Talking of ants and not being a sluggard …. Good news for those of us who decided—quite reluctantly—that we needed more exercise! Well, we do. But not in the way we …
Let’s talk about sharing our faith at work. The big point of our series is that our work itself matters to God and is part of his creation and redemption …
Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer And gathers her provision in …
How are we supposed to do our work “as unto the Lord?” I’d like to give some Bible tips for students, stay at home moms and dads, those who don’t …
Balancing work and family can be tricky. Here’s Carey Nieuwhof’s article on how to re-prioritize and win at home and at work. How’s it going at home…really? Here’s what …
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 KJV In America, 82% of adults said …
Today, I would like to get practical by offering biblical wisdom regarding work for a few specific groups of people. Those groups are students, stay at home moms and dads, …
More than likely, you’ve spent most of your life choosing to do more than is possible and beating yourself up for not being able to keep up. “I should …
Ever feel like your work is never finished? You can’t quite stop working at home. You wake up most mornings feeling like you’re just stepping back onto the treadmill that …
So you’re a bit of a control freak. And you’re a leader. That’s not surprising. People who like control seem to have a natural ability to get into leadership positions. …
Have you ever been in a volatile relationship? The word “volatile” means “liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.” You may be sitting next to a terrorist: …
In order to lend some credibility to my comments, you may need to know that I’ve counseled married, remarried, cohabitating and divorced couples and individuals for over forty years. Nothing …
Sometimes, when I consider what tremendous consequences come from small things, I am tempted to think…there are no small things. — Barton The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred when it broke …
If the church doesn’t read the signs of the times, we will be right where we evangelicals were after Roe v. Wade—caught flat-footed and unprepared. Thankfully, the Catholics were there to …
How do we live fruitful lives within healthy limits? Pastor Tim Chaddick preaches from 2 Corinthians 10:11-18 on the ways in which God intends us to function within wise and …
Throughout history, deadly epidemics have ravaged mankind. In the fourteenth century, the infamous Black Death (an outbreak of bubonic plague) killed millions in Europe. Cholera, diphtheria, malaria, and other sicknesses …
Dear Roger, Have you ever given up on God? Dear Jay, Yes, three weeks ago, for the first and only time in my life. It only lasted about ten …
“Later, Jesus showed himself to his followers again—this time at Lake Galilee. This is how he showed himself: Some of the followers were together: Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael …
Why do we lie? Perhaps it is to make ourselves look better. Perhaps we lie for personal gain or to avoid negative consequences. Why shouldn’t we lie? God hates it, …
We learn much about life from watching impoverished widow Ruth come to the fields of her kinsman Boaz. First of all, God has answers that we don’t know about. Faithfulness …
Dear Roger, What does the Bible say about acupuncture? Sincerely, K Dear K, I believe that the Bible is completely silent on the subject. However, my …
In the beginning God designed man to be decision-makers, creators, givers and contributors. Work was joy until man rebelled against God, his boss. Redeem work God’s way by cultivating an …
“Gabriel.” Just the sound of my King’s voice stirred my heart. I left my post at the entryway and stepped into the throne room. To my left was the desk …
God’s seventh day is our first day. Pattern your spiritual life on the rhythm of rest first, then work. Night is about giving all over to God, morning is about …
Why should we attend church? We all have our reasons. My gleaming Sunday School perfect attendance pin was the pride of my charm bracelet collection. My third-grade year, it was …
God is always at work. We must join Him in His work and commit our daily tasks on God’s altar as an offering.
Work is the contribution we make to life: to sustain life, to improve life, to advance life. God wants us to honor Him in our work. Your work is noticed …
Our work is worship and we should bring our best to all of it as a response to the work God has already done for us. We must strive to …
“He whose walk is blameless will minister to me” (Psalm 101:6). God is not just seeing worship. He’s seeking worshipers (John 4). Otherwise, we could just listen to praise music on …
The ability to work is a gift from God. We should do our work as unto Him, reverently, diligently, loyally and with excellence. God will reward our labors. For more …