
A Time for New Wine

Introduction Have you ever been involved with a remodeling project? It can be a very messy undertaking. Because the goal of remodeling is to make something better from its worn…

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Remember God’s Forgiveness

The twelve apostles included “Matthew the tax-gatherer” (Matt. 10:3). Never lose your sense of awe over Christ’s forgiveness. Matthew describes himself as “Matthew the tax-gatherer” (Matt. 10:3). He is the…

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Are you experiencing contentment? Contentment, true contentment, is a rarity in today’s world. King David pictured contentment in the simplest of terms. David, the Warrior-King of Israel, wrote these words…

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By Grace Through Faith

I was thumbing through Brennan Manning’s book The Ragamuffin Gospel earlier this evening, finding myself completely enveloped in an oversized Barnes & Noble reading chair: the kind that never get…

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Without Sin

How well do you know God? Has it ever occurred to you why we are able to know the depths of God’s character? We all have people we know better…

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Believing the Best

Believing the best is a challenge. It is so easy to focus on what’s wrong with someone rather than on what’s right about them. It’s the natural human response. But…

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