Surviving adolescence is more challenging today because the transition between adolescence has has lengthened. Greater challenges face young adults as they seek to get established.
In the early 90s, researchers embarked on a landmark study of over 17,000 individuals and asked them about negative experiences in childhood and their current physical and mental health. They …
Here are the nine habits of an intentional parent: I will not do for my child what he needs to do for himself—when I do, I disrespect him. I will …
I talk about something fun and mentally challenging you can do with your children this summer: letter writing! This is part of my summer series on brain-building activities you can …
Angel and I have a nineteen-year-old and a seventeen-year-old. On the precipice of empty-nesting, I’ve been reflecting upon what has worked and what hasn’t worked as I have tried to …
Modern Family “Setting the Tone” Jeff Jones, Senior Pastor 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 For every one of us here, we want to help those we love flourish in life, not hinder …
Every day it feels like we read another news report about the mental health crisis among children and youth, as well as how depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are getting …
Cameron Buettel is an author partnering with Pastor John MacArthur at Here are his powerful insights. Parenting is never easy. Nobody in this fallen world has mastered it. And …
The joy of giving is something we can instill in the hearts of our children and grandchildren from a young age. I learned of a family sponsoring a child whose …
Preparing your kids to spread their wings requires patience, humility, creativity, uniqueness, and parenting with the end in mind. Discover 7 tips that will grow you as a parent while …
At the end of the day, I want to be famous in my home. Success is when those who know you best respect you most. It starts with the last …
Dear Roger, It’s approaching Father’s Day. Why are there so many bad dads mentioned in the Bible? What do you think are some of the most important things about being …
Deborah Mitchell, a popular CNN blogger and confirmed atheist, claimed that raising children without God is better than raising children with God. Mrs. Mitchell lists seven reasons why she raises …
“The Lord is Your keeper. The Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.” Psalm 121 Psalm …
Your children use complaining because it works! Train Up your child; not Down. Expect more from your kids, and they will rise to the occasion
It is estimated that around one in twelve children struggle with depression at some point between the ages 9 and 16, with girls more likely to be affected than boys. Unfortunately, depression …
Did you know that your kids use anger to control the people around them? Learn how to help your kids deal with their anger in this episode.
Communicate, compassion, commitment (time) will bring stability in your home and cause your kids to grow up to be successful adults.
Are your words directed toward the act or the actor? Learn about the difference between encouragement and praise. Which is most important for parents to give?
It is natural for children/teens to push boundaries. What do you do when they misbehave? Do you simply say no? Or do you try to enter their world and assure …
If your parenting strategies are not working, then it’s time reevaluate your tactics. In today’s episode, Dr. Leman breaks down classic examples of bad parenting and provides some concrete solutions …
One of our favorite games as a family is called Oh Heck. You might know it as Up and Down the River. The reason this simple card game is so …
Children say cruel things. We can’t always protect our children from cruelty, but we can give them tools to cope and respond appropriately. Parents, you can help your child to …
Learn to respond to children rather than react to children. Because when we react, we react emotionally and our emotions. Emotions are not a great key for living. You have …
I don’t care how tough you are. You may be a Navy Seal who specializes in high altitude skydiving behind enemy lines. You might spend each day making million-dollar, split-second …
Today I am going to be answering some of the questions you have sent in regarding handling COVID-19 anxiety, and coping with social distancing and staying at home. Many of …
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) She had the most angelic sweetheart lips. …
Marilyn Morris, founder and president of Aim For Success, Inc. and author of Teens, Sex and Choices and ABCs of the Birds and Bees for Parents of Toddler to Teens …
The Blessing is something we all crave and long for in life. The approval, appreciation, and affirmation is what we need to keep moving forward. The Blessing flows from God …