often talk about living intentionally because I believe that how we choose to live each day, the decisions we make, and the way we respond to others significantly impacts our …
Genesis 37:18-24 They saw him from afar, and before he came near to them they conspired against him to kill him. 19 They said to one another, “Here comes this dreamer. 20 Come now, let us …
The Prodigal Son: A Story of Grace UNPLUGGED S-1809 Andy and Me: Picture of Grace Mrs. Crosley got me in. My performance wasn’t good enough. My performance doesn’t get me …
Dear Roger and Julie, I have had so many pastors give me more questions than answers about what Jesus wrote in the sand when the adulterous woman was about to …
Whether you’re aware of it or not, your job as a parent just became a little more difficult on January 1, 2014. If you’re drawing a blank, perhaps the mere …
She sits in my office, tears running down her face. Two years ago her mother died in hospice while she lay asleep at home. She was trying to get a …
“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” Have you ever heard something so ridiculous? Anyone who has ever been crushed under the weight of …
The Good Father Luke 15:11-32 After my husband died, I was struggling to fall asleep at night and I was struggling to stay asleep. I had tried singing praise songs …
Who is your enemy? Perhaps you think of Satan or a political leader. Yet, it could be a family member, ex-spouse, neighbor or the person who just cut you off …
The ancient city of Jericho was a hotbed of wicked Amorite culture. It was heavily fortified with imposing walls. It was also Israel’s entry point into the Promised Land. Conquest …
The dream was perfect. I was at a party and as I moved through the crowd I was really enjoying some sweet revenge by telling stories about someone who …
When John and I were first married, things proved far more difficult than either of us had imagined. In our youthful naiveté, we thought that because we were in love …
Psalm 120: 6-7 “Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am a man of peace; but when I speak, they are for war.” “I’m coming …
Years ago, a mundane event turned into one of the more interesting and memorable moments of my life. I was flying from Los Angeles to El Paso, Texas, to speak …
The Beauty of Being Forgiven… I wonder what it was like for the woman caught in the very act of sin in John 8:1-12. The overwhelming emotions she must have …
“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13 NIV Forgiveness is more than …
One day I was surprised when a childhood friend said to me, “Oh Jan, you never thought the rules applied to you.” I wasn’t sure what she was referencing, …
What happens when we try to plan our own repentance? God reveals his heart in Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son.
“It’s too late to apologize,” Timbaland sang to his girlfriend who he couldn’t trust any longer. The 2007 song struck a chord. How many of us have people in our …
Intro: Colossians 1:13-14 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness Rescued Greek Erry-Sáto: snatch someone out of danger, child stepping out into the street. and brought us …
Forgiving someone who wronged you can be hard—it might even seem impossible. We’re learning what can happen when we unlock the power of forgiveness. From the latest headline to social …
My beloved parents believed dancing was a sin, all dancing. And, as I remember it their convictions caused me a little anxiety growing up. As I approached middle school …
Have you ever struggled with not feeling worthy? Maybe you have lived in a shame based identity for years, never feeling like you measure up. Perhaps you have had …
As we begin to talk I would ask you, “At the perfect age you are now, do you have any regrets… any “what ifs”… any “what could have beens”… anything that you …
Dear Roger, A friend of mine criticized me for some decisions that I’ve made. I believe it is none of his business. However, he is a really good friend, so …
Should we pray curses upon our enemies? Psalm 35 As I listened to my friend speak in anguish of her helplessness to stop her husband’s infidelity, my anger began …
“In the course of time, Judah arranged for his firstborn son, Er, to marry a young woman named Tamar. But Er was a wicked man in the Lord’s sight, so …
Dear Roger, I was digging into the book of Hosea, and I don’t understand. Why would God tell him to marry a prostitute? God had called him to …
Dear Roger, It’s been almost a year since I took my three children and left my husband. At that time, my daughters were 15 and 13, and my son was …
Dear Roger, I’ve always struggled to understand the passage where Jesus said that if someone hurts us, we are to turn the other cheek and let them hit …
A while back, I received this desperate text from a hurting friend. She had discovered that some ministry leaders she greatly admired and who had played a significant role in …
I love back-stories, the story behind the story. Many years ago, our family watched the hit movie The Blind Side, and we loved it. The film is about a boy …
It’s God’s pleasure to reconcile people to Himself, but not every human relationship can, will or should be reconciled. Not all friendships will last a lifetime. They can turn sour …
How many of us have any idea the depths of God’s forgiveness? In June of 1983, a young woman named Karla Faye Tucker savagely murdered a couple as they slept. …
Q: Does God permit or condone revenge? “Then Samson called to the LORD and said, “O Lord GOD, please remember me and please strengthen me only this once, O God, …
We live in an apology-averse culture. We are allergic to repentance and equally allergic to forgiveness. Think about it? When was the last time someone repented to you? I mean, …
A while back, I received this desperate text from a hurting friend. She had discovered that some ministry leaders she greatly admired and who had played a significant role in …
Introduction In our culture today, many philosophies and worldviews based on human wisdom compete for our attention. These ideas, however, are marked by deception and the absence of Christ. If …
Bible Studies
Learning to Be Gentle to Ourselves (Bloom in the Desert 6)
by Jan Shraderby Jan ShraderI was crushed when I read the letter. The homeowner’s association had the audacity to call them weeds. The first tiny sprouts had promised me red tubular flowers set against …
Introduction Have you ever been involved with a remodeling project? It can be a very messy undertaking. Because the goal of remodeling is to make something better from its worn …
The die had been cast. The plans had been laid. The end of a brother would soon come. He wasn’t alone in his deceit. His mother was right there with …
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. —Lewis Smedes Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven …
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God …
“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the …
Dear Roger, Jesus told us to love our enemies, but I’m having trouble with that. I have some people who are really hurting me. In fact, I think that I …
The Samaritan woman from John 4 gives us a basis for what it looks like to navigate racial, ethnic and cultural differences. www.ocbf.org.
Anyone who has taken the time to calculate a loan repayment schedule understands the implications of interest, and how interest paid on long-term loans will often exceed the amount of …
Lysa Terkeurst shares five principles that help you to process pain. Forgiveness is more satisfying than revenge. Our God is not a do-nothing God. Your offender is also suffering. The …
The story of Joseph is one of the Bible’s most compelling tales. And the most gripping feature is the difference between Joseph’s outlook and that of his eleven brothers. After …
Dear Roger, I hear so many people these days saying, “Christians are the problem,” or “Christians are unloving and judgmental.” Why is having a moral compass and a …
One of the most used (if not overused) terms of our culture is the term dysfunctional. It has become the chic descriptor of flawed and broken people and especially families. Too often …
Do you ever find yourself defining life by before and after the deep hurt? The horrific season. The conversation that stunned you. The shocking day of discovery. The divorce. …
Dear Roger, I served as the treasurer of our church for almost 20 years. Not long ago, some money turned up missing, and I was blamed. The humiliation and …
Dear Roger, Please help me build my relationship with God while I’m isolated from my church and others. Sincerely, Ronnie Dear Ronnie, I would love to help! I’ve put together …
“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7b (ESV) I want to invite you to journey back with …
The last thing we want someone to say about us is that we are “super needy.” We want to be independent, self-sufficient, strong individuals. The idea of needing people and …
How do we live in peace? James teaches us why we fight and how we make peace: “Mean-spirited ambition isn’t wisdom. Boasting that you are wise isn’t wisdom. Twisting the …
The twelve apostles included “Matthew the tax-gatherer” (Matt. 10:3). Never lose your sense of awe over Christ’s forgiveness. Matthew describes himself as “Matthew the tax-gatherer” (Matt. 10:3). He is the …
Everyday…I’m amazed at how crafty the Enemy of God is in his attempts to bring about the Christian’s destruction. It doesn’t matter if it’s discouragement, discontentment, doubt, fear, insecurity, worry, …
Look at Jesus Christ. He despised it, ignored it, endured it to save you and me. SHAMEFUL REJECTION Luke 4:28-30: He came to his hometown – They kicked him out. …
Forgiving others is hard, but forgiving yourself can be even more difficult. When guilt and regret fill your past, believing in your future seems impossible. But God wants you to …
(Dear Reader, the following letter was written by a woman in another country who is in the throes of an acrimonious, three-year dragged out divorce. I am choosing not to …
“Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and moreover, I will not let Israel go” (Exodus 5:2). …
Two conditions of the heart exist where no one can hide: one is when the heart is filled with love and the other when we are infected with bitterness. Either …
My youngest son, Miles, and I have a unique mother/son relationship. We most definitely relate on a familial level, but also he appreciates my counsel. As a minister, much of …
Dear Roger, You preached a powerful sermon at our church on the importance of the blood of Christ. I never forgot it. I especially liked how you explained that it …
Shame doesn’t have to hold you back. In Unashamed, Christine Caine will share how her own journey through shame showed her how God had something better in store for her–and …
There is only one being created in the image of God, in all of creation, and that being is the human being, and that being is the object of God’s …
Maybe it’s your pastor. Maybe it’s someone in your Bible study. Maybe it’s a famous Christian in the news. They’ve sinned. They’ve said they believe one thing and lived like …
Recently, John and I did a joint question-and-answer session on marriage. As the session closed, this big question came up. “After more than thirty years of marriage is there anything …
When Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross to extend mercy, He never intended for us to keep it to ourselves. Discover the freedom found in forgiveness and the …
As Americans, we live in a sanitized and antiseptic culture. Everything is clean, orderly, and has its place. Even our suffering. Most Americans don’t experience extreme brutality like Jesus experienced for …
Hebrew professor Dr. Julia Blum shares her insights about the Last Supper from Jewish history and the Hebrew translation of the Gospels: THE ROOM FOR THE LAST SUPPER Jerusalem was …
When we’re in places of transition and trouble, God shows up to reveal that He has been with us all along. We can learn so much about meeting God when …
Anger is a God-given emotion. Which of these statements about anger is true? “I should never allow myself to become angry.” “Anger can become a sin, and that’s okay.” “The …
Ephesians 2:4-5, “But God being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together …
Dear the many who’ve asked me to address the issue of civil disobedience, Once upon a time I walked the picket line holding a poster of a bloody, “fetus” …
Have you ever had a difficult person in your life? Maybe it was a family member, or a co- worker. Maybe it was a next-door neighbor you found yourself in …
Rejection is a difficult thing to reason with. Truly, when we are rejected once, it hurts, and it often takes some time to get past the pain of that rejection. …
Revelation chapters four and five provide a unique opportunity to experience a bit of heaven—and John’s description is the tiniest glimpse of a mind-blowing reality we cannot even begin …
Dear Roger, I’ve had three daughters. The first one died in my arms. The second one has debilitating medical challenges. She’s lain on a deathbed more than once. The third …
It is amazing how quickly a reputation can be ruined! I had been asked to be the speaker at my home church’s women’s retreat one fall. The more I prayed …
What are the bare-bone facts of the gospel? What is the minimum information needed to believe and be saved? While those questions may foster interesting discussions, they are not valid …
Dear Roger, Two leaders in our church are locked in a legal battle because of a business deal gone bad. I am so disillusioned. I want to tell them to …
God’s love to all humanity is a love of compassion. To say it another way, it is a love of pity. It is a broken-hearted love. He is “good, and ready to …
Amanda Todd became an unwitting spokesperson for despair at the age of fifteen after a predator had convinced her to pose topless for a photo, and then posted it online. …
Have you ever forgiven someone but had bad feelings about them at the same time? Jesus Christ is our model for forgiveness. It’s hard to image Jesus forgiving someone but …
I ran over my son last year. I still can’t believe it. Rhett, my baby boy, escaped massive injuries and only suffered a broken hand, a bruise or two and …
Dear Roger, Violence, vengeance and hatred plague our nation. I have had enemies, but I don’t try to kill them! However, I can’t get past my own wounds. I …
Adultery is devastating. In the aftermath of an adulterous affair, the offending spouse must first turn away from sin through repentance before God. But after such repentance takes place, there’s …
Most of us have been hurt by someone we know or someone we love. Sometimes, our reaction is to disconnect from that person and hold a grudge or to hurt …
I sat across the room from the couple, trying to slow down my mind and open my heart to the criticism they were leveling at me. They had been offended …
Skipping rocks on the lapping waves. Cleaning fish and playing stickball. Playing hide and seek among the olive trees. John and Jesus were probably lifelong buddies. In fact, most historians …
Our neighborhood kids are in their yards gleefully decorating for Halloween. Cardboard witches, ghoulish ghosts and sticky spider webs cover the lawns. I have nothing against candy. Give me a …
Then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. . . . And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” …
‘Tis the season of Advent – the celebration of the coming, the appearing of Jesus Christ. Advent consists of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, and Christmas Day. Traditionally, …
Do you want to experience true happiness? God’s Word gives us seven ways to be happy in Him. 1. God’s Immeasurable Love for Us In Ephesians, Paul prays that the …
Kindness: Discover the Power of the Forgotten Christian Virtue!
by Frank Violaby Frank ViolaI want to clarify niceness is not kindness. There’s a big difference. By kindness, I’m not talking about when you buy a stranger coffee or when you bring in your neighbor’s trash cans …
How do we balance justice and forgiveness? “Can we pray for justice, and yet love our enemy at the same time?” The answer is yes. But let’s start with our …
Dear Roger, I am scared. It seems that the world is falling apart and I have so many questions. Like, how will we know who the Antichrist is? Are we …
Russell Moore shares his insights about tension during the holiday season. Here are his wise suggestions: “We tend to idealize holidays, but human depravity doesn’t go into hibernation between Thanksgiving …
CAN ALLAH LOVE THE SINNER? GOD GIVES UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. The Quran clearly states that Allah does not love the sinner. Note just a few of the many passages in the …
Sermon begins at 32:05. We can listen to the voices of rage and anger in our lives. We can hear the shouts of the world around us, or we can …
This moving sermon by John Piper was preached at Watermark Church and was titled “A Tender Word for Pharisees.” Jesus shows God’s love for Pharisees in his parable of the …
God knows everything. He knows what we do before we do it, what we think before we think it, what we say before we say it, what we need before …
If you’ve listened to fairy tales, or if you’ve watched early classic Disney cartoons, one thing becomes clear: a lot of “poor little” princes and princesses shared a common family …
Jesus, our High Priest, made the way into God’s presence. Priests had compassion for you, they are able to deal gently with you because they understand the temptation and consequences …
The truth about temptation is that it’s not a sin to be tempted, only to give in. Don’t blame God, others or the bait. When tempted run, don’t try to …
This is going to be controversial. I’m going to say something about Hamas, ISIS, terrorism, and Israel—and you may not like it. I don’t know if I like it. But …
The unmerciful servant was forgiven a huge debt, and, in return, showed no mercy for the small debt he was owed. Unforgiveness is holding onto a hurt or injustice. It …
Kent Shaffer codified his observations concerning Malcolm Gladwell’s sermon at Catalyst Atlanta 2013. His discussion of David and Goliath is both encouraging and life-changing. Israel was still in its infancy, …
This blog was originally titled “How to Provoke Your Children” on gty.org. Have you experienced the paralysis of finding a good book on Christian parenting? Visiting your local Christian bookstore …
Dear Roger, Hi! I am seperated with two kids who I take care by myself . I had to make a stop to violence and abuse in my …
Bless. Pray. Don’t retaliate. Give without expecting in return. Love unconditionally. That’s what Jesus would do. Preached at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship. Used by permission. Featured at Telling the Truth …
How do we discern the effects of witchcraft? We must not be oblivious to the schemes of Satan, assuming that the practice of witchcraft is only used among primitive peoples …
Face it, there are just some things that we don’t like to do. We all have those irritating things that incessantly demand our attention. Every one of us has a …
When I was a young believer, I committed to memory Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is living and operative and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even …
Hi, Roger, I would like to know if it is a sin if a woman doesn’t cover her head when praying and worshiping the lord. Or even to step inside …
Resurrection is more than being set free from guilt-it’s about being free to live. It’s a story about lives forgiven, lives made new. It isn’t just mercy…it is love…it is …
“Living together before marriage is one of America’s most significant and unexpected family trends. By simple definition, living together-or unmarried cohabitation–is the status of couples who are sexual partners, not …
Teams are important because of synergy. Churches get people to give them money to create volunteer positions for them to fill. If you don’t know why something is working …
Dear Roger, I have been in an affair with the pastor of my church for 15 years. Now that it is ending, do I have any legal rights for damages? …
God knows we are made of dust and our lives our muddy. The muddy mess-the challenges, struggles, sin and pain in our lives make meaning. In the stories where Jesus …
Two Sundays and a Christmas Eve service to go! Panicked or planned? Some guys start in August. If you are swamped, scrooged, or just plain out of ideas, go back …
(Author’s note: this is a blog post about the huge changes that are rocking Western society – and their impact on the church. I am not advocating these changes; I’m …
Is Jesus’ command “Judge not, lest you be judged” mean that we should not have moral judgments and accountability for others? Pastor Tim Chaddick teaches from Matthew 7:1-12 and explains …
The conclusion of Joseph’s story is a lesson about moving through pain and finding God’s peace. God knows what each of Joseph’s brothers need to face so they can grow …
Do you ever get tired of the spin? Do you ever feel like everywhere you go and everywhere you look somebody is trying to sell you something? They are trying …
Dear Roger, I have a hard time deciding when it is God who is speaking to me. So often I wonder if I am just making things up in my …
The Jews go into captivity after years of sin and idolatry. Surprisingly, the prophetic message changes. God promises them His new covenant. Jeremiah proclaims that God will write His laws …
Joseph’s brothers had to come to terms with the sins of their past when they were forced to go to Egypt for food. Filled with remorse over their brother’s mistreatment, …
Romans 8 is a powerful picture of victory in Christ. Because we are unconditionally loved and freed from condemnation, we can be completely honest and vulnerable before God. We are …
Cyberbullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information about or to another person. Types of Bullying Online According to the Internet Safety 101 curriculum, there …
In Memory of Dr. Dallas Willard-May, 2013. Let us understand “wisdom” in the following manner: a person has wisdom provided that (i) he understands the certain and the probable sources …
HOW TO BE GOOD AND ANGRY “We are flawed people in relationships with flawed people, living in a fallen world, but with a faithful God. Christ in us will empower …
Jezebel exemplifies Satan’s demonic attack on God’s people, especially His prayer warriors. Jezebel, the wife of Ahab was wicked, manipulative and murderous. Satan uses the same methods (her wiles) to …
I have often said that many Reformed evangelicals think of sound, expository preaching as something of a ‘magic bullet.’ We may think that as long as we are preaching the …
Your values are what you want to stand for, what you want to do, or how you want to behave. You can take a fixed approach or a principled approach. …
We are born with a sense of justice. But because of this tendency, we tend to want to retaliate when we are unjustly treated. Walk in wisdom. Walk in community. …
Only God knows the future. But if current trends in Christianity continue, we can expect great change in the church by 2062. I predict the church will become both larger …
The older brothers, or “self-righteous” and “faithful sons and daughters” can often resent the irresponsible behavior of their younger, more selfish counterparts. When the younger prodigal son asked for his …
One of my favorite cartoons features a young boy standing at Dad’s computer, while Dad looks blankly at the screen. The son says, “In return for an increase in my …
As Brazilian jail cells go this one wasn’t too bad. There was a fan on the table. The twin beds each had a thin mattress and a pillow. There was …
Hosea was asked by God to marry an unfaithful woman and love her unconditionally. In doing so, he demonstrated the kind of amazing love God has for his children.
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus Christ 1. Existing fetal homicide laws make a man guilty of manslaughter if he kills …
Why do we become tight-fisted during the holidays? The whole message of God is about generosity and grace. He showed unconditional grace to the laborers in the field, regardless of …
Forget a funeral, insult the nursery lady, lose your temper in a business meeting, utter a curse word in a sermon and you’re likely to be kicked to the curb, …
Jesus deals with the judgmental way we often try to control those closest to us. Instead of blaming others for their problems and forcing upon them our “wonderful solutions,” Jesus …
What do you want out of your Christian experience? If you’re like most people you might answer that you are looking for peace, strength during difficulties, or even some level …
God’s big heart is passion-filled with love for His creatures. He’s called us to be an integral part of His redemptive plan. what fences do you need to jump to …
The torn curtain in the Temple reveals the amazing power and grace of God to breach the chasm between God and man. Because the curtain is torn, we have full …
The three parables of the lost sheep, the lost son, and the lost coin all involve something or someone lost, found, rejoicing and celebration in being found. Jesus is the …
Temptation pushes us to fulfill a legitimate desire in an illegitimate way. Temptation attacks our belief that God can be trusted. It empowers us to be the sole owner of …
A New Year brings thoughtful reflection. We say things like “time flies” or “where did the time go?” Perhaps we should remember this: I’m reminded that 2 things are true: …
Making a list and checking it twice may be easy enough for Santa, but pleasing the fickle fancies of preschool children is a daunting task. If parents were really savvy, …
Salvation is by grace through faith. That is a foundational truth. But it is usually understood to mean that nothing you do contributes to salvation. With this, a pervasive passivity …
The world was captivated by the rescue of the Chilean miners. There hasn’t been such a risky and yet encouraging story in the news media for a long time. Here …
“So [Jesus] told them this parable: ‘What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, …
Bitterness can hold your heart hostage. Gratitude fosters a heart willing to forgive.
Dear Roger, Some believe the Bible is the absolute word of God. Others believes that the Bible is God inspired. I believe in the latter. What is your feelings about …
Dear Roger, Did Jesus think about having a sexual relationship? Sincerely, Fred Dear Fred, Did Jesus ever think about having a sexual relationship? Of course, He thought about it. In …
God’s forgiveness of us is contingent upon our forgiveness of others. If we don’t forgive others, we put ourselves in a spiritual prison. The only way to be set free …
Christ condemning the fruitless fig tree and temple were both acts that illustrated the sad spiritual condition of the nation of Israel. The call for us as Christ-followers is to …
Celtic Christians called the Holy Spirit An Geadh-Glas or the Wild Goose. A wild goose can’t be tracked or tamed. Unpredictability or a hint of mystery or an element of …
What qualities do you consider most important in the man or woman of your dreams? What kind of person do you think will make a good lover? One woman in …
“All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.” …
“All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.” …
Singing sensation Taylor Swift sold four million records last year. Among her best current songs are “You Belong with Me” and “Two is Better than One.” The Bible tells us …
Singing sensation Taylor Swift sold four million records last year. Among her best current songs are “You Belong with Me” and “Two is Better than One.” The Bible tells us …
God’s limitless love is beyond logic. How can we pass it on? Love someone when they least expect it and least deserve it. Read Pastor Mark’s Sermon in Punjabi.
Genesis 43 recounts the reunion of Joseph and his long-lost brothers. The moving story in this chapter paints a picture of brothers expressing fear, guilt, grief and pain. Emotions are a …
As pastors and church leaders, we often encounter difficult questions from people who are suffering physically, emotionally and spiritually. How would you answer these questions posed to me early in …
Hagar is not forgotten by God. He rescues her and her baby from certain death, and makes a great nation of Ishmael, her son. We also have a God who …
Our greatest need as believers is to stay deeply connected with Christ (John 15:4-10). He desires us to know, commune and fellowship with Him on a moment-by-moment basis. Christians write, …
The first miracle sign Jesus performed was at the wedding feast in Cana. Changing water to wine is a sign of the lavish lifestyle that Jesus offers to all who …
I was thumbing through Brennan Manning’s book The Ragamuffin Gospel earlier this evening, finding myself completely enveloped in an oversized Barnes & Noble reading chair: the kind that never get …
In this troubled world, we don’t have to look far to see hurting souls suffering from frustration, fear, loneliness, embarrassment, deception, grief, humiliation, disappointment or betrayal. Jesus even warned us …
Dear Roger, Why did Jesus call himself “Son of Man” and then call God his father? What did he mean when he called himself the “Son of Man”? Sincerely, Jonathan …
Believing the best is a challenge. It is so easy to focus on what’s wrong with someone rather than on what’s right about them. It’s the natural human response. But …
Forgiveness is possible when we mourn the hurt we have received, understand the truth of what is happening and forgive the offender. We heal the hurts we have inflicted on …
I am sure we have all been asked, or pondered the question on our own, “What would you do differently, if you knew you only had 6 months to live?” …
A list of common misconceptions about forgiveness is discussed, forgiveness is defined and a step-by-step process for forgiving is included.
Jesus Christ, as our High Priest, made a once-for-all sacrifice for our sins. As we experience His complete forgiveness in our own lives, we should extend that same forgiveness to …
Every Christian will eventually be wounded in church. How do we heal? By recognizing Satan’s schemes, facing issues with honesty, comfort, forgiveness and love.
We all deal with feelings of anger. In Matthew 5, Jesus gives us a model for handling anger. We must not belittle others, we must reconcile with those we have …
God is greater than any distance we create. He is all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere all the time. Even though our inclination is to wander, God focuses on proximity. Jesus came …
King David’s prayer of repentance and restoration models what we can do to overcome failure and sin in our lives. Honest confession, brokenness and an assurance of God’s grace can …
Friends, no matter how close, will hurt each other. Learning to be offended and still forgive is part of spiritual and emotional maturity.