
Sticks and Stones

“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” Have you ever heard something so ridiculous? Anyone who has ever been crushed under the weight of…

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Seek Encouragement

Everyone needs to be encouraged. Sometimes it is easier to give encouragement than to receive it. Ask God to encourage you and to bring people into your life that can…

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What About Boundaries?

QUESTION: Hi Roger! The question I have is about boundaries. Over the years I’ve had a few friends at various times who were extremely needy. Whether Christian or still unbelievers,…

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Making Safe Friends

When my family traveled from our small-town home to Tucson for a doctor’s appointment or a back-to-school shopping trip, we always stayed overnight with my mother’s best friend Bea Solley. …

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Will You Have Friends in Heaven?

Augustine and Aquinas—two of history’s most influential theologians—imagined that in Heaven people would focus exclusively on God and that relationships between human beings would be minimal or insignificant.[i] These great…

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Speaking with Contempt

I have always found Jesus’ words in Matt 5:21-22 to be shattering. He begins by reminding his listeners that anyone who murders will be judged. But then he gives three…

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Eve’s DNA

Dear Roger, I heard that it has been determined that all mankind is descended from one human mother. Is this the Eve of the Bible and does this prove that…

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Paul expressed his thanks to God for his brothers and sisters in Christ. He prays for grace-the underserved favor of Christ to be upon them. He prays for the peace…

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Mourn and Comfort

We all have up and down days. God wants us to rejoice together and comfort each other when we are hurting. Comforters come uninvited, openly express the depths of their…

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