Greater Than My Life Scripts

A life script is an ongoing program for our lives that we act out automatically. The script can be constructive, destructive, non-productive or a combination of all three. Family, culture and individual perceptions influence these scripts. When we receive Christ, Jesus can rewrite our life scripts so that negative scripts do not define our lives.

Sunday Morning, August 3, 2008

Roger Barrier, Senior Pastor, and Chet Weld, Director of Pastoral Counseling

God is greater than MY life SCRIPTS

Selected Psalms


As we read the Bible we encounter the Life Scripts of many people. If we read with insight, we will get rich, deep understandings both into their lives and into the lessons God wants to teach us through them.

A Life Script is an ongoing program for our lives that we act out automatically. Life scripts can be constructive, destructive, nonproductive or combinations of all three.

In Psalms we see life scripts unveiled by what the writers wrote. In the same way we see the life scripts of people (and ourselves) by what they think, say and do.

This morning we will examine several of David’s life scripts and then make observations to enhance our daily living.

Several of David’s major life scripts are laid out clearly in his psalms.

Rejection was one of David’s most basic life scripts (Psalm 69:8-12).

Self Loathing and self condemnation haunted him and guided his actions for most of his adult life (Psalm 22:6-7 and 51:5).

Not all of his life themes were negative. He found great acceptance, help and friendship with God. This produced a stream of positive self images that helped him through some of the most difficult times of his life (Psalm 34:4; 118:13 and 139:1-3).


These are scripts we adopt because of the nature of the culture in which we live.


These are scripts we get from our families or others close to us.

individual LIFE scripts

These are scripts we tell ourselves about ourselves. They powerfully affect our thinking and behaviors.


1. We Are Not Doomed To Live Forever With Our Negative Life Scripts.

2. Spiritual Regeneration. Jesus Is In The Business Of Picking Up The Pieces And Helping Us Start Over.

Philippians 4:13

2 Corinthians 5:17

Revelation 2:17 and 3:12-13

3. We Are Wise If We Uncover The Reasons And Sources For Our Life Scripts So That We May Decide—Or Redecide—Which Ones We Want To Keep, Alter Or Discard.

4. No One Life Script Defines Our Lives.

Psalm One is a powerfully positive life script to emulate.

“So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view (not even ourselves!).  Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:16-17).

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:22).

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