often talk about living intentionally because I believe that how we choose to live each day, the decisions we make, and the way we respond to others significantly impacts our…
In Peace of Mind, we will look at how some familiar names in scripture dealt with many of the same struggles we face today. We’ll learn how they overcame those struggles…
Joy. The dictionary defines it as “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.” The apostle James tells us to “Consider it pure joy,…
In this sermon series, “Tell Me What You Want,” we learn that God sees and cares about our brokenness, hurt, and need. He invites us to turn to Him for…
Luke writes a story of Jesus that highlights how Jesus was an outsider who came for outsiders. From the very first chapters of Luke, where Luke shows us a child…
A while back, I received this desperate text from a hurting friend. She had discovered that some ministry leaders she greatly admired and who had played a significant role in…
When we experience any kind of trauma, we can respond to the threat in various ways to cope. We are all familiar with the fight or flight response, but there…
On October 2, 2020 I became a widow. My husband Gary’s death was not unexpected. For almost 17 months my husband had suffered a slow decline due to a…
Many of Jesus’ blessings were spontaneous. The wind of the Holy Spirit Jesus described in John 3, the fire by night in the desert in Exodus, the miracles of Jesus…
Lysa Terkeurst shares five principles that help you to process pain. Forgiveness is more satisfying than revenge. Our God is not a do-nothing God. Your offender is also suffering. The…
Dear Roger, I’ve had a very hurtful past. My wife abused me. She was angry and mean to the children. Of course, we’ve all had our share of physical…
Kids are the best comforters! I was five when I was diagnosed with scarlet fever and pneumonia and imprisoned (I mean quarantined) at home for four months! My kindergarten buddies…
All of us have our weak moments in life–those moments when we doubt ourselves, our ability and our resources available to help us face up to the challenges of simply…
Dr. Chet Weld continues the discussion of identifying and healing hurts. If we bury emotions, we bury them alive and they will always surface in destructive ways that sabotage our…
Once on a mission trip to Pakistan I saw an appalling sight in the market place. A man was begging with a gazillion flies swarming around an open sore on…
“How easy is it for you to handle the stressors of life today? How hard are simple decisions?” A few months back, Josh Reich, pastor at Revolution Church and author…
Maybe it’s your pastor. Maybe it’s someone in your Bible study. Maybe it’s a famous Christian in the news. They’ve sinned. They’ve said they believe one thing and lived like…
Dear Roger, My mom passed away a few months ago. Can she hear me in heaven when I talk to her? Sincerely, Brian Dear Brian, No one can answer your…
Ecclesiastes 3:2 states: “There is a time to live and a time to die.” There is one indisputable fact of life and these words of Solomon say it best. As…
Dear Roger, Our church just went through an awful split. I’ve heard about the ugliness of church fights but I never dreamed I’d actually be in one. Many of what…
Dear Roger, I have never seen so many afraid of disease and death. Some of us believe there is no way God is big enough to heal us. Is there…
Dear Roger, My Dad is disrespectful to my mom almost every day, and it upsets me. He often tells her to stop talking because he’s tired of hearing her talk.…
Currently one in every sixty-eight children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with autism. More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined.…
We all have strange dreams from time to time, and they are still worth looking at and praying about to see if there is something God wants us to learn…
My husband almost died in July 2016. Brad is an incredibly strong man. Tough as nails. I was working over at Brad’s office, and I found him unconscious on the…
Dear Roger, Did God predestine people to go to Hell? Sincerely, PH Dear PH, Let me begin with an overview of predestination as envisioned by John Calvin. Calvinism teaches,…
Francis Chan teaches this simple message on the prayer of faith and Jesus’ power to heal. The concluding video of God’s angelic protection is riveting. Don’t miss it. www.crazylove.org.
Battles are both the bane and the glory of our existence. We adamantly abhor them when they’re forced on us by vengeful adversaries who mean us all the harm they…
Nobody gets married planning to have an affair. I’ve never done a wedding where the bride or groom is checking out other guys or girls at the wedding, trying to…
Jesus engages people as souls. He engages all of them, not just one aspect of them. A deep life is living as the whole person Jesus redeemed you to be.…
Jesus didn’t heal the blind man in Mark 8 the same way He healed the blind man in John 9. The blind man had to take a step of faith,…
How should Christians relate to a secular society that does not know Jesus? Paul’s letter to Titus sheds light on this scenario, showing us how God’s grace should motivate Christians…
Dear Roger, Hi! I am seperated with two kids who I take care by myself . I had to make a stop to violence and abuse in my…
Not long ago, someone asked me the following question: “Can you give me some advice on how to handle criticism? I don’t think I’m doing a good job with it.…
Face it, there are just some things that we don’t like to do. We all have those irritating things that incessantly demand our attention. Every one of us has a…
Empower your son! You can, you know! How to give your son the confidence to say no! If you have a boy who’s entering the world of adolescence, there’s almost…
The greatest moments in human history have been those of Christian revival-moments marked by great swelling crowds who flock to hear the preaching of the Gospel. Those are moments in…
John 9 tells the story of Jesus’ healing a man born blind. The miracle was so powerful the religious leaders tried to trap him by accusing Jesus. Instead, he testified…
Have you ever stopped to notice just how many phrases we use that refer to the part of our body that generates our physical pulse…..our heart? You can “listen to…
Recently, a couple of books and websites have referenced me as a good example of how to exegete and “engage culture” in the task of preaching. They include citations of…
Differences in personality and theology can divide us and weaken our ability to face the challenges before us as Christ-followers. Unity occurs in our common experience of an uncommon God.…
We can see people – but totally miss the person – their story. The woman bent over with scoliosis was ignored by the crowd. But Jesus called her a valued…
A Ferrari is the dream car of most human beings. “If I could only have a Ferrari,” you might say. Ferraris are special cars. They kick out some serious RPMs,…
“Julie, he’s not heeeere!!!!!” my husband shrieked. He yelled so loudly to silence my screams that he bruised a vocal cord and had to croak through his sermon the next…
Tim’s head was pressed hard against a burning hot rock wall. It was so hot the skin on his check was sizzling. Gasping for breath behind the shemagh which barely…
The man with the withered hand had to step out on faith and trust Jesus amidst great opposition. When we take that simple step of faith, Christ can radically transform…
King David experiences rejection, grief, abandonment, guilt, humiliation and disappointment during his lifetime. In his psalms, David examines the darkness in his life only to discover victory with God. These…
When we see and experience God’s glory, we receive grace. Our task is to help people to see Him. Beholding the glory of God (according to 2 Corinthians 3:18) is…
Generational tension. What I want to do for a few minutes is I want to talk to the older generation. You may say, “Am I in the older generation?” If…
Peter and John encountered a man over 40 years old, begging outside a Temple gate. He was lame from birth and probably excluded from full access to the Temple all…
Fingernails on the chalkboard. Leaky bathroom faucets at 4:00 a.m. Chirping smoke alarms that can’t be found. Screaming toddlers in the cereal aisle at the grocery store. Annoying? Off-putting? The…
When Jesus went in the boat back to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him there. A leader of the synagogue, named Jairus, came there,…
I woke up in the middle of the night wiping tears from my eyes. I sat up and realized they were actual tears. I had dreamed that, my husband, Ryan…
Who is our neighbor? Our neighbor is anyone of any race, creed, or social background who is in need. Deep fulfillment and joy are ours when we pause and give…
Christians often justify their decisions by saying, “I have a peace about it.” Is that a cop-out? Is God’s peace subjective? “Peace” is one of those Christianese terms that is sometimes used in…
“Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.’” Hebrews 13:4 NIV Caring for…
Can you protect your child? As parents we often want what’s best for our children – I love what Psychologist Jonathon Haidt suggest about hardships and how they shape us…
To my dear Muslim friends: The Quran and the Injeel (the Gospels) in the Bible reflect very different views of God. God’s love is the basis for all relationships and…
Dear Roger, Regarding physical healings—Does God gift people with the ability to heal physical ailments today? Thoughts on “healing”? Revivals? Thanks! Question from Casas’ “What’s Next Class” Dear Ms. WNC,…
The man at the pool of Siloam needed rescuing. Helpless, desperate people find the healing power of Christ in this gospel story. The allure of grace is in stark contrast to…
Herod’s steward walked 20 miles to ask Jesus to heal his ailing son. Besides finding healing for his boy, the steward found faith in a miracle-working Savior.
Dr. Doug and Cheryl Derbyshire lead clinics in Thailand where thousands come to receive medical care and comfort. The patients not only found physical healing, but spiritual healing by meeting…
Dear Roger, Why did Jesus call himself “Son of Man” and then call God his father? What did he mean when he called himself the “Son of Man”? Sincerely, Jonathan…
In our overworked, hurried, and self-focused culture, it’s easy for us to go days at a time without having a substantive conversation with another human being. The phrase, “How are…
“Thorns in the flesh” contemplates Paul’s struggle with handicaps and his healing through the grace of God. No matter what obstacles we face, God is there beside you to carry…
We all have up and down days. God wants us to rejoice together and comfort each other when we are hurting. Comforters come uninvited, openly express the depths of their…
We all deal with feelings of anger. In Matthew 5, Jesus gives us a model for handling anger. We must not belittle others, we must reconcile with those we have…
God’s Word tells us when we are sick to give thanks in all things, look for God’s refining work in our lives, seek to have His heart and pray in…