Jesus, The Servant-Savior

The resurrected Jesus Christ ascending to heaven above the bright light sky and clouds and God, Heaven and Second Coming concept

The resurrected Jesus Christ ascending to heaven above the bright light sky and clouds and God, Heaven and Second Coming concept

How can we honor the Lord on his Birthday according to the Bible? In Philippians 2:5-7, Paul writes that Jesus came down to earth as a servant and made himself nothing, humbling Himself even unto death. During this Christmas season, how can we serve others and truly worship the Lord? The Bible teaches us that as we take care of the least of these (others in need), then we are taking care of Jesus.

What should our attitudes be during this Holy Season?

It is difficult to keep focused on remembering what Jesus did by becoming human.
Alysa, a leader in the high school ministries who has been blind since birth, loves Christmas because of what Jesus did. She explains that when she sings to God, He allows her to experience what it would have been like to witness the manger scene. How Christ could condescend to take human form and become a baby would cause anyone to feel humble and grateful for such a gift.
Jesus became nothing (Phil 2:7), and our attitude of bowing before Christ and humbling ourselves in His presence is the essence of Christianity.
This Christmas, instead of looking forward to how we can enjoy the holiday, we need to remember that it is the Lord’s day. He has asked us to love each other, take care of the needy, and become sacrificing servants.  As we look into the face of every person, we should see a new opportunity to serve the Lord this season.

From “O Holy Night” by Frances Chan, edited by Carly Goodner.


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