
Praise When You Suffer

To some, the dark tone is Psalm 130 seems incongruous with the victorious praise you would expect from a “spiritual young man or woman.” The difference between a maturing Christian…

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How Satan Uses Your Suffering

“I’m done with God.” “No one will ever understand.” “I’m never trusting anyone again.” “I can’t pray.” “I won’t pray.” I’ve heard all of these statements from people in the…

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When Weeping Ends

‘Abba, Father,’ he said, ’everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.’” Mark 14:36 (NIV) Do you ever feel…

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The Brutal Suffering of Jesus

As Americans, we live in a sanitized and antiseptic culture. Everything is clean, orderly, and has its place. Even our suffering. Most Americans don’t experience extreme brutality like Jesus experienced for…

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Predestined to Hell?

Dear Roger, Did God predestine people to go to Hell? Sincerely, PH Dear PH,   Let me begin with an overview of predestination as envisioned by John Calvin. Calvinism teaches,…

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Joseph: How to Hope

Jacob and his sons learned to look past circumstances to hope in God’s promise to make Israel a great nation. Joseph looked past years of suffering and mistreatment to see…

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Politics and Culture

Every year, it seems, the amount of attention paid to the mechanics and outcomes of partisan politics grows. Thirty years ago there was nothing like this amount of attention given…

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Is Suffering Optional?

Suffering for the sake of Christ is not optional. If we truly follow Jesus, we will suffer as He did. Pastor Chan tours teaching on suffering from every New Testament book. …

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Smyrna: The Perfume Church

Jesus knows about the afflictions, poverty and persecution the church at Smyrna has endured. This has not changed for us today. He intimately knows our pressures, needs and misunderstandings, but…

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Heaven: The Curse Reversed

God’s perfect world is broken because of man’s sin. Relationships are dysfunctional, cultures are oppressed, God is no longer in constant communion with man. God promises redemption and restoration through…

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The Beauty of Brokenness

The Messiah was broken and battered for the souls of mankind. Mary of Bethany’s broken bottle of perfume symbolized her unconditional love for Jesus and her unconditional acceptance of His…

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Where Is Buddhism’s Mercy?

  I recently read an interesting quote about Buddhism’s impact on real world problems. Check this out. “Christmas Humpreys, an influential Western Buddhist, admits…’It may be asked, what contribution Buddhism…

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Where Is Buddhism's Mercy?

  I recently read an interesting quote about Buddhism’s impact on real world problems. Check this out. “Christmas Humpreys, an influential Western Buddhist, admits…’It may be asked, what contribution Buddhism…

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Crushed for Comfort

Only by having a proper view of God can we comprehend the reason for suffering. Suffering allows us to comfort others, to learn our own insufficiencies and God’s sufficiency. When…

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The Season of Giving

It’s December. Perhaps you are scurrying around searching to find just the right Christmas gifts for loved ones. Do you find yourself so consumed with holiday preparations that you don’t…

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Grace to the Humble

God calls us to be clothed in humility just as Christ demonstrates when He washes the disciple’s feet at the Last Supper. The humble recognize that their abilities are not…

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Angel Face

No matter what kind of pressure we are under, the Lord understands and comforts us. Even while being stoned, Stephen sees the glory of God and testifies of his Savior.…

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