Rebellious disdain of one’s divine calling, expressed in uncontrolled lusts and vengeful actions, can lead to destruction. At some unspecified time in the recent past, Samson, in a rage, had …
Do ghosts exist? Do we have access to the spirit world? If so, what does that mean for our spiritual life? Not long ago I was asked by a congregant …
FOR AS IN ADAM ALL DIE, SO IN CHRIST ALL WILL BE MADE ALIVE. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:22 Eve was deceived, but Adam willfully sinned against the Lord. Adam knew what …
A true revival does not just happen. There are conditions that must reside in the human heart before the Lord visits His people. We Must Want Deliverance, Not Just Relief …
Dear Roger, I can’t imagine anyone choosing to be in hell. I’d rather think of hell as where God banishes people he chooses to punish. But, is it true that …
If your parenting strategies are not working, then it’s time reevaluate your tactics. In today’s episode, Dr. Leman breaks down classic examples of bad parenting and provides some concrete solutions …
Learn to respond to children rather than react to children. Because when we react, we react emotionally and our emotions. Emotions are not a great key for living. You have …
Have you ever run away from something, and I don’t mean something that might threaten your life? I mean, has there been a time in your life when you ran …
What does it mean to be happy? Does God want us to be happy? Many of us view happiness as solely depending on what happens to us. In fact, the …
Dear Roger, How do we know which Old Testament Laws should be acknowledged and which ones can be ignored? My pastor says that some laws were cultural (like eating …
Have you ever heard this one: Can God create a rock so heavy that even he could not lift it? Did you know that there is a biblical answer to …
God’s favorite posture is kneeling. Humility is the key to knowing God.Miriam, Moses’ sister and Aaron, Moses’ brother, questioned God’s leadership. Miriam was punished by God and contracted leprosy. Although …
There’s enough circulating in the media today to discourage Christians about the future of marriage and family. In a recent Atlantic article, “All the Single Ladies,” Kate Bolick suggests we …
Four great discoveries are revealed in Romans 6. We have evil natures and have committed sins against a Holy God. While we desire to do well, we always struggle with …
Solomon’s early reign was fraught with power struggles and intrigue. We must be courageous in adversity and in facing conflict. Sometimes the best course of action is simply to wait …
The detestable nature of rebellion is contrasted with submission. Pride’s destructive nature is weighed against humility.