
The Anatomy of Fear

Fear has its cause. It also has its consequences. If we left fear there, we’d be with little hope. Praise God, we don’t have to! The Christian has hope amidst fear. The…

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Conquer Fear

What is your fear? Fear may be driving down the interstate during rush hour traffic, speaking publicly, confronting a difficult person, seeing a spider, or walking into a large room…

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Healing from Trauma

Paul faced many kinds of trauma throughout his ministry. Here are just a few: Acute: a response from a one-time traumatic event Chronic: a long-term response from prolonged or repeated…

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Hope for Uncertain Times

Seasons of adversity—economic or otherwise—do not catch God off guard. He knows everything that is going on in our world. He also knows what lies ahead. He is orchestrating all…

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Faith Over Fear

“Faith over fear.” It’s one of those Christian slogans that is undeniably true, and, at the same time, less helpful than it may seem. To be sure, our lives as…

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Should We Fear Satan?

Anxiety disorders are the number one mental health problem of the world; so fear is a very serious issue that we’re dealing with. Fear of anything other than God is…

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Face and Defeat Your Fears

What are our sources of fear? From where do they originate? Past hurts can lead to present fear. Any traumatic event-a painful divorce, a car accident, a debilitating illness can…

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Surviving Spring 2020

Spring 2020?  It’s time for a deep breath, a steady resolve and a few decisions. I’m thinking of three essential, emotional tools. Gratitude. Collect your blessings. Catalog God’s kindnesses. Assemble…

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Let God Be Your Rock

We live in uncertain times. But God is not surprised. Solomon wrote these words in Psalm 127: “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.…

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Shaken or Standing?

“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you…

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Me-First Prayers

  Why do flight attendants give parents flying with young children the instructions, “If there is a change in the air pressure in the cabin and the oxygen masks are…

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Scared of God?

Dear Roger, I recently became a Christian and I have a question. The woman who led me to Christ encouraged me to start reading my Bible immediately. She told me…

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Creepy Crawlers

SCRIPTURE STUDY Psalm 91 PRAYER FOCUS Dear Jesus, Help me to recognize Satan’s schemes and call on You to protect me. I know that You have promised to send your…

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Beyond Fear

Jesus teaches us that when we live in fear we sacrifice the long term for the short term, we lose perspective and we fail to invest our lives fully in…

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Choosing Faith

Fear is the antithesis of faith. Examples like the terrified Hebrews spying out the Promised Land, David facing the giant Goliath, the disciples panicking on a stormy boat, illustrate the fact…

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