A Light in the Darkness

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
John 1:5

When the time was just right–being fulfilled according to God’s Divine decree–God sent His Son into His created world to become the man the rebellious world always needed, but never wanted.

In so doing, He did not limit His Godhead, diminish His humanity, nor coax a high-handed humanity into believing in Him. He was the perfect man–the God-man–sent into a broken, dying, and darkened earth. He opened eyes, softened hearts, and prepared the way for a new humanity.

His mission was to communicate to this confused world the riches of His grace, to set the example of everyday living for a recalcitrant humanity to follow, and to conquer–once and for all–sin and death through His bodily-sacrifice and grave-resurrection.

Although His life was short, it was full. Although His ministry was brief, it was effective. Although His friends abandoned Him in His greatest hour of need, He forgave them.

This was the anticipated Messiah–the Anointed One–the Light of the world.

No man-made power could stand against His strength. No man-made plan could thwart His mission. No military could out strategize His rescue plan. No political influence could overturn His decree. No darkness could overcome His light. None. Zero. Never.

He would fulfill to perfection the Triune God-head’s purposes. No matter how bleak. No matter how hopeless. No matter how seemingly impossible. He would win. His light would shine. He would bring to man his most important solution for his most greatest need.

This was the Light sent to shine in the darkness, and no matter the resistance He would prevail…He was the true light which gives light to everyone.

“He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” – John 1:11-13

His light shone into darkness, and ignited in His new people a flame that will not flicker…a spark that will not fade…and a magnanimous light that will prevail.

The Messiah came not to serve, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many…that we might be lights in the darkness…shining until He calls us home or until He returns.

Until then…we remember…we celebrate His first advent…we anticipate His second advent!

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