
Peace of Mind

In Peace of Mind, we will look at how some familiar names in scripture dealt with many of the same struggles we face today. We’ll learn how they overcame those struggles…

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God With Us: Peace

  The Hebrew word for peace is SHALOM. Shalom is RELATIONAL HARMONY and it’s four-dimensional. It’s right relationship with God, Self, Others, and Creation. How do we experience the peace…

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Hope for Uncertain Times

Seasons of adversity—economic or otherwise—do not catch God off guard. He knows everything that is going on in our world. He also knows what lies ahead. He is orchestrating all…

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Build a Bridge

Have you ever walked into a room and felt out of place; like there was a chasm standing between you and everyone else? Maybe it was the way you dressed,…

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“A heart full of joy and goodness makes a cheerful face, But when a heart is full of sadness the spirit is crushed.” AMP A man without a smiling face…

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Rest and Listen

Have you ever thought of sleep as a gift? Symbolically, it means God the Father wants to teach you the rest you can experience by trusting in Him. Hebrews 4:9…

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How Healthy Are You?

“How easy is it for you to handle the stressors of life today? How hard are simple decisions?” A few months back, Josh Reich, pastor at Revolution Church and author…

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Family Feuds

“My true brother and sister and mother are those who do what God wants.” Mark 3:35 “Give me a word picture to describe a relative in your life who really…

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Peace on Earth

When my children were young, one of my sons came into the kitchen while I was doing the dishes, and nonchalantly asked me, “Mom, do you know how to tell…

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Why Pornography Will Kill Sex

TIME magazine featured a cover story on a new initiative against Internet pornography. These anti-porn activists, though, aren’t the caricatured pursed-lip moralists. They are instead young men who say that…

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Pursuing Shalom

The Prince of Peace (Shar Shalom) declared that his mission was to restore shalom — to bring freedom to the prisoner, recovery of sight to the blind. And how did…

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Speaking with Contempt

I have always found Jesus’ words in Matt 5:21-22 to be shattering. He begins by reminding his listeners that anyone who murders will be judged. But then he gives three…

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Scared of God?

Dear Roger, I recently became a Christian and I have a question. The woman who led me to Christ encouraged me to start reading my Bible immediately. She told me…

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R U Stressing?

Jesus teaches that we live under great stress when we worship the rival god, Money. We must learn to walk in faith in the present and run to Jesus when…

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Heroes: Memorial Day 2011

War veterans are remembered for their bravery and patriotism as they protected our generation. Their stories are told, and they are honored during this special commemorative service.

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How to Avoid Ministry Burnout

Burnout happens only to givers. Its nature is the depletions of the physical and emotional resources that enable the giver to keep giving. Losing these resources causes despair, depression, irrational…

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Faith is Never Safe

Celtic Christians called the Holy Spirit An Geadh-Glas or the Wild Goose. A wild goose can’t be tracked or tamed. Unpredictability or a hint of mystery or an element of…

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Finding Freedom

Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions… like getting in shape. I love the BowFlex commercial… Five minutes, three times a week and you can look like a Greek god. Mr. BowFlex…

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Paul expressed his thanks to God for his brothers and sisters in Christ. He prays for grace-the underserved favor of Christ to be upon them. He prays for the peace…

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Where Is Buddhism’s Mercy?

  I recently read an interesting quote about Buddhism’s impact on real world problems. Check this out. “Christmas Humpreys, an influential Western Buddhist, admits…’It may be asked, what contribution Buddhism…

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Where Is Buddhism's Mercy?

  I recently read an interesting quote about Buddhism’s impact on real world problems. Check this out. “Christmas Humpreys, an influential Western Buddhist, admits…’It may be asked, what contribution Buddhism…

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Paul enjoins two arguing Christian women to agree in the Lord. We must live harmoniously, responding to our opponents with grace and patience, even as Christ demonstrated humility and condescension…

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Heroic Faith

Wycliffe missionaries Larry and Nancy Hagberg relate a remarkable story of faith in the midst of cancer, a near-fatal car crash and floods. God’s Word is the powerful, sustaining force…

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Choosing Faith

Fear is the antithesis of faith. Examples like the terrified Hebrews spying out the Promised Land, David facing the giant Goliath, the disciples panicking on a stormy boat, illustrate the fact…

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