The Beauty of a Sound Mind

In a world where spiritual warfare seems to be heating up… And opportunities for distractions are so readily available at one swipe of the finger… And pressures and situations seem to be daily demanding a response… And the responsibilities of the family, work, and home start slowly mounting up… And hormonal fluctuations are softly at play… How do we as women “keep it together” in Soundness of Mind, when it seems so easily available to fall into not living daily with peace and stability of mind?

What if I could bring great ease to you by telling you today, right now, having a Sound Mind is attainable and is even a Divine Gift that has already been given to you? Would that minister peace to you? My hope is that it would…

No matter what is going on around you and inside of you, you can live today with a Sound Mind… A mind that is structurally sound and whole, that only operates in perfect soundness. A mind that is strong and able to withstand any pressure that comes to it. A mind that is free from any kind of torment, anxiety, worry or fear. A mind that is at peace, is stable, calm, well-balanced, disciplined and self-controlled… You don’t have to race around aimlessly having a worried, overwhelmed and tormented mind. You can instead walk in perfect peace and Soundness of Mind…

So, how is this even possible? It’s possible because God’s Word says it is! And because His Word says it is, then as Believers we believe and we receive His Promises and we walk them out by faith by declaring them, as often as needed, over our lives until they take root down deep in our spirit and start producing what the Scriptures say they will produce in our lives…

So, let’s together right now allow these Biblical Truths to minister to us and be established now in our hearts, as we declare boldly out of our mouths God’s Word! For God’s Word, also known in Ephesians 6:17 as the Sword of the Spirit, is our spiritual weapon that we are to wield against the onslaught of attacks trying to come against the Soundness of our Minds…

Declare according to 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV, “For God HAS NOT given me a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and of A SOUND MIND.

I have not been given over to timidity, cowardice of craven and cringing and fawning fear, I have been given from God Himself the gift of a calm, well-balanced and disciplined and self-controlled mind. And I receive this gift NOW in Jesus Mighty Name! And this is what I shall have continuously… a Sound Mind! Hallelujah!

Declare according to Isaiah 54:14 NKJV, “In righteousness I shall be established; I shall be FAR FROM OPPRESSION, for I SHALL NOT FEAR; and from terror, for it shall NOT come near me.”

I shall only establish myself in rightness, in conformity with God’s will and order. His order and will is that I live with Soundness of Mind. Never allowing myself to come under anything oppressive… Those things that try to become a prolonged mental beat down and control me. I will live free from fear since it only brings torment. God has already given me the gift of a Sound Mind and I receive it willingly RIGHT NOW in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!

Declare according to Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV, “I WILL NOT BE ANXIOUS ABOUT ANYTHING, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, I let my requests be made know to God; and the PEACE OF GOD, which surpasses all my understanding, WILL GUARD my heart AND MIND through Christ Jesus.”

I do not have to be sentenced to a life of fretting, worrying or having anxiety about anything. But in every circumstance that is trying to bring me unrest and under it’s oppressive control, I will stop what I am doing and I will pray right then… Casting the whole burden on Him for He cares for me and He has the answers, and He is strong enough to carry it so I don’t have to. I thank you Heavenly Father, that as I release it to You and leave it with You, I can NOW receive your perfect, supernatural peace that stands garrison over my mind and over my heart in Jesus Mighty Name! Praise God!

Ladies, living as women of Sound Minds is truly a gift from God. No matter what happens around us… WE CAN… by the power of the Holy Spirit and obedience to God’s Word, walk with a disciplined Sound Mind by casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). We must learn to immediately reject any thought that is contrary to the Truth of God’s Word… Anything that would come against our Soundness of Mind and start practicing peace by declaring God’s Word continuously.

Because situations, the enemy, and other factors will try to keep us in that “mental arena” of nursing and rehearsing those tormenting thoughts and pressures that seem sometimes to come as fast as a machine gun, trying to bombard and harass us… We must stay in the “spiritual arena” of God’s Word for in this arena we have alreadybeen given the victory! For His ways are higher than our ways, and we are called to live and operate the Kingdom Way, which is living on Higher Ground. For God’s Word will work and produce in your life if you will “Work the Word”.

My prayer today Beautiful One is that you will come to understand that living a life of total Soundness of Mind has already been given to you as a gift from God, and as you receive the gift from Him you will walk in total peace. May you continuously remain strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and live daily Enjoying the Beauty of Living with A Sound Mind!

Much Love,



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