Be Angry vs Sin not “Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun set on your anger.” (Ephesians 4:26). The “Be angry” part of this verse is easy…
Dear Roger, I’ve been studying the book of Revelation, and I think I have a pretty good handle on what the seals and the trumpets mean. However, the bowls of…
Dear Roger, I have been studying the book of Revelation, and I have lots of questions about the seven trumpets. What do they mean? What will happen when…
Long before Jesus took on the imagery of the vineyard for Himself, God had been using vineyard imagery to communicate His heart to the people. The Song of…
Anger is a God-given emotion. Which of these statements about anger is true? “I should never allow myself to become angry.” “Anger can become a sin, and that’s okay.” “The…
Revelation 6 is an unfolding of God’s judgment in the Tribulation. Discover the antichrist and afterlife. What will these times look like? Man, who has rejected his Creator, will suddenly…
Dear Roger, I asked my pastor about the four horses of the Apocalypse and he didn’t seem to know very much. Can you help me out? Sincerely, Sandy Dear Sandy,…
When I was a young believer, I committed to memory Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is living and operative and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even…
The Excellent Book, Hispanic Realities Impacting America: Implications for Evangelism and Missions , by Daniel Sanchez, Ph.D., provides an eye-opening overview of America’s rapidly changing population demographics. It vividly reminds readers that…
I’ve been wrestling with the issue of online hypocrisy. That might surprise you a little bit, that the way a Christian acts online doesn’t line up with how they describe…
Humanism, Paganism and Relativism have all impacted today’s churches in one way or another. High on man, soft on sin, grey on truth, apathy and consumerism can foster the fatal…
Paul teaches us the progression of sin, how to change our model of repentance, the progression of the cure to sin and how to transform our model of forgiveness.