Abimelech’s Obsession with Power
The illicit thirst for power, destructive in its ramifications, brings about fitting retribution from God. Of all the narratives in the book of Judges, Yahweh’s presence is felt the least…
The illicit thirst for power, destructive in its ramifications, brings about fitting retribution from God. Of all the narratives in the book of Judges, Yahweh’s presence is felt the least…
Dear Roger, We were ending our Bible study when one of the women spoke up. She said, “I hate to bring this up, but I get so tired of my…
Humility is not thinking less of yourself or having low self-esteem, it is thinking of yourself less, by thinking of others and God more. As the Spirit of God dwells…
Dear Roger, I’ve been reading the New Testament and it surprises me how often Jesus referred to money. For example, “He commended the widow who did not have much, but…
Our passions and desires are at war within us, and we must fight against them. While pride, boasting and divisiveness mark worldly people, humility, obedience and repentance mark the godly.…
Proverbs 16 says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (v. 18). Put another way, be humble or you’ll stumble. Pride is the oldest sin in…
Pride is the essence of sin, and steals God’s glory. How do we conquer it and humble ourselves? www.debwaterbury.com.
god’sDear Roger, How do you cure a “Messiah Complex”? I think that I may have one. Sincerely, William Years ago, I was one burned-out pastor. On a Saturday night, I was…
Twelve months later he was taking a walk on the flat roof of the royal palace in Babylon. As he looked out across the city, he said, ‘Look at this great…
Solomon teaches on the dangers and destruction pride brings.
So, you probably want people to like you and your leadership. Who doesn’t? If we’re honest with each other, most of us in leadership prefer to be be liked (rather…
Years ago I addressed a large conference for Christian workers on the topic of brokenness, I experienced a dramatic increase in invitations to speak at other gatherings. I was truly…
The world needs leaders, especially during times of uncertainty. But not just any leaders. King Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God in a drastic way, but learned from his suffering to…
I am like the poster child of getting counseling. Seriously, in the last few years I have been to four different counselors. I’ve done individual sessions, group sessions, marriage counseling,…
After a discussion with my daughter recently about the subject of spiritual gifts, I’d thought I’d post an evaluation form used to help others discover their area of gifting. I…
King Nebuchadnezzar had no peers. He was the uncontested ruler of the world of the 6th century B.C. Babylon, his city, rose out of the desert plains like a Manhattan skyline.…
In the beginning, the earth was formless and void, but that did not deter the Almighty. He looked into the fathomless depth of its darkness and concluded, “All it needs…
Dear Roger, Dealing with finances is so confusing to me. I’m so overwhelmed. I’m trying hard to minimize my spending, but I always seem to spend everything that I make.…
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). Who doesn’t like a man of ambition? You know the kind…
“All of you, leaders and followers alike, are to be down to earth with each other, for— God has had it with the proud, But takes delight in just plain…
Dear Roger, Does the Bible address climate change? What does it say about taking care of the planet? Sincerely, Jamie Dear Jamie, Among several environmental and sociological causes, climate change…
” If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous…
If you’ve read the Old Testament then you may remember the story of King Hezekiah. He was a reformer, a righteous king whom we praise for his trust in God…
Dear Roger, I was at the soccer field, sitting next to one of my Bible group friends, when my 10-year-old made a goal. I said to my friend, “I’m…
Dear Roger, A man in our small group mentioned the seven deadly sins. I’ve heard about them but I’m wondering just which sins they are. Why are they more deadly…
Revelation 3:14 “To the messenger of the congregation in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says….” As we can see in…
Dear Roger, We live in an age of Blamers. Won’t anybody stand up and admit they are guilty without making excuses! We were discussing this in my small group…
Was the fall of Lucifer really discussed in Isaiah 14? What can we learn about Lucifer from this passage? This passage in Isaiah contains a prophecy against Sennacherib who proclaimed…
How do you know if you are proud? Paul has the litmus test. 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 “Now concerning food offered to idols: we know that “all of us…
Can movies and media featuring sexual assault and domination set us back decades by degrading women and advocating masochism and bondage? Debbie Holloway of Crosswalk writes: “It takes very little research…
The majority of people in the world will miss the next Christmas. But how can that be? How can anyone miss Christmas, given the amount of advertising, publicity, and promotion…
“Jesus didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.” Phil. 2:8 MSG…
Joy Hlavka Forney grew up in our church. She is a missionary to Uganda and teaches powerfully on how to live victoriously in the midst of difficult circumstances. Here are Joy’s…
More than likely, you’ve spent most of your life choosing to do more than is possible and beating yourself up for not being able to keep up. “I should…
The black and orange holiday is here. You may be ready to don your red spandex Iron Man suit to trick or treat with your child. I personally like to…
Dear Roger, My family is falling apart. I have lost my job, my son is on drugs, and I lost my retirement fund when my company went bankrupt. Has God…
Do you look down on those who are less educated, less affluent, less refined, or less successful than yourself? Do you think of yourself as more spiritual than your mate,…
We often trade what we’ve decided and what we know is most important for a bowl of stew. What’s true of Esau is true of you. You have no idea…
Dear Roger, How do we know which Old Testament Laws should be acknowledged and which ones can be ignored? My pastor says that some laws were cultural (like eating…
My childhood goal was to be a “good girl,” taking perfectionism to a whole new level. I belonged to every club, was an honor student, and felt incredibly guilty if…
So many of us suffer with false guilt; we take moral responsibility for actions, events, and situations that were not our fault. False guilt has no value; it is always…
We often get so caught up thinking about where we’d rather be and what we’d rather be doing, that we forget all the places God has already been with us.…
Andy Stanley dove into a pool of piping hot water last week, with remarks pitted small churches against big churches. His comments came within the context of his explaining why he believes…
When Jesus was crucified, the curtain in the temple dividing the Holy of Holies from everything else, was ripped from top to bottom. God said, “That which divided us is…
When my wife and I purchased our first home, I determined our lawn would be at least comparable to that lovely lush landscape of the guy two doors down. Our…
Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. This old saying shows up a lot on t-shirts, coffee cups, and wall plaques. It’s supposed to make us smile, but it annoys me.…
Have you ever heard someone say that they are against organized religion? Or perhaps they regard organized religion as having brought harm to society? After all, hasn’t religion been a…
What do we learn from Cain? Don’t play the comparison game. Jealousy and pride will kill you. Pray for the people you want to kill. Love someone you don’t like.…
Bad religion is decried by Jesus in Matthew 29 when He condemns the Pharisees on their hypocrisy. But we can easily commit the same sins. Here are seven ways you…
Technology can elevate us, causing us to be proud, self-centered or self-promoting. Technology can hurt and humiliate. It can also suffocate you, emptying your life of quiet, solitude and rest.…
Have you ever heard this one: Can God create a rock so heavy that even he could not lift it? Did you know that there is a biblical answer to…
We’re not all too bad at bobbing and weaving. We’re pretty good at side-stepping and side-lining issues. We’re quite adept at cutting and spinning, doing a bit of…
You will be astonished at this information. Christians should not be ignorant of God’s plans for His chosen people in His Word. Jews are, biblically speaking, the “chosen people…
RESOLVING HYPOCRISY: Most of us are unaware of how hypocrisy controls our lives. Here is a list of symptoms that will identify areas you need to address in your integrity…
The spectacular sin of those who built the Tower of Babel was used by God in spite of the pride of the wicked people. Where do all the languages in…
Modern Christians can be edified when the psalmist expounds on God’s law in Psalm 119 and says that the law is wise, able to keep a man pure, and a…
King Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, lost his throne by listening to bad advice, by leading with fear and intimidation and by selfishness and greed. Good, godly leaders humbly put the needs…
Fear and arrogance caused men in ancient time to build the Tower of Babel. They wanted to build a tower to heaven to be with God, but He had to…
%&*#! Potty mouth. Sexual innuendo. Cussing. Cursing. Smack talk. Smut. Swearing. OMG…Taking the Lord’s Name in vain!!! We have become desensitized to vulgarity. “PG” ratings now use “R” language. What…
Why Megachurches Keep Growing There’s a reason why churches and denominations are in decline. We continue to be religious about using the same methods hoping and praying they’ll somehow generate…
This message is one our culture preaches in earnest to girls and women, beginning in earliest childhood. It comes at us from virtually every angle: television, movies, music, magazines, books,…
God’s favorite posture is kneeling. Humility is the key to knowing God.Miriam, Moses’ sister and Aaron, Moses’ brother, questioned God’s leadership. Miriam was punished by God and contracted leprosy. Although…
There’s enough circulating in the media today to discourage Christians about the future of marriage and family. In a recent Atlantic article, “All the Single Ladies,” Kate Bolick suggests we…
The American Dream can be a curse when we are driven by greed, futile pursuits, and broken relationships. There are four keys to avoiding the “American Nightmare.” We must value…
I find it frustrating when I read or hear columnists, pundits, or journalists dismiss Christians as inconsistent because “they pick and choose which of the rules in the Bible to…
Dear Roger, What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church today? Dear Osten, The work of the Holy Spirit in the church today is to…
Jude describes the earmarks of falling away: stubbornness, complaining, fault-finding, dishonesty, boasting and manipulating. The antidote for falling away is a repentant heart and uncompromising honesty with God, self and…
Getting old to the glory of God means resolutely resisting the typical American dream of retirement. It means being so satisfied with all that God promises to be for us…
Obadiah warned Edom of pride, indifference, personal gain and boasting. He encourages us to develop humility, compassion and generosity.
We all fight the three-headed dragon: the god of Me, Mine and More. In 1 Peter 5, Paul teaches us how to be humble and place Christ first in our…
We collected troubled teenage girls like stray puppies. As pastor and wife, we always wanted our home to be a safe haven. After all, we had raised two daughters and…
Before I launch into this blog, I want to remind you that a difference between a man and a woman is not a value judgement; it does not expose weakness…
Dear Roger, I have a question regarding a divorce. I married my then spouse for all the wrong reasons. I thought things would change after the marriage, but they…
Samson: what a sad end to such a promising start! He had taken for granted all that he had going for him, and used it only for himself. He never…
I have learned that my faith in Christ is an intelligent faith. It is based on the weight of the evidence. This brings my mind and my heart into harmony,…
Let’s talk about being “born again.” Regeneration, entry of God’s nature and life into our real existence and identity, has, as a natural progression or part, entry into the status…
Why is the love of human glory, rather than God’s glory, so contradictory to faith? One is that true faith in Jesus gives all glory to God and none to…
A New Year brings thoughtful reflection. We say things like “time flies” or “where did the time go?” Perhaps we should remember this: I’m reminded that 2 things are true:…
Celebrity pastors? High-profile mega-churches? I have unanswered questions about how to navigate the new world of media-driven celebrity attention to pastors. As Advance09 started in Durham, North Carolina, the News…
Many have asked the intriguing question, “Why was it right for God to slaughter women and children in the Old Testament? How can that ever be right?” It’s right for…
The promised land landmines include unrealistic expectations that lead to disappointment with God, amnesia that leads to fear and arrogance, and partial obedience that leads to compromise and presumption. Only…
Bitterness can hold your heart hostage. Gratitude fosters a heart willing to forgive.
How do you know if you are greedy? If you make most decisions based on the financial impact, if you put financial opportunity over family and health, if you experience…
The Christian leader that builds his role on Christ-centered bedrock is blessed with a sound foundation for setting priorities and is more faithfully followed because those he leads know the…
We must let God put away our pride, leading to a humble state of brokenness that puts Christ on display. Pride sabotages relationships.
The sin of lukewarmness can look like indifference to sin, disinterest in the lost, eroded Christian values and integrity, apathy in obedience to Christ, neglect of personal devotional life and…
The detestable nature of rebellion is contrasted with submission. Pride’s destructive nature is weighed against humility.
Humility is the antidote for pride. We surrender to God’s refining work in our lives, resulting in obedience and faith.
Pride is deceptive. A proud attitude can cause us to be self-reliant, and to steal God’s glory for our own self-aggrandizement.
Holy living is not self-promotion, but devotion to the audience of ONE, our Father in heaven. Jesus decries the Pharisees’ ostentatious display of religious practices as He continues to teach…