Teach Young Children to Pray Part Two

Children can learn to pray as they observe God in nature. Here are three examples of ways you can teach your child to speak to God as they enjoy His creation.

1.    Tree Prayer. “All the trees of the field clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:1. Things you need: a real tree outside, a small tree indoors or a picture of a tree. Use the different parts of a tree to help you pray. For example, Roots: “Help me to be rooted in you.” Trunk: “Help me to grow strong and tall in Your love, always pointing toward heaven.” Branches: “Help me to stay connected with You as I reach out to others. Leaves: “Please help me to bring comfort, healing, and protection to those around me who are vulnerable. Fruit: “May the fruit of Your Spirit be produced in my life, to be shared with others.”

2.     Animal Prayer. “Praise the Lord…wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds.” Psalm 148:7, 10. Create a prayer using the characteristics of different animals. Use pictures of animals to stimulate ideas. Perhaps a child might like to act out the different animals used in the prayer. Choose animals that your child likes. For example, “Father God, You are such a wonderful Creator. I would love to sing Your praises like a canary. I want to follow you as a duckling follows the mother duck. I want to search for you as a squirrel searches for nuts. But sometimes I make mistakes. Forgive me for the times when I want to play like a kitten instead of helping Mom and Dad. Forgive me when I copy others like a parrot and don’t think for myself. Please make me clean and white again like a newborn lamb.”

3.    Weather Prayer. “Praise the Lord…lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do His bidding.” Psalm 148:7,8. Make cards showing the different weather symbols. You may also be able to print these out using your computer. Let each symbol remind you of a prayer idea. For example: Sun: “Father, may Your love shine in my life, warming my heart. May I spread the warmth of your love to others.” Snow: “Thank You Father, for taking my messy sins, and making them whiter than snow.” Fog: “Right now I see You only faintly, as if through a thick fog. Please help the fog to clear, so that I can understand more about You.” Wind: “Father God, send Your Spirit to blow through my life, clearing away the dust and bringing fresh air. Rain: “Thank You, God for Your rain, washing me clean, refreshing me, quenching my thirst. Thank You that You are the Water of Life. Help me to drink deeply.”

These are a few simple ways to use God’s handiwork to teach your little ones to talk to their Heavenly Father. Make prayer a constant conversation in their day.

From 100 Creative Prayer Ideas for Kids by Karen Holford.  


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