
Watch Your Heart!

Andy Stanley discusses how our behavior will eventually reflect the condition of our hearts. Hey, growing up in our home, and I bet your home was similar, there were certain…

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Healthy Thinking

It’s been a turbulent season. What has caused some to stay anchored during the storms and stresses of life, while others have lost their bearings under the same conditions? It…

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Is Technology Your Idol?

Technology is designed to be a tool that serves and informs us, not a master that dictates how we live. Through science, entertainment, and communication, technology makes our lives easier…

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Idolatry: What You View

Satan has a trap. He wants us to think the word “idol” doesn’t apply to us. However, because sin affects everyone, so does idolatry. As Pastor Evans mentioned, “idolatry is…

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The Beatitudes

The term Beatitudes means ‘The Blessings’ or ‘be- attitudes’, as in the attitudes we should live by or be. These character traits, when observed by others within an individual’s life,…

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Addicted to Jesus

God wants us to be addicted to Him. We can fall in love with doing good things, with resisting sin, with caring for the poor, with memorizing Scripture, but it’s…

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My Big Fat Mouth: Lying

According a University of Massachusetts study, 60% people cannot have a 10-min conversation without lying.We lie to impress, avoid conflict, get away w/something, shift blame, or to be nice. Satan,…

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Mordecai Was Great

In an unbelieving culture, Mordecai held an integrity that was used by God to deliver the Jewish people. Mordecai’s role as a peacemaker points forward to the complete peace and…

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Corinth: Coming Clean

Because of Jesus, we have been washed completely clean, set apart for God’s purposes,  and declared just before God. All of these blessings come at the huge price of Jesus’…

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Joseph’s Prayer

What if you are confused by God’s actions? “Joseph … did what the Lord’s angel had told him to do.” Matthew 1:24 The white space between Bible verses is fertile…

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Sex God’s Way

Sexuality is designed by God as a way to know Him more fully. Knowing God is designed by God as a way of guarding and guiding our sexuality. By John…

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Spiritual Grownups

As we mature, we take on the character of Jesus Christ and are different than worldly people. Spiritual adults draw others to Jesus.  Preached at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship. Used…

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Profiting From Criticism

In previous discussions about admonishing others, we’ve talked about two important issues.  If we’re going to love someone thoroughly, we must be willing to admonish if necessary.  On the other…

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Why is God Silent?

There’s an important page in your Bible that, if you are like most people, goes completely unread. Chances are, you are like most Christians who rip past this page without…

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