God’s Will and God’s Grace
GOD’S WILL AND GRACE Romans 1:24-32 S-1699 ●SLIDE: Will and Grace is a television sitcom glorifying the homosexual lifestyle. According to Romans 1, God is not nearly so impressed with…
GOD’S WILL AND GRACE Romans 1:24-32 S-1699 ●SLIDE: Will and Grace is a television sitcom glorifying the homosexual lifestyle. According to Romans 1, God is not nearly so impressed with…
“Then Darius the king wrote to all the peoples, nations, and men of every language who were living in all the land: ‘May your peace abound! I make a decree…
Rebuild your confidence in God and His church. Another day, another pastor or a church in the news headlines. You had your doubts, but now those doubts feel a little…
It always saddens me to watch church leaders bring reproach on the church of Jesus Christ. What’s perhaps most shocking to me is how frequently Christian leaders sin grossly, then…
Many were alarmed and dispirited by footage of raucous cheering in the New York State Senate chamber. The “Happy Days Are Here Again” sort of celebration wasn’t for a bill to…
Every culture ebbs and flows as it marches toward extinction. The great Roman Empire, the Mayan civilization, Bronze Age Greece—every complex society in history has eventually collapsed. Daniel was in…
I ALSO DO MY BEST TO MAINTAIN ALWAYS A BLAMELESS CONSCIENCE BOTH BEFORE GOD AND BEFORE MEN. ACTS 24:16 Folklore advises, “Let your conscience be your guide.” This has serious…
In the family, God calls us to pass on wisdom and receive wisdom. God uses family to help us establish boundaries. God makes the path of family bigger. Team Sermon…
It takes moral courage to STAND AGAINST what is WRONG and STAND FOR what is RIGHT. It takes moral courage to SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER, to SPEAK THE TRUTH IN…
Hi Roger, What would you say to someone who states that they can’t “help” their homosexuality? I’m thinking of someone who believes that they were born that way and that…
What challenges will pastors and churches face in this decade? Will ministry ever come more easily? As you know, the last five years have been tough on leaders. Really tough. Pandemic…
Dear Roger, I always understood that the Bible tells us to not be drunk, but it doesn’t explicitly say not to drink or that drinking alcohol is a sin,…
Adultery is devastating. In the aftermath of an adulterous affair, the offending spouse must first turn away from sin through repentance before God. But after such repentance takes place,…
I think I have been backsliding. I feel awful. How do I come back to God? Sincerely, Sad and Disappointed in Myself Dear Sad and Disappointed, The fact that you’re…
“Every one should get what they deserve.” If a teen studies, works hard, and succeeds in high school, then that teen should be allowed to go to college. If…
Dear Roger, I am a high school senior and I got into a discussion about Jesus with my best friend. She is not a Christian and I’ve been…
If you grew up in a conservative evangelical church like I did, it is possible there is a story from the Bible that was repeatedly used to teach you about…
Carey Nieuwhof is a Canadian pastor with a perceptive, and (possibly an objective) view of American society today. “Regardless of where your politics lean, many would sense that American culture…
Awkward. Mom and Dad sitting in the room. How do you have “the talk” with them: tough subjects no one wants to mention? John Piper writes: “So you’re a parent.…
What are good and evil? More specifically, how shall we define moral evil, functional evil, functional good, and moral good? Moral Evil is behavior, thoughts, and feelings that violate God’s law,…
The relationship of homosexuality to Christianity is without doubt one of the main subjects of cultural conversation today. If you are a Christian in New York City, it is nearly…
Is it possible to have a thriving relationship with God even in the middle of a culture gone crazy? Absolutely! And my confidence is bolstered by the testimony of an…
When you are dealing with someone, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Differentiate between the Holy Spirit’s revelation and your manipulation. Don’t ignore red flags. Don’t internalize, verbalize. And finally,…
Who is this God to whom your prayers ascend? Belief in what God can do will give you strength and more confidence in your prayer life. When unbelief takes control,…
Have you ever experienced betrayal? Well the first time it happened to me I was 17. We lived in Columbia, South Carolina, and I was very involved in basketball. I…
We must watch for the “danger of the drift” or slowly falling away from God. What is the power of hidden sin? It kills good judgment causing a downward spiral…
Dear Roger, The political unrest in the Middle East is incredible. I never imagined a time that I would see the civil wars and rebellions now occurring there. I…