If you are in Christ, God will not allow you to enter his reign with a kingdom-grasping pride. You will be stripped of every haughty look, every personal empire, in …
This analogy from Trevin Wax is absolutely wonderful. May we be like the second dog in his parable, longing to be in our Master’s presence: “As the deer pants for …
It’s that time of year, when transitions happen: seasons close and new seasons begin. Maybe you’re a student who just headed off to college. Maybe you got a new job. …
Solomon teaches on the dangers and destruction pride brings.
As a celebration for our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary my husband, Gary and I saved, sacrificed, and trained to carry backpacks across Italy on a Eurail Pass. Now, that Gary has …
Why do my friendships fade? Am I not a likeable person? Life coach Deborah Haddix writes: Let’s give a little attention to those things that threaten the very existence of …
As you know, the last five years have been tough on leaders. Really tough. Pandemic or no pandemic, every leader has realized we’re not in Kansas anymore. In fact, we’re not quite …
Dear Roger, Many factors determine who should receive treatment during a world-wide health crisis. Who lives? Who dies? Who receives life-giving treatments? Essential workers, health workers, the elderly have …
After a discussion with my daughter recently about the subject of spiritual gifts, I’d thought I’d post an evaluation form used to help others discover their area of gifting. I …
Why is church attendance declining? Why are churches failing? Carey Nieuwhof reveals the hearts of many Christians today. He writes: SPIRITUALITY HAS BECOME AN INDIVIDUAL PURSUIT First, spirituality is increasingly seen …
We all have mental tapes that play over and over in our minds. If they are positive narratives, there’s no major downside other than they’re unnecessarily using up our brain-energy …
“All of you, leaders and followers alike, are to be down to earth with each other, for— God has had it with the proud, But takes delight in just plain …
Are you an effective leader? If not, have you ever wondered why? As a leader, there are things you do every day. Some help—others, not so much. I’ve found that …
“The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This …
Dear Roger, Does the Bible address climate change? What does it say about taking care of the planet? Sincerely, Jamie Dear Jamie, Among several environmental and sociological causes, climate change …
” If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous …
I sometimes post pictures on Instagram of books that I’m reading, usually just a stack on my table to let my followers know what I’m thinking about at the moment. …
Sometimes, saying “I’ll pray for you” is just the Christian equivalent of ending a date by saying “I’ll give you a call.” It shouldn’t be, in a dating situation you …
Dear Roger, I am so overwhelmed. Why doesn’t God meet my needs? I pray and pray, and He doesn’t seem to hear or care. Am I praying for the right …
A time is coming to the church where “people will be lovers of self.” Do you feel like this time has already come? The Bible says that in the end …
Introverts and extroverts — it seems like a useful designation for personality types. Even if they’re not biblical categories, they lead to an interesting conversation for Christians, and to this …
Dear Roger, Refugees and racism have been, and will continue to be, hot issues. It’s estimated that over 30% of the people in the Roman Empire in the first century …
“Jesus didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.” Phil. 2:8 MSG …
You’re probably trying to change something right now. And — if you’re honest — you’ve already thought about backing off. Change seems too difficult. You’ve watched friends get hurt trying to lead …
None of us are immune. None of us expect to fall. But there’s the precipice. Imagine you’re married to a really important man—so very important that he seems too busy …
Dear Roger, Our Bible study group was studying the Song of Solomon and came across Song of Solomon 2:15: “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin …
Dear Roger, Why are Christians not more generous? I mean, the Bible is filled with admonitions for us to be generous to the poor. So, we bring a turkey …
What is the impact of the water we swim in in 21st century America? Consumerism can infiltrate our spiritual lives. The notion that you have any decision to make on the …
Jesus embodied compassion. What can we learn from how He treated others? True compassion demands action. It interrupts our daily routine. Caring costs. But compassion changes lives! Preached at LifeChurch.tv. …
It’s hard to remember a time when people were more angry. A civilized person ought to be, first of all, civil. Yet, today there is no discourse, no respect for …
We often get so caught up thinking about where we’d rather be and what we’d rather be doing, that we forget all the places God has already been with us. …
One of the key ways to reach an unchurched audience is through special events. Warren Bird writes: “For church leaders who are trying to crack the code on more effectively …
Andy Stanley dove into a pool of piping hot water last week, with remarks pitted small churches against big churches. His comments came within the context of his explaining why he believes …
Guest Author:Dr. Faydra Shapiro Introductions are funny things – sometimes it’s what is unsaid, what is assumed, that can tell you the most. Several years ago I gave a talk …
Hecknology: Will Technology Grow or Hinder Your Spiritual Life?
by Ed Young Jrby Ed Young JrTechnology can elevate us, causing us to be proud, self-centered or self-promoting. Technology can hurt and humiliate. It can also suffocate you, emptying your life of quiet, solitude and rest. …
As a parent, have you ever had the feeling society is working against you in raising your children – particularly in regard to sexual matters? If you have, you might …
You will be astonished at this information. Christians should not be ignorant of God’s plans for His chosen people in His Word. Jews are, biblically speaking, the “chosen people …
Our ‘Me-First’ culture may seem like a modern problem, but since the beginning of time, we have been consumed by the internal struggle between who we really are and who …
Scientists at the Oregon Health and Science University reported they had produced embryonic stem cells from a cloned human embryo. Here are 9 things you should know about human cloning: …
Dear Roger, What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church today? Dear Osten, The work of the Holy Spirit in the church today is to …
We all fight the three-headed dragon: the god of Me, Mine and More. In 1 Peter 5, Paul teaches us how to be humble and place Christ first in our …
Dear Roger, Was Jesus a socialist? Sincerely, Wayne Dear Wayne, First of all, Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ. His beliefs transcend any economic or governmental system. His kingdom …
Many have asked the intriguing question, “Why was it right for God to slaughter women and children in the Old Testament? How can that ever be right?” It’s right for …
Envy is a disease cured by submission, contentment and humility. When you stuggle with jealousy, remember: life is not fair-eternity is better than fair. You can’t lead if you can’t …
Rather than spending our lives serving money, we should bring all we have, including our money, to God who is our master. After all, we are managing His money. Giving, …
Moses allowed God to replace His fear of Pharoah with faith in God. God replaced Moses’ controlling self-reliance with humility, his self-centered stubbornness with faith and his unworthy self-condemnation with …
In a previous blog, I was thinking about our responsibility to admonish one another based on our history of loving that person. While it might not take much planning to …