How to Raise a Godly Child

Here are the nine habits of an intentional parent:

  1. I will not do for my child what he needs to do for himself—when I do, I disrespect him.
  2. I will not overreact—when I do, my child has won.
  3. I will not rescue my child from life lessons he needs to learn—when I do, I weaken him.
  4. I will not treat my teenager like a child—when I do, I create resentment.
  5. I will not be dissuaded from doing right, despite anger, tears, cursing or threats—when I do, I am an irresponsible parent.
    I will use my Heart—when they are hurting, confused, searching or frustrated.
    I will use my Head—when they have questions, need guidance or want answers.
    I will use my Hand (take action)—when they are disrespectful, disobedient or lazy.
  6. I will pick my parenting battles carefully—because it’s more important to be the right parent than to be right.
  7. I will give lots of encouragement—because it will help my child to succeed.
  8. I will provide training, instruction and support as needed—because that’s my job.
  9. I will pray daily for my children—because my children belong to God.

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