
The Leper

S-1700 Jesus healed in many ways, but in the case of the leper, Jesus reached out and touched him. The very essence of Christianity is to touch the untouchable, love…

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Peace of Mind

In Peace of Mind, we will look at how some familiar names in scripture dealt with many of the same struggles we face today. We’ll learn how they overcame those struggles…

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Choose Joy

Joy. The dictionary defines it as “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.” The apostle James tells us to “Consider it pure joy,…

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How to Heal from Betrayal

A while back, I received this desperate text from a hurting friend. She had discovered that some ministry leaders she greatly admired and who had played a significant role in…

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How Healthy Are You?

“How easy is it for you to handle the stressors of life today? How hard are simple decisions?” A few months back, Josh Reich, pastor at Revolution Church and author…

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Predestined to Hell?

Dear Roger, Did God predestine people to go to Hell? Sincerely, PH Dear PH,   Let me begin with an overview of predestination as envisioned by John Calvin. Calvinism teaches,…

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The Man Born Blind

John 9 tells the story of Jesus’ healing a man born blind. The miracle was so powerful the religious leaders tried to trap him by accusing Jesus. Instead, he testified…

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What About Physical Healing?

Dear Roger, Regarding physical healings—Does God gift people with the ability to heal physical ailments today? Thoughts on “healing”? Revivals? Thanks! Question from Casas’ “What’s Next Class” Dear Ms. WNC,…

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Rescue 911

The man at the pool of Siloam needed rescuing. Helpless, desperate people find the healing power of Christ in this gospel story. The allure of grace is in stark contrast to…

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Mourn and Comfort

We all have up and down days. God wants us to rejoice together and comfort each other when we are hurting. Comforters come uninvited, openly express the depths of their…

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