Worship Depends on Spirit: Not Place and Time

As it was in the days of Christ, so it is today: There are few true worshipers. Many believers work for God, perform Christian services, follow a disciplined ritual, but few worship God as He specifies and requires. Too many of us have been programmed to think that the worship service takes place on Sunday morning in a sanctuary. We have missed the real essence of worship. Worship is falsely associated with a certain place and time. An esthetic location may enhance our emotional involvement, but it will not ensure worship.


Christ teaches that worship of His spirit must take place in our spirits. Man’s spirit is the one place where he can meet God. The spirit, which involves consciousness of God and the supernatural world, consists of conscience and discernment of right and wrong (2 Cor. 2:13); intuition, which perceives knowledge without use of the soul or the five senses (John 11:33, 13:21; Mark 2:8; Acts 20:22); and the capacity of communion, worship and communication with God (John 4:23; Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 14:15).


Only when we are born again can we fellowship with Christ. It takes the redeeming work of Christ to enlighten our spirit and make it responsive to God. Even though there is nothing wrong with incorporating the body and soul into worship, all spiritual activity must emanate from the spirit.


Our worship of God will be no greater than our knowledge of Him. In this respect, every believer has a different capacity to worship. Some are so backslidden that they have not received any revelation from God in years. It is no wonder they cannot worship God. They do not know Him; they have not spent time with Him. On the other hand, how sweet are the hours of worship for one who has made it a lifelong quest to know God.


The Father still seeks true worshipers. Has His searching eye found you? Why not meet God in the quietness of your spirit and worship Him today?




Don McMinn, Ph.D. (with Kimberly Spring)
Executive Director of theiPlace.org

Entering His Presence: Experiencing the joy of true worship



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