Living in the Waiting Room – part 2 Jeremiah 29:4-14 After my husband Gary’s cancer diagnoses, we were open to trying anything the doctors suggested. One of the things they …
Dear Roger, I can’t go on like this. The suffering is too great. I am learning how to cope. Would you give me some advice? Sincerely, Hurting. Dear Hurting, I …
I love dreaming about and planning for tomorrow. Want to draw up a strategic plan? Count me in. Want to talk about which young basketball or football star will have …
Recently, my Bible study group came face-to-face with the age-old problem: “Why do the righteous suffer?” After almost an hour of discussion, a member of our group said, “I’ve recently …
Dark Times Are Permitted by God. They enhance the presence of God. They are a pathway for God and include perks from God.
Dear Roger, A friend of mine criticized me for some decisions that I’ve made. I believe it is none of his business. However, he is a really good friend, so …
James tells us that we can find joy in suffering because it causes us to be conformed to the image of Jesus.
Do you follow God or run ahead of Him? You may have heard the story of Deborah and Barak, but have you ever stopped and thought about their impact? Where …
“I have fought long and hard for my Lord, and through it all I have kept true to him. And now the time has come for me to stop fighting …
“The Future Looks Uncertain…but God” Daniel 2 Introduction Predicting the future is big business People have created an industry, from fortune cookies to horoscopes In the US, it’s a $2 …
I may or may not know your pastor. But I know one thing: your pastor is tired. I have the blessing of being a part of a couple of local …
“How can God just do nothing?” This was the vulnerable and honest question I got from someone in the audience during a recent Q&A. The pain in her question was …
Dear Roger, Please help me build my relationship with God while I’m isolated from my church and others. Sincerely, Ronnie Dear Ronnie, I would love to help! I’ve put together …
Learn to respond to children rather than react to children. Because when we react, we react emotionally and our emotions. Emotions are not a great key for living. You have …
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) She had the most angelic sweetheart lips. …
Did you know that an observant Jew says a bare minimum of one hundred blessings per day? Those blessings cover the gamut of human experience. They offer a blessing before …
I was walking into a grocery store the other day, and while dutifully using the antiseptic wipes provided for me at the front door, I began wiping the handrail on …
Many of us are stuck at home right now, and all our usual activities are either cancelled or forbidden. So, how do we make the best of a difficult situation? …
Max Lucado inspires with these words about how to handle a recession with peace and joy: “Turn on the TV or open a paper and the financial news can be …
Some years ago I passed through a time of discouragement. I can’t remember the source of the struggle, but I recall the fruit. I created a tool for divine encouragement. …
Sometimes I like to think I’m good at this grace thing.Mostly this happens after I have listened to the song “Oceans” by Hillsong United. Having been hit with the audio …
When we feel anger, our emotions tell us it’s 100 percent someone else’s fault. But James, the brother of Jesus, has something different to say. When we take a step …
How do you handle anger? I drive a little manual 2005 Scion xB that just eclipsed 195,000 miles. I love that little car. It’s fuel-efficient and requires minimal maintenance. And …
How can God use stress in our lives to produce good. How can it conform us to the image of Christ. Randy Alcorn writes: 1. God uses stress to get …
Ever had God blow your socks off? Shock you with His goodness? Leave you speechless with His plan? This weekend I was reading the new book by Richard Preston. …
Ever had God blow your socks off? Shock you with His goodness? Leave you speechless with His plan? This weekend I was reading the new book by Richard Preston. …
Dear Roger, I have an inoperable brain tumor. The pain is increasing. I am on heavy pain medicines. It still hurts. I’ve read several articles on dealing with pain, done …
Jesus assured His mother at the wedding feast that there’s always enough when He is in charge. Do you trust Christ’s provision in your own life? Here’s how you can.
How do we stay emotionally and physically healthy with toxic people around us? Dr. Caroline Leaf writes: “Let’s face it: people can be too much at times. In fact, occasionally …
We’ve all done it. We’ve all invested time and energy into someone or something and then come to the horrible conclusion that nothing is changing. Nothing we seem to do …
Dear Roger, Greetings in Jesus name. Let me be sincere with you, things are NOT well with us. Due to the challenges we have undergone last year in …
I once heard someone say that the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most fragile of all human relationships. If you are one of those people, you already …
“Count it all joy when you encounter various trials…” James 1:2 The day had arrived. It was beyond sad. It was solemn, and it was heavy. Without hesitation we were …
Dear Roger, I am a new Christian and the church where I found Christ had a big fight and split in two. It was awful. People were fighting and choosing …
Dear Roger, My Christian friends hold a very different set of values than I do. They permit their kids to celebrate Halloween, they engage in social drinking and use recreational …
Anyone who’s given himself or herself to prayer for a sustained amount of time has likely experienced the disappointment of unanswered prayer. But the more theologicall astute among you may not like that phrase “unanswered …
Abraham’s faith is inspiring. Chasing the grasslands of Canaan as a nomadic shepherd Abraham was free to survey the Promised Land his family would one day possess. Catching each vista …
Our pets are precious to us. The Barrier family has owned a plethora of furry friends: a boisterous border collie, a cantankerous Corgi, a gregarious Golden Retriever and a …
Loving your mother-in-law can be a mixed bag. My mother-in-law made it abundantly clear that she didn’t approve of me from Day One. Her son, an angelic boy scout who …
What do you do when storms crash around you? Stay in the boat, hold onto Jesus. When life becomes difficult, you deepen your roots in faith. Watch the sermon “Planted …
People have a desire to be know by others. All of us have an appetite to be known, but the thing about an appetite is it can never fully and …
This is going to be controversial. I’m going to say something about Hamas, ISIS, terrorism, and Israel—and you may not like it. I don’t know if I like it. But …
What characteristics should a godly leader possess? I try to avoid the word “qualifications,” for that leaves the impression that if a man doesn’t bat a thousand percent in each …
S1807 Encouraging Love This practical explanation of what real love looks like from 1 Corinthians 13 will provide you with ways to meet the needs of those around you with …
Rebecca Thompson fell twice from the Fremont Canyon Bridge. She died both times. The first fall broke her heart; the second broke her neck. She was only eighteen years of …
“They do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 Thirty-seven years old. Thin, almost frail. Balding and bespectacled. An electronics buff. Law-abiding and tired. Certainly not a description you …
The prophet Habakkuk longs to know God’s timetable for justice among His people, but his Creator is teaching him patience. Waiting does not mean a plan is flawed, idle or …