The Power of Obedience
Matthew 7:24-29 WHAT ARE SOME OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A WISE MAN AND A FOOLISH MAN? “‘Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like…
Matthew 7:24-29 WHAT ARE SOME OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A WISE MAN AND A FOOLISH MAN? “‘Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like…
One of the most important things we do every day is make decisions. Some are small, like what we’re going to eat for breakfast, and others are life-changing—decisions about our…
Solomon heard these words from his father: “Fear God and keep His commandments.” Godly reverence and obedience are the keys to success and happiness!
ASK ROGER AND BRIE Dear Roger and Brie, I think God’s calling me to go into full-time ministry. I feel it in my gut. When I pray, it comes to…
Jesus invites you to follow him into a whole new life, a new path. That’s what you do when you follow someone. You don’t go down your path anymore, but…
Andy Stanley discusses how our behavior will eventually reflect the condition of our hearts. Hey, growing up in our home, and I bet your home was similar, there were certain…
Hover you mouse over the scripture reference to read I Samuel 16:1-13. EXAMINATION (V.1) “How long will you grieve over Saul?” The Hebrew word for “grieve” in this passage is usually denotes mourning over…
How many times have we struggled with being “stuck” in a particular holding pattern of thinking, reacting, and living? And maybe as we say here in the great state of…
Confession: I have a terrible problem of talking, and sometimes walking, in my sleep. It’s an old family trait that I’m carrying on, much to my family’s sometimes dismay. Last…
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths…
We’ve all had moments in our lives where it seemed like all hope was lost. I remember sitting at my desk in high school, staring at an AP Chemistry test…
Why would a perfect God create us with free-will? Surely He would have known we would turn our wills against Him. Wouldn’t it have been easier to make us…
John, the disciple who Jesus loved. Jesus washes the feet of the disciples and gives them a new command. Before Jesus goes to the cross, the disciples sitting at the…
Tests and trials are unavoidable, but the way we respond to them is up to us. Join us for the next talk in our series Far from Perfect as we take a…
Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape…
Dear Roger, I’m very concerned about what I just read in Joshua chapter seven. A man named Achan knowingly disobeyed God. Then, God stoned him and his family to death…
God loves you. God is good, God does good, and God is always working all things for our good—even through all the unexpected events (Romans 8:28). He doesn’t cause bad…
Preparing your kids to spread their wings requires patience, humility, creativity, uniqueness, and parenting with the end in mind. Discover 7 tips that will grow you as a parent while…
Have you ever had a life verse? God can give you a clear direction for your life as you study His Word! I am in a local women’s Bible…
Who is in the driver’s seat? Who is the master of your life? Jesus says you have a driver’s seat. It will shape your decisions and reactions in life. John Ortberg speaks…
A very wealthy gentleman offered a poor young boy the opportunity to earn some extra money by watching over his home while he and his family went away for a…
Soul-Structuring Arts Enoch’s Faith; Or, How to Mezuzah Your Life Dr. Roger Barrier Hebrews 11:5 God never intended for the sacred to separated from the secular. For two centuries we…
In this sermon series, “Tell Me What You Want,” we learn that God sees and cares about our brokenness, hurt, and need. He invites us to turn to Him for…
How much do you value eternal treasures. Jesus’ simple parable reveals what’s in our hearts. Can you leave behind the things of this world to find your heavenly rewards?
Dear Roger, While I was reading through the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11, the author challenged our faith by describing Moses’ renunciation of the treasures of Egypt in…
“Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14b [Mordecai speaking to Esther] Beloved, absorb this with your whole heart: You are royalty.…
Do you ever wish you knew how to make decisions that would help you reach your goals? What if becoming the person you want to be starts before you make…
Jonah was the only prophet called to people out of Israel.[i] That fact makes it easier to sympathize with Jonah’s resistance to God’s call to go to Nineveh. “I didn’t…
Lessons from an Anti-Hero The Anti-Hero isn’t a modern invention, thousands of years ago Jonah was the Anti-Hero of his own story. Jonah’s story is in the Bible to hold…
Lessons from an Anti-Hero: Jonah Jonah was the only prophet called to people out of Israel.[i] That fact makes it easier to sympathize with Jonah’s resistance to God’s call to…
We live at the intersection of two theologies, two realities. The faithfulness of God is pursuing from the past—SO FAR SO GOD. And the sovereignty of God is setting us…
Dear Lots of Readers, I’ve received many requests this week to share my thoughts on the current turmoil abroad. So, I will share a small part of my own opinions…
“Returning to God” 1 Samuel 7:3-4 Introduction From Aaron and the golden calf to Paul and the altar to an unknown God, idolatry is discussed and illustrated as the governing sin…
“Returning to God in Unity” Ephesians 4:1-6 Introduction Many fish species swim together in groups called schools to survive. The school creates a tight formation that moves swiftly in perfect…
Message 3 – Encountering God’s Promise SUGGESTED PASSAGE: Genesis 22:1-18 Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here…
Do you follow God or run ahead of Him? You may have heard the story of Deborah and Barak, but have you ever stopped and thought about their impact? Where…
It’s been said that our decisions and responses determine our destiny. As we explore the rise of David and the sad demise of King Saul, we’ll see why one of…
Throughout the Bible, God consistently leads His people in one direction: “Press on…look ahead…forget what lies behind…REACH FORWARD to what lies ahead” (Philippians 3:12-14). Just as the Apostle Paul challenged the…
Caleb and Joshua showed great faith in the midst of “giant” obstacles. When you are in the desert, you let the Devil tempt you to ask the wrong questions. “Who…
JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY AND TODAY AND FOREVER. MATTHEW 13:8 The psalmist wrote, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand…
WALK WITH THE WISE AND BECOME WISE, FOR A COMPANION OF FOOLS SUFFERS HARM. PROVERBS 13:20 How much can we accomplish in the kingdom of God when we operate by…
SANCTIFY THEM BY THE TRUTH; YOUR WORD IS TRUTH. JOHN 17:17 Jesus had defeated the work of Satan. He had “disarmed the powers and authorities” and “made a public spectacle…
It’s that time of year, when transitions happen: seasons close and new seasons begin. Maybe you’re a student who just headed off to college. Maybe you got a new job.…
One of the reasons we minimize being on the wrong path is we say to ourselves, “It won’t happen to me.” We think, I’m in control. I know better. I’m not…
Introduction Believers should seek to get spiritual clarity through prayer as they listen for God to speak to them. Because of spiritual warfare, we should prioritize our need to hear…
Before I entered full-time “paid” vocational ministry I worked in the financial industry. My job was challenging, and presented problem solving opportunities each week. Our division was situated in the…
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Matthew 6:34. Why don’t we live in the moment? Lack of faith. The only way you can be…
Disciples—insiders with Jesus—are those who do the will of God. For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother. Mark 3:35 This pericope opens…
Following Jesus is not a self-serving enterprise, but one of selfless service. And He came and raised her up, holding her hand; and the fever left her, and she served…
The life-journey of discipleship, the beginning of the establishment of God’s kingdom, involves suffering. And passing by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, the brother of Simon,…
The Oxford Dictionary defines apathy as “lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.” It’s the state of being indifferent to something that should otherwise arouse, provoke, or motivate you. It has been noted…
God’s truth must quicken your heart, be obeyed and take root in every part of your life.
Paul writes that we should refrain from quenching the Holy Spirit as He works to make us look more like Jesus. Preached at the Village Church.
Life is infinitely uncertain and God is infinitely complex. The net result? Doubt. We think of doubt in negative terms, but it’s a key catalyst when it comes to faith.…
Nestled slyly in Queen Creek Canyon, under a canopy of towering trees, lies one of the oldest arboretums in the western United States, Boyce Thompson Arboretum. Hiking trails, carefully designed…
Change is inevitable, and it can be a difficult thing in life. Over my 25-plus years of leadership, I’ve learned six critical moves to solving life problems and I want…
Walking on the beach of the Sea of Galilee Jesus sees two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew fishing in a boat. Jesus calls out, “Come along with me… And they…
DISCIPLINE GOD’S WAY PROVERBS 3:11-12 “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the…
We need to live lives that demand an explanation. Paul lived this life that didn’t make any sense. In Philippians 4, he is talking about joy and contentment while chained…
“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your…
If there is a being up in heaven right now that spoke the world into existence.. If there really is a creator, then why would I value my own opinion…
“Whoever has ears, let them hear.” It’s only six words, but it’s an urgent exhortation with exponential implications. The word “obey” in Latin means “to give ear.” God speaks in…
Four great discoveries are revealed in Romans 6. We have evil natures and have committed sins against a Holy God. While we desire to do well, we always struggle with…
The Bronze Serpent was a picture of the sin that Jesus would become for us. Without executing this spiritual exchange, we could never become the righteousness of God (Romans 3:23).
Early Christians before Constantine were both highly persecuted for being too exclusive, narrow, and strange, and yet at the same time they were fast growing, especially in the urban centers.…
Any evangelical who has a passing knowledge of the book of Esther immediately thinks of Esther and her Uncle Mordecai’s courage and exemplary moral character. Children shows like Veggie Tales…
Fall and Spring are my favorite times of year. “For who hath despised the day of small things?” Zechariah 4:10a There’s something about a fire that draws me in…
The other day, one of my daughters crawled up into my lap and nestled into the side of my chest. She took a deep breath, let it out, and sighed…
Dear Roger, When I read the Bible, I see Jesus placing so much emphasis upon a full-blown commitment to him. His demands remind me of what Dietrich Bonhoeffer said: “When Jesus…
Every person is as spiritual as he or she wants to be. God has called us, created us and redeemed us. In order to fulfill His calling, we must have…
Our words and actions tell the truth of what we believe. If that statement is true—and I believe it is—then is Christ honestly replicated in everything we say and do?…
Five Questions to Ask when Thinking about Divorce During the global pandemic we’ve endured the past year, 31% of those divorcing say the lockdown caused their divorce or certainly contributed…
What are you afraid of? Bugs give me the willies. Always have, always will. If I had my way, I’d strap a ten-pound can of Raid to my back and…
Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Care of the soul is serious and important work. For it is through this task that we draw closer to God and thus,…
On October 2, 2020 I became a widow. My husband Gary’s death was not unexpected. For almost 17 months my husband had suffered a slow decline due to a…
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) I have no problem not stealing or murdering, but I often disobey the fourth commandment. I’m sure you do too.…
The person on this planet most suited to deceit is you. The person on this planet more capable of harming yourself is you. You and I are, in fact, able…
A while back I took a large number of professional and personality assessments to help me hone in on what my greatest strengths and desires are so that I can…
Do you ever get tired of the spin? It even affects the language that we use. John Ortberg has noted how our language has changed a little bit over the…
Carefully determine what pleases the Lord (Ephesians 5:10 NLT) Yet what should be the basis for your intentions? Better asked: What does God look at to judge that your…
Mary embodies the faith in God we all need. How did she cope with her challenges? How did she face the future?
Do you want to experience all that God has in store for you? The gateway to much of that experience is in the scripture. The Bible says of itself: “All…
Dear Roger, All over the world, wars, persecution, plagues and famine are everywhere. People seem frightened, frustrated and angry. I know that we are continuing to face an uphill battle.…
Jesus desires us to know, commune and fellowship with Him on a moment-by-moment basis. We need a more personal communion with God in prayer and through His Word so that…
My wife loves to drive when we travel. Why? It’s not that she loves the steering wheel, it’s just that she loves to stay on track. My mind tends to…
“The Future Looks Uncertain…but God” Daniel 2 Introduction Predicting the future is big business People have created an industry, from fortune cookies to horoscopes In the US, it’s a $2…
Denial is a concept found in virtually every major religion. Various ideas on the practice of self-denial can be found in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and other religious and philosophical…
Have you ever been in that period of your life when you are planning on doing something new, and big…a new vision, or dream that you have been planning? Well,…
Peter says that he is about to die, so he wants to share with Christians the most significant lesson they could ever learn. As a pastor, if I could say…
Solomon was a wise man, but he did not always act wisely. Jesus was the personification of wisdom.
In this study we will see how the prophet Jeremiah, in his writings, demonstrated that the person who sins does not know God, and that truly knowing God is dependent…
The story of Joseph is one of the Bible’s most compelling tales. And the most gripping feature is the difference between Joseph’s outlook and that of his eleven brothers. After…
Have you watched the pages of the calendar flip by or listened to the tick-tock of the clock counting out the hours year after year, wondering where God is in…
Sin, bitterness, pride, arrogance, rebellion are all dangerous impediments to our spiritual lives and make us vulnerable to Satan’s influence.
The story of Ehud the Judge in Judges 3 is framed by two statements about his mission to free Israel from King Eglon of Moab. The first is the statement, “[Ehud]…
Two Minutes With Tom What Goes In(1080p).mp4: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix Two Minutes With Tom What Goes In(1080p).mp4: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the…
You probably already have some regrets. Not only as a leader, but as a husband, dad and friend too. Leadership is so complicated that sometimes it’s hard to know what…
Do you ever find yourself defining life by before and after the deep hurt? The horrific season. The conversation that stunned you. The shocking day of discovery. The divorce.…
My youth group was great, but I had never seen a youth event like this. Teens spilled out from the Youth Center into the lawn. Big-eyed, I wormed my way…
Noah’s legendary faith allowed him to look to the future as he refused to be “conformed to this world” in the present (see Romans 12:2). It takes enormous faith to…
A perverse man spreads strife, and a slanderer separates intimate friends. —Proverbs 16:28 Jesus made a remarkable statement concerning Judas. He said, “‘Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve,…
When Christians are at the center of cultural and political power, we don’t quite understand the Lord as a Warrior, but when Christians are marginalized, seeing that the Lord wars…
‘Abba, Father,’ he said, ’everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.’” Mark 14:36 (NIV) Do you ever feel…
This remarkable sermon is tremendous! Commitment to God is essential to develop any successful relationship. Joshua challenged Israel, “Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and…
Every one of us has something we would give anything to get. Right now, many of us would give anything to get back to normal. But, as Steven Furtick asks…
Learn to respond to children rather than react to children. Because when we react, we react emotionally and our emotions. Emotions are not a great key for living. You have…
Read 2 Chronicles 34 “For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet a boy, he began to seek the God of David his father, and in…
In 1 Kings 17, the story is told of Elijah’s encounter with the widow of Zarephath – a nameless woman who lived in a city experiencing a dire situation. A drought…
God creates contradictory trials as a part of fulfilling His promises to us. In Genesis 22:1-18, God tested Abraham and told him to take his son, Isaac and offer him as…
Everything visible and physical is preceded by something invisible and spiritual. The consequences we are dealing with in our lives, in our homes, in our culture, we are dealing with…
We all have a place we want to go, a goal we want to achieve. But one of the biggest challenges in getting to where we want to go is…
Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry. He lived and interacted with others at the speed of walking. He had time for people. He was relaxed. However, for most…
Years ago I addressed a large conference for Christian workers on the topic of brokenness, I experienced a dramatic increase in invitations to speak at other gatherings. I was truly…
Flight crews routinely announce, “If you’re traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, in the case of an emergency, secure your own oxygen mask first before helping the…
The world needs leaders, especially during times of uncertainty. But not just any leaders. King Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God in a drastic way, but learned from his suffering to…
Young Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had to choose between God and facing the fury of one of the most powerful kings in history. They chose to face death rather than…
What do you look for when you look for a church that is a good fit for you? Maybe it’s the music? Maybe it’s the preaching? Maybe it’s the children’s…
How do you seek God? You pursue a relationship while simultaneously submitting to his rule, his authority, where he has the last word over your word, over your thoughts, over…
How would someone in your trials respond if they were confident? God was with them. If they were absolutely confident that it was more to their circumstances than meets the…
When athletic teams play at home, they know that there are extra odds in their favor. The extra boost of fan participation, applause, encouragement and recognition in their home…
As you know, these are some of the most complex times in church leadership in decades. As churches reopen their in-person gatherings, there’s one particular trap to watch out for.…
Recently we were helping my mother-in-law look at properties. One of the first questions you need to know about a property is if it has water. There is some beautiful…
If we aren’t battling our sinful desires…they’ve won. Christianity will always have a bad reputation, unless we prove otherwise by our lives. It all comes down to how we live.…
Christians have a legal right to have their prayers answered because prayer is not just an activity. Believers have an authorized right for God to hear and respond to their…
“Do not love the world nor the things in the world.” 1 John 2:15 When we as believers love this world more than our eternal home with Christ, we risk…
“But according to His promise we are waiting for new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells” 2 Peter 3:13 In our Scripture text, the Apostle Peter warns believers…
Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides…
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he…
Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what…
We need to live lives that demand an explanation. Paul lived this life that didn’t make any sense. In Philippians 4, he is talking about joy and contentment while chained…
“Conscience is what makes a boy tell his mother before his sister does.” ― Evan Esar “It is neither right nor safe to go against my conscience.” ― Martin Luther…
“Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes…
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). “All the peoples of…
“And now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the rules that I am teaching you, and do them, that you may live, and go in and take possession…
There are three test areas to evaluate if we’re personally doing church right – are we growing in knowledge, love, and service? How do the following verses reinforce the importance…
I was asked a few days ago three questions related to our finances and needed perspective during these challenging times with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. Honestly, our needs as Christ…
King Solomon, the wisest man on earth, wrote the practical book of Proverbs to teach us how to live. One of his first teachings was to “Get wisdom, seek her…
Many times I’ve found–after the dust has settled–that things that seemed so significant at the time were really insignificant. The situations or issues weren’t trivial, but they really didn’t…
“Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.” Genesis 2:15 There’s something about digging in the dirt…
When I saw the movie Paul, Apostle of Christ, I was surprised at how dark it was, focusing almost exclusively on Rome’s brutal violence done against Christians and their children.…
The story of the fearful disciples facing imminent drowning or shipwreck called out for Jesus. Peter saw Jesus walking on the waves and stepped out of the boat to reach…
Galatians 5:22-23 lists the qualities of “faithfulness” and “meekness” next to each other. Faithfulness has to do with the keeping of promises, and the courageous declaration of truth. The Greek…
Has there been a person in your life you thought you knew, but you really didn’t? Could that person be Jesus? Stay with me as we explore this pivotal question!…
We need to live lives that demand an explanation. Paul lived this life that didn’t make any sense. In Philippians 4, he is talking about joy and contentment while chained…
Like many other believers, I’ve always sought to have a time of devotion and prayer every morning. And like most other believers I have found it to be a struggle…
In the Lord’s Prayer, we learn that God is our Father and His kingdom is our priority. He alone is the source of our provision, and as we forgive others,…
We need to build our faith on a strong foundation that will protect us when the storms rage. Because a man is the foundation of our society, anything a spiritually-strong…
God’s rule had now entered history through Jesus the King – being both human and divine; He was to rule over all. It is critical for believers to understand the…
So what’s needed to have stronger faith, the faith of Paul? What’s needed is that tenacity. What’s needed is that spirit that says, hold on a second. I’m not going…
Matthew 6:10 As a citizen of the United States of America, we have a commitment to a nation – a kingdom. We also have constitutional rights because we are…
The prayer in Matthew 6 is often called the Lord’s Prayer; however, it is more accurately the disciple’s prayer. In Luke 11, after Jesus finishes praying, we see that the…
A Unique Take on the Good Samaritan. Excellent illustrations!
We are facing so many different challenges right now. Nothing seems certain, but everyone is experiencing loss. One may argue, “Our world is decaying. We should be mad.” Yes, but…
Let’s examine some Biblical principles to keep in mind during a bear market (a recession; “lean financial times”). The Bible carefully lays out a financial plan of money management…
I was asked a few days ago three questions related to our finances and needed perspective during these challenging times with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. Honestly, our needs as Christ…
What do you trust? Who do you trust? This is the overarching theme of the Bible. Where do we put our trust? Biblically, it is called “self-righteousness” to seek outside…
We live in uncertain times. But God is not surprised. Solomon wrote these words in Psalm 127: “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.…
John Piper teaches a powerful lesson on God’s conditions for answering your prayers. Here’s how to pray more powerfully! “God never ignores his children. He is never too busy. Never…
Dear Roger, I’m reading through Solomon’s book of Ecclesiastes and two thoughts grab my attention. First, it’s so depressing. Solomon says that everything is “vanity” or “worthless emptiness.” …
“Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant” (I Samuel 15:3). …
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore, whoever resists the…
“Circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee; as to zeal, a persecutor…
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). Who doesn’t like a man of ambition? You know the kind…
“As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10). Today, let’s break down this short…
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). “All the peoples…
“Whether it was two days, or a month, or a longer time, that the cloud continued over the tabernacle, abiding there, the people of Israel remained in camp and did…
“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and…
“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is…
Dear Roger, Does the Bible address climate change? What does it say about taking care of the planet? Sincerely, Jamie Dear Jamie, Among several environmental and sociological causes, climate change…
How do you truly live a life filled with the Holy Spirit? Paul teaches to speak truth, make melody, always be grateful and yield in obedience. Preached at Chase Oaks…
Dear Roger, What does the Bible say about the vegan or vegetarian lifestyle? It seems that In Genesis 1 there is evidence that God intended for us to be…
I think I have been backsliding. I feel awful. How do I come back to God? Sincerely, Sad and Disappointed in Myself Dear Sad and Disappointed, The fact that you’re…
When Denalyn and I travel together, she wants to drive. It’s not that she loves the steering wheel, it’s just that she loves to stay on track. My mind tends…
Daniel the prophet was a great man. He was dedicated, disciplined, excellent of spirit and a mighty leader. How do we develop good habits? Small, consistent changes transform us. We…
Do you ever get that sinking feeling of not quite measuring up at the mention of the Proverbs 31 woman? Me too. I remember when I first read this chapter…
Dear Roger, What does Scripture say about Christians and Bankruptcy? Cheryl Dear Cheryl, I hope you are just curious and not personally facing the specter of bankruptcy. If…
The older I get the more intense I feel about this. I think we do things backwards in the Christian church. We do these amazing things for God when we’re…
How are we supposed to do our work “as unto the Lord?” I’d like to give some Bible tips for students, stay at home moms and dads, those who don’t…
“Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14b [Mordecai speaking to Esther] Beloved, absorb this with your whole heart: You…
So many people never receive what God has promised because they don’t persevere. The first reason is because our perspective gets blocked. Secondly, I think a lot of us stop short…
The ancient conflict between the spirits of Elijah and Jezebel is an incredibly powerful glimpse into spiritual warfare. In this age-old battle, Elijah represents the voice of Heaven: the call…
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 KJV In America, 82% of adults said…
Imagine what a contemporary spiritual awakening might look like in America, in our church and in our culture? When a Christ Awakening comes, it will bring about a restoration of…
He didn’t call Himself “the reverend Holiness Angelic Divinity III.” He didn’t insist on plush, royal robes or gleaming, golden scepters. He didn’t come on the wings of a heavenly…
Today, I would like to get practical by offering biblical wisdom regarding work for a few specific groups of people. Those groups are students, stay at home moms and dads,…
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 NIV Do you know how to comfort and reassure your children? When tragedy, disease and death strike as…
Dear Roger, I am a new Christian and the church where I found Christ had a big fight and split in two. It was awful. People were fighting and choosing…
Dear Roger, What about tattoos and all those piercings? Are they Biblical? Thanks Dear Thanks, Tattoos are mentioned specifically by name in Leviticus 19:28: “‘Do not cut your bodies for…
Dear Roger, Recently I saw a bumper sticker with the letters, “WWJD” [“What Would Jesus Do?” I haven’t worn my bracelet in a long time and I am thinking about…
God’s name, YAHWEH, is spoken without the vowels. In fact, when a Jew spoke the Hebrew words, it was a whisper-a breath. God gave us our first breath and we…
Dear Roger, “I was reading Hebrews 10:19-26. Does verse 26 refer to repeated sins I commit? Do I keep following 1John 1:9 to take care of my sins? Sincerely, Steve…
Jay, one of our church members, recently shared with me: “I was a Christian for twenty-two years. But instead of being a twenty-two-year-old Christian, I was a one-year- old Christian…
If you grew up in a conservative evangelical church like I did, it is possible there is a story from the Bible that was repeatedly used to teach you about…
Elijah called fire down from heaven. But in a moment of weakness, he doubted God and lost his way. How did God speak to him, and how does He speak…
Dear Roger, Christians said that if you believe Jesus died for your sins, is the son of God and if you believe in him, your sins are forgiven. However, Jesus…
Dr. Randy Carlson and the Family Life Radio Team have created a diagnostic tool to find out who you are and your primary strengths for serving God and others. A…
None of us are immune. None of us expect to fall. But there’s the precipice. Imagine you’re married to a really important man—so very important that he seems too busy…
Hi, Roger, Recently two of my young friends have raised questions about the creation story. One, a young lady, had been deeply hurt when another gal at a Casas evening…
This Freedom in Christ curriculum is a 14-page guide in four parts. It not only includes solid Bible study, but self-evaluation tools, devotional thoughts and discussion information.
End-times Christians will be lovers of themselves, greedy, boastful, proud, abusive and disobedient to parents. We can stand out from the crowd by failing to conform to the decadence of…
We constantly find ourselves captivated by a whole lot of things. There’s a seemingly endless bunch of stuff that we become absolutely fascinated with and fixated upon, sometimes to the…
People usually think of “Heaven” as the place Christians go when they die. A better definition explains that Heaven is God’s central dwelling place, the location of his throne from which…
One of the most important discoveries I have ever made is this truth: God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in him. This is the motor…
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” Here we find an example of Jesus comforting his disciples. When He tells them not to…
Awkward. Mom and Dad sitting in the room. How do you have “the talk” with them: tough subjects no one wants to mention? John Piper writes: “So you’re a parent.…
Dear Roger, My girlfriend and I have been together for nine years. We both believe that marriage is within God’s will for us. However, whenever I raise the question of…
Could be God preparing us for the future, so that we are ready to share our faith in a post-Christian culture, under persecution? Or are we so complacent that we…
Dear Roger, Greetings. Does the Bible really mean that we will be judged and punished in heaven for our sins? As a Christian, I did “big” wrong things that…
Jesus cherished women! In a time when females were considered inferior to men and treated as property, Christ counted them among His most valued disciples and friends. I want you…
Our lives are filled with white noise: the expectations of others that distract us from God’s calling for our lives. How do we tune out “white noise.” hear God speak…
The disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! —John 20:19 Suddenly, their eyes were opened, and…
Excuses are like hiding places that promise to keep you safe from difficult things. Ignore them. The only things that reproduce faster than rabbits are excuses when you’ve got important…
A day-by-day discipleship plan to help a believer understand the Word of God and follow Him more closely.
The relationship of homosexuality to Christianity is without doubt one of the main subjects of cultural conversation today. If you are a Christian in New York City, it is nearly…
Dear Roger, My life is not turning out at all like I thought it would. I dreamed of marrying the right man, having a good job and a happy family.…
Being a church leader is harder than ever in the U.S. Actually, I think it’s more difficult to be in any kind of leadership position—whether political, spiritual, media, economic, or…
Why do kids lie? They start early. It’s hard to trust again after a child has started habitually lying. How can you be sure he won’t lie again? How do…
A pastor friend told me last week that he had church members enraged with him when he suggested from the pulpit that we ought to pray for the salvation of…
What is the secret to life, according to Solomon: the fear of God. Fear is not terror. Rather it means, “I am going to bend to God’s better way. I…
This is one of the most common and most important questions people ask about God. The answer is bigger than we sometimes think, and, while it is not always easy,…
Loops are negative interactions between two people in which each reaction heightens the conflict. For example, if one person is demanding, the other person will often withhold. Or if one…
Sitting on a friend’s porch watching a cloud-lit sunset is hardly the image you may have of how a savage rape occurs. But that’s my story. As I waited…
Lying to ourselves is easy. Lying to God is not. Even little white lies are not little to God. Wise Solomon warns us in Proverbs that “…the Lord detests lying…
What do you do when storms crash around you? Stay in the boat, hold onto Jesus. When life becomes difficult, you deepen your roots in faith. Watch the sermon “Planted…
Two stories are juxtaposed here: the story of a nation of people whom God liberates and the story of Moses the deliverer. Israel and Moses, their leader, learned the unfathomable…
Do we know how to restore disgraced Christian leaders? Do we emphasize the importance of purity and blameless character of those who lead our congregations? John MacArthur, in his blog…
Do you pack a prayer punch? Can you really change God’s mind? When do you go to the mat and contend for the victory? Should you ever face plant, belly-down,…
The story of the Samaritan woman is one of the most beloved stories ever told by the gospel writers. The story is read and heard dozens of times throughout the…
Behind the smoke and ash, behind the shattered glass, a groan in Ferguson remains. Whether justice was served or injustice actually occurred, the perception of injustice surfaced a real and present pain. On…
Since we all experience losses in our lives, we need to learn how to accept what we cannot change and grow through the crisis. How well we handle any crisis…
Hebrews 12 is a key passage in perseverance in the faith. Heaven is cheering us on. Jesus is the pioneer who inspires us to run the race without giving up.…
Francis Chan preaches at Passion Conference about the importance of reading the Word, discerning the lies caused by our own sinful desires to compromise and the power of literal obedience.…
Have you ever felt that God was using circumstances in your life, especially difficult ones, to get your attention, or to teach you some sort of lesson? Why would God…
These words of encouragement to Elevation Church were preached by Pastor Craig Groeschel as he told his own story of In Acts 5:18, Peter and John healed the lame…
God loves us. He has rescued us and He has a plan for us. These are some of the foundational statements our faith found in scripture. And when we read…
Jesus asked Jesus to follow Him immediately. What a bold request! How do you recognize and respond to God’s call for your life? Expect it to be clear, progressive and…
Leaders have a number of key tasks if we are to operate out of high level of integrity. These include: 1. Confronting myself. Am I calm and clear about what…
Do you want to keep a pulse on the next generation of seekers? How do they perceive Christians, and why should it matter to us? The Barna group, in a…
Adam, Esther, David, Solomon and Peter were all summoned by God to do seemingly impossible things. God’s call can be an exciting, life-giving task that fills you with energy and…
Parents, not the school or the church, should be the primary teachers of respect and obedience to their children. Meal times, travel times and bed times are key opportunities to…
When we find ourselves living in a spiritual desert, we must understand God wants us to bloom.
God often uses our deserts to heal us. When we have been wounded, a quiet dryness is exactly what I need to heal.
RESOLVING HYPOCRISY: Most of us are unaware of how hypocrisy controls our lives. Here is a list of symptoms that will identify areas you need to address in your integrity…
The ministry of reconciliation and the word of reconciliation are the foundations of revival in the Church. People need to see God’s unconditional love through us.
In my reading this past month, I discovered that Immanuel Kant made a case for a Christian sexual ethic but without using any appeal to the Bible or theology. In…
Imagine that you are going on an extended trip. Pretend that you are departing for several months and have to leave your children behind. You plan to eventually return and…
The power of Pentecost makes for a fantastic story. Rushing wind, flaming tongues, and the proclamation of a fisherman turned evangelist calling people to repent and be baptized. But don’t…
Do you ever get tired of the spin? It even affects the language that we use. John Ortberg has noted how our language has changed a little bit over the…
There’s enough circulating in the media today to discourage Christians about the future of marriage and family. In a recent Atlantic article, “All the Single Ladies,” Kate Bolick suggests we…
An entire nation missed Christmas. All of Rome could have shared in the Savior’s birth, but they missed it. That first Christmas was set in a Roman scene. Herod, for…
What can ensure an enduring ministry? Consider Paul. Throughout the book of 2 Corinthians we see that Paul was a sufferer—overwhelmingly—both from outside and inside troubles. Yet at the end…
You’ve probably heard the age-old argument about free will. Does man truly have free will to decide his own fate? If God hardened pharaoh’s heart then why was pharaoh responsible…
No matter what stage of life we are in, every believer needs to understand the link between the faith that we profess and the lifestyle that should characterize us. The…
The State of New York now allows same-sex couples to marry. My opinion is that the trend to legalize same-sex marriage is a challenge to Christians. Christians must be poised…
Good conversation with God is like tennis, with back and forth exchange. Prayer is two-way communication. God not only hears you, but you can hear Him. In other words, prayer…
A recent article on CNN from atheist blogger, Deborah Mitchell, claimed that raising children without God is better than raising children with God. Mrs. Mitchell lists seven reasons why she…
There are four stages to the human response to God: 1) Neither fear nor love of God 2) Fear of God 3) Fear and love of God 4) Love of…
At the end of this article I will give four very practical steps that I take as I enter the arena of each day where I must make moral choices.…
When we go to the movies we love happy endings. We want the right guy to get the girl. We want the world saved from extinction. We want the hero…
When we allow God to do His work in us we mature in our faith. As we grow from being spiritual infants to spiritual parents we submit to God’s process…
Francis Chan continues his series on how the Holy Spirit operates in our lives and the life of the church. In this sermon from Galatians 5:16-26, he encourages to live…
Dear Roger, How many times must I pray for someone to be healed? I have friends who want me to pray again and again for their healing. The call…
Jonah’s book reveals what we can expect when we say “no” to God’s clear instructions. We head into a “storm” in our lives, we put others in danger. We face…
All hell had broken loose in Israel because of their sin. When God brings justice, He also brings judgment. God always prefers forgiveness over judgment.
Translating beliefs into our lifestyle and relationships hinges dramatically on Romans 12. When we see God’s mercy, it causes us to respond to temptation in surrender and worship. Once and…
We learn much about misguided faith and a skewed view of God from reading the story of Jephthah, who made a foolish vow to God and murdered his only daughter.…
Dear Roger, Why am I not getting the same message & enthusiasm that I have for years? I know that it’s an attack from Satan & not the church.…
The biblical concept of submission in a marriage relationship is applied as it models the relationship of Jesus and His bride, the church. Negative connotations of submission are dispelled, and…
A child’s Christmas is always magical-twinkling lights, reindeer hooves, sugar cookies and snowy skies. On Christmas Eve of my fifth year, I was decked to the max. I donned my…
Dear Roger, After devastating occurrences taking place in my life one after the other I have given up on God! As somebody who from an early age has been taught…
Pete Briscoe teaches on the application of Scripture and what it means to be a “doer of the Word” instead of merely hearing it. When reading Scripture, Pete encourages us…
Since it is virtually impossible to identify and erase all of the misleading information in our mental computers, the only way to change our thinking habits is to input new…
Hundreds of ministers have admitted that when they get the phone call with the sobbing, furious, or panicked person on the other line, they do not know what to say. …
Our lives must be lived in complete surrender to Jesus, constantly from and eternal perspective. Our daily work and ministry will be fruitful as we obey Him. Even though heaven…
We learn from the life of the patriarch Jacob that God’s will has a what and a when — and both are important. We should never do the wrong thing…
The miracle of the talking donkey is about obedience to Christ. When Balaam refused to listen to God’s commands, God used a donkey to prevent him from blessing God’s enemies.…
“Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…in a most delightful way” How many of you can hear Mary Poppins singing that? How many of you have no…
Have you seen control and manipulation divide your church? Have you suffered through the fall of a spiritual leader into sexual sin? The life of Queen Jezebel gives us a…
Erik Reece is writer-in-residence at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, teaching environmental journalism, writing, and literature. He published a book last April entitled, An American Gospel: On Family, History,…
Furnaces come in all shapes and sizes. Some are the fires fueled by pain and suffering. Some fires are caused by our broken world. Some fires are heated for God’s…
The story of the complaining Israelites in the wilderness teach us many lessons. God gives us salvation and freedom, but often, God’s people are impatient and complain. God disciplines us…
Everything God does begins with surrender and worship, not activity. God prepared Moses in the backside of the desert to position him to receive from God. Learn to worship and…
Michal, King David’s wife, despised his worship when he danced before the ark of the covenant. In punishment, God said she would remain barren the rest of her life. We…
Let’s talk about being “born again.” Regeneration, entry of God’s nature and life into our real existence and identity, has, as a natural progression or part, entry into the status…
I love to explore the wonders of eBay. Do you? I am an eBay addict. I may need help. My most recent purchase is one of the first books published…
Why should we seek God’s wisdom in our lives? 1. Wisdom provides a sense of personal security, stability, andwell-being.“My son . . . keep sound wisdom and discretion . .…
What is your “peace barometer”? How do you define and measure God’s peace in your life? Have you ever heard a Christian say they have decided to do something or…
How do we discover God’s will? By personally interacting with Scripture, by praying for and acting upon received wisdom and by seeking counsel from those living Christ-honoring lives. Excerpts taken…
Words like “submit” and “do as you are told” are foreign to our culture. But Jesus said that He did nothing on His own-only what His Father told Him to…
The will of God often sends us to meet needs and into danger. It is hard to remember that Jesus did not come to make us safe, but rather to…
Dear Roger, I have Asperger’s Syndrome (a type of autism). Do I retain this characteristic or will Jesus Christ remove that condition from me? I actually like being able to…
God has a great desire for a genuine relationship of trust and love with humanity. The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life that never pursues its…
The parting words of Peter were urgent pleas to seek the Lord in His Word and live life from an eternal perspective. Pastor Chan concurs and challenges us to study…
Peter says that he is about to die, so he wants to share with Christians the most significant lesson they could ever learn. As a pastor, if I could say…
“Where have you been?” the mother demanded. The little girl replied, “On my way home, I met a friend who was crying because she had broken her doll.” “Oh,” said…
Do you like change? Even those who are the most habit-driven and change averse people would welcome certain changes. There are persistent habits we all desire to see changed in…
The promised land landmines include unrealistic expectations that lead to disappointment with God, amnesia that leads to fear and arrogance, and partial obedience that leads to compromise and presumption. Only…
God’s Word spoke universes into being. He speaks to us Holy Spirit to human spirit. His revealed Word must be handled carefully with accuracy, background and context. The Word is…
When we face life’s floods, our way through is obedience to God. Obedience puts God in the front, shows where our faith is. Blessings are not always measured by success…
God make us all to be dreamers, and He placed within us deep desires to achieve, to express uniqueness and to make a contribution. Joseph was a dreamer-one whose dreams…
God promised Joshua and the Israelites that they would take the land. But God’s promises also come with conditions. Cowards, who refuse to follow God’s plan, get angry with Him…
When a Jericho (a seemingly insurmountable obstacle) blocks your path, never confuse God’s patience with weakness or approval. in yesterday’s (or someone else’s battle plan. God will go before you.…
Strength and courage come from the choices we make more than the feelings we have. Joshua received God’s blessing because He obeyed in he face of insurmountable odds.
There dwells inside you, deep within, a tiny whippoorwill. Listen. You will hear him sing. His aria mourns the dusk. His solo signals the dawn. It is the song of…
The Bible has a great deal to say about hope. In 1 Peter 3:15, Peter writes “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give…
Everybody loves the limelight, except spiritual grownups that have learned to shine the spotlight on Jesus Christ. Hairy John the Baptist may have reeked of sweat and barbecued grasshoppers, but…
Envy is a disease cured by submission, contentment and humility. When you stuggle with jealousy, remember: life is not fair-eternity is better than fair. You can’t lead if you can’t…
He had always loved those who were his own in the world, and he loved them all the way to the end. (Jn. 13:1) Give thanks to the Lord because…
The kingdom of heaven. Its citizens are drunk on wonder. Consider the case of Sarai. She is in her golden years, but God promises her a son. She gets excited.…
The kingdom of heaven. Its citizens are drunk on wonder. Consider the case of Sarai. She is in her golden years, but God promises her a son. She gets excited.…
Saul did not completely obey God, and in his pride and impatience lost his kingdom. Israel demanded a king so that they could be like all the other nations that…
Paul teaches us that to discover God’s will we must ask for directions, consider God’s mission and our priorities, consult other godly people, stay close to God and be decisive.
The unnoticed women, the faces in the crowd that are overlooked are surprised by kindness. Most tourists step over beggars and the homeless instead of showing Christ’s love by giving…
I am sure we have all been asked, or pondered the question on our own, “What would you do differently, if you knew you only had 6 months to live?” …
Christians may suffer because of sin’s consequences, Satanic attack, or because we live in a fallen world. God uses suffering to make us like Christ.
A pure heart is essential to truly know God. A dirty human spirit impairs our ability to hear God speak.
Spiritually mature Christians know God intimately and experience His revelation deeply. They persevere in ministry, compassionately nurturing others.
Man is body, soul and spirit. Cultivating the inner spirit is critical because that is where God the Holy Spirit indwells and speaks.
Spiritual young men and women use their spiritual gifts, are outward-focused, generous givers and are secure in their identity in Christ.
Spiritual children are often immature and dependent on others for care. They are just learning to apply scripture and struggle with fear and faith.
As image-bearers of Christ, we are refined throughout our lives; suffering and brokenness are integral parts of God’s sanctification process.
When believers give the Bible its rightful place of authority in their lives, they intimately experience its Author in life-changing ways.
Spiritual maturity moves us steadily toward intimacy with God. The greatest tragedy is the Christian who refuses to grow up.
Faith means a long-term commitment to God’s will in spite of circumstances or criticism. A true experience with God will evoke life change. Faith’s actions have long-lasting and eternal results.
Dear Roger, Abraham was known in the Bible as a man of great faith. By faith He left Ur, following the call of a God he had never known…
A great start in our Christian walk matters little if we finish poorly. If we refuse to listen to the voice of God, ignore spiritual values and base our conduct…
Samson, the strong man from the Book of Judges is contrasted with John the Baptist, the prophet who prepared the way for Christ’s coming. One man lived out of step…
Jesus commends the Ephesian church for its strengths, offers correction for its problems and encourages members to re-kindle their first love, the Lord Jesus. In the struggle to live passionate…
Growth toward spiritual maturity is a journey into deeper intimacy with the Triune God that produces a reflection of Christ’s love to our near ones and to one another.
Bible fellowships must be an authentic biblical expression of Christian community where assembled believers experience intimacy and utilize their unique spiritual gifts.
We are free to choose how we will relate to God and others. We may selfishly indulge our sinful nature, or we can choose to use our resources to lovingly…
TEACHER TO TEACHER One of my early mentors in the art of teaching was fond of saying, “review, review, review.” He knew that people learn new material by associating it…
Six biblical prayer principles include faith, persistence, right motives, zeal, and obedience. Intercede for spiritual growth and evangelism.
Christ received His authority and power from His Father. Our authority as believers is through the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. We operate in faith, love and…
Three parts of the Lord’s Prayer are discussed: daily bread (God’s provision through Christ), forgiveness out of grace, and resisting temptation. We learn that prayer requires humility and persistence. Prayer…
The disciplines of reverencing His Name, pleading for His kingdom to come and submitting to His will should impact our passion for the world, our intimacy with God, and our…
Sometimes there are compelling realities to life that move us to action. The resurrection should move us to take a risk with no reserves, no retreat and no regrets.
Children can learn to pray as they observe God in nature. Here are three examples of ways you can teach your child to speak to God as they enjoy His…
Faith is the secret ingredient to life that explains the extraordinary behaviors of ordinary people and the supernatural events that surround them.
God loves us unconditionally and simply asks us to love Him intimately, humbly serve Him, and to walk with Him in submission and obedience.
Three categories of tests from God are described in Scripture. Temptations come to all believers from Satan. Trials are used by God to refine our faith and make us look…
Jesus calls us to a lifestyle of serving, making disciples, evangelizing the world and reflecting the right view of the real God to those around us.
President of Eagle Television in Mongolia shares his story-his call to missions, the open door for the gospel and how we can be involved.
Paul warns young Christians to be wary of legalistic pretending instead of grace-filled discipleship. Being obedient to the Holy Spirit means serving with a loving heart. We can do so…
Surrendering to God’s will, re-assessing our strengths and weaknesses and discerning the passions God has given us enable us to recover from failure and loss.
Hebrews 11 is the “Hall of Heroes”-portraits of faithful men and women like Moses, Noah, Abraham and Sarah. Their lives inspire us to emulate their obedience and trust in God.
Living by faith is the lifestyle guaranteed to please God. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. God rewards our…
Abel’s blood sacrifice pleased God because only a blood sacrifice can forgive sin. Jesus’ work on the cross is our only hope of salvation. Every other religion rests upon the…
Wycliffe missionaries Larry and Nancy Hagberg relate a remarkable story of faith in the midst of cancer, a near-fatal car crash and floods. God’s Word is the powerful, sustaining force…
Here are thirteen sure-fire ways you can enrich your quiet time every day..
The parable of the vineyard contrasts the hearts of two sons. One is rebellious but repents; the other is compliant but fails to follow through. Actually doing what God desires…
We all deal with feelings of anger. In Matthew 5, Jesus gives us a model for handling anger. We must not belittle others, we must reconcile with those we have…
Hi Roger, I am intrigued with your “One-Sentence Sermon.” I remember hearing about it but I was not there. I would like to hear the story and I’m sure others…
To walk by the spirit is to live with a moment-by-moment dependency on, and sensitivity to, the initial promptings of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit intends to produce in…
The Lord’s Prayer is the blueprint for every believer’s prayer life. By personalizing this model prayer, we learn how to be genuine with God and bring His will to bear…