In the Garden of Eden, Satan first appealed to the lust of the flesh. The fruit looked good to Eve, so why not have a bite? “Did God really say, …
Rebellious disdain of one’s divine calling, expressed in uncontrolled lusts and vengeful actions, can lead to destruction. At some unspecified time in the recent past, Samson, in a rage, had …
“The Benefit of the Devil” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Introduction Whenever a teacher in school gave you a test, they never had much to say during the test. The teacher had …
The secret to self-control is to make decisions against your ego, flesh and second bests in life. Establish goals. An absence of goals is an absence of faith. Establish boundaries …
We are involved in a spiritual war with the Evil one. We need all the advice we can get. SLIDE #: “When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is …
Dear Roger, I believe I’m in a spiritual battle right now. What are some things that I need to keep in mind when I’m fighting Satan? Sincerely, Paul Dear Paul, …
Dear Roger, A friend and I were debating about Lot, the nephew of Abraham. Was he a “righteous” man? It seems like he followed God sometimes and also made some …
Perhaps the most uncomfortable thing about Christianity is not that God exists, and not that God sent his Son to the earth. It’s not the miracles: did God really make …
Pastors Greg Lavine and John Beeson teach a series on “40-Day-Prayer Challenge.” This week’s teaching is on “lead us not into temptation.” Sermon begins at 21 minutes on the video. …
As we have seen in this series, some of the Bible’s greatest heroes had darkroom experiences. They were developed by those painful experiences and used by God to impact their …
The second section of James takes a closer look at temptation and will hammer out some vital Biblical principles which will help us face the reality of evil in our …
Introduction Some people have a compulsion to hoard things like collectibles, sentimental items or even garbage. When someone accumulates garbage, that waste attracts insects and rodents, making a bad situation …
SO I SAY, WALK BY THE SPIRIT, AND YOU WILL NOT GRATIFY THE DESIRES OF THE FLESH. GALATIANS 5:16 One of the most dangerous heresies that confronted the Early Church …
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Thy word. . . . Thy word I have treasured in my heart, that I may …
“Take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm” (Eph. 6:13). Spiritual warfare isn’t …
“I’m done with God.” “No one will ever understand.” “I’m never trusting anyone again.” “I can’t pray.” “I won’t pray.” I’ve heard all of these statements from people in the …
Are you old enough to remember retrieving the newspaper in the morning? My dad would crack the front door every morning, stroll out to the driveway, grab The Arizona Daily …
Have you ever made a decision you knew deep down wasn’t right, but it seemed completely justifiable in your situation? Maybe you’ve been lonely in your marriage for a really long time, …
Dear Roger, I’ve read a lot in the Bible about demons. I have a lot of questions like about who they are and what they can do? Do they still …
Did you know that every time a lion pride hunts together it is a lightly organized operation? They do not test their potential prey for weakness like other predators do. …
Desire is a very powerful force in our lives, and I am convinced it’s the root of why it’s so difficult for us to live intentionally. The reason we get …
Dear Roger, Did Jesus think about having a sexual relationship? Sincerely, Fred Dear Fred, You have asked a rather controversial question—one that we don’t talk or think much about. Nevertheless, …
Dear the many who’ve asked me to address the issue of civil disobedience, Once upon a time I walked the picket line holding a poster of a bloody, “fetus” …
Dear Roger, I see temptations, trials, and testing in the Bible. Are they different? How does God use them in our lives? Sincerely, Mike Dear Mike, Solve …
Dear Roger, I’d like to know more about spiritual warfare. I remember one Sunday night at Casas Church you taught on the subject. I wish that I had taken notes …
Dear Roger, What is the quickest way to improve my prayer life? Sincerely, Carrie Dear Carrie, Perhaps you’ve seen the acrostic “ACTS” which is a simple outline for effective prayer. …
Desire is a very powerful force in our lives, and I am convinced it’s the root of why it’s so difficult for us to live intentionally. The reason we get …
You’d think that being in church leadership would ensure you’re not tempted to fall into the same temptations as, say, leaders in the marketplace. As nice as that line of …
If you grew up in a conservative evangelical church like I did, it is possible there is a story from the Bible that was repeatedly used to teach you about …
What is the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement? distinguishes them this way: Mission Statement (What You Do): A one-sentence statement describing the reason an organization …
We often trade what we’ve decided and what we know is most important for a bowl of stew. What’s true of Esau is true of you. You have no idea …
Southeast of Tucson, in the Dragoon Mountains is an Arizona State Park and campground called Cochise’s Stronghold. Cochise was a Native American military leader of the Chiricahua Apaches in the …
Identify 19 possible motives that trigger your porn consumption. This is a guest post for Covenant Eyes written by Brad Hambrick. Often triggers and motive are treated as two distinct things, …
How personal and passionate is your love for God? We were designed to cling close to Him, believe in Him, rely upon Him and never, never leave His side. We are …
Can you believe that your thinking can dynamically impact your physical, spiritual and emotional health? As a Christian neuroscientist, this information is transformational. We cannot afford not to ”bring all …
This study is a comprehensive look at a difficult topic. Please read the article in its entirety. Although this article is specifically about homosexuality, all iterations of LGBTQ+ issues …
How does Satan influence you? How do you defeat him? You can clearly ways to recognize demonic oppression in your life and find victory! I believe a Christian cannot be …
Satan’s tactics are subtle. He masquerades as an angel of light so that the things he tempts us with look beautiful. However the only good and perfect gifts come from …
As we celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I want to offer up five significant thoughts about what the resurrection of Jesus Christ provides to us. The resurrection of …
The recent spate of terrorism employed by ISIS has scared the liver out of people around the world, it’s barbarism even chilling the blood. Numerous Christians have weighed-in on the …
How do you know if you are a lukewarm Christian? You crave acceptance from others rather than from God. You rarely share your faith in Christ. You think more about …
Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Online Harems A wife who stumbles on the Internet tracks of her husband’s porn tour is often shocked at the number of images and videos in …
King David’s affair shows us that we all are vulnerable. Remember that you are weaker than you think you are. Run. Avoid tempting situations and redirect your energies, especially if …
Satan caused Eve to doubt God’s goodness and to twist His words. In doing so, we also are tripped up by his lies and doubts. Remember, your sin will find …
The stern warning to Ephesus is followed by an encouragement that is notoriously difficult to understand. It is this encouragement that provides us with a considerable amount of clarity about …
We learn much about deep faith when we examine the temptation of Christ. Deep faith begins when we stop trying to prove who we are and by what we do …
The truth about temptation is that it’s not a sin to be tempted, only to give in. Don’t blame God, others or the bait. When tempted run, don’t try to …
We hear a lot of discussion in the church about how we should be engaging culture. What are we talking about, when we talk about culture? I think the best …
The tiny skiff sailed across the English Channel in the foggy dead of night. Icy winds and frothy waves tossed the boat from side to side, nearly capsizing the fragile …
How do we discern the effects of witchcraft? We must not be oblivious to the schemes of Satan, assuming that the practice of witchcraft is only used among primitive peoples …
“Living together before marriage is one of America’s most significant and unexpected family trends. By simple definition, living together-or unmarried cohabitation–is the status of couples who are sexual partners, not …
If we do not battle our sinful desires, Satan wins. Victorious Christian living will silence our critics, point people to God and bring others into the family. We all fight …
You can beat temptation. Satan’s tests us to meet our needs in an illegitimate way, to use power for personal gain, and to de-throne the Lord of our lives. From …
Christmas is full of cozy thoughts: a sleeping Jesus, wide-eyed shepherds, a soft-faced Mary. The nativity sentiment is warm, the emotion is joy, and the feeling is peace. Such is …
What motivated the early church to press on under threat of rejection, persecution, and death? It’s the same thing we need to overcome our fear of sharing the gospel with …
I opened up the paper on Sunday morning and found it telling me that science may well show us that “dogs are people too” and should possibly be given the …
King Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, lost his throne by listening to bad advice, by leading with fear and intimidation and by selfishness and greed. Good, godly leaders humbly put the needs …
The clock was ticking, demanding her urgent attention, and yet she sat still. Martha breathed deeply and tried to close out the clamor of her to-do list. Rest. She wanted …
We collected troubled teenage girls like stray puppies. As pastor and wife, we always wanted our home to be a safe haven. After all, we had raised two daughters and …
We must discern between negative circumstances in our lives that are “frontal assaults” from the Devil or circumstances in which God is calling us to grow up and “stand”. The …
Keys to overcoming temptations, according to James, are taking responsibility for one’s actions, avoiding deception, changing direction, getting help. The four stages of temptation are desire, deception, disobedience and death.
What are young adults looking for when they go to church? 1. “The need to believe that life is meaningful and has a purpose. During a time when sociologists observe …
Satan has been decisively defeated in the death and resurrection of Christ through Christians who believe and speak the Word of God and wear His armor. Satan will finally be …
Is temptation the work of God, Satan or self? God’s free gift of salvation frees us to live pure lives in intimacy with God.
We are carry an internal tension that’s associated with our appetites. We struggle desperately because we all want MORE. When we talk about our appetites, we immediately think about food …
Temptation pushes us to fulfill a legitimate desire in an illegitimate way. Temptation attacks our belief that God can be trusted. It empowers us to be the sole owner of …
Celebrity pastors? High-profile mega-churches? I have unanswered questions about how to navigate the new world of media-driven celebrity attention to pastors. As Advance09 started in Durham, North Carolina, the News …
Now is the time for a movement of reformation and revival in the hearts and homes of Christian women all around this world. Now is the time to go against …
God uses troubles to purify us and mature us spiritually. If we respond to His discipline, He teaches us to persevere in the faith. Satan tempts us in order to …
The resurrection provides five things that make Christianity stand out as unique, remarkable, and superior to every other philosophy and faith. THE RESURRECTION REVERSES THE GARDEN CURSE We don’t often …
Joseph is described as a trusted slave, a tempted slave and a trusted prisoner. His purity is contrasted with the immoral behavior of his brother Judah. We must withstand temptation, …
There’s an important page in your Bible that, if you are like most people, goes completely unread. Chances are, you are like most Christians who rip past this page without …
“The Temptations” lesson includes a discussion of sin and human nature, the temptation of Adam and Eve and the temptation of Christ. Satanic temptations include doubt, vulnerable times of fatigue …