Peter began with deep faith, then slipped into over-confidence and spiritual laziness. Intimacy with Jesus was replaced with distant following. We can re-build our lives when we come to Jesus in humility and repentance. Prayer guide for repentance and confession.

David Ferguson
Dr. David and Teresa Ferguson have shared a Biblical message of health and relevance for more than twenty-five years. Their passion for seeing the Great Commandment of loving God and loving others lived out among God’s people has led them to impact thousands of ministers and their laity. As co-directors of Great Commandment Network/Intimate Life Ministries, they direct a multi-disciplinary team who serves more than 35,000 churches in the United States and abroad with training and resources through the strategic partners involved in the Great Commandment Network of denominations, movements and ministries. David serves as co-director of the Center for Relational Leadership who provides training and resources in church, business and community settings. Teresa serves Intimate Life Ministries and the Center for Relational Leadership as a conference speaker, small group facilitator and mentor for church and business leaders. David has a M.Ed. from Texas State University and two doctoral degrees from Oxford Graduate School. He is a member of the Oxford Society of Scholars.David and Teresa have been married for more than forty years and have co-authored several books and numerous articles. They reside in Austin, Texas and have three adult children and six grandchildren.