Holly Jolly Generosity
Learn to live with less, and be generous to others. God will Bless your living and your life. Be like Jesus; Don’t just look down the ladder, Climb down! Dr.…
Learn to live with less, and be generous to others. God will Bless your living and your life. Be like Jesus; Don’t just look down the ladder, Climb down! Dr.…
Dear Tom, Why do you think prosperity gospel is wrong? It’s so popular and there are so many popular pastors who preach that if we believe God, He will bless…
In Luke 19:11-27, we find a parable Jesus taught to a crowd as they went up to Jerusalem for the Passover. It’s a familiar one, where a departing nobleman entrusted…
Laodicea was a rich church as the community was a financial center in Asia Minor. Some scholars note that it was the financial capital of the region, with a wealthy…
“Consumerism and the Church: Reclaiming the Gospel From Our Most Powerful Religion” is written by Joe Terrell, content manager at CareyNieuwhof.com. Joe’s writings for Medium, Relevant, Carey Nieuwhof, and his personal…
Introduction In today’s world, it is common for people to identify themselves using their “preferred pronouns” to reveal how they want others to address and identify them. The cultural assumption…
Leave your baggage behind. In a crowded, busy holiday season, it’s common for people to feel weighed down by family relationships, financial pressure, regret, or failure. This series will help…
Dear Roger, I’m a new Christian, and I have been reading in the Bible about the crowns, treasures, and rewards that Jesus will give to Christians who live God-honoring lives…
Many of us enjoy stories about good versus evil. We love to watch the good guy defeat the bad guy. Still, we often underestimate how enticing and persuasive the bad…
Dear Roger, I’ve been reading the New Testament and it surprises me how often Jesus referred to money. For example, in Luke 21:1-4, “He commended the widow who did not…
Dear Roger, I’ve been reading the New Testament and it surprises me how often Jesus referred to money. For example, “He commended the widow who did not have much, but…
Our passions and desires are at war within us, and we must fight against them. While pride, boasting and divisiveness mark worldly people, humility, obedience and repentance mark the godly.…
The days of being buried in the church where you were baptized and married are long gone for most. Ours is the age of the McChurch. There are realities embedded…
PRIORITIZING STEWARDSHIP “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with…
Dear Roger, I always hear preachers and Bible teachers talking about money as if it is bad. Can you give me a good perspective on the biblical approach to money? Sincerely, Ronnie…
Dear Roger, The needy are increasing every day as the coronavirus continues to disrupt everyday life.. I’d like some guidelines on what the Bible says about generosity. Can you help? Many people…
In the Bible, Jesus tells us a story about two men who built their houses on two very different foundations. While one was built upon the sand with little difficulty,…
The competition for your devotion is fierce. We just arrived in India: it’s my second time visiting this beautiful nation. One of the first thing that strikes you as a…
Have you ever made a decision you knew deep down wasn’t right, but it seemed completely justifiable in your situation? Maybe you’ve been lonely in your marriage for a really long time,…
God created us to love people and use things, but materialists love things and use people. Materialism drives not just the “bad apples” of society; it drives “the best and…
Dear Roger, Dealing with finances is so confusing to me. I’m so overwhelmed. I’m trying hard to minimize my spending, but I always seem to spend everything that I make.…
“The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This…
Dear Roger, I am presently pastoring a church in a remote area in Nigeria, a community of idol worshipers. My neighbor joined the church. In the process, I discovered that…
What myths do you believe about money? If we follow God’s plan, He’ll do more through us together than we could ever do on our own. Message entitled, “Camels and…
The question my 10-year-old asked me changed how I see money. One night at dinner I told my wife Jenny about a new opportunity a client offered me. As I…
Revelation 3:14 “To the messenger of the congregation in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says….” As we can see in…
What are the idols of your heart? What are the ways in which you have allowed your heart that is intended to worship God, to worship the golden calves that…
Christmas presents piled high….how many toys do our children need? How do we make our Christmas less about money and more about Jesus? Randy Alcorn writes: “An alarming number of…
The majority of people in the world will miss the next Christmas. But how can that be? How can anyone miss Christmas, given the amount of advertising, publicity, and promotion…
Dear Roger, Why are Christians not more generous? I mean, the Bible is filled with admonitions for us to be generous to the poor. So, we bring a turkey…
We overcome Satan’s schemes when we understand how he oppresses us and how we must defeat him. Here are some clear ways to recognize demonic oppression in your life and…
End-times Christians will be lovers of themselves, greedy, boastful, proud, abusive and disobedient to parents. We can stand out from the crowd by failing to conform to the decadence of…
It’s hard to remember a time when people were more angry. A civilized person ought to be, first of all, civil. Yet, today there is no discourse, no respect for…
Spring speaks a different dialogue in the country. Its native tongue is the same: warmer days, sudden gusts of air like angels are breezing through, robes caught on branches then…
Revelation 2:17 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna,…
One of the hardest sayings of Jesus has to do with a camel, a needle, and money. It causes us to consider closely the materialistic way we live. God wants…
Dear Roger, Is it OK for Christians to take anti-depressants? Sincerely, Roger Dear Roger, I used to tell people that if Job had been a better Christian he would never…
I know a few will regard the following remarks as coming from “the deep end.” Others will take what I’m presenting and exaggerate it beyond its legitimate boundaries. But I…
%&*#! Potty mouth. Sexual innuendo. Cussing. Cursing. Smack talk. Smut. Swearing. OMG…Taking the Lord’s Name in vain!!! We have become desensitized to vulgarity. “PG” ratings now use “R” language. What…
Here is the word used when the graph of fulfillment and the accumulation of things comes together. It’s one simple word, ENOUGH. It may be different areas of our lives…
The American Dream can be a curse when we are driven by greed, futile pursuits, and broken relationships. There are four keys to avoiding the “American Nightmare.” We must value…
The very quality of your life, whether you love it or hate it, is based upon how thankful you are toward God. It is one’s attitude that determines whether life…
As Solomon begins Ecclesiastes, he observes that in nature what goes around comes around. Man’s existence is fleeting, and he is not as important as he thinks. Therefore, we must…
After sharing a brief but engaging history of God and His people, Francis Chan relates the central message of Haggai. We must put Him first or our lives become unsuccessful…
Since it is virtually impossible to identify and erase all of the misleading information in our mental computers, the only way to change our thinking habits is to input new…
Have you heard about this church that’s building itself on a military metaphor? It’s led by a general, not a bishop. Their clergy are not referred to as pastors, priests…
Invest with the right team. Pray now or pay later. Past obedience guarantees future usefulness. Real discipleship affects our wealth, comfort, power and fame. For the disciple, this world is…
Dear Roger, Was Jesus a socialist? Sincerely, Wayne Dear Wayne, First of all, Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ. His beliefs transcend any economic or governmental system. His kingdom…
How do you know if you are greedy? If you make most decisions based on the financial impact, if you put financial opportunity over family and health, if you experience…
It is hard for a rich person to be godly, but not impossible. According to Agur’s prayer in Proverbs 30, we should avoid traps of distraction, arrogance and worry. If…
Rather than spending our lives serving money, we should bring all we have, including our money, to God who is our master. After all, we are managing His money. Giving,…
Many couples have personalities and interests that are very different. The first step in dealing with differences in a more effective way is to acknowledge that the differences exist. Early…