one aspect of them. A deep life is living as the whole person Jesus redeemed you to be.…
The conclusion of a story reveals the transformation of the characters. To really live the spiritual life, we must die to those things that keep us from fulfilling God’s grand…
God sent His perfect love in Jesus, His Son. God’s love seeks to dig deep within our souls, He unearths those fears, and casts them out. Like Peter, when Jesus…
Engage the world. Some Christians are hostile to entertaining questions about science and the Bible, or controversial Scriptural issues. Don’t try to make the Bible provide answers to questions it…
What do we learn from Cain? Don’t play the comparison game. Jealousy and pride will kill you. Pray for the people you want to kill. Love someone you don’t like.…
God knows everything. He knows what we do before we do it, what we think before we think it, what we say before we say it, what we need before…
To set the tone in your home, be sure you change the rules, believe the best, and keep on loving. Defy logic. Defy gravity. Defy entropy. Let Paul’s “love chapter”…
What do you do when storms crash around you? Stay in the boat, hold onto Jesus. When life becomes difficult, you deepen your roots in faith. Watch the sermon “Planted…
The unbeliever is looking for something deeper and meaningful. He wants to know he matters. Jesus revealed that to reach the seeker we must not crowd people out with dogma…
The beautiful love poem of Solomon to his bride teaches much about the passion, permanence, power and procreative purpose of marriage. Marriage is a holy covenant based on sacrifice and…
The unbelieving world sees Christians as “guardians of morality,” placing standards upon others that we can’t live up to ourselves. Instead, we are privileged to be living expressions of God’s…
In this series from Acts, the church struggles from within when Ananias and Sapphira bring gifts and lie about their generosity. They also experience persecution from the Sanhedrin and some…
We all face giants in our lives. Don’t be caught off guard. You have a God-given advantage. The Jewish soldiers said of Goliath, “He’s too big to kill.” David, full…
Jesus, our High Priest, made the way into God’s presence. Priests had compassion for you, they are able to deal gently with you because they understand the temptation and consequences…
Bad religion is decried by Jesus in Matthew 29 when He condemns the Pharisees on their hypocrisy. But we can easily commit the same sins. Here are seven ways you…
Jacob and his sons learned to look past circumstances to hope in God’s promise to make Israel a great nation. Joseph looked past years of suffering and mistreatment to see…
The Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:27 that “man is destined to die once and after that the judgment.” We will all stand before the Lord. The the unbeliever, it…
Two stories are juxtaposed here: the story of a nation of people whom God liberates and the story of Moses the deliverer. Israel and Moses, their leader, learned the unfathomable…
What comprises your identity? A sense of relationship with God, an awareness of God’s call on your life and a deeper understanding of who He created you to be. Compare…
In this study of 1 Peter, Peter promises that we have everything we need for life and godliness. God wants to replace ordinary living for an extraordinary adventure with Him.…
Technology can elevate us, causing us to be proud, self-centered or self-promoting. Technology can hurt and humiliate. It can also suffocate you, emptying your life of quiet, solitude and rest.…
The truth about temptation is that it’s not a sin to be tempted, only to give in. Don’t blame God, others or the bait. When tempted run, don’t try to…
The greatest seasons of faith in our lives don’t occur when we’re on the mountain top, when life is going as planned and God’s favor is most tangible. In reality,…
Faith is relational, not formulaic. If you are frustrated or confused by seeming inconsistencies in Scripture, the God of the Bible longs to meet you where you are, to be…
Whether you are a control freak like Augustus, panicking because your plans aren’t coming together like you had hoped, or whether you are confused by life circumstances that don’t make…