The World is Imploding: Should I Get Angry?

We are facing so many different challenges right now. Nothing seems certain, but everyone is experiencing loss.

One may argue, “Our world is decaying. We should be mad.” Yes, but we can be angry yet still not sin (Eph. 4:26). Of course, I feel anger that the underpinnings of our culture are being dismantled by unprincipled men. Remember, we do have an invisible enemy. Our souls should be vexed at the darkening cloud of demonic attack upon us, causing us to question God’s goodness and sovereignty. If we don’t take a stand, the advance of evil ultimately means more people will die without Christ. So, if we are angry, it does not necessarily mean we have sinned. It can simply mean we care.

I am not surprised by the increased anger. My concern is that, unless this anger regenerates into something more redemptive, more Christlike, we will not see our cities renewed. Indeed, anger that does not awaken in us redemptive action ultimately degrades into bitterness and unbelief.

A Two-Pronged Attack

While hell advances into our world on many levels, I want to discuss two primary areas. The first manifestation is brazen, widespread and alarming. For example, when disaster breaks out; or it might be that decisions that affect people’s lives and well-being,. It’s on the news and people are talking about it. The shock waves behind the scenes caused by this demonic intrusion smash against the sensibilities of our hearts: we’re disappointed, offended, stunned and, often, outraged. In this state of mind, hell launches the second area of attack. There is no newscast dragging our attention to this next stage of warfare. On this front, the devil does not come flaunting himself. In seething whispers he stirs the pot of our discontent until it boils. Ultimately, where once the heart of the Christian was full of faith and love, now bitterness, hatred and malice churn in the souls of God’s people. This is the second prong of the attack: the hardening of our hearts in reaction to evil.

So while we must fight the spiritual wars of our times, we must not compromise our capacity to love if we will actually win our war. We must remember we are not fighting against “flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world” (Eph. 6:12 KJV).

Sadly, I have heard many people say recently that they’ve lost their vision for America. What they actually lost was not their vision, but their love. For love believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. Love never fails (1 Cor. 13:7-8).

The Goal of God
I believe that if the Almighty’s highest plan was to end evil on Earth, He could do so in a flash. Why does He wait? He desires to bring believers to Christlike maturity. In a moment evil would be gone, as it was with Sodom and Gomorrah. We must never forget: Jesus did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.

God is waiting for our spiritual maturity. Our Father desires to bring many sons and daughters to glory, and this world, even with all its evil, is the perfect setting for God to accomplish His eternal purpose.

Yes, we should be angry about what’s wrong, but we must be Christlike in making things right. We cannot just be political or worldly; we must be spiritual.

Rightly there are times when we must defend the helpless among us, but concerning ourselves, let us consider again what Jesus commanded: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in Heaven” (Matt. 5:43-45).

To see our nation transformed, we must be transformed. We cannot become those whose hearts are given over to anger. Otherwise, we will risk becoming Christian hypocrites: angry that the world is not Christian but untroubled that we are not Christlike.


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