A Father’s Love

The other day, one of my daughters crawled up into my lap and nestled into the side of my chest. She took a deep breath, let it out, and sighed a few times…letting me know she was now at rest. It didn’t take long until she felt my arms wrap around her sweet self and give her a big hug accompanied with an, “I love you.

In that moment, my daughter knew she was loved, because I accepted her into my presence, supported her in my lap, enveloped her in my arms, and spoke words of highest commitment in her ears.

So it is with the people of God…humans who seek and find their love from a Father who provides love inexorable.

Consider the book of Ruth.

When Ruth was leaving Moab and joining Naomi, she was removing more than the comforts of home. As she entered Bethlehem, she arrived an orphan, a widow, and an alien. In a moment, her status in society was destroyed. Her source of income was gone. Her source of protection was removed. Her voice at the gate was silenced. Her only hope was to find refuge in God. Something Boaz took note of and duly honored.

“May the Lord reward your work, and may your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”
Ruth 2:12

Ruth found protection under the wings of God.

While it’s easy to find identity, security, and love in so many things other than God…the reality is, only God gives you true rest. Only He gives you the assurance of acceptance, the arms of protection, and the words of highest commitment: “…chosen, from the foundation of the world…beloved and eternally cherished.”

Only God can give you and me love like that.

Amen. We rest in His love.


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