If Jesus Calls You, Would You Follow?

Walking on the beach of the Sea of Galilee Jesus sees two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew fishing in a boat. Jesus calls out, “Come along with me… And they left their nets at once and went with him.” (Matthew 4:19a-20 LB) James and John are nearby in their boats mending nets, and Jesus “called them too and immediately they left their father Zebedee in the boat…and went with him.” (Mark 1:14 LB)

When Jesus calls, the four disciples immediately follow Him. Consider Jesus’ resume.

1) He says He is the long awaited Messiah.

2) He performs a miracle by turning water into wine.

3) Near the time of the Jewish Passover, Jesus is in Jerusalem. When Jesus drives out merchants and money changers at the temple market, the religious and political leaders are threatened by Him. (John 2:14-16 LB) 4) His cousin, John, (Luke 1:39-45) who identifies Jesus as the Messiah, (John 1:29-31) is now in jail for speaking out against the Roman ruler.

4) He teaches in His hometown synagogue and the people try to kill Him! “His “remarks stung them to fury; and jumping up, they mobbed him and took him to the edge of the hill on which they city was built, to push him over the cliff.” (Luke 4:28-29 LB)

The four men see and hear Jesus. Their response to Jesus’ calling them is an immediate yes. With just this resume, would you follow Him in ministry? Why and why not?

If you are Zebedee watching your sons follow Jesus in ministry, would you send them out with your blessing? Do you have a child who wants to follow, or is in ministry for Jesus? Have you given your blessings? If not, would you now?

It’s not enough to hear Jesus’ call, you must leave your nets, your old life, your security and follow Him. Are you ready?

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