Worship is a Lifestyle


Worship’s Scope


“When they saw Him, they worshiped Him” (Matthew 28:17)


The scope, or extent of worship can be both wide or narrow. In one sense everything we do that gives glory to God is worship. Paul said, “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God) (1 Corinthians 10:31, NAS). So every act that is within His perfect will and performed with a pure heart could be considered worship. Washing the dishes, mowing the lawn, even the mundane functions of life can be an offering to Him.


But worship also involves times of intense intimacy, moments when we focus only on God and exchange thoughts of love and commitment. These moments may occur during private devotions or during corporate services.


So the scope of worship can be wide or narrow, but in the course of life it must be both. Worship must be a lifestyle that regularly manifests itself in “acts” of worship. We must worship Him by faithfully performing daily, mundane acts, but we must also devote time to intimate, focused communion. We must not settle for just “living for Jesus” without the times of direct expressions of adoration and praise. It takes both.

Worship’s Uniqueness


When we enter into “times of worship: we must not confuse worship with other good spiritual disciplines. For instance:


Teaching is speaking to man about God.

Worship’s Uniqueness


When we enter into “times of worship: we must not confuse worship with other good spiritual disciplines. For instance:


Teaching is speaking to man about God.

Evangelism is speaking to lost men about God.

Service is helping men in God’s name.

Worship is speaking to God about God.

Worship’s Direction


Since we are to “worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only”, there’s only one valid dir5ection we can look while worshiping – to God.


Teaching and evangelism are horizontal types of communication, we look to each other.

Worship is a vertical type of communication, we look to God.

When your mind is focused on God you can worship.

If your mind is focused on yourself or others, you’re not in a posture to worship.




Although Revelation 3:20 is often used as an appeal to the lost person, it was written to the church at Laodicea – to Christians! It is an invitation to worship. What can we learn about worship from this verse?


  1. As mentioned earlier, worship is both broad and narrow. According to these verses from 1 John, what are some characteristics which must be in our lives if we claim to know and worship God? (1 John 3:17, 4:8, 2:15, 2:3).


  1. Notice in Psalm 119 that the psalmist is speaking directly to the Lord. This is a good example of the vertical orientation that is necessary in worship.


  1. When God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, Abraham told his servant, “Stay here with the donkeys while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you” (Genesis 22:5). Why did Abraham see this event as an act of worship?




  1. Think of some worship songs that are sung in your church? To whom are these songs sung. List songs that fit in one of these categories: worship, teaching/exhortation, evangelism


  1. Although we can demonstrate our love for God by living others, why is it important to express our love to Him directly?


  1. When you speak to God in worship, what type of phrases are appropriate?


  1. Are obedience to God and worship related? Explain your answer.




Realizing that worship is a lifestyle, list five things you could do tomorrow that would demonstrate your devotion to God.


Realizing that a lifestyle of worship will inevitably manifest itself in “acts” of worship, compose five sentences which would serve as appropriate expressions of worship if spoken directly to God.

















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