Your Plans or God’s Plans?

Have you ever been in that period of your life when you are planning on doing something new, and big…a new vision, or dream that you have been planning? Well, I am in that stage of my life right now. I have done ‘human’ planning. I have researched, vision mapped, and wrote it down on a white board. I have sought counsel on it, talked to my wife about it a lot, gotten advice on it, etc. All that is essential, and very necessary, but as a believer (one who believes in, lives for and serves Jesus Christ) there is a much more important step I need to take before I do anything like this, this step is found in Proverbs 16:3 which says this, “Commit your works to the Lord, And your thoughts will be established.”

There is a powerful truth that we find in the meaning of that word ‘commit. It literally means to roll upon, as in rolling one’s burdens on the Lord. It tells of complete dependence on the Lord. This is done with a spirit of humility and by means of diligent prayer, but the plan must also have God’s approval. So I am supposed to humbly and prayerfully roll “the works that I want to do” onto the Lord and He will fulfill my righteous plans upon His approval! Well you know what, that is exactly what I have done, and even did today again in my prayer time. I have realized that there is something so freeing when we do this. I work out at the gym five days a week, but I can never build shoulders big enough to carry my own personal load. I challenge you today to be still, drop your agenda, and make sure you commit your plans to Him first.

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