Recognize False Prophets and Teachers
Matthew 7:15-20 What is a prophet? What does a prophet do? How do you know if I am a true teacher of the gospel or someone who is false, teaching or…
Matthew 7:15-20 What is a prophet? What does a prophet do? How do you know if I am a true teacher of the gospel or someone who is false, teaching or…
The Bible is God’s precious gift given to all. And on it, He placed no age restrictions. Accordingly, it is vital that we understand one very important thing. The Spiritual Discipline…
Amidst all the changes you’ve experienced in the last few weeks, like a ton of leaders and pastors, you are likely trying to master the skill of speaking or preaching…
God’s sovereign action produces fruit in a receptive disciple. “… the good soil[s], who hear the word and accept [it] and bear fruit—one thirtyfold, and one sixtyfold, and one hundredfold.”…
Introduction On a football team, there is a kicker and that kicker has one aim — to kick the football perfectly between the two goalposts and to score points that…
Of course, Jesus’ entire ministry was spent “passing the torch.” He devoted three and one-half years modeling ministry in front of his disciples. Before ascending into heaven, Christ gave his…
Dr. Steve Posey joins Tom Terry in this third podcast on Bible interpretation. Several books of the Bible employ poetry. As Bible students, we must understand how the syntax and…
In Part Two of “Rightly Divided,” we learn that In order to truly interpret the Bible accurately, we must understand the Biblical narrative.
“All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.”…
Affirming our grandchildren – it’s key: to building strong relationships, to discipleship, to passing the faith. Our words are powerful. When handled well, they can build up, encourage, communicate love,…
Christianity is a faith of relationships. This means that we were created to be with one another. From the beginning of creation when God saw that the first man, Adam,…
Questions are powerful! Ask a well-crafted question and you can open up a closed-mouthed child, build relationship, and explore the depths of your thoughts. Question-asking can also help you reflect,…
God is the One who entrusted children to us in the first place: God, our Heavenly Father. And thankfully, He has a lot to say in His Word about His standards for…
Empathy does not appear automatically. Nor does it develop in a smooth, steady progression. Indwelling sin is a constant impediment (as illustrated throughout the Book of Proverbs), which requires a…
One of my most enjoyable professors at seminary shared a story with our class describing one aim of the church that I’ll never forget. It went something like this, “My family…
Have you ever come across a word that seems to jump out at you consistently? A word that causes you to sit up and take notice each time you hear…
Our natural virtues, which come from inborn temperament and family nurture—such as our talents, aptitudes, and strengths—are good things. But they each have a dark side. People with prophetic gifts—that…
There is a girl in church (or group of girls who wear totally inappropriate clothes to church. What do I say? Drop Your Stone For those of us who…
One of the more striking things about the gospel of Mark (and the other gospels) is how much attention Jesus gives to the human heart. The core of the story…
If you think the gathering of biblical facts and standing up with a Bible in your hand will automatically equip you to communicate well, you are desperately mistaken. It will…
You can’t save your children. You can raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord, guard them from the sinful influences and temptations of the world, and cocoon…
In life, in our history, in our experience and in everything we do, oftentimes a single act of courage is the tipping point for something extraordinary. A single expression or…
According to celebrity tabloids and talk shows, the rich and famous seem to flaunt friendships for their own personal benefit. One day the paparazzi record starlets who are devoted to…
Dear Roger, What happens to America in the end times? Sincerely, Peter Dear Peter, The quick and simple answer is that no one knows. However, there are some Biblical and…
Dear Roger, My life is getting more and more difficult. It seems that everything I do is a struggle. I pray to God to make things smoother; but it seems…
It’s not about sex, it’s about safety. “Last night my preteen daughters cried, afraid of going to a bathroom or locker room at school.”-Brianna Wetherbee. TO SIGN A PETITION PROTESTING…
“There are times when I am so unlike myself that I might be taken for someone else of an entirely opposite character.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions, 1782 Last night Mary and…
Why does the problem exist? You are easily swayed by marketing and advertising. An entire industry (marketing and advertising) has one main goal – to get you to buy more…
Seeking Sobriety Faithfully When we put a face to someone who uses drugs or abuses alcohol, we usually think of teenagers experimenting with marijuana, abusive fathers who always have a…
Last week we announced that the U.S. now has at least 8,000 multisite churches, a phenomenon growing in churches worldwide ( and which Leadership Network tracked in a recent survey.…
Jesus was a master at developing leaders. He not only taught the twelve to lead, He taught them how to mentor leaders themselves. For example: James, the teacher; John, the…
What’s the best way for your church to communicate to your congregation? Well, it depends on the church. The world is increasingly a complex melting pot of subcultures. Some churches…
Chris Dixon is an entrepreneur and a partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz so he sees thousands of ideas—some that look like good ideas and some that look like…
Recently, at a routine mammogram, the doctors discovered that I had developed breast cancer. Since then, it has been a whirlwind of appointments, scans and surgery. Even though the past…
Neuroscience now knows that willpower is a function of the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Scientific studies have also confirmed that using porn over and over actually reshapes these areas of the…
As we conclude our study of the introduction to Titus, we are reminded that God, who never lies, gives us knowledge of the truth and the promise of eternal life.…
Dashed hopes. Devastating news. Divorce. Disillusionment over current events. Perhaps, like Job, everything in your life seems to be falling apart and you are just waiting for the other…
We were launching a new ministry project in Mongolia. During a board meeting we wrestled with the issue of why our TV ministry was limited only to a single city…
Have you ever grown or tended a garden? There is strategy involved. Within Matthew chapter 13 – Jesus launches into several parables that focus on this concept of Kingdom growth.…
The value of women is discussed from the scriptural, cultural, historical, traditional and contemporary lenses. Women blessed, encouraged and helped Jesus throughout His ministry. They accompanied Him on His ministry…
Dear Roger, What is the significance of the number 40? It pops up all the time in scripture. Sincerely, Wondering Dear Wondering, The term “40” is a…
Jesus deals with the judgmental way we often try to control those closest to us. Instead of blaming others for their problems and forcing upon them our “wonderful solutions,” Jesus…
n Psalm 127, Solomon encourages parents to establish a stable home environment, to set appropriate boundaries, to practice the art of being “with” and to meet the children’s primary intimacy…
Roger, Thank you for your column here first of all. In Mark 10:11-12 Jesus says, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And…
The essential step in dealing with conflict is to strengthen the relationship (maintain the connection). Here are the steps you should consider in preparing to address the conflict: prepare your heart,…
Too often as Christians we don’t explore the belief systems of others, and in doing so, fail to understand how they think. When we take a hard look at comparative…
Sine cera was a term in ancient Israel that guaranteed a clay pot was “without wax.” Wax was used by salesmen to cover imperfections that occured during the firing. The…
Unless we become like children-humble, teachable and trusting-we will never grow into the spiritual people God intends for us to be. The intellegencia in Athens were too proud to receive…
Teacher Jane W. shares Christ in the classroom in Tanzania. She soon travels to one of the war zones where poverty and chaos reign. Where does she get her courage!…
Believing the best is a challenge. It is so easy to focus on what’s wrong with someone rather than on what’s right about them. It’s the natural human response. But…
Christmas is one of those holidays that is often misunderstood. Perhaps it’s because of the way that we have trivialized what the holiday represents. We hang stockings, decorate trees, arrange…
Paul teaches us there are four kinds of men: the natural man who does not receive the things of God, the baby Christian who is not ready to receive the…