Taylor Swift and Authenticity?
Who is your favorite celebrity? Your favorite political pundit? Your favorite politician? Why are you drawn to these individuals? Maybe it is their personality. Perhaps it is because you respect…
Who is your favorite celebrity? Your favorite political pundit? Your favorite politician? Why are you drawn to these individuals? Maybe it is their personality. Perhaps it is because you respect…
Dear Roger, I have so many people telling me that their way to God is the right way. I’ve been a Christian for a long time, but I have very…
Dear Roger, What are the key truths that guide your life? What words define you as a husband, Christian and pastor? Love, Rachel Dear Rachel, These are the words that…
https://youtu.be/3rXDRl1dQeU?si=mPB_CEP-HpQu4ObP A lie is an enemy of the truth, and Satan is the father of lies. He originated lies, and he has children, since he’s the father, who perpetuate his…
Michael J. Kruger’s book, Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College (Crossway, 2021) is a wonderful resource for high school or college students preparing to live…
Rebuild your confidence in God and His church. Another day, another pastor or a church in the news headlines. You had your doubts, but now those doubts feel a little…
Dear Roger, I have often wondered what you believe about the Bible and how it influenced your life and ministry. Could you give me a short summary of just a…
Who are you? Have you really thought about that singular question? And I don’t mean in any particularly existential way. I just mean, have you thought about what truly makes…
In this message, we’re digging into a subject that hits close to home for many people. In fact, it’s one of the biggest reasons people leave the church. We’re talking…
There is a difference between a biblical absolute, a spiritual conviction, and a personal opinion. It’s important to know the difference and not misapply them. This chart defines the three…
As Jude called his readers to fight for the faith, he wanted them to know that turning from the truth was not new, nor was it novel. The battle for truth…
It takes moral courage to STAND AGAINST what is WRONG and STAND FOR what is RIGHT. It takes moral courage to SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER, to SPEAK THE TRUTH IN…
Let’s do a little Bible study together through I John 3:19-4:4. First, let’s look at our passage. By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure…
I stood on the edge of the pool. I looked over at my sister who was maybe 4 or 5 years old at the time. She was splashing on the…
Introduction On a football team, there is a kicker and that kicker has one aim — to kick the football perfectly between the two goalposts and to score points that…
Introduction The concept of “cancel culture” has contaminated our society. Many people think they can cancel whatever person, community or ideal that does not agree with their version of reality…
You’ve probably heard me refer to the book of Jude as the Acts of the Apostates. Apostasy is turning away from Christ by leaning on the rationale of worldly philosophy…
God’s truth must quicken your heart, be obeyed and take root in every part of your life. www.tonyevans.org.
We must view all of life through the lens of God’s truth in His Word. www.tonyevans.org.
Let’s do a short study through I John 1:5-2:2 about the importance of deception and confession. “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is…
Life is infinitely uncertain and God is infinitely complex. The net result? Doubt. We think of doubt in negative terms, but it’s a key catalyst when it comes to faith.…
Wise speech is the right word spoken at the right time with the right intentions in the right to the right person from the right person. Team sermon preached by…
Introduction Believers should seek to get spiritual clarity through prayer as they listen for God to speak to them. Because of spiritual warfare, we should prioritize our need to hear…
When it comes to having healthy relationships we must get out of our comfort zones and do the hard things. Just because something is unpleasant doesn’t mean it’s unprofitable. Preached…
What we do today and the decisions we make are going to matter now more than ever. The power of living intentionally in Christ is a huge positive benefit bringing…
Pop spirituality re-defines certain Christian terms. New Age and Eastern mysticism often use words that seem or sound Biblical, but are not. God, Christ and redemption mean something quite different.…
Lies About God God is not really good. God doesn’t love me. God is just like my father. God is cruel and overbearing. God is not really enough. God’s word…
King Solomon advises to pursue wisdom with your heart and your head. Wisdom is so much more than knowledge or cleverness. Wisdom is spiritual discernment that comes from God. Wisdom…
Standing for God’s truth is a serious thing. Standing against it carries major repercussions. In this series, Skip Heitzig presents Jude’s call to get in the ring—a call that is…
Dear Roger, I’ve always wondered, why did God give us four Gospels? And why are they different in some places? Sincerely, Bob Dear Bob, Imagine four…
Hiram Johnson said, “The first casualty in war is truth.” God’s people have been in a cosmic battle since the fall. Satan’s first allegation against truth was in Genesis 3:1:…
Part one from the series on biblical interpretation from Tom Terry and Dr. Steve Posey discusses the importance of accurate biblical interpretation and the tools you need to understand God’s…
Dear Roger, Please help me build my relationship with God while I’m isolated from my church and others. Sincerely, Ronnie Dear Ronnie, I would love to help! I’ve put together…
Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. 2 CORINTHIANS 11:14-15 Paul had discovered that false…
“All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.”…
God is sovereign, wise, just, and merciful. He governs all things, making no mistakes, doing no one wrong, and making all things serve the everlasting joy of undeserving persons who…
From the very first moment those little eyes open and we hear them cry for the first time, we love our children. Yes, there are moments that we may get…
Atheists.org begins its post on Biblical Contradictions[i] with this statement: “It is a central dogma of all fundamental Christians that the Bible is without error. They teach this conclusion by…
John Piper teaches a powerful lesson on God’s conditions for answering your prayers. Here’s how to pray more powerfully! “God never ignores his children. He is never too busy. Never…
All of us have our weak moments in life–those moments when we doubt ourselves, our ability and our resources available to help us face up to the challenges of simply…
Most people intuitively know that our expectations profoundly affect our life experiences. Yet even as believers, we simultaneously expect too much and too little. We need to discover what we…
This past Sunday you may have heard me make a possible puzzling statement… “Pure rationalism will lead to irrationalism.” What does that mean? Let me explain. Man’s reason and senses enable…
Walk into most churches nowadays and you will likely hear a message of love, hope, encouragement, and identity. And all that is good and well. After decades of overly harsh…
“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another…
In a world saturated with deceiving spirits, false prophets, and false teachers, the need to exercise discernment cannot be overstated. As believers, we think with our minds, but we discern…
How do you combine compassionate love with confrontational truth? What’s the secret to “speaking the truth in love”? The apostle John knew. Pastor John MacArthur gives us a glimpse of…
“How do you know the will of God?” At every Campus Crusade Christmas Conference that was the title of the workshop that always drew standing room numbers. Because every Christian has wondered…
Do you crave God’s Word? Why or why not? Dr. John MacArthur writes: “Babies crave milk, and only milk. Parents care about the color of the blanket, the pattern of the curtains,…
Every few days my youngest daughter, Whitney comes to me with a series of written questions about the Bible. We review the passages together, discuss her understanding of the issues…
This is a guest post from Tom Terry. How do I relate to non-Christians? Every few days my youngest daughter, Whitney comes to me with a series of written questions…
“God is dead”Frederich Nietzsche It began in the despair of 19th century Europe. Its inventor would die in 1900 on the cusp of a new century. His views would combine with…
I sometimes post pictures on Instagram of books that I’m reading, usually just a stack on my table to let my followers know what I’m thinking about at the moment.…
God wants you to know which one is more important, the traditions of men, or the truth of God. And it’s about time for some of us to decide, are…
Have you ever considered the words of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who, when told by Moses to let Israel go, responded, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey his…
Have you ever considered the words of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who, when told by Moses to let Israel go, responded, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey his…
Dear Roger, I am worried that my daughter has joined a cult. She joined this church and it seemed like a good fit for her and then she changed. She…
To take back your mind, you have to humble your heart. Preached at Elevation Church. Sermon notes by sermons.love.
“What is truth?” Pontius Pilate The greatest pursuit of mankind has been that of truth. What is truth? How do we know? How is it lived? Truth is that which…
I’ve spent a portion of my last few years praying for and grieving for a friend who once claimed Christ as his own, but over the years abandoned his faith…
Conflict is part of life. We can handle it in a godly way, or brush it under the rug. Dr. Caroline Leaf teaches us six ways to argue well. “Did…
A time is coming to the church where “people will be lovers of self.” Do you feel like this time has already come? The Bible says that in the end…
We all know what it’s like to do the right thing for the wrong reason. But what about the reverse? Have you ever done the wrong thing for (what you…
Did you know that every time a lion pride hunts together it is a lightly organized operation? They do not test their potential prey for weakness like other predators do.…
Here is an enlightening answer to a seldom-studied character in the Bible: Job. The book of Job is a profound work on human suffering, worthy of a lifetime of study…
Here is an enlightening answer to a seldom-studied character in the Bible: Job. The book of Job is a profound work on human suffering, worthy of a lifetime of study…
A lot can happen in a year. In Genesis 18, God visits Abraham. While sitting at the entrance of his tent, Abraham notices three men standing before him by the…
“Books don’t change people,” John Piper once observed. “Paragraphs do. Sometimes even sentences.” A good sentence is a gift. We love finding complex truth shrinkwrapped in clear, simple, memorable form. It’s…
Dear Roger, So many different Bibles are available today. I am overwhelmed! How do I study the Bible most effectively? How do I know which one is the right translation…
Government officials who are trained to detect counterfeit money, don’t study the counterfeits. They study the real bills, which they have come to know so well that when a counterfeit…
“Every one should get what they deserve.” If a teen studies, works hard, and succeeds in high school, then that teen should be allowed to go to college. If…
Guest author for Covenant Eyes, Nate Larkin teaches on the insidious nature of lying as a lifestyle: “There are those, too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but…
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus Christ 1. Existing fetal homicide laws make a man guilty of manslaughter if he kills the…
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus Christ 1. Existing fetal homicide laws make a man guilty of manslaughter if he kills the…
The Festival of Lights For many people in the diaspora – both Jews celebrating Hanukkah and Gentiles observing this celebration – Hanukkah is all about dreidels and latkes. However, if…
Hi Roger, A New Testament author says that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, etc. …” The New Testament is good for…
There are many divergent views about the second coming of Christ, but most agree that in the latter days there will be false prophets, false teachers, and false Messiahs. Jesus…
You’re probably trying to change something right now. And — if you’re honest — you’ve already thought about backing off. Change seems too difficult. You’ve watched friends get hurt trying to lead…
Does the news overwhelm you? Every day mass murders leave us reeling; struggling to make sense of such tragedies. Where the Bible may not tell us the why of the tragedies, it…
What do you know about yourself? Well, probably more than anyone, right? And yet every one of us gets surprised when from time to time, our spouse points out…
According a University of Massachusetts study, 60% people cannot have a 10-min conversation without lying.We lie to impress, avoid conflict, get away w/something, shift blame, or to be nice. Satan,…
False teachers are often hard to spot. They appear to be righteous, but pander lies of relativism, subjective morality, social gospel, and universalism. Christ wants us to base our beliefs…
Carey Nieuwhof is a Canadian pastor with a perceptive, and (possibly an objective) view of American society today. “Regardless of where your politics lean, many would sense that American culture…
Secrets. We all have them, don’t we? Tucking my son in at bedtime has become quite the confessional. It all started when he remembered taking a pen a year earlier…
A young mother whose son was killed in a fire started by outdoor Christmas lights expressed her fear of the upcoming first Christmas following his death. She did not have…
Why do flight attendants give parents flying with young children the instructions, “If there is a change in the air pressure in the cabin and the oxygen masks are…
God has plans for a hope and a future for us. But the real message is that life isn’t easy. Often His best plan is not ours, but protects us…
Pornography is not new, but the digital age has made it more ubiquitous and accessible than ever before. The technological realities of smartphones and high-speed internet have fundamentally changed the…
Given the substantial evidence of Scripture to the contrary, the burden of proof is on those who argue people in heaven are unconcerned with and unaware of what is happening…
Satan’s tactics are subtle. He masquerades as an angel of light so that the things he tempts us with look beautiful. However the only good and perfect gifts come from…
Our lives are filled with white noise: the expectations of others that distract us from God’s calling for our lives. How do we tune out “white noise.” hear God speak…
We completely underestimate the power of Jesus. What often happens when you hear the name “Jesus”? Is He namby-pamby or the God of the Universe? Pastor Francis Chan takes a…
Excuses are like hiding places that promise to keep you safe from difficult things. Ignore them. The only things that reproduce faster than rabbits are excuses when you’ve got important…
The recent spate of terrorism employed by ISIS has scared the liver out of people around the world, it’s barbarism even chilling the blood. Numerous Christians have weighed-in on the…
Fear and superstition? Really? Have I got your attention? Recently I’ve been reading the book, How The West Really Lost God, by Mary Eberstadt. The book makes a strong case for…
What are good and evil? More specifically, how shall we define moral evil, functional evil, functional good, and moral good? Moral Evil is behavior, thoughts, and feelings that violate God’s law,…
This past year, Barna Group has spent a considerable amount of time studying the unchurched—those who have not attended church within the past six months. Much of that research is…
The face of religion across the United States has recently changed in five primary areas. These shifts were identified by a national survey conducted in three times over a 14-year…
Francis Chan preaches at Passion Conference about the importance of reading the Word, discerning the lies caused by our own sinful desires to compromise and the power of literal obedience.…
“…In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome this world.” John 16:33 NIV A sign beside the door of an Army Chaplain’s office stated: …
Dear Roger, Why did so many people of the bible sit under trees or go into nature to hear God? I’m sure there is a connection..but is there a stronger…
At The Global Leadership Summit, Patrick M. Lencioni discussed the the benefits of focusing on organizational health. Here are a few of his observations: Organization health is the single greatest competitive advantage…
Overpower the lies of insecurity, fear, condemnation and discouragement with the promises of God. Discover how to hear God’s voice above all others. We must put the mind of Christ…
You’ve probably heard the age-old argument about free will. Does man truly have free will to decide his own fate? If God hardened pharaoh’s heart then why was pharaoh responsible…
The book of Titus was written to a church living in moral and doctrinal confusion. Paul charged Titus to set things in order by teaching sound doctrine and instructing his…
As we conclude our study of the introduction to Titus, we are reminded that God, who never lies, gives us knowledge of the truth and the promise of eternal life.…
As they do in all human institutions, disagreements and conflicts sometimes arise in the local church. When that happens, how should church leaders respond? In Titus 3:9-11, Paul teaches that…
The somewhat seedy Book of Judges reveals a repeated pattern in the history of Israel. Life in Israel gets really bad. In fact, the only time the Israelites turned to…
SIX MAJOR PERCEPTIONS This Short explores the top six major perceptions revealed from our research and the most common points of skepticism and objections raised by outsiders. Those six major…
Dear Roger, I was brought up in a Church that Baptizes children, way too young to understand the process. Is it important that I get Baptized as an adult?…
Dashed hopes. Devastating news. Divorce. Disillusionment over current events. Perhaps, like Job, everything in your life seems to be falling apart and you are just waiting for the other…
I fully agree (and have often said from the pulpit) that the kingdom of God does not depend on elections and will not be ushered in by politicians, I believe…
Are you at a loss for words when you hear the words, “Pray for me?” Your automatic answer: “Sure.” But what if the request has nothing to do with God’s…
“Later, Jesus showed himself to his followers again—this time at Lake Galilee. This is how he showed himself: Some of the followers were together: Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael…
Keys to a genuine love relationship requires that we speak the truth in love and authentic humility, talk directly to the person rather than about the person and do so…
Why do we lie? Perhaps it is to make ourselves look better. Perhaps we lie for personal gain or to avoid negative consequences. Why shouldn’t we lie? God hates it,…
The little letter of 2 John was critical in preserving the integrity of God’s message. John encourages and warns the church at the same time to know the truth, walk…
Alcohol is the number one drug problem in America. There are more than 12 million alcoholics in the U.S. Three-fourths of all adults drink alcohol, and 6% of them are…
Protect yourself from lying preachers. Check their message with all of Scripture. Check the fruit before you buy the tree. The majority can be dead wrong. Never confuse God’s patience…
Dear Roger, My husband would rather go to porn sites than have sex with me. What is wrong here? What do I need to do? Sincerely, C Dear C, You…
There is no greater opportunity to become Christlike than in the midst of pain and injustice. When Satan is raging with evil, God is planning to turn it to good.…
I believed, at the ripe old age of eight, that Thanksgiving was a wash-a “teaser” holiday that prevented Grandma from shopping for my etch-a-sketch. We got one measly day off…
We must love people but also love the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:4). Paul teaches we need purity for the sake of unity. We must watch out for those who cause…
Have you seen control and manipulation divide your church? Have you suffered through the fall of a spiritual leader into sexual sin? The life of Queen Jezebel gives us a…
False prophets tried to lie to Israel about the coming judgment upon their nation. Ezekiel the prophet was trying to help them with their blind spots by telling them truth.…
Honesty is not something that can simply be taught in a sermon. It is revealed by the light of God’s truth and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Only then…
Adultery in our culture has become acceptable, even commonplace. The path to promiscuity is paved by a lot of prominent people. It is amazing what happens in this process. How…
There’s a vast difference between legalism and holiness. There is also a great difference between asceticism and suffering. Colossians 2:16-23 talks about true spirituality and identifying its substitutes.
Burnout happens only to givers. Its nature is the depletions of the physical and emotional resources that enable the giver to keep giving. Losing these resources causes despair, depression, irrational…
Grace leaves no room for superiority. Grace makes Christianity the most inclusive religion in the world. Jesus’ claim requires faith, and so does relativism. Our job as Christ-followers is to…
The will of God often sends us to meet needs and into danger. It is hard to remember that Jesus did not come to make us safe, but rather to…
The hallway is silent except for the wheels of the mop bucket and the shuffle of the old man’s feet. Both sound tired. Both know these floors. How many…
Self-examination is a lost spiritual art. This message will help you learn to discern and make sure you are “in the faith.” Preached at National Community Church. Please wait for…
What Is Christian Hedonism? My shortest summary of Christian Hedonism is: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. We all make a god out…
Joseph’s model for reconciling with his brothers and father are illustrated in this story. To reconcile a broken relationship, your much rebuild trust with truth, repentance and time.
Some time ago, a woman came to the microphone at a conference and told of how, 14 years earlier, her adult daughter had been stalked and then viciously murdered by…
Deception doesn’t usually come through this big, huge, ugly monster. then we wouldn’t buy into it. The Devil appears as an angel of light and offers lies in a subtle…
You don’t learn deception by going and scouting for deception. You learn about it by becoming immersed and saturated with the Word of God, knowing the Truth so that when…
Jesus once told a parable about a king who decides to settle his accounts with his debtors. His bookkeeper surfaces a fellow who owes not thousands or hundreds of thousands…
Faith is a combination of belief and commitment. A belief is a thought that we think to be true. A commitment is an act of our will. In life there…
God is concerned with our worship. It is not something He considers to be optional in our daily life and practice. In fact, the Father seeks those who will worship…
What happens to you when you read the scriptures or go through a Bible study? Many people take their time with the Word as a perfunctory ritual to assuage a…
JESUS THE TRUTH The culture in which we live would like to convince us that truth is purely subjective. If we are to distinguish between valid criticism and unjust accusation,…
In a world where spiritual warfare seems to be heating up… And opportunities for distractions are so readily available at one swipe of the finger… And pressures and situations seem…