The Eternal Perspective: Living in the Light of Eternity

“But according to His promise we are waiting for new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells” 2 Peter 3:13

In our Scripture text, the Apostle Peter warns believers that they will face mockers who scoff at their anticipation of the end times. He assures them, that in God’s perfect timing, judgment will make way for a new heaven and a new earth. The believer’s responsibility in light of this assurance is to live life in such a way that demonstrates your expectance of eternity. Having an eternal focus means we must live in light of God’s perspective. God does not look at time in the same way that we do. His timetable is not our timetable. While He is patient with us, God works on His own clock .We do ourselves a disservice when we evaluate things by our clock and calendar rather than by His. This is why the believers in 2 Peter 3:1-14 were to be encouraged in light of the scoffers, although it seemed that God’s timing was slow from a human perspective, God’s timing supersedes our understanding. We must be willing to trust His wisdom by adjusting our lives according to the timetable that He sets in place. We must also live in light of God’s Word. This means that we live according to God’s will in all things with anticipation of His final reign. We are to reject the tendency to live like those who have no desire to allow the Word of God to bring change to their lives. Scoffers question God’s Word because they do not want it to interfere with their lifestyles and choices. We who hold to the truth of God’s Word must take it seriously. If we intend to live in light of God’s perspective and His Word we must also consider His priorities. Living in light of God’s priorities means that the eternal is weighed more heavily than the temporal. When we learn to distinguish and choose rightly between the temporal and the eternal, we will begin to live in light of the new world that is to come and it will be a driving force in what we say and do. An eternal focus leads us to live righteously, with holiness and godliness, not allowing those who question the Word of God to lessen our focus on eternity. The culture today is in desperate need of Christians who will unapologetically shift their lives to reflect an eternal focus and openly oppose that which slights the Word of God. We need to be Christians who live in anticipation of God’s promise of a new heaven and new earth in which righteousness dwells.

1. In what ways are we tempted to adapt our lives to the culture? What makes maintaining an eternal focus challenging for believers?

2. Share an example of when you or someone you know benefited from living life with an eternal focus among a morally decaying culture.

3. Imagine a new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells and there is no sin. Considering what has been promised, what thoughts or feelings are evoked concerning the life you live today?

4. What is one area of your life that would benefit from a greater eternal focus?

5. Since some of what God determines to do is based on what we choose to do or not do, what do you need to begin doing or stop doing in order to see God work in your life?

6. Who is influencing you to move away from God? Who are you influencing to move towards God?



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