Gaining a Little Perspective


Many times I’ve found–after the dust has settled–that things that seemed so significant at the time were really insignificant. The situations or issues weren’t trivial, but they really didn’t bear as much weight as I had initially thought.

Have you been there? Have you ever made a bigger deal out of something that looking back was not a big deal at all?

If you’re human you have.

Why do we do this?

We do it, because we can only see right in front of us–we’re forced to live in the present. Therefore, we can’t see tomorrow…we can’t see how things will work together for good…until we’ve lived past those present circumstances, trials, or struggles.

And so, we’re confined to the present, but not without hope!

What’s the Practical Application?

  1. Live in the present, but with the end in mind…!
    • Moses reminds in Psalm 90:12 “…teach us to number our days…that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”. What he’s getting at is a heart that understands their finiteness, is a heart that makes the most of their present circumstances.
    • In other words, at the heart of someone who knows their days are numbered is a heart that acts in wisdom–daily. It’s a heart that understands that death is coming, and they can live ready for that day when they stand before God.
    • One practical way to do this is by journaling. This is a simple way to remind yourself of how your day went, the pursuits you saw to fruition, and a confession of where you failed. It’s simple. It’s not easy. But, it’s value to recalibrate your life to the end of your life is huge!
  2. Live in the present, but believe God will one day reward your faithfulness to Him…!
    • Jesus promised in Matthew 5:12:“Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
    • In other words, followers of Christ may suffer in the present, but there is a day when not only will the suffering end, but rewards will be given.
    • One practical way to walk in this is by daily saying no to the flesh and yes to the Spirit. You know the Spirit through reading and living God’s Word. It’s a relationship wrought in love, from God as a gift, and lived out in obedience and confession. You are advancing the gospel in every sphere–forgiving, confessing, not judging, and loving as Christ love–sacrificially–and expecting God’s reward one day.
  3. Live in the present, but know that your present investment in God’s work is not weightless…no matter what…!
    • Paul encouraged in 1 Corinthians 15:58: “…my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
    • In other words, God’s work is the work that bears the weight of significance. Therefore, it is the most important work of all!
    • One practical way to walk in this is by not letting the challenges you face in the work of ministry in any sphere–work, home, friends, etc.–keep you from walking in the steps of Christ. Your reasoning is something like this, “If Christ can do _____ for me, then I can do _____ for someone else!”Also, “If Christ endured ______ for me, then I can endure _____ for someone else.”

May we be followers of Christ whose aim is the Weight of Glory…pushing through the significant little insignificants!


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