
Re-Branding Christianity

Jeff Jones and Carey Nieuwhof talk about what the community really thinks about your church, and what church leaders can learn from Domino’s Pizza and other re-branding campaigns. www.careynieuwhof.com.

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Arise, Jonah! Part 2

Lessons from an Anti-Hero The Anti-Hero isn’t a modern invention, thousands of years ago Jonah was the Anti-Hero of his own story. Jonah’s story is in the Bible to hold…

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Jonah, the Anti-Hero

Lessons from an Anti-Hero: Jonah Jonah was the only prophet called to people out of Israel.[i] That fact makes it easier to sympathize with Jonah’s resistance to God’s call to…

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Maker of Miracles

No one knows more about a creation than its creator. We see this with mothers and children, architects and buildings, and painters and their art. But is it true for miracles too? In…

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Be Bold!

Following Jesus in discipleship involves facing opposition boldly and persistently, without being deterred from God’s calling. And looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, He…

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How to Love Like Jesus Does

Jesus embodied compassion. What can we learn from how He treated others? True compassion demands action. It interrupts our daily routine. Caring costs. But compassion changes lives! Preached at LifeChurch.tv.…

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Healing Racism

Racism isn’t just the presence of hatred-it’s the absence of love. How do we “neighbor” others? By recognizing our own prejudices, seeking to understand others, and by loving those different…

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Why Islam Is Growing

“It is as well to admit when your enemies are onto something.” So wrote Douglas Murray in his essay in the May issue of the British magazine Standpoint. While Murray’s point was on…

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Is America Doomed?

Conservatives have been arguing for years that America is faltering and may soon be lost if we do not readopt the values our society once held. “America,” they say, “is…

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Naked in the Pulpit

Many pastors have nightmares about being naked in the pulpit. My favorite cartoonist, Gary Larson, sketched a cartoon with a deer standing on two legs, a target painted on his…

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Light the City Part One

The light of Christ that shines in us should reflect His love and magnificence to those around us. When we show genuine compassion to spiritually disconnected people, we fulfill the…

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How God Saves the Day

As followers of The Way fled persecution in Jerusalem, they carried the message of salvation with them to places previously unreached by the Gospel (Acts 8:1-4). But it was in…

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Was Jesus a Socialist?

Dear Roger, Was Jesus a socialist? Sincerely, Wayne   Dear Wayne,   First of all, Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ. His beliefs transcend any economic or governmental system. His kingdom…

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Forgiven and Forgiving

Some time ago, a woman came to the microphone at a conference and told of how, 14 years earlier, her adult daughter had been stalked and then viciously murdered by…

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Living Courageously

Living courageously means sharing Christ fearlessly. We bond together as co-workers as we reach the world for Christ. Church-goers are not to be consumers, but committed followers of Christ.

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A Glimpse of Glory

Have you had a view of the high country? While in Colorado for a week’s vacation, our family teamed up with several others and decided to ascend the summit of a…

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Covenant Commitment

In neighborhood after neighborhood across America, the rows of rooftops conceal people whose lives in one way or another have experienced the impact of family disunity or divorce. Perhaps they…

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See Jonah Run

Like Jonah, we often struggle with our enemies, trying to understand their pain and struggles, trying to show compassion. Even though God gives Jonah clear instructions, Jonah runs from God,…

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Choose to Believe

Science itself points to a non-physical reality. Making something from something is talent. Making something from nothing is miraculous. God Himself broke into our natural world in the person of…

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Where is God?

Why does the existence of God matter? Are evil acts, done in the name of God, the result of Jesus’ teaching? Why aren’t believers better advertisements for God and Christianity?…

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Faith Delusion

Faith is a combination of belief and commitment. A belief is a thought that we think to be true. A commitment is an act of our will. In life there…

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Just Ask

Christians are often shy about inviting others to “Christ’s wedding feast.” But Jesus implores us to bring in the impaired, the hungry, the doubting, the consumed, the lonely, the angry,…

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No More Tears

Mary Magdalene learned from the resurrected Christ that God is real, He loves her deeply and eternally, and she had a purpose to share Jesus with a broken world. Truly, Mary…

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Good 2 Be Shrewd

Jesus’ perplexing story of the dishonest manager teaches us that non-Christians are often more diligent and wise in preparing for their futures than Christians. We must use earthly wealth to build…

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Troubles and problems come our way constantly. Can I pay my mortgage? Will my teenagers come out okay? Do I have enough money to make it to the end of…

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An Identity of Love

TEACHER TO TEACHER This is the last lesson in our Faith Foundations study series. It contains four “big ideas.” First, we describe Casas as a Kingdom church whose primary mission…

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Famous Invitations

Three famous invitation stories are conserved in the Gospels for our meditation. Disciples who can truthfully testify to life-changing experiences with Jesus have the authority and power of Christ to…

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Flying Frozen

John and Valerie spend their days in northern Alaska flying across the Bering Sea into Siberia to provide humanitarian aid and a heaping portion of the Gospel. Children’s ministries, discipleship…

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Live On Purpose

Paul, in Philippians one, didn’t just make the best of a bad situation, he actually saw the positive results of his imprisonment. We must recognize God is working in and…

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Pride and Prejudice

God forces Peter to face his prejudices and surrender them to the Lord. Mankind has a history of prejudging others based on superficial characteristics. Instead God asks us to look…

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Angel Face

No matter what kind of pressure we are under, the Lord understands and comforts us. Even while being stoned, Stephen sees the glory of God and testifies of his Savior.…

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Unsung Heroes

Stephen is one of God’s overlooked, unsung heroes. But the New Testament is born because Stephen lives and dies for the glory of God. Being persecuted for our faith is…

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