The Faithfulness of Being an Overcomer

Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me.” – Isaiah 44:6

As Believers in Christ, we are overcomers, but we need to adopt the right perspective on Satan’s attempts to harm and test us. Satan may be telling us that he plans to steal from us, kill us and destroy us (John 10:10)—but when he does, remember that God is greater than our enemy. The beautiful thing about being a Believer in Christ is that God is crafty enough to allow Satan to believe he is throwing you to your demise, but he is actually throwing you straight into God’s hands—even in the midst of your suffering. Believers in Christ will also need to adopt the right perspective on what it means to embrace the life of an overcomer. Namely, an overcomer is someone who takes their position in Christ and makes it their practice in Christ. It is not someone who is trying to overcome. It is someone who recognizes that they have already overcome—they are only in a process of working the overcoming out in their day-to-day life.

It is not someone who is trying to overcome. It is someone who recognizes that they have already overcome.

Invite God’s Spirit to manifest Himself fully in you, to soften your heart and open your ears to His Word as well as to guard your lips—seasoning your speech as with salt.

1. Read Revelation 2:8-9. What does Jesus say He knows about the people of the church of Smyrna?

2. Based on Revelation 2:10, What does Jesus urge them not to do in light of their pending suffering? And how difficult is His request, if you know you are about to face suffering?

Do spiritual tests, and understanding suffering, help you in any way?

Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship.

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