
Dealing with Tragedy

“We seem to lurch from tragedy to tragedy, shooting to shooting, bombing to bombing. The kids didn’t deserve such a death. Their parents don’t deserve such grief. And we received…

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Name Your Struggle

Here is a word I haven’t dared to use when I’ve faced relationship issues or tensions in the past. I’ve avoided it. I’ve been afraid to name it. I’ve ignored…

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Speak to the Storm!

Have You Learned to Speak To The Storm? In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus had just finished ministering to the multitudes…and He was about to display to His disciples His authoritative reign over the…

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Healing from Trauma

Paul faced many kinds of trauma throughout his ministry. Here are just a few: Acute: a response from a one-time traumatic event Chronic: a long-term response from prolonged or repeated…

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Finish Well

“I have fought long and hard for my Lord, and through it all I have kept true to him. And now the time has come for me to stop fighting…

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Shaken or Standing?

“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you…

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Questioning God

Sometimes misery comes in waves.  For me that was the year both my parents died.  I also lost both our dogs that year; my oldest child left for college and…

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Can Wisdom Be Taught?

In Memory of Dr. Dallas Willard-May, 2013. Let us understand “wisdom” in the following manner: a person has wisdom provided that (i) he understands the certain and the probable sources…

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The Beauty of Brokenness

The Messiah was broken and battered for the souls of mankind. Mary of Bethany’s broken bottle of perfume symbolized her unconditional love for Jesus and her unconditional acceptance of His…

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Angel Face

No matter what kind of pressure we are under, the Lord understands and comforts us. Even while being stoned, Stephen sees the glory of God and testifies of his Savior.…

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