
Be Bold!

Following Jesus in discipleship involves facing opposition boldly and persistently, without being deterred from God’s calling. And looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, He…

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Three Faces of Courage

In life, in our history, in our experience and in everything we do, oftentimes a single act of courage is the tipping point for something extraordinary. A single expression or…

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Having Childlike Faith

Unless we become like children-humble, teachable and trusting-we will never grow into the spiritual people God intends for us to be. The intellegencia in Athens were too proud to receive…

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Dear Teacher

Teacher Jane W. shares Christ in the classroom in Tanzania. She soon travels to one of the war zones where poverty and chaos reign. Where does she get her courage!…

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Believing the Best

Believing the best is a challenge. It is so easy to focus on what’s wrong with someone rather than on what’s right about them. It’s the natural human response. But…

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