Help Your Children Love the Different People

Help the children believe in God’s sovereign wisdom and goodness in creating them with the body that they have, to believe in God’s sovereign wisdom and goodness in making other people with the body that they have. Help the children believe that they and all other children and adults are made in God’s image. Treat them according to the Great Commandment. Teach the children and model for them that their own sin is uglier than anybody they think is physically unattractive. Teach the children that God loves them in spite of the ugliness of their sin and that he proved this by sending his Son to die for our sins and give forgiveness to all who would trust him. Teach them that because Jesus died for them and rose again, he becomes for them an all-satisfying Friend and Treasure. Teach the children to love others who are different from them, not in order to be accepted by God, but because they already are accepted by God because of Jesus.

By John Piper. ©2013 Desiring God Foundation. Website:

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